When the Trump nightmare ends, will we be able to forgive Trump voters?

Reality, they all lie, spin and ignore obvious issues with their positions. Trump is just a blowhard about it and lacks the filter they do.

Lol, WaPo being foisted by you as an unbiased source. Have they done the same level of effort with Obama or any Democrat in general?

And your side has also stretched what a "lie" is. A lie is knowing something is one thing, and saying another. calling dog a cat. saying a blue thing is red. What you call lies are mostly opinions that you don't agree with.

A good example of a lie is saying a man who removes their penis and balls and has a fake vagina made to replace it is actually a woman.
Once again, nobody lies with the audacity of Trump in either party.
Not even close

So “they all do it “ is not an excuse

What these guys don't realize is all the things Trump said when he was campaigning that made him seem different from the other Republicans, I loved all that shit. He was going to unite. He was not pro life. He wanted to help labor and solve illegal immigration. He was going to tax billionaires. Fix/improve healthcare. He was the only republican who would admit there were no WMD's.

I know how he conned a lot of people who don't like Republicans into voting for him. He's a con artist. We got conned.

And he gets to lie with impunity. Scary how dumb America is.

And I'll survive another 4 years of Trump. Cuts to my social security and medicare and raising the retirement age. I'll survive all that. But that's another huge step backward for the middle class now isn't it?

It's really important to your own self identity that people were "conned' and not that they think differently than you.

They don't think differently than I do. I get what they were thinking.

I think you are stretching for something here. Or is this a tactic. Talk about my self identity and the fact that Trump voters did get conned.

Or if they like this then they liked George Bush. I remember those idiots. Not much different today than they were back then. Just a bit more racist and proud about it now. I survived 8 years of Bush I'll be ok if Trump wins again in November. Will you? How's your retirement savings going? I just opened up an envelope in the car I didn't recognize the company. I realized it was one of my investments from a couple decades ago I totally forgot about it. $50K. Imagine forgetting about a $50K investment. LOL

You don't get what they are thinking, you would rather believe they are idiots, gullible, or both.

My 401k is just fine, 44 years old and it's at over $370k right now.

That means you invested stupid and dumb stocks.. That means you are bass investor. My nephew is only 37yo and he is far better than you.
What these guys don't realize is all the things Trump said when he was campaigning that made him seem different from the other Republicans, I loved all that shit. He was going to unite. He was not pro life. He wanted to help labor and solve illegal immigration. He was going to tax billionaires. Fix/improve healthcare. He was the only republican who would admit there were no WMD's.

I know how he conned a lot of people who don't like Republicans into voting for him. He's a con artist. We got conned.

And he gets to lie with impunity. Scary how dumb America is.

And I'll survive another 4 years of Trump. Cuts to my social security and medicare and raising the retirement age. I'll survive all that. But that's another huge step backward for the middle class now isn't it?

It is not his fault that he can't unite, not with the insane hysteria that the libs have been ginning up and maintaining.
That's bs and you want to know why? Because everything he does is purposely shit that he knows will piss off the left. He's a divider not a uniter and he didn't have to be this way. He would have easily won re election if he chose to be a moderate president.

For one example, his response to the death at Chalottesville, was perfect, and the media, just completely lied and told the people a lie that was the exact OPPOSITE of what Trump said.

If everything he did was shit, they would have to make up shit.
Glad he stuck up for the klan

He explicitly stated that he was not defending the klan and explicitly stated that he was condemning them.

That you felt a need to lie about that, refutes your claim that everything he does is "shit, designed to divide us".

IF your position was true, you would not need to lie about the ONE incident in Charlottesville, you could make your case with all the other cases.

But in the real world, your best example, is a lie.

Because your position is just wrong.

My position remains. Trump is not responsible for being unable to unify, because of the hysteria ginned up by the Left.

No dumbshit. Trump first said both sides are good people meaning the NAZIs and Klan that you belong are good people.

He didn’t change his dumb statements in that same spot till later till people are blasting his stupidity.
Get your facts straight. Don’t fucking lie Dude.
History will characterize Trump voters as......

1. Deplorables
2. Gullible.
3. Willing to vote for anyone who will stack the courts with Conservatives

Stacking the shit out of them...…...

Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

The sad part of these gullible trump supporters. When Trump lies it’s a real for them.
Trump humping his podium..... Oh Lisa Oh Lisa Lisa Oh Lisa.....

That is goddam disgusting....... Trumpets cheered and clapped. Talking about low class deplorable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
History will characterize Trump voters as......

1. Deplorables
2. Gullible.
3. Willing to vote for anyone who will stack the courts with Conservatives

Stacking the shit out of them...…...

Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.
Stacking the shit out of them...…...

Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.

Then it'll be a Lose-Lose for you either way.

If Trump's reelected, YOU LOSE.

If Bernie, Lizzy, Joey or Mini Mike win, you REALLY lose! :auiqs.jpg:
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611

You should forgive everybody every day, thats what I do. Youv'e got so much stuck in your head..... like a garbage disposal who's main drain tube has 12 months of bacon grease and potato peels ( red neck analogy sorry) blocking the way down, that you have a toxic stew boiling in there and you cant see straight. The Trump you see is a news media creation.... much of what we see is a news media creation. That you take it to heart is only hurting yourself. Not everything is what it appears.
That's bs and you want to know why? Because everything he does is purposely shit that he knows will piss off the left. He's a divider not a uniter and he didn't have to be this way. He would have easily won re election if he chose to be a moderate president.

For one example, his response to the death at Chalottesville, was perfect, and the media, just completely lied and told the people a lie that was the exact OPPOSITE of what Trump said.

If everything he did was shit, they would have to make up shit.
Glad he stuck up for the klan

Please provide a quote where he directly "stuck up for the klan"

He could have been overt about it and you'd still defend him.

“People were there protesting the taking down of the monument of Robert E. Lee — everybody knows that,” Trump said of the rally in Charlottesville, which was organized by white supremacists.

“some very fine people on both sides” of the incident.

So he sees white supremists as very fine people. Got it.

He was talking about people in general on both sides of the argument about the Statue. And what incident?

Are you saying everyone who is against the Statue being removed is a Klan member.

Why the hell you people lie? Here’s the complete transcript. Pay attention.

PolitiFact - In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

Reporter: "Let me ask you, Mr. President, why did you wait so long to blast neo-Nazis?"

Trump: "I didn’t wait long. I didn’t wait long."

Reporter: "Forty-eight hours."
For one example, his response to the death at Chalottesville, was perfect, and the media, just completely lied and told the people a lie that was the exact OPPOSITE of what Trump said.

If everything he did was shit, they would have to make up shit.
Glad he stuck up for the klan

Please provide a quote where he directly "stuck up for the klan"

They all know, it is a lie.

Yet, they can't admit it, because they know that their whole world view, is based on lies. They admit one, they fear that it will come tumbling down.

No it wasn't. He had to come back and explain his comments. And you buy every explanation he gives.

“I was talking about people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general. Whether you like it or not, he was one of the great generals,” Trump said.

Sorry, but we know a dog whistle when we hear one. ....n

He was completely clear. I have posted the transcripts on this site, many times, with large portions cut and pasted.

That the media lied and came back and asked questions based on their lies, has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with what is wrong with the media and liberals.

We can do this a couple of ways. i can link to and post any of the Trump interviews relating to this you want, again,

or you can just admit it.

EIther way, we quickly come to the point where it is obvious that my point about Trump not being the one being divisive, is obviously true.

But the big thing is, that you know you need to lie about it, and to support the lie. That is the real issue here. The need of liberals to conform, in order to maintain their world view.

You know your world view is false, yet you take active steps to maintain it.


No you didn’t post anything. Why would you post a link that will incriminate your lies?
Shoe me where.

I just posted the complete transcript of that incident. Pay attention.
For one example, his response to the death at Chalottesville, was perfect, and the media, just completely lied and told the people a lie that was the exact OPPOSITE of what Trump said.

If everything he did was shit, they would have to make up shit.
Glad he stuck up for the klan

Please provide a quote where he directly "stuck up for the klan"

He could have been overt about it and you'd still defend him.

“People were there protesting the taking down of the monument of Robert E. Lee — everybody knows that,” Trump said of the rally in Charlottesville, which was organized by white supremacists.

“some very fine people on both sides” of the incident.

So he sees white supremists as very fine people. Got it.

He was talking about people in general on both sides of the argument about the Statue. And what incident?

Are you saying everyone who is against the Statue being removed is a Klan member.

Why the hell you people lie? Here’s the complete transcript. Pay attention.

PolitiFact - In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

Reporter: "Let me ask you, Mr. President, why did you wait so long to blast neo-Nazis?"

Trump: "I didn’t wait long. I didn’t wait long."

Reporter: "Forty-eight hours."
Why the hell do you lie?
OTOH we have a reporter trying to bait the president with leading questions that would NEVER be asked and NEVER in that way of Obama, then we have YOU deciding how long Trump has or should take to answer a question!
Really, Wing? Trump missed an opportunity to bring the nation together?
Just WHAT could Trump ever say that dweebs like you would EVER look kindly upon him???
Glad he stuck up for the klan

Please provide a quote where he directly "stuck up for the klan"

They all know, it is a lie.

Yet, they can't admit it, because they know that their whole world view, is based on lies. They admit one, they fear that it will come tumbling down.

No it wasn't. He had to come back and explain his comments. And you buy every explanation he gives.

“I was talking about people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general. Whether you like it or not, he was one of the great generals,” Trump said.

Sorry, but we know a dog whistle when we hear one. ....n

He was completely clear. I have posted the transcripts on this site, many times, with large portions cut and pasted.

That the media lied and came back and asked questions based on their lies, has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with what is wrong with the media and liberals.

We can do this a couple of ways. i can link to and post any of the Trump interviews relating to this you want, again,

or you can just admit it.

EIther way, we quickly come to the point where it is obvious that my point about Trump not being the one being divisive, is obviously true.

But the big thing is, that you know you need to lie about it, and to support the lie. That is the real issue here. The need of liberals to conform, in order to maintain their world view.

You know your world view is false, yet you take active steps to maintain it.


No you didn’t post anything. Why would you post a link that will incriminate your lies?
Shoe me where.

I just posted the complete transcript of that incident. Pay attention.

The heel has no sole. But he has a shoe. Pay attention.
Stacking the shit out of them...…...

Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.
There will be a big turnout all right. Trump wins HUGE.
Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.
There will be a big turnout all right. Trump wins HUGE.
Trump was up against a far better known, popular and organized candidate in 2016. The Democrats will be demoralized when they see the flotsam they are left with this time. Many won't even bother to go out, seeing the futility. And Trump's supporters are supercharged more than ever after the impeachment!
Stacking the shit out of them...…...

Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

The sad part of these gullible trump supporters. When Trump lies it’s a real for them.
Trump humping his podium..... Oh Lisa Oh Lisa Lisa Oh Lisa.....

That is goddam disgusting....... Trumpets cheered and clapped. Talking about low class deplorable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Funny how those dressed as "neo-nazis" and ANTIFA rode on the same Goerge Soros paid for buses.
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.


We were pissed at Clinton but unfortunately 100% of the Republicans in the Senate and House voted for it and enough Democrats voted that it passed.

Why did your side push pass and defend NAFTA?

See back in the 2000's your party was split. Half were racists and the other half corporate cons. The corporate cons ruled back in the 2000's. They still rule today but Trump is appealing to the racists. He's talking about kicking illegals out and building a wall but he won't go after illegal employers. But he said the right things. That's all that matters to you.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

All the democrats are racists! Why are ewe a democrat? And why didn’t you fix NAFTA?

I’m a democrat and I’m proud. I have a very good business in medical industries. I’m not a racist but I hate racist people.

Let me straightened up your ignorance about NAFTA.

Trump just signed the new version of NAFTA is now called USMCA. Stay with me...... Trump just signed the USMCA December 2019.

The economy is booming from 2015 to 2019 that Trump keeps bragging that he doesn’t deserve. NAFTA played a big role of that of good economy.

If NAFTA was bad then we should have a bad economy when Trump took over.

Don’t you think?
Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

The sad part of these gullible trump supporters. When Trump lies it’s a real for them.
Trump humping his podium..... Oh Lisa Oh Lisa Lisa Oh Lisa.....

That is goddam disgusting....... Trumpets cheered and clapped. Talking about low class deplorable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Funny how those dressed as "neo-nazis" and ANTIFA rode on the same Goerge Soros paid for buses.

Is that the best you got?
Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.
There will be a big turnout all right. Trump wins HUGE.

You don’t have enough White people to g around. Better buckle up.
Glad he stuck up for the klan

Please provide a quote where he directly "stuck up for the klan"

He could have been overt about it and you'd still defend him.

“People were there protesting the taking down of the monument of Robert E. Lee — everybody knows that,” Trump said of the rally in Charlottesville, which was organized by white supremacists.

“some very fine people on both sides” of the incident.

So he sees white supremists as very fine people. Got it.

He was talking about people in general on both sides of the argument about the Statue. And what incident?

Are you saying everyone who is against the Statue being removed is a Klan member.

Why the hell you people lie? Here’s the complete transcript. Pay attention.

PolitiFact - In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

Reporter: "Let me ask you, Mr. President, why did you wait so long to blast neo-Nazis?"

Trump: "I didn’t wait long. I didn’t wait long."

Reporter: "Forty-eight hours."
Why the hell do you lie?
OTOH we have a reporter trying to bait the president with leading questions that would NEVER be asked and NEVER in that way of Obama, then we have YOU deciding how long Trump has or should take to answer a question!
Really, Wing? Trump missed an opportunity to bring the nation together?
Just WHAT could Trump ever say that dweebs like you would EVER look kindly upon him???

BULLFUCKING shit. Go wrestle a pig.

Where in my post that I lied? Proved it.
That is the complete transcript of Trump stupidity.
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.
There will be a big turnout all right. Trump wins HUGE.

You don’t have enough White people to g around. Better buckle up.
Even black people love Trump. The Trump economy is putting money in their pockets. Sorry loser - you're done.
Let’s look at the Trump base

Deplorables: Those who despise anyone who is not white, straight and Christian. Rhetoric against Mexicans, Muslims and gays will get their vote.

Gullible: Those who watched The Apprentice and think it s real. They buy the image that Trump created and think he is a master businessman who can do no wrong

Those who want Conservatives on the court at all costs : They would vote for Adolph Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer if they promised to appoint conservatives
When people like yourself reduce the world to such childishly simplistic dichotomies, it reveals more about you than it does those you target.
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.

Then it'll be a Lose-Lose for you either way.

If Trump's reelected, YOU LOSE.

If Bernie, Lizzy, Joey or Mini Mike win, you REALLY lose! :auiqs.jpg:

Coming from an idiot specialized in wrestling a pig?

What the hell do you know a low class scumbag like you?
What other types of Trump voters are there?
If you are voting for Trump you probably lean right. You probably were a USMB con who defended Bush. I remember those fuckers. They haven't changed. They just have adopted a few of our positions since we abandoned them.

NAFTA sucked. That was ours first.
Illegals are ruining America said the unions vs. Jobs Americans Won't Do Bush/McCain/Romney
Tariff companies who ship jobs overseas

These were ours before Trump stole them. He got Republicans to change their minds about these things. Or, I should say, he appealed to the racist half of the party over the corporate side. The corporate side was going to vote for him over Hillary no matter what. Trump was smart to appeal to the conspiracy theorists and racists in America. He got them to turnout wearing those hats. And Trump said he could kill someone and not lose one vote.

So we need a big turn out in November to out this fucker. Seems Trump supporters are as loyal as nazi's.

Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.
There will be a big turnout all right. Trump wins HUGE.

You don’t have enough White people to g around. Better buckle up.
Even black people love Trump. The Trump economy is putting money in their pockets. Sorry loser - you're done.

Bullshit. These links proved that you are very wrong.

New poll: 83% of African Americans say Trump is a racist - Axios


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