When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

I do very much hope that it is alive and well.

Has Israel ever apologized or paid compensation for those thousands of babies that the IDF killed since 1949?
You are what you are - a sick and distorted being.
Your mentality is why Gaza is nothing but rubble now.
As you know, Americans are fed so much propaganda about how wonderful and just is Israel, while Muslims are claimed to be bloodthirsty terrorists. Some of us have overcome the lies, but many can’t.
Oh and you think Palestinians and Muslims aren’t fed lies and garbage?! Go get your head examined, Ahmed. You really should pack your bags and go back to the barbaric uncivilized Muslim shithole dictatorship you came from.
And Israel doesn't need human walking suicide bombers - since they use the IDF to bomb and murder thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West-bank, and civilians in every one of their neighboring countries - via nonstop illegal airstrikes and artillery. You mental retard.
Except, Palestinian animals brainwash their kids into becoming suicide bombers because even their own children’s lives are expendable in the name of Jihading for Allah and your fake Palestine…long as some Jews get killed who cares how many Palestinians die, eh? You people are scum in its truest meaning.
Don’t you have to join the other Muslims marching around my region yelling “Death to Jews?”
Don’t worry :eusa_hand:. I am active and lending my voice ”around my own region”. :thewave:

Free Palestine.gif
As you know, Americans are fed so much propaganda about how wonderful and just is Israel, while Muslims are claimed to be bloodthirsty terrorists. Some of us have overcome the lies, but many can’t.

while Muslims are claimed to be bloodthirsty terrorists.


Muslims never did nuffin to nobody!
Except, Palestinian animals brainwash their kids into becoming suicide bombers because even their own children’s lives are expendable in the name of Jihading for Allah and your fake Palestine…long as some Jews get killed who cares how many Palestinians die, eh? You people are scum in its truest meaning.
True. And teaching their children to hate & kill Israeli's has a long history. Let us not forget farfur the Palestinian rat.

Don’t worry :eusa_hand:. I am active and lending my voice ”around my own region”. :thewave:

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Nobody gives a shit about these protests where the only thing you idiots accomplish is that you inconvenience Americans and make them hate you terrorist worshipping animals even more. You will learn. But please do keep it up.
Oh and you think Palestinians and Muslims aren’t fed lies and garbage?! Go get your head examined, Ahmed. You really should pack your bags and go back to the barbaric uncivilized Muslim shithole dictatorship you came from.
They do not need to be fed with lies and garbage - since they are experiencing Zionist-Nazi ideology "first hand" since 75 years - fucking idiot.
You are saying that a mentality - that shares the plight of a Jewish baby, deserves to get pounded into rubble

Thanks for confirming that you are a proven fucked-up nutcase - who's only desire in his life is to spew hatred and absurdities.
Im saying you’re terrorist worshipping scum that justifies the kidnapping of babies, putting babies in ovens, raping women, etc. There is no justification, but since you are a terrorist worshipping scumbag that justifies barbarism and animalistic behavior by subhumanoid Palestinian savages, then Gaza will continue to turn into rubble. And I’m sure when Hezbollah follows Irans instructions and attacks Israel, and then Southern Lebanon is turned into rubble, you will then be vomiting your sympathy for Hezbollah terrorist animals and spewing your blind hate and lies.
They do not need to be fed with lies and garbage - since they are experiencing Zionist-Nazi ideology "first hand" since 75 years - fucking idiot.
They don’t need to be fed lies, is that what you’re claiming, dipshit?! Well I got a newsflash for you knuckleheads, all these Muslim countries media is completely controlled by the corrupt savages that rule over a mostly illiterate completely brainwashed people. The Palestinian being the worst of them.
Im saying you’re terrorist worshipping scum that justifies the kidnapping of babies, putting babies in ovens, raping women, etc. There is no justification, but since you are a terrorist worshipping scumbag that justifies barbarism and animalistic behavior by subhumanoid Palestinian savages, then Gaza will continue to turn into rubble. And I’m sure when Hezbollah follows Irans instructions and attacks Israel, and then Southern Lebanon is turned into rubble, you will then be vomiting your sympathy for Hezbollah terrorist animals and spewing your blind hate and lies.
Post of a depraved idiot. Thanks for the confirmation.
As you know, Americans are fed so much propaganda about how wonderful and just is Israel, while Muslims are claimed to be bloodthirsty terrorists.
Yes, we know.
Some of us have overcome the lies, but many can’t.
In addition to making the best pancakes, pies, and pizzas in the world the US also excels in misinformation, disinformation, censorship, false propaganda, plagiarism, black flag operations, atomic weapons, assassinations, and extortion. So, I'm not surprised that "many can't" ⏭️ as you say. But things are changing and the truth cannot be contained very much longer. I'm sure you can see it for yourself by the increasing number of your countrymen who listen rather than scoff at your words. 🏆
They don’t need to be fed lies, is that what you’re claiming,
Absolutely - only Nazis (like you) needed to be fed with lies and garbage - or are you advocating that Jews who experienced the Holocaust and persecution, needed to be fed with lies and garbage?

God you are soooo fucking stupid, it hurts.
Yes, we know.

In addition to making the best pancakes, pies, and pizzas in the world the US also excels in misinformation, disinformation, censorship, false propaganda, plagiarism, black flag operations, atomic weapons, assassinations, and extortion. So, I'm not surprised that "many can't" ⏭️as you say. But things are changing and the truth cannot be contained very much longer. I'm sure you can see it for yourself by the increasing number of your countrymen who listen rather than scoff at your words. 🏆
I am not really convinced - just look at these MAGA fuck-ups who believe and propagate an election fraud. And believe in the saintliness of their scumbag Führer.

BTW - the same beings - that spew their known Muslim hatred here on this post.
Nobody gives a shit about these protests where the only thing you idiots accomplish is that you inconvenience Americans and make them hate you terrorist worshipping animals ......
Oh, "we terrorist worshippers" do a lot more than that. The subject itself is so much more that this forum is bursting at the seams and gives Zionist Nazi terrorist worshippers like you nightmares and waking to sweat-drenched sheets every morning. :08621:
They don’t need to be fed lies, is that what you’re claiming ....
Absolutely - only Nazis (like you) needed to be fed with lies and garbage ...
- or are you advocating that Jews who experienced the Holocaust and persecution, needed to be fed with lies and garbage?
I think you've given him enough rope now and the noose is dangling in front of his face. :)
God you are soooo fucking stupid, it hurts.
I've given up feeling sorrow & shame for such dogs people. It's better to kick them to the curb and dwell upon honest people instead.
Yes, we know.

In addition to making the best pancakes, pies, and pizzas in the world the US also excels in misinformation, disinformation, censorship, false propaganda, plagiarism, black flag operations, atomic weapons, assassinations, and extortion. So, I'm not surprised that "many can't" ⏭️as you say. But things are changing and the truth cannot be contained very much longer. I'm sure you can see it for yourself by the increasing number of your countrymen who listen rather than scoff at your words. 🏆
I believe it’s only a matter of time before even duped Americans who apologize for Israel, will accept the truth. It’s a genocide. Of course they will deny they supported it.
I believe it’s only a matter of time before even duped Americans who apologize for Israel, will accept the truth. It’s a genocide. '
How much time is difficult to say but yes it will happen. Hopefully, it will take only the rumour of revolution (as in the late 60's) and not require the real thing.
Of course they will deny they supported it.
As always.

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