When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Yes, that is exactly what you said and I quoted you,
"benefitted immensely". 🕴️
Yes, idiot, they benefited immensely as have other Arabs and Palestinian (short periods) from having peace and not being at a constant state of sacrificing their people in their quest to commit genocide on the Jewish people in their holy land and destruction of Israel. How’s that working out…Not so good. But keep cheering for groups like Hamas who care about as much for the Palestinians as morons like you.
That is exactly what you said and I quoted you,
"benefitted immensely". 🕴️
Yes, idiot ...
So Beelzebub, you’re doubling down. No surprise. You’ve admitted that as long as you "benefit immensely" (your very own words) it is OK to work for the Nazis who are murdering your own people. I hope you enjoy your pork chops with a side order of bacon. I also noted that you are eating crow for dessert. :laugh:
So Beelzebub, you’re doubling down. No surprise. You’ve admitted that as long as you "benefit immensely" (your very own words) it is OK to work for the Nazis who are murdering your own people. I hope you enjoy your pork chops with a side order of bacon. I also noted that you are eating crow for dessert. :laugh:
Don’t worry Abdullah, Israel has already concluded that your beloved Hamas animals prefer to die and get the 72 virgin donkeys with eternal hardons, so it is obliging. In the meantime, why don’t you and your Jihadi buddies do humanity and civilzation a great favor by getting together in an enclosed sealed room and pulling the cord on your suicide vests simultaneously. !اله اکبر
You’ve admitted that as long as you "benefit immensely" (your very own words) it is OK to work for the Nazis who are murdering your own people. I hope you enjoy your pork chops with a side order of bacon. I also noted that you are eating crow for dessert. :laugh:
Don’t worry Abdullah
You're the one who's sweating, Beelzebub. But as long as you are cooperating with the Nazis Zionists you are satisfied that you are "benefitting immensely". :laugh:
You're the one who's sweating, Beelzebub. But as long as you are cooperating with the Nazis Zionists you are satisfied that you are "benefitting immensely". :laugh:
Keep braying like a donkey and waking up every day to find out yet another Hamas or Hezbollah leader eliminated by the mighty IDF. .
"Free Bhalestine" is really desperate to degrade

any discourse down to its level...

i.e. the lowest sewage.
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More great news as those brave Hooty Tooties cock a snoot at the Big Baby Bullies US and UK .
Seems the Israeli Nazis are running out of pals with only a few insane individuals like our Hasbara Trolls here having a single decent word for them .
Guess all decent people detest Women and Child murderers except our Forum Outcasts. So OUT with the Outcasts

More great news as those brave Hooty Tooties cock a snoot at the Big Baby Bullies US and UK .
Seems the Israeli Nazis are running out of pals with only a few insane individuals like our Hasbara Trolls here having a single decent word for them .
Guess all decent people detest Women and Child murderers except our Forum Outcasts. So OUT with the Outcasts

It looks like the Yankees are getting their tits squeezed. :rofl:
Palestinians overwhelmingly sure hate Israel. What a shame no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands.

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