When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Another lie - from a nonstop pathetic lying imbecile

Show me a post were I call people whom I disagree with, Nazi - without a clear reference towards Zionism in an Israel related thread.
Or simply FUCK OFF
It was not about you. Read his post again.
The Nazi Zionists destroyed this.

Yeah I know, looks just like an open air prison no?! Poor Palestinians had no choice but to commit the atrocities of Oct.7!! What’s funnier is you imbeciles can’t even get your lies straight. First you say the animals did Oct. 7 because life was hell in Gaza, just like an open air prison, then you turn around and post a video of how great things were before Oct. 7!!
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Even your own ilk, MJB12741 has confirmed exactly that - read his post regarding Qaddafi - Libya.
You are what you are - an idiotic imbecile, who doesn't even know about the posts pertaining to this thread.

Show me a post were I call people whom I disagree with, Nazi - without a clear reference towards Zionism in an Israel related thread.
Or simply FUCK OFF
Ghaddafi is a decent Muslim? Bwahahahahaha! You are a moron. Fuck off x 2
It was not about you. Read his post again.
It was in reference to me and gipper

And both of us have never called out someone with a different opinion as being a Nazi - unless clearly indicated due to someones post content - in reference to defending/promoting Zionist-Israeli policy.
It was in reference to me and gipper

And both of us have never called out someone with a different opinion as being a Nazi - unless clearly indicated due to someones post content - in reference to defending/promoting Zionist-Israeli policy.
Oh okay so you only call evil Zionists Nazis. Got it. Ha ha ha.
It was in reference to me and gipper

And both of us have never called out someone with a different opinion as being a Nazi - unless clearly indicated due to someones post content - in reference to defending/promoting Zionist-Israeli policy.
Oh come on, the self-proclaimed Libertarian called me a Nazi numerous times before. Though, a different topic was discussed then.
Please tell us another funny, like Ghadaffi being a decent Muslim. Ha ha ha.
In reference to "apologizing towards the enslavement of Negros - by Arabs and Muslims" = clearly a decent deed - therefore a decent Muslim in that regard.

Still waiting for your proof that Jews have apologized for their part in the enslavement of Negros.

Show me a post were I call people whom I disagree with, Nazi - without a clear reference towards Zionism in an Israel related thread.
Or simply FUCK OFF
Oh okay so you only call evil Zionists Nazis. Got it. Ha ha ha.
Wow - who helped you to understand that much?

However I do not use or ever have used the term "evil" in conjunction with Zionists.

I use the terms - Jews, Israelis, Zionists and radical Zionists.

As such stop diverting from my statement:

Show me a post were I call people whom I disagree with, Nazi - without a clear reference towards Zionism in an Israel related thread.
Or simply FUCK OFF
Oh come on, the self-proclaimed Libertarian called me a Nazi numerous times before. Though, a different topic was discussed then.
I am and was referring to THIS present Thread Topic

But if you want to go into a Ukrainian topic:

That Ukraine has a large and horrifying SS/NAZI past - is undeniable.
That Nazi inspired Ukrainians had a massive resurgence upon 1990 - is undeniable
That initial war-crimes, were committed by Nazi inspired Ukrainian MILITIAS in. e.g. Donbas - is undeniable
That these Nazi inspired Ukrainian Militias e.g. Azov (just to name one) were "officially" integrated into the UAF - is undeniable.

That Russia has it's own Nazi groups is also - undeniable
That those Russian, anti Russia/Putin formations, supported and funded by Ukraine - are in vast majority Nazi inspired groups - is undeniable.
I am and was referring to THIS present Thread Topic

But if you want to go into a Ukrainian topic:

That Ukraine has a large and horrifying SS/NAZI past - is undeniable.
That Nazi inspired Ukrainians had a massive resurgence upon 1990 - is undeniable
That initial war-crimes, were committed by Nazi inspired Ukrainian MILITIAS in. e.g. Donbas - is undeniable
That these Nazi inspired Ukrainian Militias e.g. Azov (just to name one) were "officially" integrated into the UAF - is undeniable.

That Russia has it's own Nazi groups is also - undeniable
That those Russian, anti Russia/Putin formations, supported and funded by Ukraine - are in vast majority Nazi inspired groups - is undeniable.
No, I don't. The Ukrainian topic should be discussed in an appropriate place. My post was about agreeing with Roudy 's stance about another poster. Whether you agree with that or not is out of question.
No, I don't. The Ukrainian topic should be discussed in an appropriate place. My post was about agreeing with Roudy 's stance about another poster. Whether you agree with that or not is out of question.
If gipper refers to Roudy as being a radical Zionist, aka a Nazi, it's because he defends and propagates genocide, ethic-cleansing, racial dogmas and hate towards other people and religions, plus the irrational self-declared territorial demand towards a Jewish homeland based onto Palestine - as such gipper is absolutely correct.

Now in reference to the topic;
After this Gaza genocide ends, Palestinians will Not be free. Since Israel aka the Zionist government will never commit itself in earnest to come to a two State solution. they want ALL the land, plus they already annexed illegally other countries territories - which were already formulated by Zionists, way before 1948.

The chant - "from the river to the sea" is the Palestinian (PLO) reaction. stemming from the 60'ies, opposing as to what the Zionists had factually done since 1948. And the Zionist are playing people for stupid - via falsely claiming that the Palestinians would demand, as to what Israel has and is still doing - occupying and promoting ethic cleansing. The chant refers to the exact opposite.

As such a moderate Israeli government "factually interested in a peaceful solution" - that orients itself towards the UN 1947 Partition plan, is the primary requisite in any discussion pertaining to this matter. One can't expect, that the Palestinians will simply acquit to the present "remains" of the West-Bank. - and the Zionist are fully aware of that.

From the River to the Sea
A Jewish website!!

In the late 1960s, the PLO put forward a visionary idea of Arab-Jewish coexistence in one democracy, arguing for Israel and the Occupied Territories to become “one secular, democratic state of Palestine” based on one person, one vote, where Arabs, Jews, Muslims and Christians would enjoy full equality.

In 1969 the PLO had formally declared its goal “to establish a free and democratic society in Palestine for all Palestinians whether they are Muslims, Christians or Jews”. The idea was revolutionary at the time, an implicit challenge to the Arab regimes in the region that were neither free nor democratic. It was also revolutionary in making an offer to share the land as equal citizens with the people who had driven the Palestinians from their land and placed them under military occupation.

In 1974, Yasser Arafat, PLO leader, in his famous speech to the UN General Assembly would once again offer a vision of Israel and the Occupied Territories transcended by Arab-Jewish coexistence in a shared democracy from the river to the sea,
However soon afterwards the PLO began to abandon the vision. The idea of Palestine-Israel becoming one state had found little uptake from Israeli Jews, except tiny socialist groups like Matzpen, and the PLO could neither build the power, nor develop the political strategy to achieve their goal.
If gipper refers to Roudy as being a radical Zionist, aka a Nazi, it's because he defends and propagates genocide, ethic-cleansing, racial dogmas and hate towards other people and religions, plus the irrational self-declared territorial demand towards a Jewish homeland based onto Palestine - as such gipper is absolutely correct.

Now in reference to the topic;
After this Gaza genocide ends, Palestinians will Not be free. Since Israel aka the Zionist government will never commit itself in earnest to come to a two State solution. they want ALL the land, plus they already annexed illegally other countries territories - which were already formulated by Zionists, way before 1948.

The chant - "from the river to the sea" is the Palestinian (PLO) reaction. stemming from the 60'ies, opposing as to what the Zionists had factually done since 1948. And the Zionist are playing people for stupid - via falsely claiming that the Palestinians would demand, as to what Israel has and is still doing - occupying and promoting ethic cleansing. The chant refers to the exact opposite.

As such a moderate Israeli government "factually interested in a peaceful solution" - that orients itself towards the UN 1947 Partition plan, is the primary requisite in any discussion pertaining to this matter. One can't expect, that the Palestinians will simply acquit to the present "remains" of the West-Bank. - and the Zionist are fully aware of that.

From the River to the Sea
A Jewish website!!

In the late 1960s, the PLO put forward a visionary idea of Arab-Jewish coexistence in one democracy, arguing for Israel and the Occupied Territories to become “one secular, democratic state of Palestine” based on one person, one vote, where Arabs, Jews, Muslims and Christians would enjoy full equality.

In 1969 the PLO had formally declared its goal “to establish a free and democratic society in Palestine for all Palestinians whether they are Muslims, Christians or Jews”. The idea was revolutionary at the time, an implicit challenge to the Arab regimes in the region that were neither free nor democratic. It was also revolutionary in making an offer to share the land as equal citizens with the people who had driven the Palestinians from their land and placed them under military occupation.

In 1974, Yasser Arafat, PLO leader, in his famous speech to the UN General Assembly would once again offer a vision of Israel and the Occupied Territories transcended by Arab-Jewish coexistence in a shared democracy from the river to the sea,
However soon afterwards the PLO began to abandon the vision. The idea of Palestine-Israel becoming one state had found little uptake from Israeli Jews, except tiny socialist groups like Matzpen, and the PLO could neither build the power, nor develop the political strategy to achieve their goal.
About the topic. I think it is quite pointless to discuss any two-state peace solutions, because it is quite clear that Israel won't accept not only the 1947 borders, but even the 1967 ones. Likewise, the Arab street won't accept anything less than the 1947 borders or close to that.

Israel will follow with its operation in Gaza. And it seems to end up with somewhat 'enhanced' status quo. Israel will grant the Arabs there a political autonomy, with military control over the area. This won't lead to any longstanding peaceful resolution, of course. So, the current Arab-Israeli war is not the last one.
Oh come on, the self-proclaimed Libertarian called me a Nazi numerous times before. Though, a different topic was discussed then.
Roudy is a fanatic racist bigot and a Nazi. This is undeniable. He makes it evident in every post. He wants all Palestinians killed.

If I called you Nazi, I apologize. You are nothing like Roudy.
Absolutely - no doubt whatsoever, that the Arabs and later Muslims learned about slavery from the Jews.

Jewish views on slavery are varied both religiously and historically. Judaism's ancient and medieval religious texts contain numerous laws governing the ownership and treatment of slaves. Texts that contain such regulations include the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud, the 12th-century Mishneh Torah by rabbi Maimonides.......

Ancient Jewish literary sources describe and document that Jews were both slaves and slaveholders in antiquity, and that slavery had a major impact on almost all areas of Jewish daily life, whether in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine or in the Mediterranean Diaspora. The phenomenon of slavery shows how and to what extent Jews were part of Greco-Roman slaveholder society while at the same time maintaining their biblical roots.

One of the most notorious sex slave trafficking syndicates - controls Israel and the Mediterranean market, and derives from Russian Jewish 90"s immigrants to Israel.

No, but there's also no doubt Arab blame game is only a cover
for the self-degradation, they cannot morally justify.

At least we agree on one thing,
Neither the good part associated
with Arab imperialism, is to their title,
rather despite the Arab imperialist yoke.
Maybe he should stop calling everybody he disagrees with a Nazi, and instead have a coherent response, instead of a whiny childish outburst. Just a thought.
Yet you support genocide of Palestinians. You are the poster pussy of a Nazi.
In reference to "apologizing towards the enslavement of Negros - by Arabs and Muslims" = clearly a decent deed - therefore a decent Muslim in that regard.

Still waiting for your proof that Jews have apologized for their part in the enslavement of Negros.

Show me a post were I call people whom I disagree with, Nazi - without a clear reference towards Zionism in an Israel related thread.
Or simply FUCK OFF
Exactly - and NOT as you falsely stated: Jews and apologizing for slavery in the US,

They need to apologize - they should apologize - just like decent Muslims did.

Again idiot - learn how to read.
LIAR - I never brought up "Jews and apologizing for slavery in the USA " - since they never did apologize, unlike decent Muslims.

Also you idiot - learn to read and follow up onto threads, in which you constantly post unrelated garbage and lies.

MJB12741 - Post 510, Hey gipper, what ever happened to the indigenous Zoroastrians of Persia?
As such the OP of this thread topic has once again diverted his own thread topic.

gipper - Post 512, I don't know - I don't care
(because what do Zoroastrians of Persia have to do with the thread topic)? NOTHING

And this thread topic is about:

When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

And not about what Muslims supposedly did 1500 years ago - nor about your ludicrous garbage as to Palestinians having been Nazis.

Open up your OWN thread - and post as much ludicrous garbage as you like.

What decent Muslims?

The hypocrites trying to guilt-trip the West
demanding apologies for abolished slavery in the past,
but won't protest their slavery across the "Arab world" TODAY -

About the topic. I think it is quite pointless to discuss any two-state peace solutions, because it is quite clear that Israel won't accept not only the 1947 borders, but even the 1967 ones. Likewise, the Arab street won't accept anything less than the 1947 borders or close to that.

Israel will follow with its operation in Gaza. And it seems to end up with somewhat 'enhanced' status quo. Israel will grant the Arabs there a political autonomy, with military control over the area. This won't lead to any longstanding peaceful resolution, of course. So, the current Arab-Israeli war is not the last one.
Israel will not accept living next to a genocidal barbaric people any longer. A two state solution may occur in a decade or longer, or perhaps never. As Netanyahu said, Hamas must be obliterated, Gaza demilitarized, and the brainwashing of the kids and people to be removed from the culture entirely. Then we can talk.
Yet you support genocide of Palestinians. You are the poster pussy of a Nazi.
Tell us the one about Ghadaffi being a decent Muslim, the ignorance and stupidity in that comment always makes me laugh.

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