When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

I think some of their children are on this website.

People don’t realise that Nazis were not necessarily storm troopers jackbooting up and down the streets.

They were usually law abiding citizens, (wouldn’t harm a fly!) bureaucratic of mentality. Lots of those Auschwitz guards took the jobs because of the good pay, and reliable pensions.

Many ‘Nazis’ are still alive today, elderly and dying. There was a sweet old lady in the dentists’, opining loudly about how great the days of Hitler were, and were he alive today, the bus drivers would not be so rude. ‘A country must have discipline’, l’ve heard a few times.

The banality of it all was macabre.
People don’t realise that Nazis were not necessarily storm troopers jackbooting up and down the streets.

They were usually law abiding citizens, (wouldn’t harm a fly!) bureaucratic of mentality. Lots of those Auschwitz guards took the jobs because of the good pay, and reliable pensions.

Many ‘Nazis’ are still alive today, elderly and dying. There was a sweet old lady in the dentists’, opining loudly about how great the days of Hitler were, and were he alive today, the bus drivers would not be so rude. ‘A country must have discipline’, l’ve heard a few times.

The banality of it all was macabre.
I’m certain you agree.
How else can we explain the vocal cheering in the capitols of the US and the EU for the murder of half a million Ukrainian men, and the fleeing of six million of her women and children? These disasters have occurred because of US demands for war, for military markets, for state mandated philosophical differences, and nothing else. Every death of a Gazan and a Ukrainian means an opportunity for more weapons sales, and more US reconstruction projects when the bullets are exhausted. This is how governments think and act – and it’s not part of a new 21st century future – it’s a continuation of the history of the state from the beginning.
A (Necessarily Anti-State) Christmas Message - LewRockwell
People don’t realise that Nazis were not necessarily storm troopers jackbooting up and down the streets.

They were usually law abiding citizens, (wouldn’t harm a fly!) bureaucratic of mentality. Lots of those Auschwitz guards took the jobs because of the good pay, and reliable pensions.

Many ‘Nazis’ are still alive today, elderly and dying. There was a sweet old lady in the dentists’, opining loudly about how great the days of Hitler were, and were he alive today, the bus drivers would not be so rude. ‘A country must have discipline’, l’ve heard a few times.

The banality of it all was macabre.
Yup. I was walking into my grandmother’s condo building with her, and this old Nazi snarled at her “too bad we didn’t get all of you.”

She cried for an hour. i couldn’t comfort her.
I’m certain you agree.
How else can we explain the vocal cheering in the capitols of the US and the EU for the murder of half a million Ukrainian men, and the fleeing of six million of her women and children? These disasters have occurred because of US demands for war, for military markets, for state mandated philosophical differences, and nothing else. Every death of a Gazan and a Ukrainian means an opportunity for more weapons sales, and more US reconstruction projects when the bullets are exhausted. This is how governments think and act – and it’s not part of a new 21st century future – it’s a continuation of the history of the state from the beginning.
A (Necessarily Anti-State) Christmas Message - LewRockwell

You're trying so hard to convince me of……something.
Those Zionist savages can't even leave the dead to rest in peace, they are bulldozing Palestinian cememteries, this Nazi action is the very essence of Genocide, they are depraved and anyone who supports them is in a pit of depravity.

its called responding in kind, the muslims started this shit, the jews are ending it.
its called responding in kind, the muslims started this shit, the jews are ending it.
And Jews aren’t lowering themselves to the level of the Muslim savages, so they aren’t truly responding in kind. If they were, they would go house to house, decapitating babies, putting one in the oven, cutting a fetus out of a pregnant woman’s belly and chopping its head off, setting children on fire, playing “catch” with bloody heads, raping women to death and then raping their dead bodies, cutting off limbs, slashing off breasts, and acting like depraved animals.
its called responding in kind, the muslims started this shit, the jews are ending it.
You are as depraved as they are, sad thing is you don't know it, only scum bulldoze graves, i have visited WW2 graves in France and Holland including german ones, it would never cross my mind to attack a german grave, we have seen the same thing with your Nazi friends in Eastern Europe where Soviet monuments to fallen soldiers are attacked.
Lol. If you can’t recognize genocide when it’s in your face, your mind is not your own. Stop consuming state controlled propaganda.
Look who’s talking, the mindless idiot that can’t recognize Muslim genocide and keeps vomiting IslamoNazi propaganda on the internet. .
Yes but so nice to have something to laugh at.
You guys have to be the dumbest posters on this forum.

You actually think Muslims are committing genocide, yet Israel is the one mass murdering thousands, causing starvation and disease, and displacing millions.
You guys have to be the dumbest posters on this forum.

You actually think Muslims are committing genocide, yet Israel is the one mass murdering thousands, causing starvation and disease, and displacing millions.
Muslims have been committing ethnic cleansing and genocide for the last 1500 years, dipshit.
You are the mental one with your Genocidal mentality, where are you posting from the Washington State institute for the criminally insane?
The word genocide best applies to IslamoNazis and their followers like you. Get lost, you are full of shit.
There are many Christians in Lebanon, there are many in Syria, no thanks to your Regime who has been supporting Islamist head hackers in Syria, while the SAA and Assad have been protecting them, when Aleppo was liberated from your Islamist head hacking pals Christians celebrated Christmas for the first time in years.
Wrong again, there are Christians in the ME because they were there FIRST before the Muslim invasions. Muslim animals committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the Christians in Lebanon. The worst and most barbaric of the Christian killers in Lebanon was Arafat and his Palestinian goons. This is a historical fact.

The Damour massacre took place on 20 January 1976, during the 1975–1990 Lebanese Civil War. Damour, a Maronite Christian town on the main highway south of Beirut, was attacked by left-wing militants of the Palestine Liberation Organisation and as-Sa'iqa. Many of its people died in battle or in the massacrethat followed, and the others were forced to flee.[2] According to Robert Fisk, the town was the first to be subject to ethnic cleansing in the Lebanese Civil War.[
Muslims have been committing ethnic cleansing and genocide for the last 1500 years, dipshit.
Support for your country (Israel) is in free fall. Genocide has consequences. Of course, you’ll soon deny you supported it.

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