When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Oh, "we terrorist worshippers" do a lot more than that. The subject itself is so much more that this forum is bursting at the seams and gives Zionist Nazi terrorist worshippers like you nightmares and waking to sweat-drenched sheets every morning. :08621:
Wrong. It isn’t us that’s crying for a ceasefire, You’re shitting in your pants and then putting it on your heads as turbans, then wiping your asses with the kaffiyeh and flag of Palestine. Israel is still a vibrant strong democracy, while the actions of your Hamas animals has caused Gaza to be turned into rubble. Funny part is morons like you are still supporting them, after what Hamas has done to you and your people. Of course their billionaire leaders are in Qatar laughing at your stupid asses! Ha ha ha.
I see nothing wrong with wanting to Make America Great so ridiculing the acronym isn't a wise thing to do.
:auiqs.jpg: I somehow knew that you would come back on that one - but keep in mind that I stated "MAGA fuck-ups"

And off course there are questions as to the means employed by the USA, to keep themselves great, or if you wish to make them great
A you don’t know that, scum aka khara in Arabic
B One does not need to have been to one to look at polls of Israeli Arabs who prefer to live in Israel than they do elsewhere
C Fuck Palestine

This will go on and on until there are no Palestinians. Then the Zionists will start moving back to Arab countries.
And Israel doesn't need human walking suicide bombers - since they use the IDF to bomb and murder thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West-bank, and civilians in every one of their neighboring countries - via nonstop illegal airstrikes and artillery. You mental retard.
Doesn't do any good for the Palestinian's reputation as nutcases that will randomly attend public events with bomb vests on. Can't blame the neighboring nations for saying:
This will go on and on until there are no Palestinians. Then the Zionists will start moving back to Arab countries.
Yes, This will continue until the Arabs stop their hatred and intolerance and desire to commit genocide on the Jews in their own holy land, and wanting to destroy the only Jewish state in the world. Until then, Israel will continue to teach them hard lessons about the consequences of attacking it.
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Doesn't do any good for the Palestinian's reputation as nutcases that will randomly attend public events with bomb vests on. Can't blame the neighboring nations for saying:
Psychological warfare isn't (absolutely not) unattainable to Third World nations.
RE: When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free
SUBTOPIC: Make America Great Again (MAGA)
※→ GLASNOST, Kruska, et al,

Sometimes, the actual message and meaning (
which is often simpler than the rhetoric that comes after) are lost in the attempt and methodology

I see nothing wrong with wanting to Make America Great so ridiculing the acronym isn't a wise thing to do.
:auiqs.jpg: I somehow knew that you would come back on that one - but keep in mind that I stated "MAGA fuck-ups"

And off course there are questions as to the means employed by the USA, to keep themselves great, or if you wish to make them great

The first thing that we all have to remember is that → America has always been "great," and still "great:" today, and will remain great into the future.

The question that has been is how to achieve and maintain the momentum and attributes of a "great nation" (
the necessary thrust and propulsion the nation needs going into the future).

One of the very first things that must be considered is: are the political brokers the type of emissaries America wants walking the halls of power inside the Beltway?

Today, America has drifted much too far away from being the foundation upon which the industrial powerhouses that the likes of
Cyrus Eaton (Finance), Andrew Carnegie (Steel), John D. Rockefeller (Business), Henry Ford (Manufacturing), Carl Icahn (Energy), and Henry Kaiser (Ship Builder) carved out of America. The Americans of today want the same pride the general population had in their country that those who put Neil Armstrong on the Moon had a half-century ago.

When I went to school, the very first thing we did was say the "Pledge of Allegiance." Part of being "great" is knowing that feeling. That is a piece of history America will never get back. It was in 1943 that America said, no one can be required to stand and recite the "Pledge." The Supreme Court's message was that an American Citizen must want to say it and make the pledge. A citizen must want to be part of the Great Nation and help to build it. It is necessary to want to be "Great" before you can be "Great." Greatness is not something a greedy MBA Grad or Power Hungry Member of Congress can buy. Greatness is a state of being.


Most Respectfully,
RE: When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free
SUBTOPIC: Make America Great Again (MAGA) (II)
※→ GLASNOST, et al,

You have the right to your opinion.

Bull shit. :cow:

Bull shit. :cow:


There will always be those plastic-Citizens that have lost confidence or a negative attitude in America and that cannot be counted upon to help build it better. Those are the foot-draggers and stragglers that we see every day. We will just have to let them ride. They are like the tumbleweed the wind pushes along the streets of the old west. They are of no consequence.


Most Respectfully,
Yes, This will continue until the Arabs stop their hatred and intolerance and desire to commit genocide on the Jews in their own holy land, and wanting to destroy the only Jewish state in the world. Until then, Israel will continue to teach them hard lessons about the consequences of attacking it.

What has 70 years of theft and bloodshed taught the Palestinians so far?
There will always be those plastic-Citizens that have lost confidence or a negative attitude in America and that cannot be counted upon to help build it better.
There are humanitarian American citizens who still want to Make America Great. Far too many, on the other hand, perpetuate the lies of corrupt government officials. You are one of the latter.
RE: When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free
SUBTOPIC: Humanitarian Concepts
※→ GLASNOST, et al,

I do not engage in ad hominem fallacies.
There are humanitarian American citizens who still want to Make America Great.

I do not recall having challenged anyone's character for supporting "Customary and International Humanitarian Law" (IHL).

Far too many, on the other hand, perpetuate the lies of corrupt government officials. You are one of the latter.

I have to chuckle at this. I do not know how to respond to such an accusation (being one who perpetuates lies - & - being a corrupt government official).


Most Respectfully,
Israel hd nothing to do with Lebanon dipstick, until Hezbollah started shooting rickets and attacking Israel. Arafat and his Palestinian animal goons, went around Lebanon and committed genocide on the Christians. Fact.
You thick clown, Hezbollah didn't exist before the Israeli invasion of 1982, that resulted in tens of thousands of dead Lebanese and Palestinians, and resulted in the Sabra and Shatila massacre when thousands of Palestinians were butchered by the Lebanese Phalange Fascists women Children and old all overseen by the Butcher of Beirut Ariel Sharon:ahole-1:
You are saying that a mentality - that shares the plight of a Jewish baby, deserves to get pounded into rubble

Thanks for confirming that you are a proven fucked-up nutcase - who's only desire in his life is to spew hatred and absurdities.
These creatures walk among us.

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