When There’s Too Many White Folks…


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
..for one reason of another, the Democrat Party makes long term plans to replace ‘em.

1.Long term: fifty or sixty years in the running. And deeply devious. And duplicitous.

2. At the center of the plan, we find the Democrats in an enviable position in 1993. They owned the US government.
And the weakness of the elected officials on our side, the ones who let America and the world down, was exposed in the 1993. The Democrats were able to impose the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), at a time when the Socialist Democrat Party controlled the House, Senate and White House. It has been nearly 30 years under this obfuscation and evisceration of our voting process, and Republican Party has allowed it to continue.

3. Let’s begin nearly a century ago, back in 1965, when the Socialist Democrat Party made clear the plan to replace the American citizens with more malleable voters, third-worlders who would be likely to exchange their votes for succor from the American voters….welfare.

A little history here.....the Democrat plan was to replace Americans, and the usual immigrants who agreed with American values, with third world immigrants who need welfare and will vote Democrat for same.
Putting their interests before those of America and Americans is nothing new for Democrats.....
Democrats knew what they were doing when they passed the 1965 immigration law that altered the flow from European immigrants to the flood from third world nations.

" Prior to 1965, the demographics of immigration stood as mostly Europeans; 68 percent of legal immigrants in the 1950s came from Europe and Canada.
The proponents of the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act argued that it would not significantly influence United States culture. [Democrat] President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions."[16] [Democrat] Secretary of State Dean Rusk and other politicians, including [Democrat] Senator Ted Kennedy, asserted that the bill would not affect US demographic mix.[17] However, the ethnic composition of immigrants changed following the passage of the law.[18][19] Specifically, the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Southern and Eastern Europe." Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

4. But it appeared that the Hart-Celler Act didn’t engender quite enough of a tidal wave of Democrat votes…..and the Socialist Democrat Party is nothing if not thorough! Guess who was their next choice for votes.

Right!!! Illegal aliens....undocumented Democrat voters.

Illegals are here because of invitations and enticements by the Democrat Party....and they do the job they were brought here to do.

"As Biden Prepares to Take Office, a New Rush at the Border"

Hot potato alert!

I will walk very carefully through this minefield.

1. I do NOT know whether there was a deliberate plan to lower the Caucasian population.

2. I DO know that Caucasians are not having so many babies as other ethnicities are.

3. I believe that the liberalization of immigrant laws after World War II was the result of many nice people feeling that it was wrong to discriminate against non-Caucasian immigrants.

4. I assume that the demographers are correct when they predict that eventually the United States of America will become the first Caucasian-majority nation to become a non-Caucasian nation.

a. Of course, I do NOT know whether this is due to a deliberate scheme or just something that is the result of non-deliberate circumstances.

Hot potato alert!

I will walk very carefully through this minefield.

1. I do NOT know whether there was a deliberate plan to lower the Caucasian population.

2. I DO know that Caucasians are not having so many babies as other ethnicities are.

3. I believe that the liberalization of immigrant laws after World War II was the result of many nice people feeling that it was wrong to discriminate against non-Caucasian immigrants.

4. I assume that the demographers are correct when they predict that eventually the United States of America will become the first Caucasian-majority nation to become a non-Caucasian nation.

a. Of course, I do NOT know whether this is due to a deliberate scheme or just something that is the result of non-deliberate circumstances.
You can't see the obvious bias and hatred then.

Hot potato alert!

I will walk very carefully through this minefield.

1. I do NOT know whether there was a deliberate plan to lower the Caucasian population.

2. I DO know that Caucasians are not having so many babies as other ethnicities are.

3. I believe that the liberalization of immigrant laws after World War II was the result of many nice people feeling that it was wrong to discriminate against non-Caucasian immigrants.

4. I assume that the demographers are correct when they predict that eventually the United States of America will become the first Caucasian-majority nation to become a non-Caucasian nation.

a. Of course, I do NOT know whether this is due to a deliberate scheme or just something that is the result of non-deliberate circumstances.

"Of course, I do NOT know whether this is due to a deliberate scheme or just something that is the result of non-deliberate circumstances. "

Well, then.....you should read the OP more carefully.

I always provide links.
Sorry man, I'm at the point where I think very little media is trustworthy.

I don't think there is a political agenda to data like that.
well, it's just me I guess but I have seen too much to trust almost any of it.
Sorry man, I'm at the point where I think very little media is trustworthy.

I don't think there is a political agenda to data like that.
well, it's just me I guess but I have seen too much to trust almost any of it.

Where do you see the bias in that data? And to what end?
5. As a result of the Democrat Immigration act of 1965, the nations that contribute the greatest number of immigrants are not the same ones responsible for the founding of the nation. Case in point, we take more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain.

6. But legal immigration is only a part of their plan.

How did the Democrats entice illegal aliens in?

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily


“Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally

A Spanish-language leaflet that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has provided to the Mexican Embassy in Washington advises border-crossing Mexicans that they can collect taxpayer-funded food stamp benefits for their children without admitting that they're illegal immigrants.

Underlined and in boldface type, the document tells immigrants who are unlawfully in the United States that, 'You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.'

Read more: Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Not much of a leap from the Hart-Celler Act to Hussein Obama telling illegal aliens to go and vote: “When you vote, you’re a citizen yourself!”

Just one part of the recipe that cooked Trump's goose.
..for one reason of another, the Democrat Party makes long term plans to replace ‘em.

1.Long term: fifty or sixty years in the running. And deeply devious. And duplicitous.

2. At the center of the plan, we find the Democrats in an enviable position in 1993. They owned the US government.
And the weakness of the elected officials on our side, the ones who let America and the world down, was exposed in the 1993. The Democrats were able to impose the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), at a time when the Socialist Democrat Party controlled the House, Senate and White House. It has been nearly 30 years under this obfuscation and evisceration of our voting process, and Republican Party has allowed it to continue.

3. Let’s begin nearly a century ago, back in 1965, when the Socialist Democrat Party made clear the plan to replace the American citizens with more malleable voters, third-worlders who would be likely to exchange their votes for succor from the American voters….welfare.

A little history here.....the Democrat plan was to replace Americans, and the usual immigrants who agreed with American values, with third world immigrants who need welfare and will vote Democrat for same.
Putting their interests before those of America and Americans is nothing new for Democrats.....
Democrats knew what they were doing when they passed the 1965 immigration law that altered the flow from European immigrants to the flood from third world nations.

" Prior to 1965, the demographics of immigration stood as mostly Europeans; 68 percent of legal immigrants in the 1950s came from Europe and Canada.
The proponents of the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act argued that it would not significantly influence United States culture. [Democrat] President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions."[16] [Democrat] Secretary of State Dean Rusk and other politicians, including [Democrat] Senator Ted Kennedy, asserted that the bill would not affect US demographic mix.[17] However, the ethnic composition of immigrants changed following the passage of the law.[18][19] Specifically, the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Southern and Eastern Europe." Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

4. But it appeared that the Hart-Celler Act didn’t engender quite enough of a tidal wave of Democrat votes…..and the Socialist Democrat Party is nothing if not thorough! Guess who was their next choice for votes.

Right!!! Illegal aliens....undocumented Democrat voters.

Illegals are here because of invitations and enticements by the Democrat Party....and they do the job they were brought here to do.

"As Biden Prepares to Take Office, a New Rush at the Border"

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
7. Now, let’s take a look at how the Democrat Party set up the theft of this election… the 1993 Motor Voter Act.

“What is the NVRA?

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993
(also known as the “NVRA” or “motor voter law”) sets forth certain voter registration requirements with respect to elections for federal office.
Section 5 of the NVRA requires that States offer voter registration opportunities at State motor vehicle agencies. Section 6 of the NVRA requires that States offer voter registration opportunities by mail-in application. Section 7 of the NVRA requires that States offer voter registration opportunities at certain State and local offices, including public assistance and disability offices. Section 8 of the NVRA contains requirements with respect to the administration of voter registration by States and requires States to implement procedures to maintain accurate and current voter registration lists.” The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA)

This act passed by and for the Socialist Democrats set the stage for the Biden theft of the election.
8. Even without the camouflage of the Wuhan Scam, the Socialist Democrats had no problem getting the Motor Voter Act enacted: they controlled the House, Senate, and White House.

“What voter registration opportunity is required by Section 5 of the NVRA?

Each State motor vehicle driver’s license application (including any renewal application) submitted to a State motor vehicle authority must serve as a simultaneous voter registration application unless the applicant fails to sign the voter registration application.”
The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA)

How stringent are the proof of citizenship? Nada. Just say so.

Here, from the federal act:

“The voter registration application must state each voter eligibility requirement (including citizenship), contain an attestation that the applicant meets each requirement, state the penalties provided by law for submission of a false voter registration application and require the signature of the applicant under penalty of perjury.”

Now the real question: what stopped the so-called other party, the Republicans, from modifying it when they had the legislative ability?

Nothing. They sat on their….hands.

And the result: Biden-Harris.
Sorry man, I'm at the point where I think very little media is trustworthy.

I don't think there is a political agenda to data like that.
well, it's just me I guess but I have seen too much to trust almost any of it.

Where do you see the bias in that data? And to what end?
You just don't get it, I guess. I don't trust the people who put it together. To what end? Manipulation of all of us, or to benefit themselves.
9. In 2016, the MotorVotor scheme allowed Hillary to claim the popular vote victory.

This is the California version of the federal bill:
“Will I be automatically registered to vote when I apply for or renew my driver’s license? Yes…..all eligible individuals completing drives license or ID cards….”
Frequently Asked Questions :: California Secretary of State

See if you can find anyplace where proof of citizenship is required.

How's this....LA Times:

10. "If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. "
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Wanna deny this:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally"
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

Millions of illegal aliens vote in our elections.
Sorry man, I'm at the point where I think very little media is trustworthy.

I don't think there is a political agenda to data like that.
well, it's just me I guess but I have seen too much to trust almost any of it.

Where do you see the bias in that data? And to what end?
You just don't get it, I guess. I don't trust the people who put it together. To what end? Manipulation of all of us, or to benefit themselves.

In what way?
Sorry man, I'm at the point where I think very little media is trustworthy.

I don't think there is a political agenda to data like that.
well, it's just me I guess but I have seen too much to trust almost any of it.

Where do you see the bias in that data? And to what end?
You just don't get it, I guess. I don't trust the people who put it together. To what end? Manipulation of all of us, or to benefit themselves.

In what way?
It's my opinion, I don't know what they would actually do. But that's happening all over.

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