When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

You have created a false binary that Palestinians can only behave in one of two ways: commit atrocities or perish. This does a terrible disservice to the Palestinians by reducing them down to barbarians. It doesn't serve them. I have more faith in the ability of the Palestinians to make better choices than you do.

But let's say you've convinced us. Let's say we believe you. Let's all believe that the Palestinians have no choice but to commit atrocities on the Jewish people, over and over again. They can not behave in any other way. What would you have us DO with this information?
You didn’t ask me, but may I answer?

If ”Palestinians” have no choice but to continue to commit atrocities on the Jewish people, and assuming Egypt stands firm in their refusal to let these backwards, hateful people move there, then:

1) The Jews must construct a 12 foot high wall, electrified, to protect themselves against them, and
2) Set up a long military compound extending the length of Gaza, housing the IDF who will guard the border

These should be done after all HAMAS tunnels are destroyed and the savages exterminated

P.S. There’s still a major problem with Iran.
For Oct 7th, I'd say it started in 2006 when Israel decided to blockade Gaza and maintained that blockade for over 16 years.
Well golly gee. Why would Israel blockage Gaza with all those peace loving Palestinians living there?
While you’re wondering you can also tell us when the subhuman animals will release the hostages they are holding from 17 countries, many of which are women and children and one baby that was 9 months old last oct. 7. These animals you worship have raped, then mutilated and killed many of the women during the Oct 7 attack, and are currently sexually assaulting the women they are holding hostage.

Such brave freedom fighters. More like subhumaoid freakdom fighters.
Grow up!
For Oct 7th, I'd say it started in 2006 when Israel decided to blockade Gaza and maintained that blockade for over 16 years.

I would not want to be an Arab living in that part of the world living under Israeli rule.

The U.S. also continues to pursue a broader deal that would involve a normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, a path toward an independent Palestinian state and a plan to rebuild Gaza, the American officials said.
What's the problem with Iran? Are you envious of them?
They are weeks away from nuke.
So, I'm right - you are envious of Iran.
You don’t see a problem with Islamic terrorists have a nuke?
No, I see no problem with Iran having a nuke. First of all, Iran is not a terrorist nation. Second, the one (and probably the only) good thing about the Cold War was its balance of power. Israel has the bomb and Iran should also have the bomb. "Balance of Power". That's a good thing.
Just make sure the lock is on the outside.

What's the problem with Iran? Are you envious of them?

They are weeks away from nuke. You don’t see a problem with Islamic terrorists have a nuke?

Nine countries currently have nuclear weapons: Russia, the United States, China, France, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel, and North Korea.

I believe Trump sold Saudi Arabia nuclear technology/secrets when he was president. If not he sold it to them after he left office. Anyways, add Saudi Arabia to the list, I bet. I don't want them having one either.

I do fear Iran would send a nuclear suicide bomber to America to pay back America for what Trump did

Trump initially rejected the option to target Soleimani on 28 December 2019, but made the decision after being angered by television news reports of the U.S. embassy in Baghdad being attacked by armed Iranian-backed militiamen, By late 2 January, Trump had finalized his decision of the most extreme option his advisors had provided him, which reportedly "stunned" top Pentagon officials. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence were reportedly the most hawkish voices arguing to retaliate against Iran. Pence later wrote that Soleimani was plotting "imminent" attacks on U.S. persons, but provided no evidence of this.

So if you want to go to war with Iran, vote Trump. If you want a president who chooses the most extreme options, go with Trump.

No wonder the military supports Biden.
The U.S. also continues to pursue... a path
toward an independent Palestinian state


Bobo, my man...

The US might just as well pursue a path to find the end of a rainbow.

Listen to Uncle Joe:

There will never be a palestinian state in the WB and Gaza.

Palestinians will be citizens of a single, unified, democratic state comprising the entire territory of the British Mandate for Palestine.

I won't see it...

You won't see it...

None of the old farts of the US Message Board will see it... but believe me...

It WILL happen.
So, I'm right - you are envious of Iran.

No, I see no problem with Iran having a nuke. First of all, Iran is not a terrorist nation. Second, the one (and probably the only) good thing about the Cold War was its balance of power. Israel has the bomb and Iran should also have the bomb. "Balance of Power". That's a good thing.
Iran is a state sponsor of terror. Normal people know what they shouldn’t have nukes.
I do fear Iran would send a nuclear suicide bomber to America to pay back America for what Trump did
I'm not worried about that because I don't think Iran even wants to bomb the US, however .......... Iran does have a legitimate grudge against the US but Trump has nothing to do with it. That is to say that if you feel Trump has done Iran wrongly (and I'll just take your word for it) then it would pale compared to what the US has been doing to Iran for the past 70 years. Iran has lots of reasons to slap the US silly without needing Trump as an excuse.
Iran is a state sponsor of terror. Normal people know what they shouldn’t have nukes.
You are making two separate points, both of which apply to the US and Israel. Regarding the balance of power, these facts make it imperative that Iran MUST have the bomb.
They are weeks away from nuke. You don’t see a problem with Islamic terrorists have a nuke?

And stop lying about what's going on.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency.
The U.S. also continues to pursue... a path
toward an independent Palestinian state


Bobo, my man...

The US might just as well pursue a path to find the end of a rainbow.

Listen to Uncle Joe:

There will never be a palestinian state in the WB and Gaza.

Palestinians will be citizens of a single, unified, democratic state comprising the entire territory of the British Mandate for Palestine.

I won't see it...

You won't see it...

None of the old farts of the US Message Board will see it... but believe me...

It WILL happen.

And Israel has to stop lying. If you are right, you don't have to lie.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

For more than 75 years, the relief agency has offered direct relief to nearly 6 million Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and neighboring Arab states. In Gaza, nearly the entire population relies on the aid group for basic necessities, including food, water and hygiene supplies, as other aid organizations suspended services after being targeted and killed by Israeli bombs that have rained on Gaza since October.
In February, Israeli officials made an explosive allegation: that a number of UNRWA employees in Gaza took part in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack

But last week, an independent United Nations report concluded that Israeli forces did not provide evidence to support that accusation. Despite this, the backlash against UNRWA was swift. More than a dozen international donors, including the U.S., suspended about $450 million of aid. U.S. financial support for the relief agency is suspended until at least March 2025.

Germany, UNRWA’s second-biggest donor after the U.S., however, recently announced that it would resume funding for the aid group.
You are making two separate points, both of which apply to the US and Israel. Regarding the balance of power, these facts make it imperative that Iran MUST have the bomb.
Why do you want to see it used?
And stop lying about what's going on.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

And Israel has to stop lying. If you are right, you don't have to lie.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

For more than 75 years, the relief agency has offered direct relief to nearly 6 million Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and neighboring Arab states. In Gaza, nearly the entire population relies on the aid group for basic necessities, including food, water and hygiene supplies, as other aid organizations suspended services after being targeted and killed by Israeli bombs that have rained on Gaza since October.
In February, Israeli officials made an explosive allegation: that a number of UNRWA employees in Gaza took part in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack

But last week, an independent United Nations report concluded that Israeli forces did not provide evidence to support that accusation. Despite this, the backlash against UNRWA was swift. More than a dozen international donors, including the U.S., suspended about $450 million of aid. U.S. financial support for the relief agency is suspended until at least March 2025.

Germany, UNRWA’s second-biggest donor after the U.S., however, recently announced that it would resume funding for the aid group.
Before the Gaza people attacked Israel, Israel had sought peace. At least two times Hamas turned Israel down. They meant business and proved it by attacking Israel. Well tough titty. It is too late now for the war mongers in Gaza to escape justice.

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