When the Trump nightmare ends, will we be able to forgive Trump voters?

I can forgive Trump voters from 2016.

Repeat that vote & you are an asshole for life.

Remember the last time you voted for the Republican for their second term? Bush in 20p04? We nearly lost our clountry.
No one asked for your forgiveness!
Let’s be serious
Any fourth grader with a Google can call Trump on his lies

No president has outright lied as often as Trump and not been held accountable.

Again, no president's every word has been viewed by a one party controlled press to find any "lie" they can.
Never really had to
Other presidents were trusted in the majority of what they said.
Alternative facts were not the stated objective of a president

Lol, progs always accuse opposition presidents of lying, they just never decided to keep count like they are now.
Again with the broad brush

Other presidents of both parties have stretched the truth. No president has ever made such an all out assault on the facts as Donald J Trump


And yet I didn't keep my plan but I liked my plan.

Keep bringing up chickenshit stuff like this, it's what will get Trump a victory in 2020.
Over 98 percent of Americans kept their health insurance plans.
Alabama was not hit by Hurricane Dorian despite what Mr Sharpie says
It is not his fault that he can't unite, not with the insane hysteria that the libs have been ginning up and maintaining.
That's bs and you want to know why? Because everything he does is purposely shit that he knows will piss off the left. He's a divider not a uniter and he didn't have to be this way. He would have easily won re election if he chose to be a moderate president.

For one example, his response to the death at Chalottesville, was perfect, and the media, just completely lied and told the people a lie that was the exact OPPOSITE of what Trump said.

If everything he did was shit, they would have to make up shit.
Glad he stuck up for the klan

Please provide a quote where he directly "stuck up for the klan"

They all know, it is a lie.

Yet, they can't admit it, because they know that their whole world view, is based on lies. They admit one, they fear that it will come tumbling down.

What these guys don't realize is all the things Trump said when he was campaigning that made him seem different from the other Republicans, I loved all that shit. He was going to unite. He was not pro life. He wanted to help labor and solve illegal immigration. He was going to tax billionaires. Fix/improve healthcare. He was the only republican who would admit there were no WMD's.

I know how he conned a lot of people who don't like Republicans into voting for him. He's a con artist. We got conned.

And he gets to lie with impunity. Scary how dumb America is.

And I'll survive another 4 years of Trump. Cuts to my social security and medicare and raising the retirement age. I'll survive all that. But that's another huge step backward for the middle class now isn't it?

It's really important to your own self identity that people were "conned' and not that they think differently than you.

They don't think differently than I do. I get what they were thinking.

I think you are stretching for something here. Or is this a tactic. Talk about my self identity and the fact that Trump voters did get conned.

Or if they like this then they liked George Bush. I remember those idiots. Not much different today than they were back then. Just a bit more racist and proud about it now. I survived 8 years of Bush I'll be ok if Trump wins again in November. Will you? How's your retirement savings going? I just opened up an envelope in the car I didn't recognize the company. I realized it was one of my investments from a couple decades ago I totally forgot about it. $50K. Imagine forgetting about a $50K investment. LOL

You don't get what they are thinking, you would rather believe they are idiots, gullible, or both.

My 401k is just fine, 44 years old and it's at over $370k right now.

They are. If they think Trump is going to bring back the good old days where factory workers made $35 hr.

All you middle class (if even) Republicans are idiots. In the 2000's you defended Bush sending those good paying union jobs overseas. You wanted GM to go bankrupt so to break the unions. You said those middle class Americans had it too good. Pensions, profit sharing, great healthcare. You were jealous. Now you want to brag that Trump is bringing back manufacturing jobs that pay $15 hr?

Yes, you're idiots.

I'm an idiot too. I make $100K and I advocate for people like you to have a better life. I am going to stop.

What a completely unearned sense of smug self worth you have.

Lol I make more than you, peasant.
Maybe that's why you don't care about the poor and middle class.

I'm upper class and care. Your way has widened the gap between the rich and rest of us and made the middle class much smaller than it used to be.

You can brag that the middle class is fine under your policies but if your policies turn half the middle class into the working poor then you are sort of missing the point.
Stacking the shit out of them...…...

Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.


We were pissed at Clinton but unfortunately 100% of the Republicans in the Senate and House voted for it and enough Democrats voted that it passed.

Why did your side push pass and defend NAFTA?

See back in the 2000's your party was split. Half were racists and the other half corporate cons. The corporate cons ruled back in the 2000's. They still rule today but Trump is appealing to the racists. He's talking about kicking illegals out and building a wall but he won't go after illegal employers. But he said the right things. That's all that matters to you.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)
You miss the point. Trump is a well thought out con man. So what he did running in the GOP primaries was differentiate himself from the other Republicans. What is it that moderate voters might not like about Republicans?

1. They want to cut social security and medicare. Trump lied and said he wouldn't.
2. Trump said he would raise taxes on the rich. Another lie but I remember it sounded good to me. I just knew he was lying. You guys bought it.
3. He said he would appoint moderate Supreme Court Justices. He lied.
4. He said he would solve illegal immigration but he won't go after illegal employers. Why? He was one until about a year ago.
5. And he said Bush lied us into Iraq. Something no other Republican to this day is willing to admit.

Donald Trump on Fox News denied that he ever accused President George W. Bush of lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. “I didn’t say lie,” Trump said. “I said he may have lied.” That’s false. Trump at least twice — most recently in a debate last month — said Bush “lied.”

Bill O’Reilly, host of Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor,” told Trump (4:06 mark) that he disagreed with Trump on Bush’s motives for invading Iraq in 2003. “I disagree with you vehemently about George Bush, the younger, lying on purpose to get us into a war with Iraq,” O’Reilly said. Trump denied he called Bush a liar.

But Trump did say Bush lied, and on more than one occasion.

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

As for his 2008 comments, Trump said of Bush in an interview with CNN, “He lied. He got us into the war with lies.” Wolf Blitzer, host of CNN’s “The Situation Room,” pushed back, saying Bush administration officials argue that the intelligence they received was wrong — not that they lied. “I don’t believe that,” Trump responded.

Yes, Trump Said Bush 'Lied'
In a sick way, I would love to see Trump finish off fucking up this country with a second win.....we so deserve it.

I agree. I'll survive it. My family will survive it. I will be able to retire even if they cut my social security and raise the retirement age on me.

The poor and middle class are already fucked and they deserve it. They don't vote, don't organize and/or they vote for Republicans.

You know poor whites in red states vote Republican even though they don't have a pot to piss in? Why? Because they are convinced liberals are bad. Meanwhile, they don't have teeth, healthcare, good paying jobs, job security, savings, nothing. They have nothing. But, they are happy because they are free. They have their god, guns and racism.

Talk about being a paternalist asshat.

"They are too stupid to know I am RIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHTTTT!!!!!"

Well take it from me, a guy who's doing well, who can look around and see why his/my fellow middle class friends are struggling.

I'm upper class. My brother is upper class. My dad was in a union and has a pension and great healthcare. I see what made the greatest middle class the world has ever seen. That's gone. Now only a small number of us are truly middle class. Actually the other day I found out I'm upper class.

Trump as of Dec. 10 had told 15,413 untruths during his presidency, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker column reported on Monday.

That’s an average of 14.6 lies for each of his 1,055 days in office.

Trump made 1,999 false claims in 2017 and 5,689 in 2018 — a total of 7,688, the newspaper reported. He’s ramped up the untruths in 2019, however, hitting 7,725 falsehoods with three weeks still to go in the year.

Household of one: Minimum of $78,281 to be upper-class
Household of two: Minimum of $110,706 to be upper-class
Household of three: Minimum of $135,586 to be upper-class
Household of four: Minimum of $156,561 to be upper-class
Household of five: Minimum of $175,041 to be upper-class

But don't listen to rich Republicans. They love how things are going. The economy is great for them. Is it great for you? If you are saving enough for retirement, vote GOP. But if you are not, don't blame us liberals. Blame yourselves for either not voting or voting GOP.

Are you even middle class? How many people in your household?

  • Household of one: $26,093 to $78,281
  • Household of two: $36,902 to $110,706
  • Household of three: $45,195 to $135,586
  • Household of four: $52,187 to $156,561
  • Household of five: $58,347 to $175,041

wealthy while having no education.

That's quite the accomplishment these days.

I have a bachelors degree. I got 1/3 way through a masters but quit when I got a better job. I should have stayed and finished it. I was getting it for free. I worked for the university at the time. But I don't regret it because it led me to the job I have now.
Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.


We were pissed at Clinton but unfortunately 100% of the Republicans in the Senate and House voted for it and enough Democrats voted that it passed.

Why did your side push pass and defend NAFTA?

See back in the 2000's your party was split. Half were racists and the other half corporate cons. The corporate cons ruled back in the 2000's. They still rule today but Trump is appealing to the racists. He's talking about kicking illegals out and building a wall but he won't go after illegal employers. But he said the right things. That's all that matters to you.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

All the democrats are racists! Why are ewe a democrat? And why didn’t you fix NAFTA?
Nobody has had the media scrutinize each word he says in a search for "lies"

You can't compare because this level of scrutiny has never been seen before.
Let’s be serious
Any fourth grader with a Google can call Trump on his lies

No president has outright lied as often as Trump and not been held accountable.

Again, no president's every word has been viewed by a one party controlled press to find any "lie" they can.
Never really had to
Other presidents were trusted in the majority of what they said.
Alternative facts were not the stated objective of a president

Lol, progs always accuse opposition presidents of lying, they just never decided to keep count like they are now.
Again with the broad brush

Other presidents of both parties have stretched the truth. No president has ever made such an all out assault on the facts as Donald J Trump


Hurricane Dorian, inauguration crowds, and the assault on truth

Trump’s Silliest Lies Are the Most Important

The National Weather Service office in Birmingham, Alabama quickly corrected the president, announcing “"); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">Alabama will NOT see any impacts from Dorian.”

At this point, a normal person would correct their mistake and move on, or maybe try to save face with “UPDATE: New projections show Dorian’s path changed and Alabama is no longer at risk.” But Donald Trump is not a normal person.

Instead the president lied, repeatedly, egregiously, claiming Alabama was actually in danger. For days after his original mistake he kept lying about it, even as Dorian was lashing the east coast. Some of the lies got very silly, such as when Trump brought Fox News senior White House correspondent John Roberts into the Oval Office to show him a hurricane forecast map, doctored with a sharpie to include a bit of Alabama.
This is so ridiculous, so stupid, that it’s easy to laugh off. But while it definitely deserves to be laughed at, it shouldn’t be dismissed. Trump’s silliest lies are a big part of what makes this presidency so abnormal, going beyond normal politician dishonesty to a larger assault on truth.

Normal and Abnormal Lies
Donald Trump is a serial liar. That’s hardly a revelation — the Washington Post’s most recent tally has Trump up to "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">12,019 false or misleading claims in 928 days in office, averaging almost 13 per day — but still, the hurricane lies are different.

It’s easy to dismiss Trump’s silliest lies. He lies so much, why bother with these? But the easily disproved lies about unimportant things are, in a way, the most important of all.

It’s those lies, sustained through fact-checks and corrections, that constitute the most direct assault on the concept of truth. Because he’s president, and because he won’t let it go, Trump gets government officials and media organizations to join in obvious, almost entirely pointless falsehoods. If the public believes Coast Guard Admirals and the NOAA are in the business of partisan spin rather than facts, millions won’t trust their future pronouncements, on hurricane forecasts or anything else.

To be a Republican in good standing nowadays, you have to believe the president’s lies, or at least pretend you do. You might make a technically true but misleading claim, like Admiral Brown, or try to blame someone else.

For example, on Fox News, Geraldo Rivera lamented that “it is very frustrating to see how other news networks obsess about any misstep or misstatement the president makes,” as if the problem is not Trump’s repeated lying, but the public hearing about them.

Trump’s obvious lies about unimportant things create a loyalty test: do you value Donald Trump more than truth? Many government officials and media figures say yes, repeating the lies, providing cover for them, or deflecting from them by blaming others. This hardens the Trumpist information bubble, an alternative reality where the president’s every word is fact, and those saying otherwise are the real liars. In a bubble like that, consequential lies about North Korea, Russia, Central American migrants, past presidents, tariffs — anything — can flourish.

This isn’t just another politician lying (albeit more). It’s bigger. An American version of the “"); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">nothing is true and everything is possible” standard Putin imposed on Russia. An assault on truth itself.

And without basic truth, we can’t really discuss anything.

When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.


We were pissed at Clinton but unfortunately 100% of the Republicans in the Senate and House voted for it and enough Democrats voted that it passed.

Why did your side push pass and defend NAFTA?

See back in the 2000's your party was split. Half were racists and the other half corporate cons. The corporate cons ruled back in the 2000's. They still rule today but Trump is appealing to the racists. He's talking about kicking illegals out and building a wall but he won't go after illegal employers. But he said the right things. That's all that matters to you.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

All the democrats are racists! Why are ewe a democrat? And why didn’t you fix NAFTA?

I'm not a Democrat. I'm rich, white, college educated, no debt, straight, love guns.
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.


We were pissed at Clinton but unfortunately 100% of the Republicans in the Senate and House voted for it and enough Democrats voted that it passed.

Why did your side push pass and defend NAFTA?

See back in the 2000's your party was split. Half were racists and the other half corporate cons. The corporate cons ruled back in the 2000's. They still rule today but Trump is appealing to the racists. He's talking about kicking illegals out and building a wall but he won't go after illegal employers. But he said the right things. That's all that matters to you.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

All the democrats are racists! Why are ewe a democrat? And why didn’t you fix NAFTA?

Trump isn't all bad. He has to do a couple things he promised or he won't get elected.

I applaud him for this

Fact-check: Is Trump's NAFTA replacement already creating jobs? - CNNPolitics
For the record, I like Trump more than Bush. I would vote for Trump over any Republican that's for sure.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.


We were pissed at Clinton but unfortunately 100% of the Republicans in the Senate and House voted for it and enough Democrats voted that it passed.

Why did your side push pass and defend NAFTA?

See back in the 2000's your party was split. Half were racists and the other half corporate cons. The corporate cons ruled back in the 2000's. They still rule today but Trump is appealing to the racists. He's talking about kicking illegals out and building a wall but he won't go after illegal employers. But he said the right things. That's all that matters to you.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

All the democrats are racists! Why are ewe a democrat? And why didn’t you fix NAFTA?

I'm not a Democrat. I'm rich, white, college educated, no debt, straight, love guns.
So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.[

Yeah right!
Again with the broad brush

Other presidents of both parties have stretched the truth. No president has ever made such an all out assault on the facts as Donald J Trump


Trust me....this was the projected path of the hurricane

the original path of hurricane dorian
Yes, It is much, much more accurate if ewe use a Sharpie
It's amazing how much you care about lying when Trump does it, and ignore it when other politicians do it. if you held everyone else to the standard you held Trump to they would all look just as bad.

The guy delivers on what he promises on the issues I care about. Court appointments, regulatory rollback, focus on the economy, tax reductions.

That he pisses off mewly wibble prog twats like you is just a bonus.

Classic Republican comeback. When they get caught lying they say "they all do it".

Yes, Pocahontas and Hillary said she was under sniper fire. How many lies does Trump get to tell just because of these two lies?

You guys seemed to care for how many years that Hillary said she was under sniper fire? That was one fucking lie. How many lies does Trump get to tell before you will get upset?

Trump as of Dec. 10 had told 15,413 untruths during his presidency, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker column reported on Monday.

That’s an average of 14.6 lies for each of his 1,055 days in office.

Trump made 1,999 false claims in 2017 and 5,689 in 2018 — a total of 7,688, the newspaper reported. He’s ramped up the untruths in 2019, however, hitting 7,725 falsehoods with three weeks still to go in the year.

Reality, they all lie, spin and ignore obvious issues with their positions. Trump is just a blowhard about it and lacks the filter they do.

Lol, WaPo being foisted by you as an unbiased source. Have they done the same level of effort with Obama or any Democrat in general?

And your side has also stretched what a "lie" is. A lie is knowing something is one thing, and saying another. calling dog a cat. saying a blue thing is red. What you call lies are mostly opinions that you don't agree with.

A good example of a lie is saying a man who removes their penis and balls and has a fake vagina made to replace it is actually a woman.
Once again, nobody lies with the audacity of Trump in either party.
Not even close

So “they all do it “ is not an excuse

Nobody has had the media scrutinize each word he says in a search for "lies"

You can't compare because this level of scrutiny has never been seen before.
Trust me you were paying attention to Obama's every word.

Trump and his team get to break the law, admit it on National TV and then not get in trouble. Trump will do it again

Think Trump's acting like a dictator now? What if he's reelected after this? - CNNPolitics

Trump and his team get to break the law,

Which law?
History will characterize Trump voters as......

1. Deplorables
2. Gullible.
3. Willing to vote for anyone who will stack the courts with Conservatives

Stacking the shit out of them...…...

Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney

Is that why the Dems have been in favor of building a wall and booting illegal aliens?
Because the unions wanted that?
Nope, those who supported Mushroom Dick must forever wear a Scarlet T. Shunned & ridiculed until such time as the Scarlet T is added to their gravestones.
But they'll be hard to find like former Hitler fans or former Bush fans. Today you can hardly find any Republicans here who say they supported Bush. But back then they all did. Today he's a globalist rino deep state bad man. In 2007 he was GOD's chosen one.

Lol, like you hang out with republicans, you poseur hack.

Almost all my friends are Republicans or idiots who are going to vote for Trump. Fucking idiots. Either that or they are rich. I don't mind those guys voting Republican. I almost don't blame them. Why should they vote for fairness when this way works better for them?

Even though I'm upper class I feel middle class

Household of one: Minimum of $78,281 to be upper-class
Household of two: Minimum of $110,706 to be upper-class
Household of three: Minimum of $135,586 to be upper-class
Household of four: Minimum of $156,561 to be upper-class
Household of five: Minimum of $175,041 to be upper-class

And when we talk they're always saying, "how are you a liberal?" because I can be racist at times or I say don't give the bum on the corner any money.

And personally, I'm one of the best paid employees here. I don't want collective bargaining at my work. I like it that I got a big raise for my work. Not like in a union. Still I know unions are important for a strong middle class.

But again, fuck it. I'm upper class, my brother is upper class and his kids go to the most expensive private school in Michigan. If you like Republicans then either don't show up and vote or vote for Republicans. See if they fix anything. Or, will they raise your retirement age? I will fucking go ape shit if Republicans raise my retirement age. That's a cut dummies!

Or, will they raise your retirement age? I will fucking go ape shit if Republicans raise my retirement age. That's a cut dummies!

That's math, moron.
Classic Republican comeback. When they get caught lying they say "they all do it".

Yes, Pocahontas and Hillary said she was under sniper fire. How many lies does Trump get to tell just because of these two lies?

You guys seemed to care for how many years that Hillary said she was under sniper fire? That was one fucking lie. How many lies does Trump get to tell before you will get upset?

Trump as of Dec. 10 had told 15,413 untruths during his presidency, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker column reported on Monday.

That’s an average of 14.6 lies for each of his 1,055 days in office.

Trump made 1,999 false claims in 2017 and 5,689 in 2018 — a total of 7,688, the newspaper reported. He’s ramped up the untruths in 2019, however, hitting 7,725 falsehoods with three weeks still to go in the year.

Reality, they all lie, spin and ignore obvious issues with their positions. Trump is just a blowhard about it and lacks the filter they do.

Lol, WaPo being foisted by you as an unbiased source. Have they done the same level of effort with Obama or any Democrat in general?

And your side has also stretched what a "lie" is. A lie is knowing something is one thing, and saying another. calling dog a cat. saying a blue thing is red. What you call lies are mostly opinions that you don't agree with.

A good example of a lie is saying a man who removes their penis and balls and has a fake vagina made to replace it is actually a woman.
Once again, nobody lies with the audacity of Trump in either party.
Not even close

So “they all do it “ is not an excuse

Nobody has had the media scrutinize each word he says in a search for "lies"

You can't compare because this level of scrutiny has never been seen before.
Trust me you were paying attention to Obama's every word.

Trump and his team get to break the law, admit it on National TV and then not get in trouble. Trump will do it again

Think Trump's acting like a dictator now? What if he's reelected after this? - CNNPolitics

Trump and his team get to break the law,

Which law?
If it was hillary you’d know what laws.

and even if she wasn’t technically breaking laws but doing this shit only for the left, you’d object.

I like Elizabeth warren. Fuck pochahontas. That’s nothing compared to trumps mountain of lies, she’s my pick

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