When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Muslims have been committing ethnic cleansing and genocide for the last 1500 years, dipshit.
Gosh I wonder what ever happened to the indigenous Zoroastrians of Persia. Hey maybe gripper knows & will tell us. Heh Heh.
Wrong again, there are Christians in the ME because they were there FIRST before the Muslim invasions. Muslim animals committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the Christians in Lebanon. The worst and most barbaric of the Christian killers in Lebanon was Arafat and his Palestinian goons. This is a historical fact.

The Damour massacre took place on 20 January 1976, during the 1975–1990 Lebanese Civil War. Damour, a Maronite Christian town on the main highway south of Beirut, was attacked by left-wing militants of the Palestine Liberation Organisation and as-Sa'iqa. Many of its people died in battle or in the massacrethat followed, and the others were forced to flee.[2] According to Robert Fisk, the town was the first to be subject to ethnic cleansing in the Lebanese Civil War.[
You ignorant arsehole, Arafat was not an islamist and the fighting between some Christians and Muslim militia was because there was a civil war, some of those so called Christians sided with the Israeli gangsters who invaded Lebanon and occupied part of it for years, that's how Hezbollah came to be established to throw the Israeli thugs out, and what the hell that has to do with the fact that there are many Christians living in places like Syria no thanks to the head hacking Islamists you support.
Support for your country (Israel) is in free fall. Genocide has consequences. Of course, you’ll soon deny you supported it.

Keep jerking yourself off to that, Achmed. Has has already been defeated, they have zero control of Gaza. Overwhelming majority of Americans continue to support Israel against the genocidal Palestinian subhuman terrorist animals.
You ignorant arsehole, Arafat was not an islamist and the fighting between some Christians and Muslim militia was because there was a civil war, some of those so called Christians sided with the Israeli gangsters who invaded Lebanon and occupied part of it for years, that's how Hezbollah came to be established to throw the Israeli thugs out, and what the hell that has to do with the fact that there are many Christians living in places like Syria no thanks to the head hacking Islamists you support.
Wrong. Arafat tried to create a Palestine in Lebanon ( one of four countries he pulled this shit in), and the only way he could do it was to butcher the Christians of Lebanon. The fact that you side with Arafat and his genocidal ethnic cleansing goons says it all.
Keep jerking yourself off to that, Achmed. Has has already been defeated, they have zero control of Gaza. Overwhelming majority of Americans continue to support Israel against the genocidal Palestinian subhuman terrorist animals.
If Hamas is defeated why is your beloved IDF still killing babies?
Yawn, your drivel gets monotonous. The only people that are intentionally killing babies are your Palestinian subhuman animals.
Jesus WTF! You’ve lost your mind if you ever had one.

Your posts are ridiculous and obvious lies.
What other country than Israel ever provided aid to an enemy that attacked them killing their citizens, let alone taking hostages as well?
Jesus WTF! You’ve lost your mind if you ever had one.

Your posts are ridiculous and obvious lies.
Ah Shadap, your beloved Palestinian Hamas subhuman animals on Oct. 7 attacked and killed babies and kids, raped women and girls, killed kids in front of their parents and parents in front of their kids, decapitated kids and adults while they were alive, put babies in ovens, murdered young kids attending a peace music festival, mutilated and tortured civilians all while screaming “kill the Jews!” Overall they murdered people from over 25 countries, and spare still holding about 120 of them hostage.

Of course they proudly videotaped their actions and broadcasted it for the whole world to see the barbarism they’re capable of. Therefore nobody gives a shit what an enemy within Muslim terrorist supporter like you says. The fact that you spend your time defending these savages means that you are scum as well.
What other country than Israel ever provided aid to an enemy that attacked them killing their citizens, let alone taking hostages as well?
Huh! No reply from the goofy giiper. Gosh I wonder why that is? Heh heh.
First they cheer & celebrate Hamas attack on Israel without warning killing around 1400 Israeli's & visitors & taking hostages. And now they bitch about Israel's retaliation. It's called Palestinian mentality.
First they cheer & celebrate Hamas attack on Israel without warning killing around 1400 Israeli's & visitors & taking hostages. And now they bitch about Israel's retaliation. It's called Palestinian mentality.
^^^Mossad BOT!
First they cheer & celebrate Hamas attack on Israel without warning killing around 1400 Israeli's & visitors & taking hostages. And now they bitch about Israel's retaliation. It's called Palestinian mentality.
Thats's the thing they didn't kill 1400 Israelis, the Israelis killed some of their own people, since the 7th October the psychos have killed twenty thousand people arrested another five thousand, in other words hostages, but when it comes down to combat against men on the ground they are taking a kicking.
Jesus WTF! You’ve lost your mind if you ever had one.

Your posts are ridiculous and obvious lies.
What the fuck do you think Hamas subhuman animals did in Oct. 7? It was the definition of barbarism and genocide by every measure that exists. And your beloved Palestinians danced and ate sweets upon hearing the news, and STILL support Hamas by a margin of 70 percent. So excuse the world if nobody gives a shit about “the plight of the Palestinians”.
What the fuck do you think Hamas subhuman animals did in Oct. 7? It was the definition of barbarism and genocide by every measure that exists. And your beloved Palestinians danced and ate sweets upon hearing the news, and STILL support Hamas by a margin of 70 percent. So excuse the world if nobody gives a shit about “the plight of the Palestinians”.
None of this conflict would have happened if only Israel treated the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries did & still do.
What the fuck do you think Hamas subhuman animals did in Oct. 7? It was the definition of barbarism and genocide by every measure that exists. And your beloved Palestinians danced and ate sweets upon hearing the news, and STILL support Hamas by a margin of 70 percent. So excuse the world if nobody gives a shit about “the plight of the Palestinians”.
Must you prove with every post your Fascist Zionist leanings.
What other country than Israel ever provided aid to an enemy that attacked them killing their citizens, let alone taking hostages as well?
Your post proves you’re uninformed. Get informed!

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