When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

I always found it is interesting when Allah allows Muslims to be killed, they yell. "God is great!" Isn't that a bit of an oxymoron?
The entire religion is an oxymoron. It professes to be a religion of peace, yet the sword of Islam is its most predominant symbol, that you will see on most flags of Muslim nations. :cuckoo:
How do you get from self-determination to genocide?
Luiza will accuse you of racism, and this nut job will accuse you of supporting genocide in all its responses. WhIke the real genocidal racists have proven to be the depraved barbaric Palestinians.
I read something horrible today. An eye witness said he saw females murdered by the Palestine's and there was blood between their legs where they had been raped and tortured.
Yes Palestinian animals did that and worse. The horrific barbaric things they committed will be remembered for eternity.
The entire religion is an oxymoron. It professes to be a religion of peace, yet the sword of Islam is its most predominant symbol, that you will see on most flags of Muslim nations. :cuckoo:
So then Judaism is not duplicitary by claiming to be a religion of war in the first place?

I'm not saying practicing Judaism is necessarily bad, it's a matter of interpretation. And it seems to be a fact that the warlike aspects of the Torah are often used to justify violence by some.
So then Judaism is not duplicitary by claiming to be a religion of war in the first place?

I'm not saying practicing Judaism is necessarily bad, it's a matter of interpretation. And it seems to be a fact that the warlike aspects of the Torah are often used to justify violence by some.
Humans are warlike by nature

God knew this when He selected Jews as the center of His plans for mankind

I know that libs dont believe in God

They think its a myth

And so they will never understand events such as the creation of Israel
Humans are warlike by nature

God knew this when He selected Jews as the center of His plans for mankind

I know that libs dont believe in God

They think its a myth

And so they will never understand events such as the creation of Israel
Disjointed post. What does libs have to do with any of this? Some of them support Israel.

And the creation of Israel was violent.

There were also Crusaders at one time. And the Spanish Inquisition. How come no one is claiming Christianity to be a religion of violence? Of course, it's not in the actual New Testament, but it has been used as an excuse. Not to mention the "conquest of the New World".
And the creation of Israel was violent

In fact, the creation of Modern Israel was a peaceful, democratic event. A meeting of minds between leader of the world.

But, since its creation, maintenance of Israel has required the judicious use of specific violence.
Disjointed post. What does libs have to do with any of this? Some of them support Israel.

And the creation of Israel was violent.

There were also Crusaders at one time. And the Spanish Inquisition. How come no one is claiming Christianity to be a religion of violence? Of course, it's not in the actual New Testament, but it has been used as an excuse. Not to mention the "conquest of the New World".
There are a few libs that still support Israel

But the number is falling fast as the godless lib culture takes over
Humans are warlike by nature

God knew this when He selected Jews as the center of His plans for mankind

I know that libs dont believe in God

They think its a myth

And so they will never understand events such as the creation of Israel
Surely Satire should feature elsewhere .

Do love the idea of God knowing that he was a bit of a knobhead but he still decided he would just tease these Jew people about comedy and humour .
Surely Satire should feature elsewhere .

Do love the idea of God knowing that he was a bit of a knobhead but he still decided he would just tease these Jew people about comedy and humour .
I would respond, but that post is so poor there is nothing worth responding to
I wouldn't say I disagree with you, but you didn't read the post you answered carefully.
I don't buy that the Israeli's are caring for these arabs lovingly. I just don't buy that. I bet the Jews look down on them and you can feel the dislike.
I know what it's like to be around Jews who can't stand being near you. One asked me for a ride and then was rude to me in the car. He looked like this

I don't buy that the Israeli's are caring for these arabs lovingly. I just don't buy that. I bet the Jews look down on them and you can feel the dislike.
I know what it's like to be around Jews who can't stand being near you. One asked me for a ride and then was rude to me in the car. He looked like this

View attachment 875958
They’re mass murdering Palestinians, so your experience means nothing.
They are still structures standing. There shouldn't be!

If only you were literate and not ignorant, you could read the following…

Israel was far down this road on Oct. 7 when it promulgated a series of discriminatory laws against non-Jews that resemble the racist Nuremberg Laws that disenfranchised Jews in Nazi Germany. The Communities Acceptance Law permitsexclusively Jewish settlements to bar applicants for residency on the basis of “suitability to the community’s fundamental outlook.”

Many of Israel’s best educated and young have left the country to places like Canada, Australia and the U.K., with as many as one million moving to the United States. Even Germany has seen an influx of around20,000 Israelis in the first two decades of this century. Around 470,000 Israelis have left the country since Oct. 7. Within Israel, human rights campaigners, intellectuals and journalists — Israeli and Palestinian — are attacked as traitors in government-sponsored smear campaigns, placed under state surveillance and subjected to arbitrary arrests. The Israeli educational system is an indoctrination machine for the military.

The Israeli scholar Yeshayahu Leibowitzwarned that if Israel did not separate church and state and end its occupation of the Palestinians, it would give rise to a corrupt Rabbinate that would warp Judaism into a fascistic cult. “Israel,” he said, “would not deserve to exist, and it will not be worthwhile to preserve it.”

The global mystique of the U.S., after two decades of disastrous wars in the Middle East and the assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6, is as contaminated as its Israeli ally. The Biden administration, in its fervor to unconditionally support Israel and appease the powerful Israel lobby, has bypassed the congressional review process with the Department of State to approve the transfer of 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition to Israel. Secretary of State Antony Blinken argued that “an emergency exists that requires the immediate sale.” At the same time he has cynically called on Israel to minimize civilian casualties.

Israel has no intention of minimizing civilian casualties. It has already killed 18,800 Palestinians, 0.82 percent of the Gazan population — the equivalent of around 2.7 million Americans. Another 51,000 have been wounded. Half of Gaza’s population is starving, according to the U.N. All Palestinian institutions and services that sustain life — hospitals (only 11 out of 36 hospitals in Gaza are still “partially functioning”), water treatment plants, power grids, sewer systems, housing, schools, government buildings, cultural centers, telecommunications systems, mosques, churches, U.N. food distribution points — have been destroyed. Israel has assassinated at least 80 Palestinian journalists alongside dozens of their family members and over 130 U.N. aid workers along with members of their families. Civilian casualties are the point. This is not a war against Hamas. It is a war against the Palestinians. The objective is to kill or remove 2.3 million Palestinians from Gaza.
The Death of Israel
Some GENOCIDE, eh gipper?


WAFA: "Number of Palestinians worldwide doubled 10 times since Nakba, official figures show"

RAMALLAH, May 15, 2022 (WAFA) – Ola Awad, the Chairperson of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), said in a report today on the 74th anniver ...
Ignorance on a scale unheard of.

You’ve been duped. You really think Israel is only killing Hamas. Yet their own leadership readily explains their war crimes.

As the retired Israeli Major General Giora Eiland, who formerly headed the Israeli National Security Council, wrote in Yedioth Ahronoth, “[T]he State of Israel has no choice but to turn Gaza into a place that is temporarily or permanently impossible to live in…Creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a necessary means to achieve the goal.” “Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist,” he wrote. Major General Ghassan Alian declared that in Gaza, “there will be no electricity and no water, there will only be destruction. You wanted hell; you will get hell.”
The Death of Israel
So then Judaism is not duplicitary by claiming to be a religion of war in the first place?

I'm not saying practicing Judaism is necessarily bad, it's a matter of interpretation. And it seems to be a fact that the warlike aspects of the Torah are often used to justify violence by some.
Idiot, Judaism is first monotheistic religion, who’s Ten Commandments are the foundation of Western Civilization. Judaism took uncivilized barbarian idol worshippers out of the Stone Age by teaching the world about a one and only God. Its kosher laws and other principles taught the world hygiene, health, proper eating, treating others with respect, education and proper dealing both in business and in legal matters, thousands of years ago.

Jews never invaded, looted and raped other peoples and lands in order to force their religion, language, culture and way of life down their throats, as have other faiths throughout history.

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