When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Ha ha ha. Jews marched side by side with Martin Luther King, while you Arab Muslims are still enslaving people and using and selling their women as sex slaves. Remember how ISIS (Hamas in Syria) took Kurdish and Yazidi women and sold them as slaves to Arabs?
Read the HEADLINE of this thread - before you post your next drivel.
Is There anything you Islamic nincompoops don’t blame the Jews for?
I don't see anyone blaming Jews for their Nazi-Zionist policy - nor for their ignorance towards claiming and robbing other peoples lands, nor for their war-crimes, nor for their arrogant claim deriving from a self-written storybook.

But loads of posts - stating those facts and occurrences.

The only one I can see constantly "blaming" and lying his ass off, is YOU.
Read the HEADLINE of this thread - before you post your next drivel.

I don't see anyone blaming Jews for their Nazi-Zionist policy - nor for their ignorance towards claiming and robbing other peoples lands, nor for their war-crimes, nor for their arrogant claim deriving from a self-written storybook.

But loads of posts - stating those facts and occurrences.

The only one I can see constantly "blaming" and lying his ass off, is YOU.
Delusional douchebag, YOU brought up Jews and apologizing for slavery in the US, ignoring 1500 years of what Muslims have done in Africa.

As far as the rest of your stupid repetitive Islamic sewage about war crimes, robbing other peoples lands and invading, raping, enslaving, murdering, and looting other people and their lands because their self written story book aka Koran about an illiterate warrior pedophile prophet says so, a quick review of factual objective history says that best applies to you Muslim Arabs.

Mic drop.
Delusional douchebag, YOU brought up Jews and apologizing for slavery in the US, ignoring 1500 years of what Muslims have done in Africa.

As far as the rest of your stupid repetitive Islamic sewage about war crimes, robbing other peoples lands and invading, raping, enslaving, murdering, and looting other people and their lands because their self written story book aka Koran about an illiterate warrior pedophile prophet says so, a quick review of factual objective history says that best applies to you Muslim Arabs.

Mic drop.
If you don’t like this country, it’s Judeo Christian values and it’s support for Israel, Why don’t you get lost to the Muslim shithole you came from.
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If you don’t like this country, it’s Judeo Christian values and it’s support for Israel, Why don’t you get lost to the Muslim shithole you came from.
The Nazi Zionists destroyed this.
If you don’t like this country, it’s Judeo Christian values and its support for Israel, Why don’t you get lost to the Muslim shithole you came from.
Move to Israel you fucking traitor.
Move to Israel you fucking traitor.
Hee hee, enemy within Jew hating Islamist wants to treat non Muslims the way Muslims treat non Muslims in the shithole he comes from. Hilarious. Your type is incompatible with freedom, human rights, women’s rights and Western values in general. You are why people like Geert Wilders are elected.

Delusional douchebag, YOU brought up Jews and apologizing for slavery in the US, ignoring 1500 years of what Muslims have done in Africa.
LIAR - I never brought up "Jews and apologizing for slavery in the USA " - since they never did apologize, unlike decent Muslims.

Also you idiot - learn to read and follow up onto threads, in which you constantly post unrelated garbage and lies.

MJB12741 - Post 510, Hey gipper, what ever happened to the indigenous Zoroastrians of Persia?
As such the OP of this thread topic has once again diverted his own thread topic.

gipper - Post 512, I don't know - I don't care
(because what do Zoroastrians of Persia have to do with the thread topic)? NOTHING

And this thread topic is about:

When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

And not about what Muslims supposedly did 1500 years ago - nor about your ludicrous garbage as to Palestinians having been Nazis.

Open up your OWN thread - and post as much ludicrous garbage as you like.
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Hee hee, enemy within Jew hating Islamist wants to treat non Muslims the way Muslims treat non Muslims in the shithole he comes from. Hilarious. Your type is incompatible with freedom, human rights, women’s rights and Western values in general. You are why people like Geert Wilders are elected.

Well, in fairness, it was you first who offered him to get lost somewhere.
LIAR - I never brought up "Jews and apologizing for slavery in the USA " - since they never did apologize, unlike decent Muslims.

Also you idiot - learn to read and follow up onto threads, in which you constantly post unrelated garbage and lies.

MJB12741 - Post 510, Hey gipper, what ever happened to the indigenous Zoroastrians of Persia?
gipper - Post 512, I don't know - I don't care
(because what do Zoroastrians of Persia have to do with the thread topic)? NOTHING

And this thread topic is about:

When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free​

And not about what Muslims supposedly did 1500 years ago - nor about your ludicrous garbage as to Palestinians having been Nazis.

Open up your OWN thread - and post as much ludicrous garbage as you like.
Damn, almost everything you said is a distortion or lie, Jihadi boy. Muslims didn’t just do something over 1500 years ago you imbecile, they’ve been doing this shit including Oct. 7 type attacks again and again, the past 1500 years. BIG DIFFERENCE there Abdul.

YOU said JEWS should apologize for their role in slavery in the U.S., now you’re denying it like a piece of shit, because you realized the sordid history of Muslims and slavery In Africa.

So perhaps you should stick to the topic of this thread and not divert and change it every time you’re faced with the truth.
Well, in fairness, it was you first who offered him to get lost somewhere.
Maybe he should stop calling everybody he disagrees with a Nazi, and instead have a coherent response, instead of a whiny childish outburst. Just a thought.
YOU said JEWS should apologize for their role in slavery in the U.S.,
Exactly - and NOT as you falsely stated: Jews and apologizing for slavery in the US,

They need to apologize - they should apologize - just like decent Muslims did.

Again idiot - learn how to read.
Maybe he should stop calling everybody he disagrees with a Nazi, and instead have a coherent response, instead of a whiny childish outburst. Just a thought.
Another lie - from a nonstop pathetic lying imbecile

Show me a post were I call people whom I disagree with, Nazi - without a clear reference towards Zionism in an Israel related thread.
Or simply FUCK OFF
Another lie - from a nonstop pathetic lying imbecile

Show me a post were I call people whom I disagree with, Nazi - without a clear reference towards Zionism in an Israel related thread.
Or simply FUCK OFF
More whining. You guys are all the same. very entertaining though.
Exactly - and NOT as you falsely stated: Jews and apologizing for slavery in the US,

They need to apologize - they should apologize - just like decent Muslims did.

Again idiot - learn how to read.
Fuck off, no Muslim is apologizing or has, for the slavery and barbarism even occurring today, let alone over the last 1500 years. The fact that you call Ghadaffi, one of the most brutal, ruthless and barbaric Muslim Arab dictators that was killed by his own people in a revolution against him, a “decent Muslim” is not only hilarious but more evidence that you’re nothing but a fucking ignorant, illiterate moron completely out of touch with reality. Not one of your stupid posts has an ounce of truth in it.
Show me a post were I call people whom I disagree with, Nazi - without a clear reference towards Zionism in an Israel related thread.
Or simply FUCK OFF
Ha ha ha. The Hamas worshipping retard that participates on an Israel Palestine board just admitted he regularly calls Zionists Nazis, now wants me to show him a post where there isn’t a reference to Zionists in which he calls people Nazis. Got it folks? This is how insane these terrorist worshippers are. It’s like talking to someone who is mentally handicapped.
Maybe he should stop calling everybody he disagrees with a Nazi, and instead have a coherent response, instead of a whiny childish outburst. Just a thought.
He may be not a very bright person, indeed. But then again, your ranting about values were meaningless.
Fuck off, no Muslim is apologizing or has,
Even your own ilk, MJB12741 has confirmed exactly that - read his post regarding Qaddafi - Libya.
You are what you are - an idiotic imbecile, who doesn't even know about the posts pertaining to this thread.

Show me a post were I call people whom I disagree with, Nazi - without a clear reference towards Zionism in an Israel related thread.
Or simply FUCK OFF

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