When the Potus gets too much power!!

Scalia railed against all this -- and the Supreme Court often struck down power transfers from Congress to the president. It did so not to preserve the institutional integrity of Congress but to uphold the principle of the separation of powers that Madison crafted as a bulwark against tyranny. The constitutional allocation of power among the branches is not for them to alter.

Its equilibrium was intended to maintain tension and even jealousy among the branches -- and thereby undergird personal liberty. Madison's articulated fear was "a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same" branch. Scalia called this gradual concentration of power in the presidency a wolf in sheep's clothing that became a bare naked wolf.

After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers.

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
I am aware you republicans do not like Napolitano anymore since he talks about Tramp, but I do hope some of you still have some respect for the late Antonin Gregory Scalia.

Of course Scalia railed about it.. But YOU chose to ignore when Obama was doing it.. Why do you think the courts THREW OUT Obama's DACA rules... Same damn deal on making immigration law without the power to do so.,...

That's why the political system in this country is floundering under a mountain of hypocrisy... There is virtually no abuse to the laws and Constitution that hasn't already tried by BOTH sides. And way too often, they just get away with it..

Obama was a saint compared to tramp. Moscow Mitch is enabling him, well all the republicans are. Also Barr and the judges he put on the bench.

So once again you prove your hypocrisy! You had NOTHING to say when Obama was doing it. But when Trump does it's a horrible thing. Then you call Obama a saint which tells us you were fine when he did it.

True constitutional believers don't like it when ANYONE does it. And you gave a good reason why. Because ANYONE can do it. Today it might be someone that supports our beliefs, tomorrow it may be someone who is the complete opposite. I rue the day when we get a Democrat in the office. We'll get everything Trump did overturned and every policy we hate put in place. All because Congress has sceeded it's power and enough of the courts are still liberal.

I am firmly against Trump using his pen when it should be Congress. I hope someday when a Democrat is in office you rail against him/her doing the same thing.

Man you guys are blind when it comes to tramp. I guess what he said is true, he can shoot someone on 5th ave and you guys would praise him.

Umm.... You didn't address my post at all. And apparently you didn't read it since I said I don't like Trump using his pen.

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