When this all winds down, what will be different?


1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?
I'm going to hold out hope for a tipping point, at which an important person from one of the tribes decides to hold their own tribe accountable. That begins the momentum that gets both tribes to honestly look in the mirror and clean their own house. Nothing improves until then.

I wouldn't blame you if you think that's a long shot. But I think it's our best chance before our nutters bring this country down. So, for the sake of our kids, I'll keep hoping.
That is happened now dozens of times. Dozens.
Good, honest NORMAL black folk have stood in front of the idiots protecting property and even police officers... you think that changed any minds?
Not enough. Not even close.
What will be different?

Trump will get a much smaller fraction of the black vote.

The next time a bunch of bystanders are filming a cop, he will think twice about murdering someone.

For over a century, the black community has been trying to alert the broader society of the brutality and injustice being inflicted on them. Now that everyone has cameras at their fingertips, we are all seeing with our own eyes what can no longer be denied.

It started with the filming of the beating of Rodney King, and the evidence of oppression has been piling ever higher.

In recent weeks, we saw a man killed for jogging while black. We saw a white woman bear false witness against someone for birdwatching while black.

Think about that 911 call that woman made. The man pointed out to her that there were signs clearly posted saying her dog must be leashed. Rather than apologize and leash her dog, she chose instead to not only flaunt the law, she decided to frame an innocent man.

When black people talk about "white privilege" this is EXACTLY what they are talking about.

Before the days of cell phone cameras, that black man would have been arrested, thrown into a helhole until his trial, and the prosecutor would have been telling a jury as they listened to the 911 call, "Listen to the terror in her voice!" as she calls for help as the big bad black man threatened to kill her.

Now here's the thing you really need to think about: If you think nothing will change after these protests, then you have just acknowledged that it is going to take some serious even more serious carnage to get your fucking attention.
Well now there is knee-deep horseshit. Well trained by the left media.
One problem.... Police brutality happens against all races. You think only blacks get the brutality?
We could trade YouTube videos of police harassment against blacks vs. whites all day long...hell..I will even post up 2 to every 1 you post up. Easily.
Another thing.... the brutality you see is virtually always happening when the suspect is fighting back, belligerent and otherwise uncooperative.
Take right here in Indy Monday evening, live on livestream on channel 6 news. A black guy is out well past the curfew, in a neighborhood he does not live in. With him is 4 or 5 other young black males. He decides he is going to be a jackass. While the police are calmly trying to get him to sit on the curb... he is yelling all manner of Fuck You!!... you fucking racist!!...Fucking pigs!!!.... refusing to sit down... so the cop has to get back up, by the time it is all over 5 cops hav ethis guy pinned to the ground. And there he is yelling and screaming "Police brutality!!... show everyone this video!!!... fucking bullshit!!!.... etc. etc.
Meanwhile several other people are walking by, several of them are white. You can see the police stop them, they show their IDs...can't here the conversation... but they are pointing...guessing they are saying I work over there and on my way home etc. so the Police are letting them go - OBVIOUSLY... the blacks around start screaming RACISM!!!...letting WHITE PEOPLE GO!!!!.... fucking bullshit!!!

Get anything?
Wow. Another fan of a police state. "Papers! Show me your papers!"

Tell me, fuckwit. How many white joggers get shot by vigilantes?

Tell me how the white c*nt was in the right to call 911 and try to frame an innocent black man?

How many white men have been suffocated to death by the cops?
Aww.... looky at the poor widdle hurt feelwings....aww.... did I upset you?
Wel...there now.... here's your binky.
Mike Lee was a key on prison reform. At one time Christian conservatives were a key player in social reform. That ended largely with the Rel Right's multi-million dollar campaign to elect a Sup Ct that would allow states to shut down abortion providers … and they succeeded. But they became one issue voters. And the evangelicals who support Trump are simply partisans who see political issues that do not actually impact them, such as insurance coverage and gay marriage, as fundamental assaults on their faith. When in reality few care if they don't use IUDs and marry several their first cousins of the opposite sex.

But the abortion battle is pretty much over. And most states expanded Medicaid and really just want more money for subsidies. Unfortunately, the gop never trotted out their alternative to Obamacare.

So, imo it's possible to have a rational discussion. Not here with the Trumpanzees, but overall. College affirm action is not really helping the poorest of minorities. It's obviously of no help the poorest of whites. We could provide more access for those folks. Jailing drug dealers for life on three strikes has been a debacle in that it simply provided more job opportunities for younger drug dealers.

Mitch McConnell only criticizes black presidents, and the thinks "electing one" was the end of civil rights. But he's a moral cess pool. Blacks who make it to the middle class really have the same issues as other people, except they fear their kids will be killed not only in crime but by white vigilantes, badged and unbadged.
What will be different?

Trump will get a much smaller fraction of the black vote.

The next time a bunch of bystanders are filming a cop, he will think twice about murdering someone.

For over a century, the black community has been trying to alert the broader society of the brutality and injustice being inflicted on them. Now that everyone has cameras at their fingertips, we are all seeing with our own eyes what can no longer be denied.

It started with the filming of the beating of Rodney King, and the evidence of oppression has been piling ever higher.

In recent weeks, we saw a man killed for jogging while black. We saw a white woman bear false witness against someone for birdwatching while black.

Think about that 911 call that woman made. The man pointed out to her that there were signs clearly posted saying her dog must be leashed. Rather than apologize and leash her dog, she chose instead to not only flaunt the law, she decided to frame an innocent man.

When black people talk about "white privilege" this is EXACTLY what they are talking about.

Before the days of cell phone cameras, that black man would have been arrested, thrown into a helhole until his trial, and the prosecutor would have been telling a jury as they listened to the 911 call, "Listen to the terror in her voice!" as she calls for help as the big bad black man threatened to kill her.

Now here's the thing you really need to think about: If you think nothing will change after these protests, then you have just acknowledged that it is going to take some serious even more serious carnage to get your fucking attention.
Well now there is knee-deep horseshit. Well trained by the left media.
One problem.... Police brutality happens against all races. You think only blacks get the brutality?
We could trade YouTube videos of police harassment against blacks vs. whites all day long...hell..I will even post up 2 to every 1 you post up. Easily.
Another thing.... the brutality you see is virtually always happening when the suspect is fighting back, belligerent and otherwise uncooperative.
Take right here in Indy Monday evening, live on livestream on channel 6 news. A black guy is out well past the curfew, in a neighborhood he does not live in. With him is 4 or 5 other young black males. He decides he is going to be a jackass. While the police are calmly trying to get him to sit on the curb... he is yelling all manner of Fuck You!!... you fucking racist!!...Fucking pigs!!!.... refusing to sit down... so the cop has to get back up, by the time it is all over 5 cops hav ethis guy pinned to the ground. And there he is yelling and screaming "Police brutality!!... show everyone this video!!!... fucking bullshit!!!.... etc. etc.
Meanwhile several other people are walking by, several of them are white. You can see the police stop them, they show their IDs...can't here the conversation... but they are pointing...guessing they are saying I work over there and on my way home etc. so the Police are letting them go - OBVIOUSLY... the blacks around start screaming RACISM!!!...letting WHITE PEOPLE GO!!!!.... fucking bullshit!!!

Get anything?
Wow. Another fan of a police state. "Papers! Show me your papers!"

Tell me, fuckwit. How many white joggers get shot by vigilantes?

Tell me how the white c*nt was in the right to call 911 and try to frame an innocent black man?

How many white men have been suffocated to death by the cops?

That woman was a liberal you know?

I also posted a thread just yesterday about a white man who was suffocated to death by the cops. You mean you don't know his name? Its not seared into your brain?

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?
I'm going to hold out hope for a tipping point, at which an important person from one of the tribes decides to hold their own tribe accountable. That begins the momentum that gets both tribes to honestly look in the mirror and clean their own house. Nothing improves until then.

I wouldn't blame you if you think that's a long shot. But I think it's our best chance before our nutters bring this country down. So, for the sake of our kids, I'll keep hoping.
That is happened now dozens of times. Dozens.
Good, honest NORMAL black folk have stood in front of the idiots protecting property and even police officers... you think that changed any minds?
Not enough. Not even close.
Blacks are not ready for reality. (Inner city blacks)
Someone like MLK came along...nobody would listen to him. They like people like Al Sharpton better. A greasy slimeball race slinger.
There is no way, no how anyone from the left is going to start telling the truth now.
The right? You know... I absolutely believe the VAST majority of conservatives are not racist, and do not support police brutality in the least. But all they here from the left is reparations... more free shit... no one, and I mean NO ONE talking about the extraordinary inner city culture that plagues the race...oh hell no.

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?
I'm going to hold out hope for a tipping point, at which an important person from one of the tribes decides to hold their own tribe accountable. That begins the momentum that gets both tribes to honestly look in the mirror and clean their own house. Nothing improves until then.

I wouldn't blame you if you think that's a long shot. But I think it's our best chance before our nutters bring this country down. So, for the sake of our kids, I'll keep hoping.
That is happened now dozens of times. Dozens.
Good, honest NORMAL black folk have stood in front of the idiots protecting property and even police officers... you think that changed any minds?
Not enough. Not even close.
Blacks are not ready for reality. (Inner city blacks)
Someone like MLK came along...nobody would listen to him. They like people like Al Sharpton better. A greasy slimeball race slinger.
There is no way, no how anyone from the left is going to start telling the truth now.
The right? You know... I absolutely believe the VAST majority of conservatives are not racist, and do not support police brutality in the least. But all they here from the left is reparations... more free shit... no one, and I mean NO ONE talking about the extraordinary inner city culture that plagues the race...oh hell no.
Both ends have housecleaning to do. Plenty of it.

Until they both get honest and admit it, nothing improves.
Nothing will change because blue city cops will continue to over react because they fear the thugs they are suppose to police.....they arrest them and some moronic liberal judge lets them back out where they end up hurting or killing a cop.....crime begets the police....when the police show up anything can go wrong....so don't break the damn law...not even passing a phony $20 bill...do you get it?....

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?
I'm going to hold out hope for a tipping point, at which an important person from one of the tribes decides to hold their own tribe accountable. That begins the momentum that gets both tribes to honestly look in the mirror and clean their own house. Nothing improves until then.

I wouldn't blame you if you think that's a long shot. But I think it's our best chance before our nutters bring this country down. So, for the sake of our kids, I'll keep hoping.
That is happened now dozens of times. Dozens.
Good, honest NORMAL black folk have stood in front of the idiots protecting property and even police officers... you think that changed any minds?
Not enough. Not even close.
Blacks are not ready for reality. (Inner city blacks)
Someone like MLK came along...nobody would listen to him. They like people like Al Sharpton better. A greasy slimeball race slinger.
There is no way, no how anyone from the left is going to start telling the truth now.
The right? You know... I absolutely believe the VAST majority of conservatives are not racist, and do not support police brutality in the least. But all they here from the left is reparations... more free shit... no one, and I mean NO ONE talking about the extraordinary inner city culture that plagues the race...oh hell no.
Both ends have housecleaning to do. Plenty of it.

Until they both get honest and admit it, nothing improves.
Like what?
Sorry Mac, but the right has been talking about inner city black problems for decades. And they are called racist every time for doing it.
The problems are very simple. The solution, however is complicated as hell.
You are talking about a few million people who for the past 3 generations been told over and over and over they are blameless for their actions. Everything is whitey's fault. White privilege. The fact they get free education for the taking, complete with free housing/food/clothing and spending money to boot?? And they still fail over 90%??? Ohh...but you see...still not their fault. The white kid that didn't get the free shit..well...white privileged is why he graduated. Had nothing to do with the fact he never studied, partied every night and skipped class dozens of times...nooooo... it's white privilege. He has no choice but to turn to criminal behavior. Racism is why he will likely die by 25.
We have talked about the complete breakdown of the black family. Over 70% single parent. Over 70% have little to no relationship with their father. Bring that up...and you are RACIST!!!

The fact is Mac. We have talked the problems to death. Everyone who has an ounce of critical thinking already knows the problems. But most just won't go there. Racism/White privilege and Republicans is a much more profitable, feel good way to think. You know.... Black votes matter.

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.

No, it isn't you retard, it is a police mentality. The unions are too powerful, and the leftwing lowered the standards to be a policeman so much that gangbangers are cops now.

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.
ummm Minneapolis is about as Left Wing as it gets

The median black family in the Twin Cities area earns $38,178 a year — which is less than half of the median white family income of $84,459 a year. This income inequality gap is one of the largest in the nation; only nearby Milwaukee, Wisconsin is worse. The state of Minnesota as a whole has the second biggest income inequality gap between blacks and whites in the entire nation; only the District of Columbia is worse.

So you are admitting that Left Wing policies are failing African Americans, OK, TY

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.
ummm Minneapolis is about as Left Wing as it gets

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.

No, it isn't you retard, it is a police mentality. The unions are too powerful, and the leftwing lowered the standards to be a policeman so much that gangbangers are cops now.

Explain that to your chosen leader.

As for the police unions being too powerful, that doesn't seem to be an issue with Trump.
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, it was the elephant in the room.

Polite people simply did not talk about it.

Now it is the main topic in American politics.

I sincerely believe that this ethnic unpleasantness is intractable.

I predict that big changes are coming to this nation by the end of this century.

In short, forcing people from a faraway continent to come here as unpaid workers was bound to have unpleasant consquences for everyone.

Pray for our great-grandchildren.
I predict because of the young workforce entering the God forsaken race that is America the nation is stronger than ever. A couple of bad apples isn't going to have much of any effect. Employers will have never had such an easy time finding highly productive people for so little pay...it really is amazing.
PS my granddaughter fresh out of college with a pharmacy degree nailed down her first real job(one that a person should work really hard at) and starting pay is 79 grand plus good benefits(as it should be). I am very proud of her. She's only 25 years old.

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.
ummm Minneapolis is about as Left Wing as it gets

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.

No, it isn't you retard, it is a police mentality. The unions are too powerful, and the leftwing lowered the standards to be a policeman so much that gangbangers are cops now.

Explain that to your chosen leader.

As for the police unions being too powerful, that doesn't seem to be an issue with Trump.
We have a two party system that is all or nothing on most issues. So the police are mostly Repub totally supported or Prog supported is a tight rope as most of the police unions and voters affected are Progs or Prog support.

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.
ummm Minneapolis is about as Left Wing as it gets

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.

No, it isn't you retard, it is a police mentality. The unions are too powerful, and the leftwing lowered the standards to be a policeman so much that gangbangers are cops now.

Explain that to your chosen leader.

As for the police unions being too powerful, that doesn't seem to be an issue with Trump.
We have a two party system that is all or nothing on most issues. So the police are mostly Repub totally supported or Prog supported is a tight rope as most of the police unions and voters affected are Progs or Prog support.
Police unions used to be pretty tight with Democratic politicians, as did most other unions. They did so to protect benefits, pensions etc. Since Obama and emphasis on reducing police violence and improving police accountability, the unions have been swinging widely to Republicans. As it turns out, Republicans don't have much of a problem maintaining cushy benefits for them either.

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.
It's not ANY political policy. What a fucktard you are. You're a divider. You're part of the problem and certainly not a part of any solution.

That police officer acted on his own and not in "Policy"with some political slant. He's a very bad person. Not everyone is you fucking dolt.

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.
ummm Minneapolis is about as Left Wing as it gets

1) Worse race relations than before, that is a given. Despite the liberal media trying to say otherwise, the vast-vast majority of Americans are NOT behind the rioters/looters/vandals and murderers who have killed... I believe it is up to 8 blacks now.
One black man died, and the lunatics have killed 8 more showing their "outrage" of the one dying. $millions is property damage, everyone losing their freedoms due to curfews and shutdown businesses. No one is a fan of this.
2) Gun sales and ammo sales will increase (again)

3) The media will be on high alert just waiting on the next black to die by police - and then what? It all goes down again? Again? Again?
4) The political parties are now more divided than before. Who could have thought that was possible?

Yup. Nothing much will change. The problems are systemic, and they are mainly problems caused by the left wing. Thus, those problems are here to stay.
Police brutality is a right wing policy, not left wing.

No, it isn't you retard, it is a police mentality. The unions are too powerful, and the leftwing lowered the standards to be a policeman so much that gangbangers are cops now.

Explain that to your chosen leader.

As for the police unions being too powerful, that doesn't seem to be an issue with Trump.
We have a two party system that is all or nothing on most issues. So the police are mostly Repub totally supported or Prog supported is a tight rope as most of the police unions and voters affected are Progs or Prog support.
Police unions used to be pretty tight with Democratic politicians, as did most other unions. They did so to protect benefits, pensions etc. Since Obama and emphasis on reducing police violence and improving police accountability, the unions have been swinging widely to Republicans. As it turns out, Republicans don't have much of a problem maintaining cushy benefits for them either.
The fucking UNIONS are part of the problem. It's hard as hell to fire a bad cop.

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