When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Your post proves you’re uninformed. Get informed!
Oh now I get it. Every country at war provides aid for their enemies. Gosh, amazing what we can learn from the informed wisdom of gipper. Heh Heh!
Must you prove that you adore IslamoNazi terrorist animals with each and every post?
From a survivor of the Nazi death camps.
Formerly an anti-Semite was somebody who hated Jews because they were Jews and had a Jewish soul. But nowadays an anti-Semite is somebody who is hated by Jews.

Hajo Meyer
Must you prove that you adore IslamoNazi terrorist animals with each and every post?
You Nazi?
No you‘re the Nazi, siding with the animals who have been trying to commit a second Holocaust on Jews in their ancestral and religious holyland. Read all about it here, Achmed:

In the most crucial phase of the Second World War, German troops, fighting in regions as far apart as the Sahara and the Caucasus, confronted the Allies across lands largely populated by Muslims. Nazi officials saw Islam as a powerful force with the same enemies as Germany: the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Jews. Islam and Nazi Germany’s War is the first comprehensive account of Berlin’s remarkably ambitious attempts to build an alliance with the Islamic world.
No you‘re the Nazi, siding with the animals who have been trying to commit a second Holocaust on Jews in their ancestral and religious holyland. Read all about it here, Achmed:

In the most crucial phase of the Second World War, German troops, fighting in regions as far apart as the Sahara and the Caucasus, confronted the Allies across lands largely populated by Muslims. Nazi officials saw Islam as a powerful force with the same enemies as Germany: the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Jews. Islam and Nazi Germany’s War is the first comprehensive account of Berlin’s remarkably ambitious attempts to build an alliance with the Islamic world.
Yeah the Nazis thought just like you. They too thought some humans were animals that needed killing.
Yeah the Nazis thought just like you. They too thought some humans were animals that needed killing.
No the Nazis thought just like you and today’s Palestinians. That’s how they ended up being such close allies with the Muskim world and specifically the Palestinians. In fact, the Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Islamism and Nazism. Look up the Nazi Mufti.
No the Nazis thought just like you and today’s Palestinians. That’s how they ended up being such close allies with the Muskim world and specifically the Palestinians. In fact, the Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Islamism and Nazism. Look up the Nazi Mufti.
You are terribly slow and simple minded.
You are terribly slow and simple minded.
You are terribly ignorant and stupid.

A groundbreaking account of the Nazi-Islamist alliance that changed the course of World War II and influences the Arab world to this day

During the 1930s and 1940s, a unique and lasting political alliance was forged among Third Reich leaders, Arab nationalists, and Muslim religious authorities. From this relationship sprang a series of dramatic events that, despite their profound impact on the course of World War II, remained secret until now. In this groundbreaking book, esteemed Middle East scholars Barry Rubin and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz uncover the complete story of this dangerous alliance and explore its continuing impact on Arab politics in the twenty-first century.

Rubin and Schwanitz reveal, for example, the full scope of Palestinian leader Amin al-Husaini’s support of Hitler’s genocidal plans against European and Middle Eastern Jews. In addition, they expose the extent of Germany’s long-term promotion of Islamism and jihad. Drawing on unprecedented research in European, American, and Middle East archives, many never before written about, the authors offer new insight on the intertwined development of Nazism and Islamism and its impact on the modern Middle East.
Don’t care, because it’s another group of indigenous people that were invaded, raped, looted and killed by your fellow Muslims.
They were driven out of their homeland by the Muslims after given a choice to convert, leave or be killed. Of those who were not killed the majority fled to India & are today known as the Parsis. No longer the land of Cyrus the Great & the Achamenids providing religious freedom to all. And just look at Iran today. Live & learn dopey gipper.
Don’t care, because it’s another group of indigenous people that were invaded, raped, looted and killed by your fellow Muslims.
They had been invaded, raped, looted and killed in those 2000 years, by a dozen other civilizations, and did the same thing themselves to others, before Islam was even invented.

The Arab invaders charged Zoroastrians living in Persia taxes for retaining their religious practices and implemented laws to make life difficult for them. Over time, most Iranian Zoroastrians converted to Islam.

You are a plain idiot.
They had been invaded, raped, looted and killed in those 2000 years, by a dozen other civilizations, and did the same thing themselves to others, before Islam was even invented.

The Arab invaders charged Zoroastrians living in Persia taxes for retaining their religious practices and implemented laws to make life difficult for them. Over time, most Iranian Zoroastrians converted to Islam.

You are a plain idiot.
You’re going to tell us about Persian history now? You know jack shit about Persian or Arab history. Persia was a great civilization that existed more than 2000 years before Islam. Ancient Persians were the founders of the first human rights declaration including equal rights for women. Muslims were barbaric invaders that looted, raped, murdered and forced their religion, culture, language and Neanderthal Shariah Law down the throats of their victims at the point of of a sword.

First Declaration of Human Rights​

The Cyrus Cylinder is a clay canister-shaped artifact inscribed with cuneiform script issued by Cyrus II (the Great, r. c. 550-530 BCE) c. 539 BCE. It is an official document that tells of Cyrus the Great's conquest of the various regions which made up the Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) and how they had embraced his rule. He then speaks of how he elevated the lives of the people through the rights and liberties granted them. This document has long been (and continues to be) understood as royal propaganda establishing a monarch's grandeur but, since 1971 CE, it has been increasingly recognized as the first declaration of human rights in the world. The Achaemenid Empire granted its citizens freedom of religious thought and practice as well as many other liberties denied those of other cultures, including almost equal rights for women.
You’re going to tell us about Persian history now? You know jack shit about Persian or Arab history. Persia was a great civilization that existed more than 2000 years before Islam.
Who is "us" ? - there is only one idiot and spewer of hatred towards Muslims and Palestinians that I oppose, with facts - YOU

Persia was only created in 550 B.C. - and went already extinct in 330 B.C. - due to a guy called Alexander the Great.
Remains of Alexanders Empire, reformed as the Seleucid Empire (guess where the name derives from) - around 310 B.C. to 260 B.C.
Remains of the Seleucid Empire, reformed as the Parthian Empire - around 260 B.C. to 250 A.D.
It was reformed again, out of what the Romans had left over, and was then called the Sasanian Empire - around 250 A.D. to 650 A.D

Both the Sasanian and the Roman empires ended by adopting an official state religion, Zoroastrianism for the former and Christianity for the latter. In Mesopotamia, however, older cults such as that of the Mandaeans, the moon cult of Harran, and others continued alongside the great religions. The new rulers were not as tolerant as the Seleucids and Parthians had been, and persecutions occurred under Sasanian rule.

As such it was Zoroastrianism - that persecuted and subdued other far older religions, way before Islam was introduced.

Islam was created around 620 A.D. the conquest of the Sasanian Empire by the Arabs took place from around 630-650 A.D.

So much for your "more then 2000 years", your totally non-existing knowledge, and all your other garbage posts and statements.
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They had been invaded, raped, looted and killed in those 2000 years, by a dozen other civilizations, and did the same thing themselves to others, before Islam was even invented.

The Arab invaders charged Zoroastrians living in Persia taxes for retaining their religious practices and implemented laws to make life difficult for them. Over time, most Iranian Zoroastrians converted to Islam.

You are a plain idiot.
Not at all true. A very small minority agreed to conversion to Islam but still practiced their Zoroastrian religion in private.
Not at all true. A very small minority agreed to conversion to Islam but still practiced their Zoroastrian religion in private.
Haven't talked to them - so I rely onto "credible" sources, as to what happened e.g. a 1000 years ago.

E.g. The new rulers were not as tolerant as the Seleucids and Parthians had been, and persecutions occurred under Sasanian rule.
E.g. The Arab invaders charged Zoroastrians living in Persia taxes for retaining their religious practices and implemented laws to make life difficult for them. Over time, most Iranian Zoroastrians converted to Islam.
You’re going to tell us about Persian history now? You know jack shit about Persian or Arab history. Persia was a great civilization that existed more than 2000 years before Islam. Ancient Persians were the founders of the first human rights declaration including equal rights for women. Muslims were barbaric invaders that looted, raped, murdered and forced their religion, culture, language and Neanderthal Shariah Law down the throats of their victims at the point of of a sword.

First Declaration of Human Rights​

The Cyrus Cylinder is a clay canister-shaped artifact inscribed with cuneiform script issued by Cyrus II (the Great, r. c. 550-530 BCE) c. 539 BCE. It is an official document that tells of Cyrus the Great's conquest of the various regions which made up the Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) and how they had embraced his rule. He then speaks of how he elevated the lives of the people through the rights and liberties granted them. This document has long been (and continues to be) understood as royal propaganda establishing a monarch's grandeur but, since 1971 CE, it has been increasingly recognized as the first declaration of human rights in the world. The Achaemenid Empire granted its citizens freedom of religious thought and practice as well as many other liberties denied those of other cultures, including almost equal rights for women.
The two men you admire most…
Haven't talked to them - so I rely onto "credible" sources, as to what happened e.g. a 1000 years ago.

E.g. The new rulers were not as tolerant as the Seleucids and Parthians had been, and persecutions occurred under Sasanian rule.
E.g. The Arab invaders charged Zoroastrians living in Persia taxes for retaining their religious practices and implemented laws to make life difficult for them. Over time, most Iranian Zoroastrians converted to Islam.
Well I have talked to them. With the Muslim invasion came the worst genocide ever.

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