When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Even the Hill is finally taking notice.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

That evidence, the Steele dossier, was not fully vetted by the bureau and was deemed unverified months after the warrant was issued.

At least one news article was used in the FISA warrant to bolster the dossier as independent corroboration when, it fact, it was traced to a news organization that had been in contact with Steele, creating a high likelihood it was circular-intelligence reporting.

And the entire warrant, the FBI’s own text message shows, was being rushed to approval by two agents who hated Trump and stated in their own texts that they wanted to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet

So when did you decide to join Black Lives Matter? Lol!

All these years you protected your jackboots . Now you have a problem cause they turned on you .
Even the Hill is finally taking notice.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

That evidence, the Steele dossier, was not fully vetted by the bureau and was deemed unverified months after the warrant was issued.

At least one news article was used in the FISA warrant to bolster the dossier as independent corroboration when, it fact, it was traced to a news organization that had been in contact with Steele, creating a high likelihood it was circular-intelligence reporting.

And the entire warrant, the FBI’s own text message shows, was being rushed to approval by two agents who hated Trump and stated in their own texts that they wanted to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet
Your guys showed up as national security concerns; why is that, right wingers.
Even the Hill is finally taking notice.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

That evidence, the Steele dossier, was not fully vetted by the bureau and was deemed unverified months after the warrant was issued.

At least one news article was used in the FISA warrant to bolster the dossier as independent corroboration when, it fact, it was traced to a news organization that had been in contact with Steele, creating a high likelihood it was circular-intelligence reporting.

And the entire warrant, the FBI’s own text message shows, was being rushed to approval by two agents who hated Trump and stated in their own texts that they wanted to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet

What a dope and a liar.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

It was not used as justification and it was not used to "spy" on Trump, dope.
sure it was. if it wasn't, we'd see the warrant.

No, dope.

The investigation began in July of 2016.
The warrant application was approved in Oct of 2016.

The warrant is classified.

You dopes should know these very basic facts by now.
Even the Hill is finally taking notice.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

That evidence, the Steele dossier, was not fully vetted by the bureau and was deemed unverified months after the warrant was issued.

At least one news article was used in the FISA warrant to bolster the dossier as independent corroboration when, it fact, it was traced to a news organization that had been in contact with Steele, creating a high likelihood it was circular-intelligence reporting.

And the entire warrant, the FBI’s own text message shows, was being rushed to approval by two agents who hated Trump and stated in their own texts that they wanted to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet

What a dope and a liar.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

It was not used as justification and it was not used to "spy" on Trump, dope.
sure it was. if it wasn't, we'd see the warrant.

No, dope.

The investigation began in July of 2016.
The warrant application was approved in Oct of 2016.

The warrant is classified.

You dopes should know these very basic facts by now.
congress requested it. Pres said let it go. so let's see it. why are you worried about it coming out then?
Even the Hill is finally taking notice.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

That evidence, the Steele dossier, was not fully vetted by the bureau and was deemed unverified months after the warrant was issued.

At least one news article was used in the FISA warrant to bolster the dossier as independent corroboration when, it fact, it was traced to a news organization that had been in contact with Steele, creating a high likelihood it was circular-intelligence reporting.

And the entire warrant, the FBI’s own text message shows, was being rushed to approval by two agents who hated Trump and stated in their own texts that they wanted to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet

What a dope and a liar.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

It was not used as justification and it was not used to "spy" on Trump, dope.
sure it was. if it wasn't, we'd see the warrant.

No, dope.

The investigation began in July of 2016.
The warrant application was approved in Oct of 2016.

The warrant is classified.

You dopes should know these very basic facts by now.
congress requested it. Pres said let it go. so let's see it. why are you worried about it coming out then?

That is not true in any way, dope.
Only thing this article says is the FBI had concerns about the main evidence used to support the warrant. But fast-forward to today, we've found much of whats in that dossier turned up true. So effectively this is like "the issue is NOT that we were colluding with Russia, the issue is that YOU found out!"
Additionally, just look at John F Solomon... repeatedly manufacturing faux scandals.
name one thing from the dossier proven. I'll wait.
  • Cohen played a "key role" in the Trump–Russia relationship by maintaining a "covert relationship with Russia", arranging cover-ups and "deniable cash payments", and that his role had grown after Manafort had left the campaign. (Dossier, pp. 18, 30, 32, 34–35)

  • "COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP's relationship with Russia being exposed." (Dossier, p. 32)
you should look up the word covert. LOL. Trump was doing business in Russia. We do that as part of globalization laws. Cohen was his lawyer. Ever buy a house? you should have a lawyer. just in case you didn't know. And again, look up what covert means. and then you can tell me how trump was having a covert relationship.
bullet two: huh? wtf are you talking about and how is that on the dossier exactly?
Covert? because Cohen lied about it. Purpose of lying is to keep something covert. Even Trump himself said no business in Russia.

bullet two: page number provided. see here.
Even the Hill is finally taking notice.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

That evidence, the Steele dossier, was not fully vetted by the bureau and was deemed unverified months after the warrant was issued.

At least one news article was used in the FISA warrant to bolster the dossier as independent corroboration when, it fact, it was traced to a news organization that had been in contact with Steele, creating a high likelihood it was circular-intelligence reporting.

And the entire warrant, the FBI’s own text message shows, was being rushed to approval by two agents who hated Trump and stated in their own texts that they wanted to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet

What a dope and a liar.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

It was not used as justification and it was not used to "spy" on Trump, dope.
sure it was. if it wasn't, we'd see the warrant.

No, dope.

The investigation began in July of 2016.
The warrant application was approved in Oct of 2016.

The warrant is classified.

You dopes should know these very basic facts by now.
congress requested it. Pres said let it go. so let's see it. why are you worried about it coming out then?

That is not true in any way, dope.
well sure it is. dude, it's what put Rosenstein in hot water. LOL. you must avoid mirrors.
Only thing this article says is the FBI had concerns about the main evidence used to support the warrant. But fast-forward to today, we've found much of whats in that dossier turned up true. So effectively this is like "the issue is NOT that we were colluding with Russia, the issue is that YOU found out!"
Additionally, just look at John F Solomon... repeatedly manufacturing faux scandals.
name one thing from the dossier proven. I'll wait.
  • Cohen played a "key role" in the Trump–Russia relationship by maintaining a "covert relationship with Russia", arranging cover-ups and "deniable cash payments", and that his role had grown after Manafort had left the campaign. (Dossier, pp. 18, 30, 32, 34–35)

  • "COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP's relationship with Russia being exposed." (Dossier, p. 32)
you should look up the word covert. LOL. Trump was doing business in Russia. We do that as part of globalization laws. Cohen was his lawyer. Ever buy a house? you should have a lawyer. just in case you didn't know. And again, look up what covert means. and then you can tell me how trump was having a covert relationship.
bullet two: huh? wtf are you talking about and how is that on the dossier exactly?
Covert? because Cohen lied about it. Purpose of lying is to keep something covert. Even Trump himself said no business in Russia.

bullet two: page number provided. see here.
it's called client privileges. you forget you live in the US? we have due process.
Only thing this article says is the FBI had concerns about the main evidence used to support the warrant. But fast-forward to today, we've found much of whats in that dossier turned up true. So effectively this is like "the issue is NOT that we were colluding with Russia, the issue is that YOU found out!"
Additionally, just look at John F Solomon... repeatedly manufacturing faux scandals.
name one thing from the dossier proven. I'll wait.
  • Cohen played a "key role" in the Trump–Russia relationship by maintaining a "covert relationship with Russia", arranging cover-ups and "deniable cash payments", and that his role had grown after Manafort had left the campaign. (Dossier, pp. 18, 30, 32, 34–35)

  • "COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP's relationship with Russia being exposed." (Dossier, p. 32)
you should look up the word covert. LOL. Trump was doing business in Russia. We do that as part of globalization laws. Cohen was his lawyer. Ever buy a house? you should have a lawyer. just in case you didn't know. And again, look up what covert means. and then you can tell me how trump was having a covert relationship.
bullet two: huh? wtf are you talking about and how is that on the dossier exactly?
Covert? because Cohen lied about it. Purpose of lying is to keep something covert. Even Trump himself said no business in Russia.

bullet two: page number provided. see here.
not when he was running, nope. it isn't a lie either. it isn't a crime either. you all making up crimes to make up crimes. funny shit I tell you.

The project fell through, before the election.
Even the Hill is finally taking notice.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

That evidence, the Steele dossier, was not fully vetted by the bureau and was deemed unverified months after the warrant was issued.

At least one news article was used in the FISA warrant to bolster the dossier as independent corroboration when, it fact, it was traced to a news organization that had been in contact with Steele, creating a high likelihood it was circular-intelligence reporting.

And the entire warrant, the FBI’s own text message shows, was being rushed to approval by two agents who hated Trump and stated in their own texts that they wanted to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet
From your link

The email exchanges show the FBI was aware — before it secured the now-infamous warrant — that there were intelligence community concerns about the reliability of the main evidence used to support it: the Christopher Steele dossier.

Unfortunately for the moron that wrote that OPINION piece (likely based on bullshit from Ghouiani)...the Dossier was NOT the main source of the FISA warrant...we know that as fact now.
Even the Hill is finally taking notice.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the 2016 election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

That evidence, the Steele dossier, was not fully vetted by the bureau and was deemed unverified months after the warrant was issued.

At least one news article was used in the FISA warrant to bolster the dossier as independent corroboration when, it fact, it was traced to a news organization that had been in contact with Steele, creating a high likelihood it was circular-intelligence reporting.

And the entire warrant, the FBI’s own text message shows, was being rushed to approval by two agents who hated Trump and stated in their own texts that they wanted to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet
From your link

The email exchanges show the FBI was aware — before it secured the now-infamous warrant — that there were intelligence community concerns about the reliability of the main evidence used to support it: the Christopher Steele dossier.

Unfortunately for the moron that wrote that OPINION piece (likely based on bullshit from Ghouiani)...the Dossier was NOT the main source of the FISA warrant...we know that as fact now.
sure it was, it was evidence that came out in congress. wow. you all really are stupid and stupid.
What a dope and a liar.

It was not used as justification and it was not used to "spy" on Trump, dope.
sure it was. if it wasn't, we'd see the warrant.

No, dope.

The investigation began in July of 2016.
The warrant application was approved in Oct of 2016.

The warrant is classified.

You dopes should know these very basic facts by now.
congress requested it. Pres said let it go. so let's see it. why are you worried about it coming out then?

That is not true in any way, dope.
well sure it is. dude, it's what put Rosenstein in hot water. LOL. you must avoid mirrors.

What are you talking about?

Post some links.
sure it was. if it wasn't, we'd see the warrant.

No, dope.

The investigation began in July of 2016.
The warrant application was approved in Oct of 2016.

The warrant is classified.

You dopes should know these very basic facts by now.
congress requested it. Pres said let it go. so let's see it. why are you worried about it coming out then?

That is not true in any way, dope.
well sure it is. dude, it's what put Rosenstein in hot water. LOL. you must avoid mirrors.

What are you talking about?

Post some links.
you want links cause you're too lazy to look up the facts. too fking funny. can't you leftists figure out the internet yet? look up rosenstein FISA Warrant. see what you get. I'll help you to the water horsie.

Rep. Jordan, Rep. Meadows Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
Last edited:
No, dope.

The investigation began in July of 2016.
The warrant application was approved in Oct of 2016.

The warrant is classified.

You dopes should know these very basic facts by now.
congress requested it. Pres said let it go. so let's see it. why are you worried about it coming out then?

That is not true in any way, dope.
well sure it is. dude, it's what put Rosenstein in hot water. LOL. you must avoid mirrors.

What are you talking about?

Post some links.
you want links cause you're too lazy to look up the facts. too fking funny. can't you leftists figure out the internet yet? look up rosenstein firing. see what you get. I'll help you to the water horsie.

I want links because your posts are unintelligible.

Rosenstein wasn't fired, dope.
congress requested it. Pres said let it go. so let's see it. why are you worried about it coming out then?

That is not true in any way, dope.
well sure it is. dude, it's what put Rosenstein in hot water. LOL. you must avoid mirrors.

What are you talking about?

Post some links.
you want links cause you're too lazy to look up the facts. too fking funny. can't you leftists figure out the internet yet? look up rosenstein firing. see what you get. I'll help you to the water horsie.

I want links because your posts are unintelligible.

Rosenstein wasn't fired, dope.
I never said he was. You're a lazy fk.

Rep. Jordan, Rep. Meadows Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
That is not true in any way, dope.
well sure it is. dude, it's what put Rosenstein in hot water. LOL. you must avoid mirrors.

What are you talking about?

Post some links.
you want links cause you're too lazy to look up the facts. too fking funny. can't you leftists figure out the internet yet? look up rosenstein firing. see what you get. I'll help you to the water horsie.

I want links because your posts are unintelligible.

Rosenstein wasn't fired, dope.
I never said he was. You're a lazy fk.

Rep. Jordan, Rep. Meadows Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

You said the "rosenstein firing".
Where did those impeachment plans go, dope?
Rushed to Approval by Obama Bin Spying who once again abused his power and the power of Goverment to attack his enemies. These are impeachable offenses and he needs to be made accountable for them.

Impeach 44? You understand Obama hasn't been president for a while, and you can't impeach someone who isn't in office, don't you goober?
he can still be impeached.

Please list all the times anyone has ever been impeached after leaving office.
what's that got to do with anything? LOL. your question should be is it allowed.

I'll decide what my question should be, if you don't mind.
well sure it is. dude, it's what put Rosenstein in hot water. LOL. you must avoid mirrors.

What are you talking about?

Post some links.
you want links cause you're too lazy to look up the facts. too fking funny. can't you leftists figure out the internet yet? look up rosenstein firing. see what you get. I'll help you to the water horsie.

I want links because your posts are unintelligible.

Rosenstein wasn't fired, dope.
I never said he was. You're a lazy fk.

Rep. Jordan, Rep. Meadows Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

You said the "rosenstein firing".
Where did those impeachment plans go, dope?
nowhere. I was merely backing up my previous statement that the congress subpoena'd the warrant.
Rushed to Approval by Obama Bin Spying who once again abused his power and the power of Goverment to attack his enemies. These are impeachable offenses and he needs to be made accountable for them.

Impeach 44? You understand Obama hasn't been president for a while, and you can't impeach someone who isn't in office, don't you goober?
he can still be impeached.

Please list all the times anyone has ever been impeached after leaving office.
what's that got to do with anything? LOL. your question should be is it allowed.

I'll decide what my question should be, if you don't mind.
had nothing to do with my statement. But go figure you'd respond correctly. you responded with a question that had no meaning. I was redirecting you to ask a question with meaning, but you aren't interested in meaning.
Impeach 44? You understand Obama hasn't been president for a while, and you can't impeach someone who isn't in office, don't you goober?
he can still be impeached.

Please list all the times anyone has ever been impeached after leaving office.
what's that got to do with anything? LOL. your question should be is it allowed.

I'll decide what my question should be, if you don't mind.
had nothing to do with my statement. But go figure you'd respond correctly. you responded with a question that had no meaning. I was redirecting you to ask a question with meaning, but you aren't interested in meaning.

The question has meaning. I can't help it if that meaning makes you uncomfortable.

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