When the Trump nightmare ends, will we be able to forgive Trump voters?

When I say you I mean your kind. The kind who go to church and listen to preachers say god's punishing us because of gays. And the kind of people (trump) who calls brown people murderers and rapists. Who tells muslim Americans to go back to their own country.

Trump prays on the ignorant yet none of you see just how ignorant you are.

Hey, this doesn't surprise me. I remember you guys defended Bush this much. After he stole the 2000 election, got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq, caused the two war quagmire, stole the 2004 election and caused the Great Recession.

And you guys praised him every fucking step of the way. Today you can't find a Bush supporter here. Like you all disappeared. Luckily the archives go back that far.

After he stole the 2000 election,

stole the 2004 election

STOP! You're killing me. DURR.
According to Democrats Republicans haven't won an election since Nixon. They were all stolen. That's why Democrats wanted to impeach them all.
The day any Republican wins and election honestly, without gerrymandering, stacking the deck, disenfranchising minority voters, will be the day the fuckin world comes to an end....you mf's couldn't win shit without cheating and you know it.

The day any Republican wins and election honestly, without gerrymandering,

Is that how GW Bush got elected?
No, he stole Florida. His brother and Catherine Harris helped him. They disinfranchised voters and threw out votes because of "hanging chads". It was all very fishy.

Imagine this you stupid fuck. Imagine that Hunter Biden is the Governor of Florida and all the shady shit that happened in 2000 happened to Trump and he lost Florida the way Al Gore lost Florida. You'd be crying that our elections are rigged too.

Gerrymandering is how Republicans control the Michigan state Senate and House. WAY more Michiganders vote Democratic than Republican yet Republicans control both houses. How? Gerrymandering.

That's ok because Michiganders put an end to partisan gerrymandering. No more. Michigan is going blue. That means Trump loses.
Florida did not cheat. Florida got cheated. The panhandle had thousands of voters go home or not vote because the state was erroneously called for Bush earlier in the evening. The panhandle is one hour behind. The race would not have been close as most of the voters are Republicans. The woman in charge of the voting material in one of the Prog counties screwed up and some votes went to Buchanan instead of Gore. The votes were legal. the voting sheet was approved by the Democratic director of elections in that SE Florida county. Blame her. Blame the system that stopped people from voting. The truth is, Bush won the state and with a Repub edge in state politics, pushed him through. Even with that the Prog State Supreme Court voted as we knew it would. No Justice is blind for them.
I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? I’m also traveling and I’m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

Charwing said that he once invited people here to visit his place and see all his goodies and good work for the little people. Anyone ever remember that?

He also said that part of his purpose of wanting his hotel video conference over Skype was, in part, to show his home, boat and something else, though it eludes me why he can't do that over Skype.

I suggest he start a thread downstairs if that is the case and he can post all the pictures he wants! He can even call it: MY LIFE!

Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?


You called this settled in your email and I let it go then here you are blabbering like you know what you are talking about. You are full of shit Dude.
Like I said in my email.

1. You want to debate acting like a low class thug gang banger. Why should I lower my class to your low class attitude? Why should I even talk to you?

2. You want to debate then flash in YouTube. You are willing to that because you have nothing to lose. You are a loser. I asked you a question. Who in the world is willing to do that? Have you seen anyone or anybody willing to do that? But you didn’t answer my questions.

You know I will never agree to that kind of scenario. I challenged you but my parameters. My challenge stay the same.


Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit.

Like I said in my email.
I am willing to debate you in a civilized manner. WHAT PART OF THAT DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?
I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? I’m also traveling and I’m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

Charwing said that he once invited people here to visit his place and see all his goodies and good work for the little people. Anyone ever remember that?

He also said that part of his purpose of wanting his hotel video conference over Skype was, in part, to show his home, boat and something else, though it eludes me why he can't do that over Skype.

I suggest he start a thread downstairs if that is the case and he can post all the pictures he wants! He can even call it: MY LIFE!

Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?

Your email is like you are in bar willing to have a fist fight. So why should I even bother talking to you?
I speak 6 languages. Do you have a problem with that? I’m also traveling and I’m bored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

Charwing said that he once invited people here to visit his place and see all his goodies and good work for the little people. Anyone ever remember that?

He also said that part of his purpose of wanting his hotel video conference over Skype was, in part, to show his home, boat and something else, though it eludes me why he can't do that over Skype.

I suggest he start a thread downstairs if that is the case and he can post all the pictures he wants! He can even call it: MY LIFE!

Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?

You questioned of what I have. I mentioned why I want a live video conferencing to show you exactly what I have. Because you did this to me before. That’s main point.

You claimed you helped people pay this and that. With your peasant income of 70k? Bullshit.

I helped homeless veterans with my own money since the 90s. This is the main reason I want a live video to show you my facilities and my business.
Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit.
Well stated. Just one more person on this forum I've run into that comes at you teeth and claws extended for no good reason, calls you a bunch of bad names then insults and challenges you. Then when you take them up on their word, becomes a puff of smoke. But I still hoped that pressed, he's stick to his challenge. It's not like there isn't ways of protecting your identity not that anyone would recognize him or care. Just very odd to challenge someone to a video conference then back down because someone might see his face?

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?
I hadn't heard that, but then, I'm no basketball fan. I still say it was a mighty shame those kids all died because this oaf was too lazy and spoiled to simply leave early enough like everyone else to just drive there in his car.

Here’s another lying bullshit piece of shit human being.
I was talking to you........ then Dale stepped in wants to challenged me.

How many times have you insulted me? I insulted you back as low life scum.....

I asked you the same question. Are you willing to expose yourself or show your face in public? You didn’t answer my question. You can’t even tell me what city you live. What the hell are you talking about Dude?
Both you and Dale are full of shit.

My challenge stays the same. My challenge my parameters. Not yours or Dale. You got that?
Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit.
Well stated. Just one more person on this forum I've run into that comes at you teeth and claws extended for no good reason, calls you a bunch of bad names then insults and challenges you. Then when you take them up on their word, becomes a puff of smoke. But I still hoped that pressed, he's stick to his challenge. It's not like there isn't ways of protecting your identity not that anyone would recognize him or care. Just very odd to challenge someone to a video conference then back down because someone might see his face?

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?
I hadn't heard that, but then, I'm no basketball fan. I still say it was a mighty shame those kids all died because this oaf was too lazy and spoiled to simply leave early enough like everyone else to just drive there in his car.

Here’s another lying bullshit piece of shit human being.
I was talking to you........ then Dale stepped in wants to challenged me.

How many times have you insulted me? I insulted you back as low life scum.....

I asked you the same question. Are you willing to expose yourself or show your face in public? You didn’t answer my question. You can’t even tell me what city you live. What the hell are you talking about Dude?
Both you and Dale are full of shit.

My challenge stays the same. My challenge my parameters. Not yours or Dale. You got that?

Ohh, well-- -- -- -- What was your challenge again, punk?
  1. For a guy to drive across town on good faith that when he gets there, you'll actually have some sort of weird paid video service at a given hotel and hope he isn't just being gamed and wasting a lot of time?
  2. Debate you on a hotel video teleconference that will somehow protect your face when Skype cannot?
  3. Debate you on 5-6 screwy topics when one would do, not to mention length of time?
  4. Post the dialog to YouTube so we can vote who was the more knowledgeable debater despite the fact that at the hotel, there really won't be any good way for Dale to do that.
  5. Follow your parameters so that you can turn it into a shit show of pictures about your house, your car and business (what's this going to be a 3-hour debate?) instead, which no one cares about and you could do here anyway right on USMB.
  6. Dale drives all over, wastes a lot of time, finds out he was set up or that you turn the debate into something else. The point of the debate was to DEBATE, and to debate 1-3 core topics revolving around politics that could be shared here and voted on for knowledge, accuracy, acumen and expertise.
Now why you fighting that, Wingnut? If this is really just about showing your face, then, I can give you a list of at least TEN different easy ways the two of you can simply hold the debate on Skype without hassle to either party without anyone ever being able to see your face.

So, what's it gonna be? Debate? Or bullshit?
Yes, you are boring.

You are also a braggart who boasts about imaginary accomplishments in a vain attempt at cred.

The only cred any of us need is that we deliver theough the acuity of our postings, and yours are quite lacking.

Charwing said that he once invited people here to visit his place and see all his goodies and good work for the little people. Anyone ever remember that?

He also said that part of his purpose of wanting his hotel video conference over Skype was, in part, to show his home, boat and something else, though it eludes me why he can't do that over Skype.

I suggest he start a thread downstairs if that is the case and he can post all the pictures he wants! He can even call it: MY LIFE!

Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?


You called this settled in your email and I let it go then here you are blabbering like you know what you are talking about. You are full of shit Dude.
Like I said in my email.

1. You want to debate acting like a low class thug gang banger. Why should I lower my class to your low class attitude? Why should I even talk to you?

2. You want to debate then flash in YouTube. You are willing to that because you have nothing to lose. You are a loser. I asked you a question. Who in the world is willing to do that? Have you seen anyone or anybody willing to do that? But you didn’t answer my questions.

You know I will never agree to that kind of scenario. I challenged you but my parameters. My challenge stay the same.


Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit.

Like I said in my email.
I am willing to debate you in a civilized manner. WHAT PART OF THAT DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

You "let it go" as if you being all benevolent and making a decision from a position of strength? That is fucking delusional as hell and I have to question your mental health.

I was acting all "thug like" by accepting your challenge?

Here are you own words to toobfreak...."I FUCKING BLASTED YOU. Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward"

So I stepped in, accepted on his behalf and you crawfished and backed out of "Face to Face meeting" even though you claimed earlier that you travel so much. I wish I had waited longer to chime in because your next move was to claim you have your own private plane. (snicker)

Then it was video conference only and you would not show your face but am I to surmise that you were going to walk around a palatial estate filming on your phone camera claiming that it was alllllll yours???? What a dope, Charwin......seriously. You have proven that you are not trustworthy even here in Cyberville.

What I am curious about is this ridiculous notion where you would stand to "lose" by having a debate that was recorded for the benefit of the board. You claim I have "nothing to lose"? What could I possibly stand to lose by having a pro versus con discussion? Are you hiding from the Feds or something? LOL!

Who is willing to debate in public on youtube? Numerous examples of it on youtube. You see, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and spew anger and vitriol at those that don't agree with your views but another issue entirely when you have to face those you have insulted. You are the "real deal"? You have no idea as to how utterly ridiculous THAT statement was.

"Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit"

Those two topics are but pieces of a puzzle that you have zero understanding about and how it has led us to this place in history. If you were so fucking smart, you would know that this goes deeper than the left versus right paradigm. You haven't the faintest clue and the only bow in your cyber quiver is the boast that you are wealthy and thus your opinion carries more weight. I seriously doubt that anyone as wealthy as you claim to be would be ever so inclined to care what some anonymous posters on a message board has to say about you nor spend as much time as you do here. Please continue to be the blowhard that you most certainly are because it reveals your character...or should I say the lack of it.

Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit.
Well stated. Just one more person on this forum I've run into that comes at you teeth and claws extended for no good reason, calls you a bunch of bad names then insults and challenges you. Then when you take them up on their word, becomes a puff of smoke. But I still hoped that pressed, he's stick to his challenge. It's not like there isn't ways of protecting your identity not that anyone would recognize him or care. Just very odd to challenge someone to a video conference then back down because someone might see his face?

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?
I hadn't heard that, but then, I'm no basketball fan. I still say it was a mighty shame those kids all died because this oaf was too lazy and spoiled to simply leave early enough like everyone else to just drive there in his car.

Here’s another lying bullshit piece of shit human being.
I was talking to you........ then Dale stepped in wants to challenged me.

How many times have you insulted me? I insulted you back as low life scum.....

I asked you the same question. Are you willing to expose yourself or show your face in public? You didn’t answer my question. You can’t even tell me what city you live. What the hell are you talking about Dude?
Both you and Dale are full of shit.

My challenge stays the same. My challenge my parameters. Not yours or Dale. You got that?

Ohh, well-- -- -- -- What was your challenge again, punk?
  1. For a guy to drive across town on good faith that when he gets there, you'll actually have some sort of weird paid video service at a given hotel and hope he isn't just being gamed and wasting a lot of time?
  2. Debate you on a hotel video teleconference that will somehow protect your face when Skype cannot?
  3. Debate you on 5-6 screwy topics when one would do, not to mention length of time?
  4. Post the dialog to YouTube so we can vote who was the more knowledgeable debater despite the fact that at the hotel, there really won't be any good way for Dale to do that.
  5. Follow your parameters so that you can turn it into a shit show of pictures about your house, your car and business (what's this going to be a 3-hour debate?) instead, which no one cares about and you could do here anyway right on USMB.
  6. Dale drives all over, wastes a lot of time, finds out he was set up or that you turn the debate into something else. The point of the debate was to DEBATE, and to debate 1-3 core topics revolving around politics that could be shared here and voted on for knowledge, accuracy, acumen and expertise.
Now why you fighting that, Wingnut? If this is really just about showing your face, then, I can give you a list of at least TEN different easy ways the two of you can simply hold the debate on Skype without hassle to either party without anyone ever being able to see your face.

So, what's it gonna be? Debate? Or bullshit?

Oh shut the fuck up Dude. I already answered all of that. Read my previous post. Don’t stare at it.
Charwing said that he once invited people here to visit his place and see all his goodies and good work for the little people. Anyone ever remember that?

He also said that part of his purpose of wanting his hotel video conference over Skype was, in part, to show his home, boat and something else, though it eludes me why he can't do that over Skype.

I suggest he start a thread downstairs if that is the case and he can post all the pictures he wants! He can even call it: MY LIFE!

Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?


You called this settled in your email and I let it go then here you are blabbering like you know what you are talking about. You are full of shit Dude.
Like I said in my email.

1. You want to debate acting like a low class thug gang banger. Why should I lower my class to your low class attitude? Why should I even talk to you?

2. You want to debate then flash in YouTube. You are willing to that because you have nothing to lose. You are a loser. I asked you a question. Who in the world is willing to do that? Have you seen anyone or anybody willing to do that? But you didn’t answer my questions.

You know I will never agree to that kind of scenario. I challenged you but my parameters. My challenge stay the same.


Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit.

Like I said in my email.
I am willing to debate you in a civilized manner. WHAT PART OF THAT DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

You "let it go" as if you being all benevolent and making a decision from a position of strength? That is fucking delusional as hell and I have to question your mental health.

I was acting all "thug like" by accepting your challenge?

Here are you own words to toobfreak...."I FUCKING BLASTED YOU. Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward"

So I stepped in, accepted on his behalf and you crawfished and backed out of "Face to Face meeting" even though you claimed earlier that you travel so much. I wish I had waited longer to chime in because your next move was to claim you have your own private plane. (snicker)

Then it was video conference only and you would not show your face but am I to surmise that you were going to walk around a palatial estate filming on your phone camera claiming that it was alllllll yours???? What a dope, Charwin......seriously. You have proven that you are not trustworthy even here in Cyberville.

What I am curious about is this ridiculous notion where you would stand to "lose" by having a debate that was recorded for the benefit of the board. You claim I have "nothing to lose"? What could I possibly stand to lose by having a pro versus con discussion? Are you hiding from the Feds or something? LOL!

Who is willing to debate in public on youtube? Numerous examples of it on youtube. You see, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and spew anger and vitriol at those that don't agree with your views but another issue entirely when you have to face those you have insulted. You are the "real deal"? You have no idea as to how utterly ridiculous THAT statement was.

"Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit"

Those two topics are but pieces of a puzzle that you have zero understanding about and how it has led us to this place in history. If you were so fucking smart, you would know that this goes deeper than the left versus right paradigm. You haven't the faintest clue and the only bow in your cyber quiver is the boast that you are wealthy and thus your opinion carries more weight. I seriously doubt that anyone as wealthy as you claim to be would be ever so inclined to care what some anonymous posters on a message board has to say about you nor spend as much time as you do here. Please continue to be the blowhard that you most certainly are because it reveals your character...or should I say the lack of it.


I'll only add, Dale, that even when people DO show their face, like when an interviewer asks a passer-by a random question and they stop to speak on the sidewalk, just because we see their face doesn't mean we have any ideas who they are!

Maybe Charwin has his SS number tattooed on his forehead.

Now the buffoon claims he already answered any/all of my questions! :auiqs.jpg: I have honestly never seen such bullshit as with a few people on this board!

Charwin is better than the scene in Christmas Story where the kids double dog dare him, except Charwin first MAKES the bet, then runs away never sticking his tongue on the pole claiming his mother is calling him. :21:

Charwing said that he once invited people here to visit his place and see all his goodies and good work for the little people. Anyone ever remember that?

He also said that part of his purpose of wanting his hotel video conference over Skype was, in part, to show his home, boat and something else, though it eludes me why he can't do that over Skype.

I suggest he start a thread downstairs if that is the case and he can post all the pictures he wants! He can even call it: MY LIFE!

Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?


You called this settled in your email and I let it go then here you are blabbering like you know what you are talking about. You are full of shit Dude.
Like I said in my email.

1. You want to debate acting like a low class thug gang banger. Why should I lower my class to your low class attitude? Why should I even talk to you?

2. You want to debate then flash in YouTube. You are willing to that because you have nothing to lose. You are a loser. I asked you a question. Who in the world is willing to do that? Have you seen anyone or anybody willing to do that? But you didn’t answer my questions.

You know I will never agree to that kind of scenario. I challenged you but my parameters. My challenge stay the same.


Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit.

Like I said in my email.
I am willing to debate you in a civilized manner. WHAT PART OF THAT DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

You "let it go" as if you being all benevolent and making a decision from a position of strength? That is fucking delusional as hell and I have to question your mental health.

I was acting all "thug like" by accepting your challenge?

Here are you own words to toobfreak...."I FUCKING BLASTED YOU. Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward"

So I stepped in, accepted on his behalf and you crawfished and backed out of "Face to Face meeting" even though you claimed earlier that you travel so much. I wish I had waited longer to chime in because your next move was to claim you have your own private plane. (snicker)

Then it was video conference only and you would not show your face but am I to surmise that you were going to walk around a palatial estate filming on your phone camera claiming that it was alllllll yours???? What a dope, Charwin......seriously. You have proven that you are not trustworthy even here in Cyberville.

What I am curious about is this ridiculous notion where you would stand to "lose" by having a debate that was recorded for the benefit of the board. You claim I have "nothing to lose"? What could I possibly stand to lose by having a pro versus con discussion? Are you hiding from the Feds or something? LOL!

Who is willing to debate in public on youtube? Numerous examples of it on youtube. You see, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and spew anger and vitriol at those that don't agree with your views but another issue entirely when you have to face those you have insulted. You are the "real deal"? You have no idea as to how utterly ridiculous THAT statement was.

"Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit"

Those two topics are but pieces of a puzzle that you have zero understanding about and how it has led us to this place in history. If you were so fucking smart, you would know that this goes deeper than the left versus right paradigm. You haven't the faintest clue and the only bow in your cyber quiver is the boast that you are wealthy and thus your opinion carries more weight. I seriously doubt that anyone as wealthy as you claim to be would be ever so inclined to care what some anonymous posters on a message board has to say about you nor spend as much time as you do here. Please continue to be the blowhard that you most certainly are because it reveals your character...or should I say the lack of it.


You are very dishonest funny Dude. You make me laugh.
Your email is nothing but a thug gang banger. Do you expect me to to talk to low class scum like you? Your email is a like a fist fight. Oh I’m so scared.
If I called you how is the debate going to look like? Dude get real.

Let me repeat it again. I don’t mind debating you in a civilized manner. BUT YOU ARE ACTING LIKE AN ANIMAL. You got that asshole?

What the fuck is the CIA or Mengele has anything to do with with this discussion? Dude your brain is so fucking wired wrong. If we debate is this what you are going to debate? You are so fucked up. What made you think I want to talk about CIA and your conspiracies bullshit?

Dude you are not even qualified to debate what I want to debate let alone talking about your conspiracies.

Who is willing to debate public YouTube? Who the fuck are you to dictate me that? Who the fuck are you to expose me?
Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?


You called this settled in your email and I let it go then here you are blabbering like you know what you are talking about. You are full of shit Dude.
Like I said in my email.

1. You want to debate acting like a low class thug gang banger. Why should I lower my class to your low class attitude? Why should I even talk to you?

2. You want to debate then flash in YouTube. You are willing to that because you have nothing to lose. You are a loser. I asked you a question. Who in the world is willing to do that? Have you seen anyone or anybody willing to do that? But you didn’t answer my questions.

You know I will never agree to that kind of scenario. I challenged you but my parameters. My challenge stay the same.


Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit.

Like I said in my email.
I am willing to debate you in a civilized manner. WHAT PART OF THAT DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

You "let it go" as if you being all benevolent and making a decision from a position of strength? That is fucking delusional as hell and I have to question your mental health.

I was acting all "thug like" by accepting your challenge?

Here are you own words to toobfreak...."I FUCKING BLASTED YOU. Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward"

So I stepped in, accepted on his behalf and you crawfished and backed out of "Face to Face meeting" even though you claimed earlier that you travel so much. I wish I had waited longer to chime in because your next move was to claim you have your own private plane. (snicker)

Then it was video conference only and you would not show your face but am I to surmise that you were going to walk around a palatial estate filming on your phone camera claiming that it was alllllll yours???? What a dope, Charwin......seriously. You have proven that you are not trustworthy even here in Cyberville.

What I am curious about is this ridiculous notion where you would stand to "lose" by having a debate that was recorded for the benefit of the board. You claim I have "nothing to lose"? What could I possibly stand to lose by having a pro versus con discussion? Are you hiding from the Feds or something? LOL!

Who is willing to debate in public on youtube? Numerous examples of it on youtube. You see, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and spew anger and vitriol at those that don't agree with your views but another issue entirely when you have to face those you have insulted. You are the "real deal"? You have no idea as to how utterly ridiculous THAT statement was.

"Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit"

Those two topics are but pieces of a puzzle that you have zero understanding about and how it has led us to this place in history. If you were so fucking smart, you would know that this goes deeper than the left versus right paradigm. You haven't the faintest clue and the only bow in your cyber quiver is the boast that you are wealthy and thus your opinion carries more weight. I seriously doubt that anyone as wealthy as you claim to be would be ever so inclined to care what some anonymous posters on a message board has to say about you nor spend as much time as you do here. Please continue to be the blowhard that you most certainly are because it reveals your character...or should I say the lack of it.


I'll only add, Dale, that even when people DO show their face, like when an interviewer asks a passer-by a random question and they stop to speak on the sidewalk, just because we see their face doesn't mean we have any ideas who they are!

Maybe Charwin has his SS number tattooed on his forehead.

Now the buffoon claims he already answered any/all of my questions! :auiqs.jpg: I have honestly never seen such bullshit as with a few people on this board!

Charwin is better than the scene in Christmas Story where the kids double dog dare him, except Charwin first MAKES the bet, then runs away never sticking his tongue on the pole claiming his mother is calling him. :21:

Really? You cannot even tell me where you live. Read my previous post again.
Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?


You called this settled in your email and I let it go then here you are blabbering like you know what you are talking about. You are full of shit Dude.
Like I said in my email.

1. You want to debate acting like a low class thug gang banger. Why should I lower my class to your low class attitude? Why should I even talk to you?

2. You want to debate then flash in YouTube. You are willing to that because you have nothing to lose. You are a loser. I asked you a question. Who in the world is willing to do that? Have you seen anyone or anybody willing to do that? But you didn’t answer my questions.

You know I will never agree to that kind of scenario. I challenged you but my parameters. My challenge stay the same.


Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit.

Like I said in my email.
I am willing to debate you in a civilized manner. WHAT PART OF THAT DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

You "let it go" as if you being all benevolent and making a decision from a position of strength? That is fucking delusional as hell and I have to question your mental health.

I was acting all "thug like" by accepting your challenge?

Here are you own words to toobfreak...."I FUCKING BLASTED YOU. Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward"

So I stepped in, accepted on his behalf and you crawfished and backed out of "Face to Face meeting" even though you claimed earlier that you travel so much. I wish I had waited longer to chime in because your next move was to claim you have your own private plane. (snicker)

Then it was video conference only and you would not show your face but am I to surmise that you were going to walk around a palatial estate filming on your phone camera claiming that it was alllllll yours???? What a dope, Charwin......seriously. You have proven that you are not trustworthy even here in Cyberville.

What I am curious about is this ridiculous notion where you would stand to "lose" by having a debate that was recorded for the benefit of the board. You claim I have "nothing to lose"? What could I possibly stand to lose by having a pro versus con discussion? Are you hiding from the Feds or something? LOL!

Who is willing to debate in public on youtube? Numerous examples of it on youtube. You see, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and spew anger and vitriol at those that don't agree with your views but another issue entirely when you have to face those you have insulted. You are the "real deal"? You have no idea as to how utterly ridiculous THAT statement was.

"Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit"

Those two topics are but pieces of a puzzle that you have zero understanding about and how it has led us to this place in history. If you were so fucking smart, you would know that this goes deeper than the left versus right paradigm. You haven't the faintest clue and the only bow in your cyber quiver is the boast that you are wealthy and thus your opinion carries more weight. I seriously doubt that anyone as wealthy as you claim to be would be ever so inclined to care what some anonymous posters on a message board has to say about you nor spend as much time as you do here. Please continue to be the blowhard that you most certainly are because it reveals your character...or should I say the lack of it.


I'll only add, Dale, that even when people DO show their face, like when an interviewer asks a passer-by a random question and they stop to speak on the sidewalk, just because we see their face doesn't mean we have any ideas who they are!

Maybe Charwin has his SS number tattooed on his forehead.

Now the buffoon claims he already answered any/all of my questions! :auiqs.jpg: I have honestly never seen such bullshit as with a few people on this board!

Charwin is better than the scene in Christmas Story where the kids double dog dare him, except Charwin first MAKES the bet, then runs away never sticking his tongue on the pole claiming his mother is calling him. :21:

This is so funny both of you are trying to help each other.
Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?


You called this settled in your email and I let it go then here you are blabbering like you know what you are talking about. You are full of shit Dude.
Like I said in my email.

1. You want to debate acting like a low class thug gang banger. Why should I lower my class to your low class attitude? Why should I even talk to you?

2. You want to debate then flash in YouTube. You are willing to that because you have nothing to lose. You are a loser. I asked you a question. Who in the world is willing to do that? Have you seen anyone or anybody willing to do that? But you didn’t answer my questions.

You know I will never agree to that kind of scenario. I challenged you but my parameters. My challenge stay the same.


Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit.

Like I said in my email.
I am willing to debate you in a civilized manner. WHAT PART OF THAT DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

You "let it go" as if you being all benevolent and making a decision from a position of strength? That is fucking delusional as hell and I have to question your mental health.

I was acting all "thug like" by accepting your challenge?

Here are you own words to toobfreak...."I FUCKING BLASTED YOU. Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward"

So I stepped in, accepted on his behalf and you crawfished and backed out of "Face to Face meeting" even though you claimed earlier that you travel so much. I wish I had waited longer to chime in because your next move was to claim you have your own private plane. (snicker)

Then it was video conference only and you would not show your face but am I to surmise that you were going to walk around a palatial estate filming on your phone camera claiming that it was alllllll yours???? What a dope, Charwin......seriously. You have proven that you are not trustworthy even here in Cyberville.

What I am curious about is this ridiculous notion where you would stand to "lose" by having a debate that was recorded for the benefit of the board. You claim I have "nothing to lose"? What could I possibly stand to lose by having a pro versus con discussion? Are you hiding from the Feds or something? LOL!

Who is willing to debate in public on youtube? Numerous examples of it on youtube. You see, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and spew anger and vitriol at those that don't agree with your views but another issue entirely when you have to face those you have insulted. You are the "real deal"? You have no idea as to how utterly ridiculous THAT statement was.

"Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit"

Those two topics are but pieces of a puzzle that you have zero understanding about and how it has led us to this place in history. If you were so fucking smart, you would know that this goes deeper than the left versus right paradigm. You haven't the faintest clue and the only bow in your cyber quiver is the boast that you are wealthy and thus your opinion carries more weight. I seriously doubt that anyone as wealthy as you claim to be would be ever so inclined to care what some anonymous posters on a message board has to say about you nor spend as much time as you do here. Please continue to be the blowhard that you most certainly are because it reveals your character...or should I say the lack of it.


I'll only add, Dale, that even when people DO show their face, like when an interviewer asks a passer-by a random question and they stop to speak on the sidewalk, just because we see their face doesn't mean we have any ideas who they are!

Maybe Charwin has his SS number tattooed on his forehead.

Now the buffoon claims he already answered any/all of my questions! :auiqs.jpg: I have honestly never seen such bullshit as with a few people on this board!

Charwin is better than the scene in Christmas Story where the kids double dog dare him, except Charwin first MAKES the bet, then runs away never sticking his tongue on the pole claiming his mother is calling him. :21:

Isn't that the truth....for one that claims to be so wealthy and influential, he seems to be afraid to go in front of a small crowd here and state his case as to why he is right and I am wrong. He is a blowhard and right now he is frothing t the mouth. Let's enjoy the meltdown that he is right in the middle of.
Really? You cannot even tell me where you live. Read my previous post again.

BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING IRRELEVANT. I never asked you where you live nor do I care! You volunteered it! And who knows if its true? You live in one of three houses in three different cities. Or a boat. Gee, that really PINS IT DOWN. And even if I told you, buttercup, how do you know it's true? Didn't I already tell you I lived in Tierra Del Fuego?

There, I've just proved you a liar again. Quit dancing and deflecting and either do the stupid debate or STFU.
Last edited:
Charwing said that he once invited people here to visit his place and see all his goodies and good work for the little people. Anyone ever remember that?

He also said that part of his purpose of wanting his hotel video conference over Skype was, in part, to show his home, boat and something else, though it eludes me why he can't do that over Skype.

I suggest he start a thread downstairs if that is the case and he can post all the pictures he wants! He can even call it: MY LIFE!

Dude. You are missing something. Skype then publish in YouTube. Are you willing to flash your face in the internet and in this site? Are you willing to do that? You cannot even tell me where and what city you live.

Any members here willing to do that?

DUDE, IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA to have a video teleconference! You are fucking unreal. You could put a Halloween mask over your face, no one gives a shit what you look like and your face is obviously too ugly to want to even show it. The only question now is whether you are ever going to PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Where is the debate?! I'm all eager to listen as you knock all of Dale's topics down like bowling pins with the expertise of a master sleuth you so obviously possess. o_O I'm ready to put money on your being another total coward and just one more shitheel leftard who is ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Oh and BTW, FWIW, it is now being revealed that Bryant's pilot had a history of reckless and ill-advised flights.

Let it go, my friend. Anyone can go back through the thread and see what was posted. Personally, I don't know why he was intent on a video conference but had no intention of showing his face BUT did want to show off his alleged "riches" and we were to assume that he was legit. I hope he is doing well and is as prosperous as he claims because obviously it fills a void and he believes it "defines him" as a human being. His alleged wealth doesn't mean he is more intelligent, articulate or refined. Mobsters, politicians, media whores, etc,etc wear thousand dollar suits and dresses but still they are lowlifes. I have WAAAAY more admiration and respect for those of modest means that give all that they can and/or donate time to help others to make their own little part of the world a better place to be. Those like this Charwin character is unbelievably wealthy, so he claims.... but seems to fear that it could disappear and he be ruined by having a discussion that would be shared here for the board masses? I am not ashamed of what I stand for and I am out there trying to awaken the sleeping masses. My pics are of me, the interviews I have done on J.B Wells show and John Navarro's site "The Anomic Age" is me in real time.

I do not have what one would call "material riches". The most expensive things I own are my two bass guitars, two sweet amps, a late 90's GM vehicle with a 145K miles on it. I made over 70K this past year and have nothing personally to show for it material wise. I have no debts but what is owed to those that helped me when I needed uplifting.

So what became of those FRNs? I kept a mom from being evicted from her apartment that was working a full-time job and going to college part-time so that she wouldn't ever need to depend on her husband that was addicted to opium based pain meds. I helped an abused lady that was left high and dry by a psycho ex and paid her rent for two months while she healed and got back on her feet. I helped a very special couple and their kids from being evicted when the main bread winner was sick and had no more PTO. I helped a single mom pay for repairs on her van so that she could get her teen-age children to school in the morning, make it to her job and then give them a ride to their part-time jobs. I found various causes on "Gofundme.com" to contribute to. All in all? I can say(and without hesitation) that it was gratifying and I made good on a promise to a dear friend here (eddiew37) that helped me through some tough times that in lieu of paying him back? He said "Pay it forward" and I have done that. The ones that I have helped always ask me "Why are you offering to help me/us?" and I tell them about Edds aka Eddie and how I was to pass it on and I tell them that I hope that they will keep Edds legacy alive by paying forward.

So in summation, it's not what you have taken that matters when you leave this world, but rather the legacy of what you did in service to others

Mark 12 verse 41-44 : "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all [they] did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, [even] all her living.

It's pretty easy to act magnanimous and humble when one makes a spectacle out flaunting their wealth by making what others of lesser means would feel is an incredible donation but really was nothing but pocket change to them. Charwin seems to believe those that are wealthy and more successful is equivalent to being smarter and wiser thus their opinion should be weighed and considered more than those of the "Johnny Lunchpail" set. I have more respect for those that use the most precious commodity that they have i.e their labor and give what they can without expecting anything in return.

Leave Charwin alone...this matter is settled as far as I am concerned and I see no need in throwing this matter up at him to score points.

P.S I feel bad about Kobe's kids dying in that copter crash, but Kobe got away with raping and sodomizing a young lady in Colorado in 2003. He never humbled himself and admitted guilt and he was given a free pass....so why should his passing be mourned?


You called this settled in your email and I let it go then here you are blabbering like you know what you are talking about. You are full of shit Dude.
Like I said in my email.

1. You want to debate acting like a low class thug gang banger. Why should I lower my class to your low class attitude? Why should I even talk to you?

2. You want to debate then flash in YouTube. You are willing to that because you have nothing to lose. You are a loser. I asked you a question. Who in the world is willing to do that? Have you seen anyone or anybody willing to do that? But you didn’t answer my questions.

You know I will never agree to that kind of scenario. I challenged you but my parameters. My challenge stay the same.


Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit.

Like I said in my email.
I am willing to debate you in a civilized manner. WHAT PART OF THAT DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

You "let it go" as if you being all benevolent and making a decision from a position of strength? That is fucking delusional as hell and I have to question your mental health.

I was acting all "thug like" by accepting your challenge?

Here are you own words to toobfreak...."I FUCKING BLASTED YOU. Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward"

So I stepped in, accepted on his behalf and you crawfished and backed out of "Face to Face meeting" even though you claimed earlier that you travel so much. I wish I had waited longer to chime in because your next move was to claim you have your own private plane. (snicker)

Then it was video conference only and you would not show your face but am I to surmise that you were going to walk around a palatial estate filming on your phone camera claiming that it was alllllll yours???? What a dope, Charwin......seriously. You have proven that you are not trustworthy even here in Cyberville.

What I am curious about is this ridiculous notion where you would stand to "lose" by having a debate that was recorded for the benefit of the board. You claim I have "nothing to lose"? What could I possibly stand to lose by having a pro versus con discussion? Are you hiding from the Feds or something? LOL!

Who is willing to debate in public on youtube? Numerous examples of it on youtube. You see, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and spew anger and vitriol at those that don't agree with your views but another issue entirely when you have to face those you have insulted. You are the "real deal"? You have no idea as to how utterly ridiculous THAT statement was.

"Then you talked about CIA, mengele etc etc etc that has nothing to do with your goddam regular bullshit"

Those two topics are but pieces of a puzzle that you have zero understanding about and how it has led us to this place in history. If you were so fucking smart, you would know that this goes deeper than the left versus right paradigm. You haven't the faintest clue and the only bow in your cyber quiver is the boast that you are wealthy and thus your opinion carries more weight. I seriously doubt that anyone as wealthy as you claim to be would be ever so inclined to care what some anonymous posters on a message board has to say about you nor spend as much time as you do here. Please continue to be the blowhard that you most certainly are because it reveals your character...or should I say the lack of it.


As far as my time spent here.
Again who the hell are you to tell what I do with my time?

I don’t come here every day. Sometimes I do depending on my schedule.
I like to talk and socialize. My life and business are both stable there’s nothing left to do ..... Except this Coronavirus issue that just arise.

Then sometimes I ran to jerk like you acting like a big Dick knows everything.
Actually you don’t know shit except your conspiracies. Like Sandyhook massacre is fake and twin tower was dynamited......... Dude I debated with you before. What the fuck do you know?
Please continue to be the blowhard that you most certainly are because it reveals your character...or should I say the lack of it.
<snip>Actually you don’t know shit......... Dude I debated with you before. What the fuck do you know?
The debate would settle that.

Right now, off-hand, it looks like the OPPOSITE is true.

I've read MANY of Dales posts and consider him one of the best, most erudite posters on the forum.

You . . . right now you are vying to replace IM2 as butthole of the forum.
Really? You cannot even tell me where you live. Read my previous post again.

BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING IRRELEVANT. I never asked you where you live nor do I care! You volunteered it! And who knows if its true? You live in one of three houses in three different cities. Or a boat. Gee, that really PINS IT DOWN. And even if I told you, buttercup, how do you know it's true? Didn't I already tell you I lived in Tierra Del Fuego?

There, I've just proved you a liar again. Quit dancing and deflecting and either do the stupid debate or STFU.

I did that to distract your attention away from Kobe. It worked but I didn’t mean to turn your life upside down with jealousy.
No you never told me you live in Tierra Del Fuego. Show me what post number is that? How many times I asked you that? Why the hell should I lie if you live in del fuego?

Debate? I already answered all of that. Go back and read my post again.
Please continue to be the blowhard that you most certainly are because it reveals your character...or should I say the lack of it.
<snip>Actually you don’t know shit......... Dude I debated with you before. What the fuck do you know?
The debate would settle that.

Right now, off-hand, it looks like the OPPOSITE is true.

I've read MANY of Dales posts and consider him one of the best, most erudite posters on the forum.

You . . . right now you are vying to replace IM2 as butthole of the forum.

Let me repeat it again. I don’t mind debating Dale in a civilized manner not in animal behavior. What part of that don’t you fucking understand RETARD?
Try again.

As far as Dale. Dale all he knows are conspiracies bullshit away from realities.
I debated with Dale before.

This is very funny you are helping each other.
No you never told me you live in Tierra Del Fuego. Show me what post number is that? How many times I asked you that? Why the hell should I lie if you live in del fuego?

When the Trump nightmare ends, will we be able to forgive Trump voters?

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NEXT QUESTION, BUTTHOLE? Hope your other statements of fact are more factual than this!

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