When the courage of your convictions demands that you hide behind a mask

These rightist crackpots who offend Americans with public demonstrations are in a tizzy when their identities are made public. Why don't they just amuse themselves with nocturnal goose-stepping jamborees in Death Valley if they crave anonymity?
Members of the white supremacist organization Patriot Front have filed a federal lawsuit against a leftist activist, claiming he infiltrated their group and revealed their identities as members of the racist organization.
The activist's "doxxing" of the four plaintiffs as members of Patriot Front cost them their jobs, incomes and relationships with family members, the lawsuit claims.
Filed in federal court in the Western District of Washington by a Spokane law form, the case is an unusual new tactic from members of Patriot Front. The Texas-based group has gained notoriety for holding marches with dozens of masked young men wearing chinos, carrying American flags and chanting slogans.

"We're so white! We're so white!
We all march with our buttocks tight!"

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
If you have any reports of your "anti-fa" having their identities exposed and their suing as a result, you may wish to initiate a thread addressing your topic.

Nope. You make this seem like it's only righty groups doing this.

Anti-fa just smashes your face in if you try to unmask or ID them. OMG THE RIGHT USES THE LEGAL PROCESS LIKE IT WAS INTENDED!!!!!!!
These rightist crackpots who offend Americans with public demonstrations are in a tizzy when their identities are made public. Why don't they just amuse themselves with nocturnal goose-stepping jamborees in Death Valley if they crave anonymity?
Members of the white supremacist organization Patriot Front have filed a federal lawsuit against a leftist activist, claiming he infiltrated their group and revealed their identities as members of the racist organization.
The activist's "doxxing" of the four plaintiffs as members of Patriot Front cost them their jobs, incomes and relationships with family members, the lawsuit claims.
Filed in federal court in the Western District of Washington by a Spokane law form, the case is an unusual new tactic from members of Patriot Front. The Texas-based group has gained notoriety for holding marches with dozens of masked young men wearing chinos, carrying American flags and chanting slogans.

"We're so white! We're so white!
We all march with our buttocks tight!"
Conservatives are fundamentally cowards – this is further proof of that.
When fascist shit-humans cry, you know you should keep on doing what made them cry.

That means we'll keep doxxing them. Letting the sunlight in is how you make cockroaches scatter.
All you leftards should then be concerned when what you give is what you get.

Like you are, manboob, payback is a bitch.
These rightist crackpots who offend Americans with public demonstrations are in a tizzy when their identities are made public. Why don't they just amuse themselves with nocturnal goose-stepping jamborees in Death Valley if they crave anonymity?
Members of the white supremacist organization Patriot Front have filed a federal lawsuit against a leftist activist, claiming he infiltrated their group and revealed their identities as members of the racist organization.
The activist's "doxxing" of the four plaintiffs as members of Patriot Front cost them their jobs, incomes and relationships with family members, the lawsuit claims.
Filed in federal court in the Western District of Washington by a Spokane law form, the case is an unusual new tactic from members of Patriot Front. The Texas-based group has gained notoriety for holding marches with dozens of masked young men wearing chinos, carrying American flags and chanting slogans.

"We're so white! We're so white!
We all march with our buttocks tight!"

What do you say about these cowards?

Patriot Front is an American white nationalist and neo-fascist hate group. Part of the broader alt-right movement, the group split off from the neo-Nazi organization Vanguard America in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Patriot Front's aesthetic combines traditional Americana with fascist symbolism. Internal communications within the group indicated it had approximately 200 members as of late 2021

The Anti-Defamation League calls the organization a white supremacist group that "justifies its ideology of hate and intolerance under the guise of preserving the ethnic and cultural origins of its members’ European ancestors." The organization is mostly active in spreading propaganda in the form of flyers, banners and stickers that members distribute around the country.

The fellow who revealed the identities of the masked white supremacists is being sued by them, and the matter will be litigated.

Do you notice the only one in the thread who gives a shit about "Patriot Front" is you? Interesting since you do belong to the white supremist Democrat party. Try being a black and disagreeing with your party and then getting called uncle tom by your lily white ass and your racist buds. How was your KKK meeting this week? The KKK being another Democrat institution. Like all the slave owners
These rightist crackpots who offend Americans with public demonstrations are in a tizzy when their identities are made public. Why don't they just amuse themselves with nocturnal goose-stepping jamborees in Death Valley if they crave anonymity?
Members of the white supremacist organization Patriot Front have filed a federal lawsuit against a leftist activist, claiming he infiltrated their group and revealed their identities as members of the racist organization.
The activist's "doxxing" of the four plaintiffs as members of Patriot Front cost them their jobs, incomes and relationships with family members, the lawsuit claims.
Filed in federal court in the Western District of Washington by a Spokane law form, the case is an unusual new tactic from members of Patriot Front. The Texas-based group has gained notoriety for holding marches with dozens of masked young men wearing chinos, carrying American flags and chanting slogans.

"We're so white! We're so white!
We all march with our buttocks tight!"

Wearing a mask or concealing one's identity is a good tactic when fighting a powerful enemy that can pulverize you. If there's any tactical advantage to concealing your identity to advance your cause, then do it. Your enemy will gaslight you for it and will claim you're a coward, but no one who willingly faces injury or death is a coward. It's however stupid to assert that adopting clandestine, stealth methods to meet one's objectives in a sociopolitical or war effort compromises one's character or commitment to the cause.

Concealing one's identity is simply a tactical method of avoiding unnecessary hazards and obstacles, depriving one's enemies of any tactical advantage or means of undermining one's mission and effort. It's the smart thing to do in view of the actions one's enemy can take if they know your identity. As you admitted, these people lost their jobs, which is essentially losing one's ability to eat and have a roof over their heads. So again, in this hostile environment, it's prudent to practice concealment or "masking", in public protests. Don't give the enemy a tactical advantage by making it easy for them to dox you (making your mission more difficult than it has to be).
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