When ten rounds aren't enough...

^^^ If cops don't have the duty to protect everyone else, what is the actual point of the badge then?

God bless you always!!!


The illusion of safety.

He's correct though. SCOTUS has ruled that police do not have a Constitutional duty to protect you. When in danger, the only person you truly can count on is yourself.
I just pray that anything that we have to do to protect ourselves is completely justified.

God bless you always!!!

We seem to have a lot of those "armed" attackers. More than countries that don`t have a 2nd amendment. Just a coincidence I`m sure.
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between the absence of a constitutional guarantee of a right to keep and bear arms and the lower rates of firearm-related violence in the countries you (failed to) mention.
Don't worry - we know you won;t bother to try.
Nobody says police should not have more than ten rounds

We seem to have a lot of those "armed" attackers. More than countries that don`t have a 2nd amendment. Just a coincidence I`m sure.
Most countries dont have a two tier justice system either. When someone does a crime his is supposed to be punished. In todays liberal world, you punish the victim of the crimes and let criminals go free so they can do it again.
Nobody says police should not have more than ten rounds
What about civilians? Dont they have a right to protect themselves as well? Why would you limit their ammo when clearly some situations call for more than 10 rounds?
Well you could carry around 10 magazines then you would have 100 rounds....
Did it look like that cop had time to reload?
Nope, which is why I say 15 and 1 in the chamber
Nobody says police should not have more than ten rounds

We seem to have a lot of those "armed" attackers. More than countries that don`t have a 2nd amendment. Just a coincidence I`m sure.
Most countries dont have a two tier justice system either. When someone does a crime his is supposed to be punished. In todays liberal world, you punish the victim of the crimes and let criminals go free so they can do it again.
Instead of addressing my comment about having more armed robbers than other countries you`re giving me the usual rightwing fairytales about libs letting people out of jail. An allegation you can`t prove. If you and yours would stop arming everyone we wouldn`t have so many people in jail. If the 2nd amendment was a good thing all countries would have one. They know better.
10 rounds is an arbitrary and capricious limit on the rights to keeps and bears arms; it is impossible to demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, limiting magazine capacity to 10.
Anti-gun loons don't care, they simply want as many restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms as they can get.

They push for these restrictions without regard to its actual affect because their support for it is based completely on emotion and not education or facts. It doesn't matter that it won't actually do anything to curb mass shootings. It feels good to them, so that's good enough.
I heard this Commie on the radio many times on morning talk radio talking about how civilians do not need to have a gun because they have 911.
I cannot live in a county where this man would have power. He's a statist tyrant.
In addition, nearly everyone who lost a child in the parkland shooting is appalled he has the audacity to want his job back after the painfully obvious ineptitude show by the Broward sheriffs Office under his watch.

These people are dangerous. Every move he makes wreaks of power grabbing.

10 rounds is an arbitrary and capricious limit on the rights to keeps and bears arms; it is impossible to demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, limiting magazine capacity to 10.
Anti-gun loons don't care, they simply want as many restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms as they can get.

Actually, it isn't arbitrary.....it targets every pistol that holds more than 10 bullets. And I have already seen calls for bringing it down to 7 or 5....which would get the rest of the pistols.
Nobody says police should not have more than ten rounds

We seem to have a lot of those "armed" attackers. More than countries that don`t have a 2nd amendment. Just a coincidence I`m sure.
Most countries dont have a two tier justice system either. When someone does a crime his is supposed to be punished. In todays liberal world, you punish the victim of the crimes and let criminals go free so they can do it again.
Instead of addressing my comment about having more armed robbers than other countries you`re giving me the usual rightwing fairytales about libs letting people out of jail. An allegation you can`t prove. If you and yours would stop arming everyone we wouldn`t have so many people in jail. If the 2nd amendment was a good thing all countries would have one. They know better.

Britain is more violent than the U.S. with far more robberies taking place when people are at home....and Europe is becoming more and more violent, as fatherless homes take over their society and 3rd world immigrants who don't share the western values of their new homes engage in more and more violence......

Europe disarmed their people after World War 1.....12 million unarmed men, women and children were killed by soldiers with guns and gas chambers....they know nothing......
Nobody says police should not have more than ten rounds
The notion that free men would accept their paid servants to be better armed than they, themselves; is the height of comedy. Unless such a person is serious. Then it becomes the height of stupidity...
Instead of addressing my comment about having more armed robbers than other countries...
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between the absence of a constitutional guarantee of a right to keep and bear arms and the lower rates of firearm-related violence in the countries you (failed to) mention.
Don't worry - we know you won't bother to try.
Nobody says police should not have more than ten rounds

We seem to have a lot of those "armed" attackers. More than countries that don`t have a 2nd amendment. Just a coincidence I`m sure.
Most countries dont have a two tier justice system either. When someone does a crime his is supposed to be punished. In todays liberal world, you punish the victim of the crimes and let criminals go free so they can do it again.
Instead of addressing my comment about having more armed robbers than other countries you`re giving me the usual rightwing fairytales about libs letting people out of jail. An allegation you can`t prove. If you and yours would stop arming everyone we wouldn`t have so many people in jail. If the 2nd amendment was a good thing all countries would have one. They know better.
The vast majority of violent behavior is done by repeat offenders you fucking moron. Take your fucking gun control and shove it up your fucking ass
Magazine bans are a bad idea. Many people think that in a self-defense situation, three or four rounds are going to stop an attacker. That is a fallacy.

In Hollywood, CA a machete-wielding subject attempted a car-jacking. When he was boxed in by several police cars, the subject fled. At one point, he turned and attacked the officer who was following him.

Watch what happened next...

This example is why I always make my target at the range, the face, not the torso, as police are taught.
Magazine bans are a bad idea. Many people think that in a self-defense situation, three or four rounds are going to stop an attacker. That is a fallacy.

In Hollywood, CA a machete-wielding subject attempted a car-jacking. When he was boxed in by several police cars, the subject fled. At one point, he turned and attacked the officer who was following him.

Watch what happened next...

This example is why I always make my target at the range, the face, not the torso, as police are taught.

The face is too small of a target to hit, especially under stress. Better the groin/hip area. Most body armor doesn't cover that low, and you hit someone there and they're going down like a sack of potatoes.

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