When the Trump nightmare ends, will we be able to forgive Trump voters?

I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611

I don’t hate the right, I’m just ashamed of them for being Americans.
And being addicted to Appretice Reruns. How could you like your favorite TV actor so much that you are proud he separates the country with lies and criminal behavior.
Last edited:

You are full of shit Dude.

You were debating with Divinewind blasting your balls.
Why the hell should I even bother debating you or someone when it’s not my interest?
Try again.

LMAO! Dude, Divine.Wind couldn't refute scientific data and you believed those pics were normal. You agree that those pics were taken close to airports? Because he did. You don't know that planes start their descent 45 minutes to an hour before they reach their destination and ACCORDING to naysayers, those kinds of trails are due to being 30,000 feet in the air. I have seen planes flying higher than the planes spraying that have condensation trails that dissipate within seconds. Yeah, that was the only post about spraying you commented on. I did find PLENTY of posts were you claimed I wasn't living in America, calling me "traitor" and all kinds of names because I knew that the ROOSKIES were not in any shape, fashion or form had a fucking thing to do with the DNC hack of their server nor did Trump "conspire" with Putin to hack the server either.

Blah blah blah blah....

Whatever Dude..... but you are LYING. I did not debate you about delirium etc etc etc etc. You were debating with DivineWind in details blasting you.

Get your facts straight Jerk.

If I were you. Stop drinking paint thinner and put that bong down and go to bed.

LMAO! So sue me, dipshit. You and Divine.Wind post in the same, lame manner. You did offer support for his argument. Divine.Wind ended up losing his shit on that topic when he got painted into a corner....kinda like you do.

Don’t tell me. You are looking for your friend Toobreak another low class piece of shit like you. To help you out. Right?

You are full of shit Dude.

You were debating with Divinewind blasting your balls.
Why the hell should I even bother debating you or someone when it’s not my interest?
Try again.

LMAO! Dude, Divine.Wind couldn't refute scientific data and you believed those pics were normal. You agree that those pics were taken close to airports? Because he did. You don't know that planes start their descent 45 minutes to an hour before they reach their destination and ACCORDING to naysayers, those kinds of trails are due to being 30,000 feet in the air. I have seen planes flying higher than the planes spraying that have condensation trails that dissipate within seconds. Yeah, that was the only post about spraying you commented on. I did find PLENTY of posts were you claimed I wasn't living in America, calling me "traitor" and all kinds of names because I knew that the ROOSKIES were not in any shape, fashion or form had a fucking thing to do with the DNC hack of their server nor did Trump "conspire" with Putin to hack the server either.

Blah blah blah blah....

Whatever Dude..... but you are LYING. I did not debate you about delirium etc etc etc etc. You were debating with DivineWind in details blasting you.

Get your facts straight Jerk.

If I were you. Stop drinking paint thinner and put that bong down and go to bed.

LMAO! So sue me, dipshit. You and Divine.Wind post in the same, lame manner. You did offer support for his argument. Divine.Wind ended up losing his shit on that topic when he got painted into a corner....kinda like you do.

Sue you? What the hell do I get making peasant income of $70k a year. Then you claimed you are helping people here and there. BULLFUCKING SHIT.

Whatever your arguments with DivineWind it doesn’t matter. But you were not debating with me. LYING ASSHOLE. You are one lousy funny Dude.

Like I said stop drinking paint thinner.

You can’t even afford a house and a family with insurance on that income.
It is also referred to as "Chem-trails". Shall I pull up some prior posts?

Why are you asking me? Why not just pull it up?

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I was blasting you for claiming Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax. Dude you what the hell are you talking about?

BTW your god Alex Jones turned against your Trump. You know that right?

Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill using crisis actors. We can definitely debate that topic. I have always maintained that Jones is a carnival barker and part of the controlled opposition. I have never touted his work here or anywhere else.

See what I mean? Using your conspiracies bullshit again?

You have no single iaota of evidence that those are actors.
That conspiracy created and promoted by your god Alex Jones. Not you.

Don’t tell me you started it?

Nope, I was blogging on the yahoo news boards in early 2013 and posters were claiming it was staged. I was skeptical about but when I started digging and looked at the CNN footage and it didn't look right, no sense of urgency, a couple of ambulances. People milling around the fire department going in one door and out the back, rinse and repeat to make it appear that there were more people there than there was. Playground equipment in disrepair and a potential hazard. The roof was in shoddy condition due to CNN helicopter footage.

Then there was the lady that appeared on CBS's morning show that claimed that she got there to pick up her child and claimed that she saw child after child being carried out by a policeman with blood stained uniforms...but wait! According to the CSP, not a single alleged victim was removed until the wee hours of Saturday morning almost twenty hours after all victims were declared dead within 15 minutes of the state police arriving. The Saint Rose of Lima catholic school was used in a live shooter drill just a few miles down the road was portrayed as the Sandy Hook school. Robbie Parker, one of the alleged grieving fathers is seen smirking and grinning as CNN went live and he didn't know then he starts hyper-ventilating to get into character...no tears, no sign of any grief and there he is on national TV with his alleged dead daughter's body still in the school? Then he plugs a donation page? I have seen more emotion from those that lost a pet and the same goes for the other role players (all of which had ties to the DNC or a government agency like Gene Rosen)in some shape, fashion or form.

Will this do for starters?

You are full of shit Dude.

You were debating with Divinewind blasting your balls.
Why the hell should I even bother debating you or someone when it’s not my interest?
Try again.

LMAO! Dude, Divine.Wind couldn't refute scientific data and you believed those pics were normal. You agree that those pics were taken close to airports? Because he did. You don't know that planes start their descent 45 minutes to an hour before they reach their destination and ACCORDING to naysayers, those kinds of trails are due to being 30,000 feet in the air. I have seen planes flying higher than the planes spraying that have condensation trails that dissipate within seconds. Yeah, that was the only post about spraying you commented on. I did find PLENTY of posts were you claimed I wasn't living in America, calling me "traitor" and all kinds of names because I knew that the ROOSKIES were not in any shape, fashion or form had a fucking thing to do with the DNC hack of their server nor did Trump "conspire" with Putin to hack the server either.

Blah blah blah blah....

Whatever Dude..... but you are LYING. I did not debate you about delirium etc etc etc etc. You were debating with DivineWind in details blasting you.

Get your facts straight Jerk.

If I were you. Stop drinking paint thinner and put that bong down and go to bed.

LMAO! So sue me, dipshit. You and Divine.Wind post in the same, lame manner. You did offer support for his argument. Divine.Wind ended up losing his shit on that topic when he got painted into a corner....kinda like you do.

Sue you? What the hell do I get making peasant income of $70k a year. Then you claimed you are helping people here and there. BULLFUCKING SHIT.

Whatever your arguments with DivineWind it doesn’t matter. But you were not debating with me. LYING ASSHOLE. You are one lousy funny Dude.

Like I said stop drinking paint thinner.

70K surpasses both the median incomes for individuals and households, dipshit. I have zero credit card debt, paid off car that I know how to maintain. I have around 2,700 a month in excess after I pay for necessities. The majority of Americans don't have even 500 dollars socked away in case of an emergency. I have no complaints. Excuse me for doubting that you are this uber-wealthy businessman with superior intellect when you lack basic punctuation skills. I suspect that you are a foreigner that was hired to do landscaping and menial labor chores for someone that is wealthy......that would be my guess.

You are full of shit Dude.

You were debating with Divinewind blasting your balls.
Why the hell should I even bother debating you or someone when it’s not my interest?
Try again.

LMAO! Dude, Divine.Wind couldn't refute scientific data and you believed those pics were normal. You agree that those pics were taken close to airports? Because he did. You don't know that planes start their descent 45 minutes to an hour before they reach their destination and ACCORDING to naysayers, those kinds of trails are due to being 30,000 feet in the air. I have seen planes flying higher than the planes spraying that have condensation trails that dissipate within seconds. Yeah, that was the only post about spraying you commented on. I did find PLENTY of posts were you claimed I wasn't living in America, calling me "traitor" and all kinds of names because I knew that the ROOSKIES were not in any shape, fashion or form had a fucking thing to do with the DNC hack of their server nor did Trump "conspire" with Putin to hack the server either.

Blah blah blah blah....

Whatever Dude..... but you are LYING. I did not debate you about delirium etc etc etc etc. You were debating with DivineWind in details blasting you.

Get your facts straight Jerk.

If I were you. Stop drinking paint thinner and put that bong down and go to bed.

LMAO! So sue me, dipshit. You and Divine.Wind post in the same, lame manner. You did offer support for his argument. Divine.Wind ended up losing his shit on that topic when he got painted into a corner....kinda like you do.

Sue you? What the hell do I get making peasant income of $70k a year. Then you claimed you are helping people here and there. BULLFUCKING SHIT.

Whatever your arguments with DivineWind it doesn’t matter. But you were not debating with me. LYING ASSHOLE. You are one lousy funny Dude.

Like I said stop drinking paint thinner.

You can’t even afford a house and a family with insurance on that income.
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611

I don’t hate the right, I’m just ashamed of them for being Americans.
And being addicted to Appretice Reruns. How could you like your favorite TV actor so much that you are proud he separates the country with lies and criminal behavior.

I do not participate in the election process in what has become just another banana republic controlled by mostly European bankers because I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright status and no longer agreed to contract as a de-facto employee of USA.INC. I didn't think that Trump had a snowball's chance in hell of winning because the deck was stacked against him and if he did win? I doubted anything would change for the better but I have been pleasantly surprised thus far. I don't agree with some of the things he has done but I would give him a B+.

I despise neocons but I have nothing but utter contempt for the democrat communist party and I wouldn't support one even with a gun pointed at my head. The Hildebeast was a traitorous crook that was SoS for a traitorous crook and as big of a fraud as she is. Then we have the fact that Hildebeast has a marriage of convenience with Bill "drop trou", a rapist, traitor and big time pals with pedo-peddler Jeffery Epstein that opened the patent office for the Chi-coms and thicker than thieves with the Bush crime family.

The leftists crossed the Rubicon... that line they had been teetering on since 1980 and instead of running from the "socialist" label have now embraced it and wish to inflict this on everyone. They can eat shit and go blind for all I care.

Are you a "Bernie Bro", by chance?
If I made a mistake I accepted it but I don’t fucking lie like you.


IF you made a mistake? You're whole life's a mistake. YOU LIED. Just presented the bare naked proof. Busted with your pants down.
Just a piece of advice that might help....you can't hit rock bottom until you are done digging a hole.Put down the shovel, Charwin and walk away.
Let me repeat it again. I don’t mind debating you in a civilized manner. NOT WHEN YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A DOG. You got that? What part of that don’t you fucking understand?
A dog? What happened to the animal? What, is Dale trying to dry hump you now? Lick your face? Maybe steal your weenie.

You are full of shit Dude.

You were debating with Divinewind blasting your balls.
Why the hell should I even bother debating you or someone when it’s not my interest?
Try again.

LMAO! Dude, Divine.Wind couldn't refute scientific data and you believed those pics were normal. You agree that those pics were taken close to airports? Because he did. You don't know that planes start their descent 45 minutes to an hour before they reach their destination and ACCORDING to naysayers, those kinds of trails are due to being 30,000 feet in the air. I have seen planes flying higher than the planes spraying that have condensation trails that dissipate within seconds. Yeah, that was the only post about spraying you commented on. I did find PLENTY of posts were you claimed I wasn't living in America, calling me "traitor" and all kinds of names because I knew that the ROOSKIES were not in any shape, fashion or form had a fucking thing to do with the DNC hack of their server nor did Trump "conspire" with Putin to hack the server either.

Blah blah blah blah....

Whatever Dude..... but you are LYING. I did not debate you about delirium etc etc etc etc. You were debating with DivineWind in details blasting you.

Get your facts straight Jerk.

If I were you. Stop drinking paint thinner and put that bong down and go to bed.

LMAO! So sue me, dipshit. You and Divine.Wind post in the same, lame manner. You did offer support for his argument. Divine.Wind ended up losing his shit on that topic when he got painted into a corner....kinda like you do.

Curious Observation---- Charwin MO:
  1. You never said that!
  2. I never said that!
  3. I blasted your balls!
  4. You know nothing!
  5. I dare you to debate me!
  6. You didn't meet my conditions!
  7. No matter what you present, I will simply call everything false and a conspiracy theory anyway.

I was blasting you for claiming Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax. Dude you what the hell are you talking about?

BTW your god Alex Jones turned against your Trump. You know that right?

Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill using crisis actors. We can definitely debate that topic. I have always maintained that Jones is a carnival barker and part of the controlled opposition. I have never touted his work here or anywhere else.

See what I mean? Using your conspiracies bullshit again?

You have no single iaota of evidence that those are actors.
That conspiracy created and promoted by your god Alex Jones. Not you.

Don’t tell me you started it?

Nope, I was blogging on the yahoo news boards in early 2013 and posters were claiming it was staged. I was skeptical about but when I started digging and looked at the CNN footage and it didn't look right, no sense of urgency, a couple of ambulances. People milling around the fire department going in one door and out the back, rinse and repeat to make it appear that there were more people there than there was. Playground equipment in disrepair and a potential hazard. The roof was in shoddy condition due to CNN helicopter footage.

Then there was the lady that appeared on CBS's morning show that claimed that she got there to pick up her child and claimed that she saw child after child being carried out by a policeman with blood stained uniforms...but wait! According to the CSP, not a single alleged victim was removed until the wee hours of Saturday morning almost twenty hours after all victims were declared dead within 15 minutes of the state police arriving. The Saint Rose of Lima catholic school was used in a live shooter drill just a few miles down the road was portrayed as the Sandy Hook school. Robbie Parker, one of the alleged grieving fathers is seen smirking and grinning as CNN went live and he didn't know then he starts hyper-ventilating to get into character...no tears, no sign of any grief and there he is on national TV with his alleged dead daughter's body still in the school? Then he plugs a donation page? I have seen more emotion from those that lost a pet and the same goes for the other role players (all of which had ties to the DNC or a government agency like Gene Rosen)in some shape, fashion or form.

Will this do for starters?

You missed me?
Let me go back a little bit from your email and I will address this particular topic later.

Your email to me was nasty and violent and that doesn’t give me any appetite of even talking to you. I will not be surprise if you have a criminal record.
I must admit I had several glasses of red wine the other night but that besides the point.

1. Your email and post suddenly switched to Mengele, CIA OSS etc etc etc etc. that has nothing to do with the topic. Nothing. This is like you and I are eating a steak talking about steak. Then your brain switched to UFO, Gulag or Sputnik.
HELLLOOOO Dale ( knock knock knock) to earth come back.
How sad is that Dale?
How pitiful is that Dale? And you want to debate me?

2. You are so brave in telling me someone is mentoring you. At your age of 56 years old? This is like you are telling me someone is babysitting you.
How pitiful is that Dale?

Something is wrong Dale.

3. You are so proud of giving me your cellphone. Your privacy may not be important to you but at my level my family and my safety is very important.

There are several APPS out there at a cost of less than $5. people will know the address, name of the spouse & cellphone number, kids number and even your neighbors home phone numbers. I regularly travel and meet lots and lots of people. And women ( Latinas) just imagine one these know my real address then knocking on my door. I’ll be dead meat. I do shut down business (vendor or suppliers) because of bad quality then threatened me. Just imagine if these people knows my address. This is the reason I carry 2 iPhones X.

4. Your income. This is the guy that talked about..... delirium, contrails, CIA, OSS etc etc etc. Making $70k. Really? That is hard for me to believe.

Rent, Food, Gas, Taxes, Health or car insurance or any, girl friend ( or boy friend ), WiFi and other expenses. How much is left? Basically nothing and own no property.

Mexicans, refugees from Syria arrived here 8 years ago, an immigrant from the Philippines petitioned by her father arrived 18 yo, took nursing, became RN at Kaiser Hospital making $48/hour as a starter. Now at 26yo own a new nice condo here in San Diego. Are doing far far better than you. That makes me sad that a natural born American like you is making $70k.

Something is wrong Dale.

5. You were told to take this topic somewhere else. You said this matter is closed and I let go. You lied. Then you came back here pumping your chest. Both you and toobreak are derailing and high jacking this thread.

6. When you attacked me you always bring a friend with you like toobreak to help you out because you cannot stand on your own feet. You did exactly the same with Bear helping you out. Actually it’s very funny.

I wasted lots of time talking to you here in this thread. I am moving on. You can ramble however you want and what ever you want. This is even the wrong thread.

Hope trigger99 will forgive me.
Last edited:

I was blasting you for claiming Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax. Dude you what the hell are you talking about?

BTW your god Alex Jones turned against your Trump. You know that right?

Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill using crisis actors. We can definitely debate that topic. I have always maintained that Jones is a carnival barker and part of the controlled opposition. I have never touted his work here or anywhere else.

See what I mean? Using your conspiracies bullshit again?

You have no single iaota of evidence that those are actors.
That conspiracy created and promoted by your god Alex Jones. Not you.

Don’t tell me you started it?

Nope, I was blogging on the yahoo news boards in early 2013 and posters were claiming it was staged. I was skeptical about but when I started digging and looked at the CNN footage and it didn't look right, no sense of urgency, a couple of ambulances. People milling around the fire department going in one door and out the back, rinse and repeat to make it appear that there were more people there than there was. Playground equipment in disrepair and a potential hazard. The roof was in shoddy condition due to CNN helicopter footage.

Then there was the lady that appeared on CBS's morning show that claimed that she got there to pick up her child and claimed that she saw child after child being carried out by a policeman with blood stained uniforms...but wait! According to the CSP, not a single alleged victim was removed until the wee hours of Saturday morning almost twenty hours after all victims were declared dead within 15 minutes of the state police arriving. The Saint Rose of Lima catholic school was used in a live shooter drill just a few miles down the road was portrayed as the Sandy Hook school. Robbie Parker, one of the alleged grieving fathers is seen smirking and grinning as CNN went live and he didn't know then he starts hyper-ventilating to get into character...no tears, no sign of any grief and there he is on national TV with his alleged dead daughter's body still in the school? Then he plugs a donation page? I have seen more emotion from those that lost a pet and the same goes for the other role players (all of which had ties to the DNC or a government agency like Gene Rosen)in some shape, fashion or form.

Will this do for starters?

This is the wrong topic for this thread.
You cannot use a news footage to make decisions those are actors.

Cut and paste footage of a news media depending what and when are allowed to show to the public.
Real journalism will protect and will not jeopardize or show the victims ( kids ) while it’s happening.

As far as Robie Parker? People grieve differently, you don’t know the exact time when that was taken or shown.

That doesn’t mean they are actors. This conspiracy theory was created and promoted by Alex Jones. I’m glad they sued his ass.

You are full of shit Dude.

You were debating with Divinewind blasting your balls.
Why the hell should I even bother debating you or someone when it’s not my interest?
Try again.

LMAO! Dude, Divine.Wind couldn't refute scientific data and you believed those pics were normal. You agree that those pics were taken close to airports? Because he did. You don't know that planes start their descent 45 minutes to an hour before they reach their destination and ACCORDING to naysayers, those kinds of trails are due to being 30,000 feet in the air. I have seen planes flying higher than the planes spraying that have condensation trails that dissipate within seconds. Yeah, that was the only post about spraying you commented on. I did find PLENTY of posts were you claimed I wasn't living in America, calling me "traitor" and all kinds of names because I knew that the ROOSKIES were not in any shape, fashion or form had a fucking thing to do with the DNC hack of their server nor did Trump "conspire" with Putin to hack the server either.

Blah blah blah blah....

Whatever Dude..... but you are LYING. I did not debate you about delirium etc etc etc etc. You were debating with DivineWind in details blasting you.

Get your facts straight Jerk.

If I were you. Stop drinking paint thinner and put that bong down and go to bed.

LMAO! So sue me, dipshit. You and Divine.Wind post in the same, lame manner. You did offer support for his argument. Divine.Wind ended up losing his shit on that topic when he got painted into a corner....kinda like you do.

Curious Observation---- Charwin MO:
  1. You never said that!
  2. I never said that!
  3. I blasted your balls!
  4. You know nothing!
  5. I dare you to debate me!
  6. You didn't meet my conditions!
  7. No matter what you present, I will simply call everything false and a conspiracy theory anyway.

And this Dude. I met lots and different kind of people around the globe.

Attacking a dead person that died in a tragic accident with his daughter because of your jealousy to a black person that has done nothing to harm you.
But I never thought I encountered a person like you the lowest kind of human being. I doubt it if you are even human.
I’m done talking to you. I wonder what other members think of you.

I pray for your soul.
More gays abandoning you ...cause you're violent dumbed down always angry left wing democratic socialist nazis

If you call yOurself any kind of left wing socialist look in the mirror ..you're looking at a dumbed down brainwashed violent subhuman animal ...

One member here told me he is in mid 40s with over $400k+ in his 401K by the time it reach 50yo. Probably over $500k.

That’s awesome. That’s what I’m talking about. I loss track who was that.
Will this do for starters?
When you attacked me you always bring a friend with you like toobreak to help you out because you cannot stand on your own feet.
Let's get one thing straight, BITCH, there is no connection between Dale and I. He's a poster I respect. Only he knows what he thinks of me. There has been no concerted, planned effort between US and you. Dale and I haven't a single PM between us ever and I don't know him from Adam otherwise. He's just one of the better posters on this board to me.

Don't you drag me into your little shit fest as you keep trying to drag me farther into it. You started this, you attacked me, I've totally punked your ass and anyone else involved is purely of their own volition. And to any moderator reading this: I hereby authorize you to look at all of my PMs and tell this group if there has ever been a single conversation off list between Dale and I.

I'll say it again: you're a fraud and an asshole who's bitten off more than you know what to do with. You only issued the challenge to debate with Dale because you provided conditions which either had ulterior motives or allowed you to never intend to follow through. You never will debate Dale because you know he'd tear you a new ass if done straight up, face to face, man to man, on Skype with no conditions.
You are full of shit Dude.

You were debating with Divinewind blasting your balls.
Why the hell should I even bother debating you or someone when it’s not my interest?
Try again.

LMAO! Dude, Divine.Wind couldn't refute scientific data and you believed those pics were normal. You agree that those pics were taken close to airports? Because he did. You don't know that planes start their descent 45 minutes to an hour before they reach their destination and ACCORDING to naysayers, those kinds of trails are due to being 30,000 feet in the air. I have seen planes flying higher than the planes spraying that have condensation trails that dissipate within seconds. Yeah, that was the only post about spraying you commented on. I did find PLENTY of posts were you claimed I wasn't living in America, calling me "traitor" and all kinds of names because I knew that the ROOSKIES were not in any shape, fashion or form had a fucking thing to do with the DNC hack of their server nor did Trump "conspire" with Putin to hack the server either.

Blah blah blah blah....

Whatever Dude..... but you are LYING. I did not debate you about delirium etc etc etc etc. You were debating with DivineWind in details blasting you.

Get your facts straight Jerk.

If I were you. Stop drinking paint thinner and put that bong down and go to bed.

LMAO! So sue me, dipshit. You and Divine.Wind post in the same, lame manner. You did offer support for his argument. Divine.Wind ended up losing his shit on that topic when he got painted into a corner....kinda like you do.

Curious Observation---- Charwin MO:
  1. You never said that!
  2. I never said that!
  3. I blasted your balls!
  4. You know nothing!
  5. I dare you to debate me!
  6. You didn't meet my conditions!
  7. No matter what you present, I will simply call everything false and a conspiracy theory anyway.

And this Dude. I met lots and different kind of people around the globe.

Attacking a dead person that died in a tragic accident with his daughter because of your jealousy to a black person that has done nothing to harm you.
But I never thought I encountered a person like you the lowest kind of human being. I doubt it if you are even human.
I’m done talking to you. I wonder what other members think of you.

I pray for your soul.

STUFF IT, Dickwad.

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