When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Speak up. I can't ear you. 😅

Maybe you should stop responding with your typical nonsense and then I'll restrict "getting my rocks off" in some other way. 😂

More "facts", huh? 🤣
Face it Dopey. No Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel did with peace offerings, land concessions, water. food, fuel & saving Palestinian lives in Israeli hospitals. But good news for you, the Palestinians & supporters - NOT ANYMORE.
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The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel's settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal.

That's funny!
When did Palestine get any territory? When did Israel "occupy"
Obviously you are not capable of reading and comprehending. Palestinian territory – encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been occupied by Israel since 1967.
The UN has condemned the Israeli occupation of Palestine as a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. The UN has also said that Israel's settlements have no legal validity.

Some other breaches of international law include:

  • De facto and de jure annexations of territory
  • Illegal acquisition of territory through use of force
  • Denial of the right of self-determination
  • Administration of the occupied territory in breach of the prohibition of racial discrimination and apartheid
The State of Palestine claims the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip as its territory, all of which has been Israeli-occupied territories since the 1967 Six-Day War.

Obviously you are not capable of reading and comprehending. Palestinian territory – encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been occupied by Israel since 1967.
The UN has condemned the Israeli occupation of Palestine as a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. The UN has also said that Israel's settlements have no legal validity.

Some other breaches of international law include:

  • De facto and de jure annexations of territory
  • Illegal acquisition of territory through use of force
  • Denial of the right of self-determination
  • Administration of the occupied territory in breach of the prohibition of racial discrimination and apartheid
The State of Palestine claims the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip as its territory, all of which has been Israeli-occupied territories since the 1967 Six-Day War.


Obviously you are not capable of reading and comprehending. Palestinian territory – encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been occupied by Israel since 1967.

Help me comprehend. When did Gaza, Judea and Samaria get Palestinian owners?
They didn't own it under the Ottoman Empire.
They didn't own it when the British took it from the Ottoman Empire.
They didn't own it when they rejected the UN partition plan.
They didn't own it when Jordan and Egypt held it. So when?
Obviously you are not capable of reading and comprehending. Palestinian territory – encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been occupied by Israel since 1967.
The UN has condemned the Israeli occupation of Palestine as a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. The UN has also said that Israel's settlements have no legal validity.

Some other breaches of international law include:

  • De facto and de jure annexations of territory
  • Illegal acquisition of territory through use of force
  • Denial of the right of self-determination
  • Administration of the occupied territory in breach of the prohibition of racial discrimination and apartheid
The State of Palestine claims the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip as its territory, all of which has been Israeli-occupied territories since the 1967 Six-Day War.

Bullshit. The land the Palestinians claim and have claimed for the last 100 years for their state is all of Israel and they have repeatedly responded to offers of a state in the territories with violence. The so called Palestinians have never been willing to live in peace with Israel, are clearly not willing to do so now, and that means any talk of a Palestinian state is just a brain fart.
Obviously you are not capable of reading and comprehending. Palestinian territory – encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been occupied by Israel since 1967.
The UN has condemned the Israeli occupation of Palestine as a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. The UN has also said that Israel's settlements have no legal validity.

Some other breaches of international law include:

  • De facto and de jure annexations of territory
  • Illegal acquisition of territory through use of force
  • Denial of the right of self-determination
  • Administration of the occupied territory in breach of the prohibition of racial discrimination and apartheid
The State of Palestine claims the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip as its territory, all of which has been Israeli-occupied territories since the 1967 Six-Day War.

We really need to roll back this ridiculous idea that there is some kind of State created in 1949 which holds territory in Israel. It is an egregious violation of international law. Territorial integrity is one of the most serious concepts in international law and breach of territorial integrity the most serious of violations.
Only fool’s support genocide. You’ll deny you did very soon.

Gee, after Hamas, the governing body of Gaza on Oct. 7 sent 3000 of their subhuman animals to commit the most heinous acts of barbarism and genocide not seen since the Nazis, and subsequently most Palestinians celebrated and were in support of those acts…the Israeli prime minister said “we will turn Gaza into rubble”?! You’re lucky Gaza wasn’t nuked in Oct. 8, Achmed.
Lol. If you can’t recognize genocide when it’s in your face, your mind is not your own. Stop consuming state controlled propaganda.
Genocide my ass, the only people that have been trying to commit genocide in the Jews in their own holyland are Palestinian animals and their Arab Muslim brethren.
You ignorant arsehole, Arafat was not an islamist and the fighting between some Christians and Muslim militia was because there was a civil war, some of those so called Christians sided with the Israeli gangsters who invaded Lebanon and occupied part of it for years, that's how Hezbollah came to be established to throw the Israeli thugs out, and what the hell that has to do with the fact that there are many Christians living in places like Syria no thanks to the head hacking Islamists you support.
Israel hd nothing to do with Lebanon dipstick, until Hezbollah started shooting rickets and attacking Israel. Arafat and his Palestinian animal goons, went around Lebanon and committed genocide on the Christians. Fact.
From a survivor of the Nazi death camps.
Formerly an anti-Semite was somebody who hated Jews because they were Jews and had a Jewish soul. But nowadays an anti-Semite is somebody who is hated by Jews.

Hajo Meyer
Antisemites are Palestinians who yell death to the Jews 24/7.
Golly gee, do you think you can recognize war crimes when they’re in your face?

Baby killer!
Speaking of babies, has Hamas returned the 8 month old baby they kidnapped after murdering its parents? Poor thing isn’t alive by now.
Read the HEADLINE of this thread - before you post your next drivel.

I don't see anyone blaming Jews for their Nazi-Zionist policy - nor for their ignorance towards claiming and robbing other peoples lands, nor for their war-crimes, nor for their arrogant claim deriving from a self-written storybook.

But loads of posts - stating those facts and occurrences.

The only one I can see constantly "blaming" and lying his ass off, is YOU.
More loads of shit about Jews stealing land. Shove it up your Mohammad.
Face it Dopey. No Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel did with peace offerings, land concessions, water. food, fuel & saving Palestinian lives in Israeli hospitals.
Another hasbara troller "copy & paste" job. :icon_sjung:
But good news for you, the Palestinians & supporters - NOT ANYMORE.
That's right. The Palestinians have initiated "payback" in the form of their own Peace Plan. :smile:

PalestianPeacePlan 3.jpg
Speaking of babies, has Hamas returned the 8 month old baby they kidnapped after murdering its parents? Poor thing isn’t alive by now.
I do very much hope that it is alive and well.

Has Israel ever apologized or paid compensation for those thousands of babies that the IDF killed since 1949?
You are what you are - a sick and distorted being.
Face it Dopey. No Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel did with peace offerings, land concessions, water. food, fuel & saving Palestinian lives in Israeli hospitals. But good news for you, the Palestinians & supporters - NOT ANYMORE.
Clearly you’ve been duped by propaganda.
..... The UN has condemned the Israeli occupation of Palestine as a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. The UN has also said that Israel's settlements have no legal validity.
Your post consists of a lot more than the quote above but I think it is at the centre of everything. :eusa_clap:
They don't need suicide bombers at every public event.

The terrorists don't limit themselves to non Muslims. Look at what just happened in Iran.
And Israel doesn't need human walking suicide bombers - since they use the IDF to bomb and murder thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West-bank, and civilians in every one of their neighboring countries - via nonstop illegal airstrikes and artillery. You mental retard.
And Israel doesn't need human walking suicide bombers - since they use the IDF to bomb and murder thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West-bank, and civilians in every one of their neighboring countries - via nonstop illegal airstrikes and artillery. You mental retard.
As you know, Americans are fed so much propaganda about how wonderful and just is Israel, while Muslims are claimed to be bloodthirsty terrorists. Some of us have overcome the lies, but many can’t.

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