When ten rounds aren't enough...

Magazine bans are a bad idea. Many people think that in a self-defense situation, three or four rounds are going to stop an attacker. That is a fallacy.

In Hollywood, CA a machete-wielding subject attempted a car-jacking. When he was boxed in by several police cars, the subject fled. At one point, he turned and attacked the officer who was following him.

Watch what happened next...

This example is why I always make my target at the range, the face, not the torso, as police are taught.

The face is too small of a target to hit, especially under stress. Better the groin/hip area. Most body armor doesn't cover that low, and you hit someone there and they're going down like a sack of potatoes.

The pelvic girdle is the most generous target; when faced with an armored target. Also the most difficult to mitigate in the battlefield environment...

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