When the Juden spoke Yiddish

Um..........my people spoke Italian. Ya, Jewish population in Italy only a couple thousand years.


Rome. I still have family there and in the Abruzzi region.

there is a restaurant called Lattanzi in NYC owned by Roman Jews. When my parents met the owner at his restaurant in Rome, my dad asked him to make a "traditional Roman meal". He made him pasta with lox and oil and garlic. my dad said, "lox"????". and the owner said "who do you think the slaves were who cooked for the Romans"?

That's interesting. I have never had pasta with lox. Never heard of it. Not saying it doesn't exist. I have a cousin that goes there frequently. He has a restaurant in the States. Now I'm curious and I'll ask him. Although, I'm just going to be honest, that sounds horrific. I'll just stick to matriciana.
Um..........my people spoke Italian. Ya, Jewish population in Italy only a couple thousand years.


Rome. I still have family there and in the Abruzzi region.

there is a restaurant called Lattanzi in NYC owned by Roman Jews. When my parents met the owner at his restaurant in Rome, my dad asked him to make a "traditional Roman meal". He made him pasta with lox and oil and garlic. my dad said, "lox"????". and the owner said "who do you think the slaves were who cooked for the Romans"?

That's interesting. I have never had pasta with lox. Never heard of it. Not saying it doesn't exist. I have a cousin that goes there frequently. He has a restaurant in the States. Now I'm curious and I'll ask him. Although, I'm just going to be honest, that sounds horrific. I'll just stick to matriciana.

yeah, I don't eat lox, myself. but my dad was tickled by it. the NYC place is in the theatre district. really nice food. or at least it was last time I was there.
Um..........my people spoke Italian. Ya, Jewish population in Italy only a couple thousand years.


Rome. I still have family there and in the Abruzzi region.

there is a restaurant called Lattanzi in NYC owned by Roman Jews. When my parents met the owner at his restaurant in Rome, my dad asked him to make a "traditional Roman meal". He made him pasta with lox and oil and garlic. my dad said, "lox"????". and the owner said "who do you think the slaves were who cooked for the Romans"?

That's interesting. I have never had pasta with lox. Never heard of it. Not saying it doesn't exist. I have a cousin that goes there frequently. He has a restaurant in the States. Now I'm curious and I'll ask him. Although, I'm just going to be honest, that sounds horrific. I'll just stick to matriciana.

yeah, I don't eat lox, myself. but my dad was tickled by it. the NYC place is in the theatre district. really nice food. or at least it was last time I was there.

Our Food

Rome. I still have family there and in the Abruzzi region.

there is a restaurant called Lattanzi in NYC owned by Roman Jews. When my parents met the owner at his restaurant in Rome, my dad asked him to make a "traditional Roman meal". He made him pasta with lox and oil and garlic. my dad said, "lox"????". and the owner said "who do you think the slaves were who cooked for the Romans"?

That's interesting. I have never had pasta with lox. Never heard of it. Not saying it doesn't exist. I have a cousin that goes there frequently. He has a restaurant in the States. Now I'm curious and I'll ask him. Although, I'm just going to be honest, that sounds horrific. I'll just stick to matriciana.

yeah, I don't eat lox, myself. but my dad was tickled by it. the NYC place is in the theatre district. really nice food. or at least it was last time I was there.

Our Food

I know this is horrible........but I hate fennel.

I have never heard of artichoke gnocchi but that sounds like it would be awesome.
What basically killed Yiddish was the founding of the state of Israel in 1948.

What basically killed Yiddish was the slaughter of 2/3 of the Yiddish speakers in Europe.

in the course of history---there ALSO developed amongst jews in "arab" countries----a Hebraized form
of Arabic. Like Yiddish, it was written in Hebrew letter and its common and vulgar words were in Arabic---
and its more estoteric and poetic words were Hebrew. In fact there is even an Hebraized form of FARSI.
I believe that it is logical that Arabic was a WRITTEN language in the Hebraized form LONG before
it was written in its current Persian like script which linguists claim began about 300 AD. These languages
are mostly lost due to the genocidal nature of Islamic societies and the repudiation of Arabic by jews
who escaped shariah shit holes
Most people know about the LADINO language----Hebraized Spanish. The Aramaic that jews spoke--
--and still use----sorta--sometimes. Is a Hebraized form of the language of Mesopotamia.
The phenomenon of these kinda SYNCRETIC languages is not unique. A language spoken in a
significant part of south east Asia-- URDU----mixes hindi and farsi and a bit of Arabic elements
I love it when the goyim tell Jews about themselves ... it's so cute ...

I love it when the goyim tell Jews about themselves ... it's so cute ...


Isn't it just.


It's like listening to a toddler explain where babies come from.

I wonder why they do it.

Ignorance? Attention seeking? Mental disorders? It's a mystery.

no. both Christians and Muslims are FASCINATED by jews because they hear about and
read about jews in their mosques and churches INCESSANTLY. One can go to a synagogue 1000
times and never see the word muslim or Koran or Christian or Jesus WRITTEN or SPOKEN----but
the word JEW and even SYNAGOGUE is drummed into the heads of Christian children with negative
conotation even in baby nursery school type sunday school and in MOSQUES----it is a real hate rant
right after a LONG KORANIC CHANT. ------jew hate in mosques is juxtaposed with "HOLY"
A good documentary about when eastern european Juden from different countries shared a land reserved for them and spoke a common language known as Yiddish.

A language that since the end of WWll has almost disappeared.
...... :cool:

Some folks get a little thrill by saying or writing “Juden.”
A good documentary about when eastern european Juden from different countries shared a land reserved for them and spoke a common language known as Yiddish.

A language that since the end of WWll has almost disappeared.
...... :cool:

Sadly, Eastern European Jews never shared a land reserved for them. They were oppressed across Europe. Some developed Yiddish as a combination of Hebrew and German. Others used Ladino. Yiddish is still around, in writing, performance and conversation, in both the US and in Israel. It has, by no means, disappeared.
From before 1900 until the 1930s Many Germans ( Even Berliners ) could carry a conversation easily with Yiddish speakers of all stripes because they were so familiar with it

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