When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

RE: When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free
SUBTOPIC: Comprehensive Retaliation and Response
※→ MJB12741, et al,

Palestinians overwhelmingly sure hate Israel.

On the matter of "hatred:"

◈ For the enlightened, for any part in political-military (POLMIL) or in matters of economics and commerce (E&C), has no real being on the comprehensive retaliation and response one country might demonstrate in any given situation → like that the Israelis and Arab Palestinians find themselves in today.
◈ Hatred is a tool of the under-gunned nations with inferior combat capabilities. Hatred is a mask used to disguise a propaganda effort to destabilize the political influence of an opponent (and allies of an opponent). Hatred works best on frustrated populations lacking the intellectual capacity for positive autonomy.

The Israel-Palestinian Terrorist Conflict is just the right manner of a parade field in which "Hatred" is best played. This is precisely because the generation of hatred is aimed at the general population of Arab Palestinians - and the subject of the hatred is the Israelis and pro-Israeli associates. This is why many of the outside observers do not make the connection between the various propaganda approaches to the Civil and Political Rights of the Human Rights Covenant. (See Article 20 CCPREntered into force: 23 March 1976.)
What a shame no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands.

The phrase "indigenous homelands" is a propaganda phrase that is undefined. It is just sophisticated enough that sounds intelligent; but, is actually ambiguous and of no real value. " The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples does not include a definition of indigenous peoples. " It is a matter of self-identification.

We hear the Arab Palestinians use this concept of "indigenous" quite frequently, convincing listeners that their definition is the only correct interpretation.


Most Respectfully,

Were the Japanese and German civilians who supported their government’s aggressive wars with the many horrific war crimes innocent men, women and children?
Did Japan get nuked and Germany’s cities get carpet bombed?
More great news as those brave Hooty Tooties cock a snoot at the Big Baby Bullies US and UK .
Seems the Israeli Nazis are running out of pals with only a few insane individuals like our Hasbara Trolls here having a single decent word for them .
Guess all decent people detest Women and Child murderers except our Forum Outcasts. So OUT with the Outcasts

Oh no…beware! A group of savage Muslim animals not called Palestinians but Houthis!
Palestinians overwhelmingly sure hate Israel.
If your hate-infested brain could be transplanted into a bird the poor creature would fly backwards. Palestinians can differentiate Jews from Zionists from Israel. You (personally) do not have the ability to do that. Palestinians also know the difference between dislike and hate which is something else you do not understand. :45:
If your hate-infested brain could be transplanted into a bird the poor creature would fly backwards. Palestinians can differentiate Jews from Zionists from Israel. You (personally) do not have the ability to do that. Palestinians also know the difference between dislike and hate which is something else you do not understand. :45:
Ha ha ha. A freeloading Palestinian Hamas lover calling someone else “hate filled”. What a doozy.
If your hate-infested brain could be transplanted into a bird the poor creature would fly backwards. Palestinians can differentiate Jews from Zionists from Israel. You (personally) do not have the ability to do that. Palestinians also know the difference between dislike and hate which is something else you do not understand. :45:
Ha ha ha. A freeloading Palestinian Hamas lover calling someone else “hate filled”. What a doozy.
There's no one behind you so I must be talking to you. 🫵
One of the most wanted changes by Palestinians was "self determination" without having to depend on anything from Israel. And now they have it.
Yeah, they do have dual nationality. They already own New York, New Jersey, and Florida and now they want the whole of the Middle East.
Get serious. Fact is the Palestinians want ALL of Israel. And guess what? Now they have far less of it thanks to Hamas.
Fact is the Palestinians want ALL of Israel.
Correct. Stolen goods should always be returned to its rightful owner.
And guess what? Now they have far less of it thanks to Hamas.
Ho! You think it's all about Hamas! There's also Hezbollah and Houthis and Iran and maybe Turkey and maybe Russia and ..... you'd better roll up the sefer and skedaddle back to Jew York, sonny boy.
Correct. Stolen goods should always be returned to its rightful owner.

Ho! You think it's all about Hamas! There's also Hezbollah and Houthis and Iran and maybe Turkey and maybe Russia and ..... you'd better roll up the sefer and skedaddle back to Jew York, sonny boy.
So how many more thousands of dead Palestinians will it take for all hostages to be released?
Some of them still are, they like to have two Countries.
Yeah, they do have dual nationality. They already own New York, New Jersey, and Florida and now they want the whole of the Middle East.
Yep. It's called dual nationality. Many, many people in the world have dual nationality, including me. No one has ever, ever questioned my loyalty to either of my countries because of my citizenship in the other. It is only ever an issue when it comes to Jews. Why is that, do you think?
Every time the Palis go on a rampage and kill Israelis with knives, guns, or cars, Israel's answer is to build. P'raps if the Palis decided to actually try to live peacefully, they'd have less building. There are plenty of videos out there showing the total intransigence of Palestinians to even consider peace. They make it clear that they think that ALL the land is theirs and if they fight long enough, they will get it. Fock'em, let them continue dying as long as that is their attitude.
Not to jump when there is nothing to jump at
but is this a wink wink Armageddon name (esdraelon)

palestine is not a country and palestinians are not citizens of any country.
The population of Palestine was about 800,000 before the Zionists arrived from Europe.

Plan Dagan was to expell or exterminate them.

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