When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

British author and journalist Douglas Murray

“I’m amazed at the response of so many people, Jews in the diaspora and of course Israelis, and very touched by it," Murray said. "But at the same time, I'm alarmed by it, because all that I've said is all that I think any decent, non-Jew observer of the situation should see and say. And I am genuinely ashamed and shocked by the response of so many people, the silence of so many people outside Israel to these atrocities."
"They gave minutes to the atrocities themselves and then went straight on to Israel's response. I think it shows not a problem for Israel. But a problem for countries like the country I'm from Britain and many other countries in the West."

“It is extraordinary, as I've repeatedly pointed out to the British and other media. They are obsessed with this idea of proportionality and conflict, but only when it comes to Israel responding to Hamas or to any other enemy of Israel. My own view is that, of course, proportionality and conflict is a total nonsense. It, as I've pointed out in several interviews, a proportionate response, in this case, would be Israel going and decapitating precisely the same number of babies that Hamas decapitated or going into Gaza, and abducting and raping precisely the same number of women that Hamas raped. Of course, Israel wouldn't do that, but the whole idea is that obscenity that you can only respond proportionately to such barbarism."

Why don’t you put your own house in order, before criticising Israel?

Wait till the terrorism comes closer to your home. Then you might change your tune.
Terrorism = murdering 25,000 civilians, 2/3 of whom are babies and women, attacking naked humans with white flags, bombing mosques and hospitals..
You are a mentally ill moron that is detached from reality, and you prove that every time you post.
Do you agree with this Fascist Zionist?
Why don’t you put your own house in order, before criticising Israel?

Wait till the terrorism comes closer to your home. Then you might change your tune.
lol. Did you think that post clever? Lol.

Before making such a statement, you shouldve read some on my many posts. I criticize the USG all the time.

If you don’t criticize genocide no matter who causes it, you’re a fool.

In time, you’ll deny you supported Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.


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Do you agree with this Fascist Zionist?

lol. Did you think that post clever? Lol.

Before making such a statement, you shouldve read some on my many posts. I criticize the USG all the time.

If you don’t criticize genocide no matter who causes it, you’re a fool.

In time, you’ll deny you supported Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.
Got news for you. There is no genocide. But keep going on it. We need the laughs.
Got news for you. There is no genocide. But keep going on it. We need the laughs.
Lol. If you can’t recognize genocide when it’s in your face, your mind is not your own. Stop consuming state controlled propaganda.
Free from Israel's peace offerings, land concessions, water, food, fuel & saving Palestinian lives in Israeli hospitals.
true, this is all part of Islam's century long jihad to rule the entire world. Islam is the problem not palestine (a non existent country) or Israel.
Why don’t you put your own house in order, before criticising Israel?

Wait till the terrorism comes closer to your home. Then you might change your tune.
The Israelis and their supporters are making damn sure it comes to peoples homes in other Countries, especially those vassals of the American Empire who support the Nazi Genocide.
Meh, you Muslims have been slaughtering and ethnically cleansing Christians from their lands for hundreds of years. They turned beautiful Lebanon into an Islamic terrorist shithole. And when there weren't Christians around to kill, you would start with Jews. And when there were no non Muslims left, they would start killing each other. You know what Palestinian terrorist leaders used to say, first the Saturday people (Jews) then the Sunday people (Christians).
There are many Christians in Lebanon, there are many in Syria, no thanks to your Regime who has been supporting Islamist head hackers in Syria, while the SAA and Assad have been protecting them, when Aleppo was liberated from your Islamist head hacking pals Christians celebrated Christmas for the first time in years.
Lol. If you can’t recognize genocide when it’s in your face, your mind is not your own. Stop consuming state controlled propaganda.
Those Zionist savages can't even leave the dead to rest in peace, they are bulldozing Palestinian cememteries, this Nazi action is the very essence of Genocide, they are depraved and anyone who supports them is in a pit of depravity.
Those Zionist savages can't even leave the dead to rest in peace, they are bulldozing Palestinian cememteries, this Nazi action is the very essence of Genocide, they are depraved and anyone who supports them is in a pit of depravity.

And we have duped Americans truly believing this isn’t genocide.

It’s all so unbelievable this can occur in the 21 century. I thought the Ukraine War most heinous, but this genocide is like something akin to Genghis Khan.

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