When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

This should warm your heart on Christmas.

Golly gee. Do you think maybe Hamas made a big mistake attacking Israel without warning killing around 1400 Israeli's & visitors & taking hostages?
Golly gee. Do you think maybe Hamas made a big mistake attacking Israel without warning killing around 1400 Israeli's & visitors & taking hostages?
Golly gee, do you think you can recognize war crimes when they’re in your face?

Baby killer!
In the last decades of the Sasanians their empire was in a deep crisis. The Zoroastrian clergy was part of the ruling machine and experienced the same decline as the whole Persian aristocracy. Corruption, ineffectiveness, nepotism - and all that at the expense of the common people.

The Arabs were quite soft in their policies on the conquered lands. For centuries, the Persians played a prominent role in the Califate (in its various forms), the Farsi was a tongue of literature and bureaucracy, and there were numerous Zoroastrian temples throughout 'Iran'.

It was the Timurids' conquests that caused the fatal blow to the Zoroastrian clergy and hierarchy and put it on the brink of extinction.
In the last decades of the Sasanians their empire was in a deep crisis. The Zoroastrian clergy was part of the ruling machine and experienced the same decline as the whole Persian aristocracy. Corruption, ineffectiveness, nepotism - and all that at the expense of the common people.

The Arabs were quite soft in their policies on the conquered lands. For centuries, the Persians played a prominent role in the Califate (in its various forms), the Farsi was a tongue of literature and bureaucracy, and there were numerous Zoroastrian temples throughout 'Iran'.

It was the Timurids' conquests that caused the fatal blow to the Zoroastrian clergy and hierarchy and put it on the brink of extinction.

By being soft, you mean Caliphates enslaving the conquered infidels,
who weren't given the courtesy of enjoying proper dhimittude?
By being soft, you mean Caliphates enslaving the conquered infidels,
who weren't given the courtesy of enjoying proper dhimittude?
I explained myself in my post. Read about the Islamic Golden Age, if you want to get a deeper knowledge about the matter.
I explained myself in my post. Read about the Islamic Golden Age, if you want to get a deeper knowledge about the matter.

Islamic golden age of enslaving infidels and dhimmis?
Tell me some dawah I haven't heard before.

Arabs own it to Jews, Greeks and Persians,
Illiterates forced a Jew to write the Quran.
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The two men you admire most…
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So now that you proved your ignorant on Persian and Arab history you decided to move on. You should stick to Malaysia where women are treated like cattle.

You're the idiot Democrat voter not me. I bet your Muslim friends in Dearborn are pissed off they voted for Biden.

So who’s your guy now, Sinwar, the genocidal Hamas mass murderer? Don’t worry, Israel will finish off those animals one by one. They’re still arresting and killing Nazis after 80 years of hiding. Israel always takes care of business.
Islamic golden age of enslaving infidels and dhimmis?
Tell me some dawah I haven't heard before.

Arabs own it to Jews, Greeks and Persians,
Illiterates forced a Jew to write the Quran.
Oh, stop this ranting about enslaving. It is not a unique thing for the Arabs only. Tell me about the Brits enslaving half the world, or the Russians enslaving the Eastern Europe, or the Japanese enslaving Far Eastern nations etc etc. The way your forefathers got the land you now lay claims over wasn't so noble, either.
Oh, stop this ranting about enslaving. It is not a unique thing for the Arabs only. Tell me about the Brits enslaving half the world, or the Russians enslaving the Eastern Europe, or the Japanese enslaving Far Eastern nations etc etc. The way your forefathers got the land you now lay claims over wasn't so noble, either.

That's in the past?

Slavery is still practiced

TODAY across the "Arab world":


That's in the past?

Slavery is still practiced

TODAY across the "Arab world":


So what? I don't care about the Arabs. You can fight with them for eternity, for all I care. For the sand, or the 'sacred places', or whatever else. I just don't want your wars to mess the entire region and surrounding areas the way the W's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq did, or even worse. That would be too much already.
Golly gee. Do you think maybe Hamas made a big mistake attacking Israel without warning killing around 1400 Israeli's & visitors & taking hostages?
What Hamas did was a war-crime and needs to be punished in accordance with existing International Law. The same principle needs to apply towards Israels war-crimes and it's nonstop breaches towards International law.

Anyone who attacks Israel militarily makes a big mistake - totally independent of warning them.
The only war party that would be arrogant enough and willing, to warn someone of an attack - is a party that is militarily vastly superior.
E.g. Hamas has nothing with what to down an IAF fighter-jet, nor an incoming artillery grenade nor missile or rocket.

However Hamas has warned Israel countless times - directly, and indirectly latest since publicly having announced their political agenda in 2014.

If Israel is too arrogant or dumb to read and listen - then don't blame Hamas, and forward a total false claim in regards to Hamas.
Yeah your beloved Israel didn’t murder those children. Hamas did. This is the thinking of a Zionist fool.
Yes you fucking idiot. You can blame every life that was lost both in Israel and Gaza on the Hamas animals and the depraved death cult known as “the Palestinians” and morons like you that are still overwhemingly supporting the Hamas animals that committed the Oct. 7 genocidal barbaric Islamic terrorist attack.
Arabs own it to Jews, Greeks and Persians,
Absolutely - no doubt whatsoever, that the Arabs and later Muslims learned about slavery from the Jews.

Jewish views on slavery are varied both religiously and historically. Judaism's ancient and medieval religious texts contain numerous laws governing the ownership and treatment of slaves. Texts that contain such regulations include the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud, the 12th-century Mishneh Torah by rabbi Maimonides.......

Ancient Jewish literary sources describe and document that Jews were both slaves and slaveholders in antiquity, and that slavery had a major impact on almost all areas of Jewish daily life, whether in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine or in the Mediterranean Diaspora. The phenomenon of slavery shows how and to what extent Jews were part of Greco-Roman slaveholder society while at the same time maintaining their biblical roots.

One of the most notorious sex slave trafficking syndicates - controls Israel and the Mediterranean market, and derives from Russian Jewish 90"s immigrants to Israel.
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Absolutely - no doubt whatsoever, that the Arabs and later Muslims learned about slavery from the Jews.

Jewish views on slavery are varied both religiously and historically. Judaism's ancient and medieval religious texts contain numerous laws governing the ownership and treatment of slaves. Texts that contain such regulations include the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud, the 12th-century Mishneh Torah by rabbi Maimonides.......

Ancient Jewish literary sources describe and document that Jews were both slaves and slaveholders in antiquity, and that slavery had a major impact on almost all areas of Jewish daily life, whether in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine or in the Mediterranean Diaspora. The phenomenon of slavery shows how and to what extent Jews were part of Greco-Roman slaveholder society while at the same time maintaining their biblical roots.
Ha ha ha! you’re always full of shit, ignorance and hate. Typical Islamist Muslim moron. Jews have not invaded and took people as slaves for the last 3000 years. Barbaric Muslims have, since the beginning of Islam. in fact Arabs started invading and taking Black Africans way before Europeans, that is why the word “black” عبد literally means slave.

Here’s some historical factual truth about your religion Islam and its followers.

The Arab Muslim slave trade, also known as the trans-Saharan trade or Eastern slave trade, is noted as the longest slave trade, having occurred for more than 1,300 years while taking millions of Africans away from their continent to work in foreign lands in the most inhumane conditions.

Scholars have christened it a veiled genocide, attributing the tag line to the most humiliating and near-death experience slaves were subjected to, from capture in slave markets to labour fields abroad and the harrowing journey in between.

“The Arabs raided sub-Saharan Africa for thirteen centuries without interruption. Most of the millions of men they deported have disappeared as a result of inhumane treatment. This painful page in the history of black people has apparently not been completely turned,” read a loosely translated excerpt from The Veiled Genocide a book by Tidiane N'Diaye, a Franco-Senegalese author and anthropologist.
…it isn’t only Jews that Arabs were Barbaric towards:

Bernard Lewis argues that ethnocentric prejudice later developed among Arabs, for a variety of reasons:[52] their extensive conquests and slave trade; the influence of Aristotelian ideas regarding slavery, which some Muslim philosophers directed towards Zanj (Bantu[53]) and Turkic peoples;[54] and the influence of religious ideas regarding divisions among humankind.[55] By the 8th century, anti-black prejudice among Arabs resulted in discrimination. By the 14th century, a significant number of slaves came from sub-Saharan Africa; Lewis argues that this led to the likes of Egyptian historian Al-Abshibi (1388–1446) writing that "t is said that when the [black] slave is sated, he fornicates, when he is hungry, he steals."[57]

Recent research has revealed racist attitudes in Islamic history—especially anti-Black racism and a link between Blackness and slavery—dating back to at least the ninth century CE.[58]

In 2010, at the Second Afro-Arab summit Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi apologized for Arab involvement in the African slave trade, saying: "I regret the behavior of the Arabs... They brought African children to North Africa, they made them slaves, they sold them like animals, and they took them as slaves and traded them in a shameful way. I regret and I am ashamed when we remember these practices. I apologize for this."[59]
In 2010, at the Second Afro-Arab summit Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi apologized for Arab involvement in the African slave trade, saying: "I regret the behavior of the Arabs... They brought African children to North Africa, they made them slaves, they sold them like animals, and they took them as slaves and traded them in a shameful way. I regret and I am ashamed when we remember these practices. I apologize for this."
Thanks - it confirms the decency of a Muslim, that he apologized towards wrong doings towards enslaving Negros.

Any reports of Jews having apologized for their involvement in e.g. the US Slave trade and holding of Negro slaves?
Thanks - it confirms the decency of a Muslim, that he apologized towards wrong doings towards enslaving Negros.

Any reports of Jews having apologized for their involvement in e.g. the US Slave trade and holding of Negro slaves?
Ha ha ha. Jews marched side by side with Martin Luther King, while you Arab Muslims are still enslaving people and using and selling their women as sex slaves. Remember how ISIS (Hamas in Syria) took Kurdish and Yazidi women and sold them as slaves to Arabs?

Is There anything you Islamic nincompoops don’t blame the Jews for? As long as Palestinians have ignorant idiots like you that support them, they don’t need any enemies. Why don’t you review once again the sordid history of 1500 years of Muslim Arab savagery towards black indigenous Africans, that is still occurring today.


According to CNN and The Economist, the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant "justifies its kidnapping of women as sex slaves citing Islamic theology." An article entitled, 'The revival (of) slavery before the Hour,' (of Judgement Day), published in the ISIL online magazine, Dabiq, claimed that Yazidi women can be taken captive and forced to become sex slaves or concubines under Islamic law, "[o]ne should remember that enslaving the families of the kuffar -- the infidels -- and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah, or Islamic law."[4][39][40]

It not only justified the taking of slaves but declared that those who "deny or mock" the verses of the Koran or hadith that justified it were apostates from Islam, asserting that concubinage is specifically justified in the Koran:

Yazidi women and children [are to be] divided according to the Shariah amongst the fighters of the Islamic State who participated in the Sinjar operations [in northern Iraq] … Enslaving the families of the kuffar [infidels] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah that if one were to deny or mock, he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Koran and the narrations of the Prophet … and thereby apostatizing from Islam.[41]
Another article in Dabiq rebuked supporters of ISIS who had denied ISIS had taken slaves "as if the soldiers of the Khilafah had committed a mistake or evil," and promised "slave markets will be established."[42]

ISIL appealed to apocalyptic beliefs and "claimed justification by a Hadith that they interpret as portraying the revival of slavery as a precursor to the end of the world."[43] In late 2014, ISIL released a pamphlet on the treatment of female slaves.[44][45][46][47][48]

Boko Haram​

Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram, a Nigerian Islamist group, said in an interview "I shall capture people and make them slaves" when claiming responsibility for the 2014 Chibok kidnapping.[28] Shekau has justified his actions by appealing to the Quran saying "[w]hat we are doing is an order from Allah, and all that we are doing is in the Book of Allah that we follow."
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