When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Yet you refuse to point out where The Hill is wrong.

Which makes you a pathetic partisan liar.
For starters, it's an Op/Ed by a conservative, not a news article. Second, it's just a re-hash of crap the conservatives have been pushing for months to keep.their kinds offa the real stuff.
Newsflash: Papers only allow editorials they agree with.
Not true, well not true for non-rwnj sites at least.

can't get any more stupid than your post here.
Really? How many of the rwnj conspiracy theories you see on those sites have come true?
as many as from the lwnj conspiracy theories sites.
Where was The Hill wrong?

They were dead on.
Yeah... Nope.

LOL you just proved you’re a clueless hack yet again.
Wrong again kid. You gullible fools are allowing yourselves to be led around by the nose as usual.
no, I think he was spot on, you're a clueless hack.
Were your ears burning when I said "gullible fools"?
not at all, it's a web site there's no audio.
name one thing from the dossier proven. I'll wait.
  • Cohen played a "key role" in the Trump–Russia relationship by maintaining a "covert relationship with Russia", arranging cover-ups and "deniable cash payments", and that his role had grown after Manafort had left the campaign. (Dossier, pp. 18, 30, 32, 34–35)

  • "COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP's relationship with Russia being exposed." (Dossier, p. 32)
you should look up the word covert. LOL. Trump was doing business in Russia. We do that as part of globalization laws. Cohen was his lawyer. Ever buy a house? you should have a lawyer. just in case you didn't know. And again, look up what covert means. and then you can tell me how trump was having a covert relationship.
bullet two: huh? wtf are you talking about and how is that on the dossier exactly?
Covert? because Cohen lied about it. Purpose of lying is to keep something covert. Even Trump himself said no business in Russia.

bullet two: page number provided. see here.
not when he was running, nope. it isn't a lie either. it isn't a crime either. you all making up crimes to make up crimes. funny shit I tell you.

The project fell through, before the election.
Keep telling yourself that offering a $50 million penthouse to Putin is legal. There are so many lies surround this, it all stinks.

As far as attorney-client privilege; it doesnt apply when laws are broken.
keep telling yourself that Putin needed trump to build him a penthouse. LOL. you actually look at yourself in a mirror? I don't see how without rolling on the floor laughing when you see yourself. Just saying, the amount of stupid from you is amazing.
  • Cohen played a "key role" in the Trump–Russia relationship by maintaining a "covert relationship with Russia", arranging cover-ups and "deniable cash payments", and that his role had grown after Manafort had left the campaign. (Dossier, pp. 18, 30, 32, 34–35)

  • "COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP's relationship with Russia being exposed." (Dossier, p. 32)
you should look up the word covert. LOL. Trump was doing business in Russia. We do that as part of globalization laws. Cohen was his lawyer. Ever buy a house? you should have a lawyer. just in case you didn't know. And again, look up what covert means. and then you can tell me how trump was having a covert relationship.
bullet two: huh? wtf are you talking about and how is that on the dossier exactly?
Covert? because Cohen lied about it. Purpose of lying is to keep something covert. Even Trump himself said no business in Russia.

bullet two: page number provided. see here.
not when he was running, nope. it isn't a lie either. it isn't a crime either. you all making up crimes to make up crimes. funny shit I tell you.

The project fell through, before the election.
Keep telling yourself that offering a $50 million penthouse to Putin is legal. There are so many lies surround this, it all stinks.

As far as attorney-client privilege; it doesnt apply when laws are broken.
keep telling yourself that Putin needed trump to build him a penthouse. LOL. you actually look at yourself in a mirror? I don't see how without rolling on the floor laughing when you see yourself. Just saying, the amount of stupid from you is amazing.
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was passed to make it “unlawful for certain classes of persons and entities to make payments to foreign government officials to assist in obtaining or retaining business,” according to the Department of Justice’s website.


  • upload_2018-12-7_7-34-28.png
    375 bytes · Views: 12
you should look up the word covert. LOL. Trump was doing business in Russia. We do that as part of globalization laws. Cohen was his lawyer. Ever buy a house? you should have a lawyer. just in case you didn't know. And again, look up what covert means. and then you can tell me how trump was having a covert relationship.
bullet two: huh? wtf are you talking about and how is that on the dossier exactly?
Covert? because Cohen lied about it. Purpose of lying is to keep something covert. Even Trump himself said no business in Russia.

bullet two: page number provided. see here.
not when he was running, nope. it isn't a lie either. it isn't a crime either. you all making up crimes to make up crimes. funny shit I tell you.

The project fell through, before the election.
Keep telling yourself that offering a $50 million penthouse to Putin is legal. There are so many lies surround this, it all stinks.

As far as attorney-client privilege; it doesnt apply when laws are broken.
keep telling yourself that Putin needed trump to build him a penthouse. LOL. you actually look at yourself in a mirror? I don't see how without rolling on the floor laughing when you see yourself. Just saying, the amount of stupid from you is amazing.
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was passed to make it “unlawful for certain classes of persons and entities to make payments to foreign government officials to assist in obtaining or retaining business,” according to the Department of Justice’s website.
then why aren't any of the clinton's in prison? or Obammy, or any other demoloser who has been funding russia and Europe and China? why?
‘Twas a month before recess and all through the house, Deception consumed every mutinous louse. Jerry Corsi got snared in a perjury trap, Poppy Bush laid to rest for an underground nap. Now to Congress’s wondering eyes will appear: Jim Comey, evasive, and wearing a sneer. Subpoenas were postponed as long as they could, It would work if the tale that they told sounded good. They would stick to the story that Putin had hacked, Assange had colluded and the Russians attacked. They’d ignore all the experts and bury Seth Rich, All will believe Roger Stone was the snitch! Hillary’s book tour is Holiday fun, She’s shopping with cash from Uranium One! Not a word about Craig Murray’s thumb drive persists, “We must blame the Russians!” Chuck Schumer insists. The narrative Crowdstrike concocted will work, Jim Comey can posture, dissemble and smirk. With hearings concealed behind doors to be closed, He’ll stick to the Guccifer hack when deposed. The “Big Lie” will triumph with spurious clout, The public will yield to insertion of doubt. Trey Gowdy can bluster, Bob Goodlatte can pout, But Comey is smug and the clock’s been run out. The Q-dupes are thrilled and expect prosecutions, Those unsealed indictments might bring executions! They think those tribunals will get underway, With the swamp monsters tried at Guantanamo Bay! They want them all hung from the lamp posts with care, In the hope that the Clintons will also hang there! There’s lots of unrest way down south at the border, The troops have been sent to contain the disorder. Poroshenko’s in trouble, his ratings are thin, He just pulled a stunt like the Gulf of Tonkin. Bibi’s in trouble for public corruption, Kashoggi’s dismemberment caused a disruption. Gina insists MbS did the deed, Layoffs at GM and Ford will proceed. On Lockheed, on Boeing on Raytheon too, On Bell Helicopter, we’re counting on you! The stock market looks like it’s ready to tank, But Hillary’s still drinking sauvignon blanc! Merry Christmas to all, make America Great, With a nuclear war, we can end Russia-Gate!
‘Twas a month before recess and all through the house, Deception consumed every mutinous louse. Jerry Corsi got snared in a perjury trap, Poppy Bush laid to rest for an underground nap. Now to Congress’s wondering eyes will appear: Jim Comey, evasive, and wearing a sneer. Subpoenas were postponed as long as they could, It would work if the tale that they told sounded good. They would stick to the story that Putin had hacked, Assange had colluded and the Russians attacked. They’d ignore all the experts and bury Seth Rich, All will believe Roger Stone was the snitch! Hillary’s book tour is Holiday fun, She’s shopping with cash from Uranium One! Not a word about Craig Murray’s thumb drive persists, “We must blame the Russians!” Chuck Schumer insists. The narrative Crowdstrike concocted will work, Jim Comey can posture, dissemble and smirk. With hearings concealed behind doors to be closed, He’ll stick to the Guccifer hack when deposed. The “Big Lie” will triumph with spurious clout, The public will yield to insertion of doubt. Trey Gowdy can bluster, Bob Goodlatte can pout, But Comey is smug and the clock’s been run out. The Q-dupes are thrilled and expect prosecutions, Those unsealed indictments might bring executions! They think those tribunals will get underway, With the swamp monsters tried at Guantanamo Bay! They want them all hung from the lamp posts with care, In the hope that the Clintons will also hang there! There’s lots of unrest way down south at the border, The troops have been sent to contain the disorder. Poroshenko’s in trouble, his ratings are thin, He just pulled a stunt like the Gulf of Tonkin. Bibi’s in trouble for public corruption, Kashoggi’s dismemberment caused a disruption. Gina insists MbS did the deed, Layoffs at GM and Ford will proceed. On Lockheed, on Boeing on Raytheon too, On Bell Helicopter, we’re counting on you! The stock market looks like it’s ready to tank, But Hillary’s still drinking sauvignon blanc! Merry Christmas to all, make America Great, With a nuclear war, we can end Russia-Gate!

100 pts for style.
Covert? because Cohen lied about it. Purpose of lying is to keep something covert. Even Trump himself said no business in Russia.

bullet two: page number provided. see here.
not when he was running, nope. it isn't a lie either. it isn't a crime either. you all making up crimes to make up crimes. funny shit I tell you.

The project fell through, before the election.
Keep telling yourself that offering a $50 million penthouse to Putin is legal. There are so many lies surround this, it all stinks.

As far as attorney-client privilege; it doesnt apply when laws are broken.
keep telling yourself that Putin needed trump to build him a penthouse. LOL. you actually look at yourself in a mirror? I don't see how without rolling on the floor laughing when you see yourself. Just saying, the amount of stupid from you is amazing.
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was passed to make it “unlawful for certain classes of persons and entities to make payments to foreign government officials to assist in obtaining or retaining business,” according to the Department of Justice’s website.
then why aren't any of the clinton's in prison? or Obammy, or any other demoloser who has been funding russia and Europe and China? why?
what sort of business were the clintons or obama attempting to retain or obtain?
‘Twas a month before recess and all through the house, Deception consumed every mutinous louse. Jerry Corsi got snared in a perjury trap, Poppy Bush laid to rest for an underground nap. Now to Congress’s wondering eyes will appear: Jim Comey, evasive, and wearing a sneer. Subpoenas were postponed as long as they could, It would work if the tale that they told sounded good. They would stick to the story that Putin had hacked, Assange had colluded and the Russians attacked. They’d ignore all the experts and bury Seth Rich, All will believe Roger Stone was the snitch! Hillary’s book tour is Holiday fun, She’s shopping with cash from Uranium One! Not a word about Craig Murray’s thumb drive persists, “We must blame the Russians!” Chuck Schumer insists. The narrative Crowdstrike concocted will work, Jim Comey can posture, dissemble and smirk. With hearings concealed behind doors to be closed, He’ll stick to the Guccifer hack when deposed. The “Big Lie” will triumph with spurious clout, The public will yield to insertion of doubt. Trey Gowdy can bluster, Bob Goodlatte can pout, But Comey is smug and the clock’s been run out. The Q-dupes are thrilled and expect prosecutions, Those unsealed indictments might bring executions! They think those tribunals will get underway, With the swamp monsters tried at Guantanamo Bay! They want them all hung from the lamp posts with care, In the hope that the Clintons will also hang there! There’s lots of unrest way down south at the border, The troops have been sent to contain the disorder. Poroshenko’s in trouble, his ratings are thin, He just pulled a stunt like the Gulf of Tonkin. Bibi’s in trouble for public corruption, Kashoggi’s dismemberment caused a disruption. Gina insists MbS did the deed, Layoffs at GM and Ford will proceed. On Lockheed, on Boeing on Raytheon too, On Bell Helicopter, we’re counting on you! The stock market looks like it’s ready to tank, But Hillary’s still drinking sauvignon blanc! Merry Christmas to all, make America Great, With a nuclear war, we can end Russia-Gate!

100 pts for style.

Just picked it up in the comments of one of my news sources, I can't claim it honestly. lol
‘Twas a month before recess and all through the house, Deception consumed every mutinous louse. Jerry Corsi got snared in a perjury trap, Poppy Bush laid to rest for an underground nap. Now to Congress’s wondering eyes will appear: Jim Comey, evasive, and wearing a sneer. Subpoenas were postponed as long as they could, It would work if the tale that they told sounded good. They would stick to the story that Putin had hacked, Assange had colluded and the Russians attacked. They’d ignore all the experts and bury Seth Rich, All will believe Roger Stone was the snitch! Hillary’s book tour is Holiday fun, She’s shopping with cash from Uranium One! Not a word about Craig Murray’s thumb drive persists, “We must blame the Russians!” Chuck Schumer insists. The narrative Crowdstrike concocted will work, Jim Comey can posture, dissemble and smirk. With hearings concealed behind doors to be closed, He’ll stick to the Guccifer hack when deposed. The “Big Lie” will triumph with spurious clout, The public will yield to insertion of doubt. Trey Gowdy can bluster, Bob Goodlatte can pout, But Comey is smug and the clock’s been run out. The Q-dupes are thrilled and expect prosecutions, Those unsealed indictments might bring executions! They think those tribunals will get underway, With the swamp monsters tried at Guantanamo Bay! They want them all hung from the lamp posts with care, In the hope that the Clintons will also hang there! There’s lots of unrest way down south at the border, The troops have been sent to contain the disorder. Poroshenko’s in trouble, his ratings are thin, He just pulled a stunt like the Gulf of Tonkin. Bibi’s in trouble for public corruption, Kashoggi’s dismemberment caused a disruption. Gina insists MbS did the deed, Layoffs at GM and Ford will proceed. On Lockheed, on Boeing on Raytheon too, On Bell Helicopter, we’re counting on you! The stock market looks like it’s ready to tank, But Hillary’s still drinking sauvignon blanc! Merry Christmas to all, make America Great, With a nuclear war, we can end Russia-Gate!

100 pts for style.

Just picked it up in the comments of one of my news sources, I can't claim it honestly. lol

Sense when has honesty ever had anything to do with anything posted here? If you don't claim authorship, I might.
The truth is, the closed Comey hearing today won't result in anything.

Nor will the Mueller investigations, or the Dem. sub. committee investigations.

We are at stalemate.

Trump’s Timidity is Letting Comey Off the Hook
Trump's Timidity is Letting Comey Off the Hook
". . . In an interview with The New York Post last Wednesday, Trump acknowledged that he could declassify Comey’s damning Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant request to show how devastating those pages likely are, but said he would not do so “until they were needed,” namely, if a Democratic House starts going after him. “If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want go and harass the president and the administration, I think that would be the best thing that would happen to me. I’m a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they’d never been hit like that,” Trump told the paper. He added: “It’s much more powerful if I do it then, because if we had done it already, it would already be yesterday’s news.”

But they are needed before Comey’s hearing on Friday. Barely a week will remain before Congress adjourns. Four weeks later Democrats take over the oversight committees.

Comey: Wanted open hearing. (Carciature by DonkeyHotey)

Cowardice Deja Vu

This is not the first time Trump has flinched. On September 17 he ordered “immediate declassification” of Russia-gate documents, including FISA-related material. Four days later he backed down, explaining that he would leave it to the Justice Department’s inspector general to review the material, rather than release it publicly.

What exactly is in the FISA application, and why had House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes, for example, kept pleading with Trump to declassify it? In July Nunes expressed hedged confidence “that once the American people see these 20 pages, at least for those that will get real reporting on this issue, they will be shocked by what’s in that FISA application” to surveil Page, a U.S. citizen.

Oddly, Trump echoed Nunes, telling The New York Post that, were he to declassify FISA warrant applications and other documents, all would “see how devastating those pages are.” But Trump blamed his reluctance to declassify on one of his lawyers, Emmet Flood, who thought it would be better politically to wait. “He didn’t want me to do it yet, because I can save it. … I think [eventual release] might help my campaign.” So Nunes et al. find themselves thrown under the bus, again.. . "
‘Twas a month before recess and all through the house, Deception consumed every mutinous louse. Jerry Corsi got snared in a perjury trap, Poppy Bush laid to rest for an underground nap. Now to Congress’s wondering eyes will appear: Jim Comey, evasive, and wearing a sneer. Subpoenas were postponed as long as they could, It would work if the tale that they told sounded good. They would stick to the story that Putin had hacked, Assange had colluded and the Russians attacked. They’d ignore all the experts and bury Seth Rich, All will believe Roger Stone was the snitch! Hillary’s book tour is Holiday fun, She’s shopping with cash from Uranium One! Not a word about Craig Murray’s thumb drive persists, “We must blame the Russians!” Chuck Schumer insists. The narrative Crowdstrike concocted will work, Jim Comey can posture, dissemble and smirk. With hearings concealed behind doors to be closed, He’ll stick to the Guccifer hack when deposed. The “Big Lie” will triumph with spurious clout, The public will yield to insertion of doubt. Trey Gowdy can bluster, Bob Goodlatte can pout, But Comey is smug and the clock’s been run out. The Q-dupes are thrilled and expect prosecutions, Those unsealed indictments might bring executions! They think those tribunals will get underway, With the swamp monsters tried at Guantanamo Bay! They want them all hung from the lamp posts with care, In the hope that the Clintons will also hang there! There’s lots of unrest way down south at the border, The troops have been sent to contain the disorder. Poroshenko’s in trouble, his ratings are thin, He just pulled a stunt like the Gulf of Tonkin. Bibi’s in trouble for public corruption, Kashoggi’s dismemberment caused a disruption. Gina insists MbS did the deed, Layoffs at GM and Ford will proceed. On Lockheed, on Boeing on Raytheon too, On Bell Helicopter, we’re counting on you! The stock market looks like it’s ready to tank, But Hillary’s still drinking sauvignon blanc! Merry Christmas to all, make America Great, With a nuclear war, we can end Russia-Gate!

100 pts for style.

Just picked it up in the comments of one of my news sources, I can't claim it honestly. lol

Sense when has honesty ever had anything to do with anything posted here? If you don't claim authorship, I might.

I might be a loon, but I am always an honest loon.
For starters, it's an Op/Ed by a conservative, not a news article. Second, it's just a re-hash of crap the conservatives have been pushing for months to keep.their kinds offa the real stuff.
Newsflash: Papers only allow editorials they agree with.
Not true, well not true for non-rwnj sites at least.

can't get any more stupid than your post here.
Really? How many of the rwnj conspiracy theories you see on those sites have come true?
as many as from the lwnj conspiracy theories sites.
Please provide a list of lwnj conspiracy sites.
Newsflash: Papers only allow editorials they agree with.
Not true, well not true for non-rwnj sites at least.

can't get any more stupid than your post here.
Really? How many of the rwnj conspiracy theories you see on those sites have come true?
as many as from the lwnj conspiracy theories sites.
Please provide a list of lwnj conspiracy sites.
Not true, well not true for non-rwnj sites at least.

can't get any more stupid than your post here.
Really? How many of the rwnj conspiracy theories you see on those sites have come true?
as many as from the lwnj conspiracy theories sites.
Please provide a list of lwnj conspiracy sites.
Yeah, no. Those are real news, that have been around for decades. Calling them fake news is itself fake news.
Newsflash: Papers only allow editorials they agree with.
Not true, well not true for non-rwnj sites at least.

can't get any more stupid than your post here.
Really? How many of the rwnj conspiracy theories you see on those sites have come true?
as many as from the lwnj conspiracy theories sites.
Please provide a list of lwnj conspiracy sites.

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