When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

subjected towards Christians and their conquering wars.

The UN is a joke.
... except that I'm not laughing.
They did nothing to stop the horrors committed by W and O.
That's right.
Now with Genocide Joe and Gaza they’ve been more vocal.
A little bit.
Hopefully this increases.
Let's cross our fingers, brother! :beer:
A few brave nations have come forth to voice opposition. This could be the first signs of the empire collapsing.
Dare we hope?
The consequences of the genocide and proxy war very well could end the empire. History is full of empires dying due to non-stop war. Time will tell. NATO might also collapse.
Agreed. The UN is a joke. They did nothing to stop the horrors committed by W and O. Now with Genocide Joe and Gaza they’ve been more vocal. Hopefully this increases. A few brave nations have come forth to voice opposition. This could be the first signs of the empire collapsing.

The consequences of the genocide and proxy war very well could end the empire. History is full of empires dying due to non-stop war. Time will tell.

NATO might also collapse. They’ve tried everything in Ukraine only to see Russia beat them every time. I read a column this morning that described how the Russians have easily and very affordably beaten all the western tech weapons thrown at them. Not a good sign for an empire built on war.
"Shaking the tree"? You must be kidding. They are digging a hole deeper than they can ever get out of. The whole world is witnessing their behavior.
RE: When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free
SUBTOPIC: Duration and Continuation of the Limited Conflict
⁜→ Lisa558, et al,


I would not want to argue against your position and view. In this regard, the cosmetics and presentation of the political conditions and the potential solutions have been quite dynamic over the last half-century (plus). The overall view of the Defending Israeli 'vs' Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) question is constantly evolving.

Israel made offers of their own land before, and the Jew-hating Palestinians rejected them. One of the offers gave the Jew-haters 95% of what they wanted, yet they still turned it down.

Why? Because it was conditioned on them recognizing Israel’s right to exist. And to the Jew-haters, their goal is to eradicate Israel, not their own state.

The political Israeli personalities are not in agreement as to what past aspects of the question have any true relevance. (You cannot rewind the historical recorder and change the past.) Much like many points argued in this discussion which were once relevant, have long since been overtaken by events. It is a moving target passing and weaving through obstacles. Even the HoAP is not in any particular agreement on a solution. At this point in history, the powers that be are only interested in the accumulation of wealth and power. This, for instance, is the unique artificial importance of the continued funding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Should the UNRWA be dissolved, and that stream of wealth be removed from the game board, the entire face of the conflict and the basic Palestine Question would be altered.


Most Respectfully,
Bad mistake Hamas. Start a war. Pay the conseqences.
Yeah that’s the thinking of a 12 year old bully. Sane leadership doesn’t act like a child and slaughter tens of thousands of defenseless children, but you love it.
I see. You knew that I was a "Jew-hater" a long time ago, huh? So, what you are saying is that I am a self-hating Jew, is that right? :laughing0301:
Yes, you pretended that you’re Hamas and claimed that you’re still raping the women hostages. You’re as sick and demented as they come. Would you like me to show you your beautiful posts?
Actually both the West-bank and Gaza have defined borders aka the Green Line - also acknowledged by the UN and has been used since 1949 until today - on every single map depicting Israel. Even during Israels "illegal"occupation of the West-bank and Gaza.

As for your comparison with Russia, I don't agree - since the e.g. Ukraine-Russia war wasn't caused via e.g. Ukrainian or Russian immigrants who had e.g. resided for a thousand years in the Americas or in Central Europe and are now trying to grab their respective own land, based on some religious book.

The simple fact is that unlike the PLO recognizing Israel, Israel has refused to recognize an independent Palestine state.
Those same borders were under the control of Jordan and Egypt for about 20 years. Why didn’t they create their beloved Paleshitstain then? In fact they laughed at the mere suggestion of it.
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I hope you're right, but suspect not. I believe the power of the DS i.e., MIC, intel agencies, and Israeli lobby are much stronger today than in the late 60s early 70s. Back then there were at least a few Congress critters who vocally opposed the war. Now it appears the entire congress is controlled by these nefarious forces. Even the few Middle Eastern Americans in congress have been relatively quiet.
Actually the problem is we let too many of your type in and now this enemy within IslamoNazi fifth column has embedded itself inside the Democratic Party. In fact the lunatics have taken over that party, including the Leftist media organizations.
Yeah that’s the thinking of a 12 year old bully. Sane leadership doesn’t act like a child and slaughter tens of thousands of defenseless children, but you love it.
You’re talking about Hamas on Oct. 7, what the subhuman animals did made the Nazis blush.
You’re talking about Hamas on Oct. 7, what the subhuman animals did made the Nazis blush.
I‘m starting to think that maybe video SHOULD be released of what the subhuman savages did to torture their Jewish victims to death. Then perhaps SOME people can understand how determined the Jews are to never allow this to happen again - as the subhuman savages have threatened to do.
Those same borders were under the control of Jordan and Egypt for about 20 years. Why didn’t they created their beloved Paleshitstain then? In fact they laughed at the suggestion of it.

I’ve never had a satisfactory answer to that question, which l ask from time to time.
I’ve never had a satisfactory answer to that question, which l ask from time to time.
Palestinians supporters jump from one false narrative to another, some of which contradict other BS they spew. But they don’t care, they‘re flailing madmen just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

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