When Trump is reelected, what will the Democrats try to impeach him for next ?

Yet how is it possible to read the IMPOTU's full text on Twitter if it was censored?

I don't mean in deplorable delusional world but in actual reality.
Maybe someone saved the original tweet before it was taken down genius.
Yet how is it possible to read the IMPOTU's full text on Twitter if it was censored?

I don't mean in deplorable delusional world but in actual reality.
Maybe someone saved the original tweet before it was taken down genius.
It is still there.

Delusional deplorables struggle with the meaning of words and tech, yet lap up propaganda like puppy dogs. Don't be so eager to swallow, it makes you look like a useful idiot.
We know it's how they roll, since they forgot how to legislate or anything else we sent them to Washington to do.

Maybe they'll try to impeach him for inciting a race war.

Ha! Pre COVID-19 I thought Trump was more than 50-50 chance of winning. During and after not a chance. After the past few days? I'll be surprised if he wins a dozen states.

He is absolutely hopeless in a crisis.
We know it's how they roll, since they forgot how to legislate or anything else we sent them to Washington to do.

Maybe they'll try to impeach him for inciting a race war.

Oh, I don't know . . . for Leonidas' death at Thermopylae? For Joan d'Arc's smart little mouth? For the Crusades' Muslim body count? Most definitely for every last breath he's ever taken. We all ought to chip in and send the democrats an Impeach Tree and a box of white phosphorus chocolates.
In what universe do you guys live in to be so certain of a trump victory? Is he going to make it illegal for democrats and independents to vote? Is he going to close all elections in democrat states? I mean what secret do you guys know whereby an impeached president, facing multiple criminal charges in New York and possibly federal, whose feckless lack of leadership will cost us several hundred thousand lives, millions of infected people wandering the streets with a virus, hated by the rest of the worlds leaders, with a failed foreign policy whereby North Korea is restarting its nuke program and now China controls the WHO, is just going to waltz to an easy victory over a former vice president who helped bring back our economy from the brink of death and had the US respected worldwide?
I figure it won't be a big issue over the next 4 years. The Democrats won't find it useful to tear down his image anymore and then after the 2022 mid-term elections he's a lame duck with Republicans jockeying over who'll head the party come 2024.
When the Durham indictments start coming out, let's see how the
Democrats handle that damage control first.
There are not going to be any indictments.
We know it's how they roll, since they forgot how to legislate or anything else we sent them to Washington to do.

Maybe they'll try to impeach him for inciting a race war.

The dims won’t have the votes. But they’ll certainly be vocal, which hasn’t got them squat thus far.

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