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When Whites become a minority in America

What will it be like to live as a white minority in America?

What will it be like when most of our government officials are not white?

What will it be like when the great majority of policeman are not white?

Census Bureau projections show that the U.S. population will be “majority-minority” sometime between 2040 and 2050. Our research suggests that this will happen around 2044. Indeed, in 2020, there are projected to be more nonwhite children than white children in the U.S.

The nonwhite population is growing more rapidly than the white population. Minorities accounted for 92% of the U.S. population growth between 2010 and 2018, with Latinos comprising just under half of the nation’s overall growth.

Now of course whites riddled with white guilt will welcome this...... having no clue what life here will be like then and basically not even caring about it.

Perhaps most white people do not care. Most folks probably do not even think about it.

So what will life be like in 2040 for White Americans?

The US white majority will soon disappear forever

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
Whites are America,America is White people. Without Whites in the majority and in control there is no such thing as America anymore. We will just crank up our war to take our country back. Good thing if its not headed that way my youngest turns 18 in 2037 and we can leave this shithole country which will end up looking like some shithole in Africa once the 3rd world trash takes over. Read a few books of what is coming. Hunter and Turner Diaries By Andrew MacDonald,Patriot Act by D.A. Hanks

America is everybody, whites, blacks, browns, yellows, men, women, straight, LGBT, all religions and none. Sorry that you don't have any love for your country.
Nope. Time for you to read the naturalization acts of the 1790's when our founders made America. They made it QUITE CLEAR who this country was for.
What will it be like to live as a white minority in America?

What will it be like when most of our government officials are not white?

What will it be like when the great majority of policeman are not white?

Census Bureau projections show that the U.S. population will be “majority-minority” sometime between 2040 and 2050. Our research suggests that this will happen around 2044. Indeed, in 2020, there are projected to be more nonwhite children than white children in the U.S.

The nonwhite population is growing more rapidly than the white population. Minorities accounted for 92% of the U.S. population growth between 2010 and 2018, with Latinos comprising just under half of the nation’s overall growth.

Now of course whites riddled with white guilt will welcome this...... having no clue what life here will be like then and basically not even caring about it.

Perhaps most white people do not care. Most folks probably do not even think about it.

So what will life be like in 2040 for White Americans?

The US white majority will soon disappear forever

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
Whites are America,America is White people. Without Whites in the majority and in control there is no such thing as America anymore. We will just crank up our war to take our country back. Good thing if its not headed that way my youngest turns 18 in 2037 and we can leave this shithole country which will end up looking like some shithole in Africa once the 3rd world trash takes over. Read a few books of what is coming. Hunter and Turner Diaries By Andrew MacDonald,Patriot Act by D.A. Hanks

Nobody is going to read your white supremacist bullshit. None of that crap is ever going to happen. Whites created the worlds shitholes when you actually STUDY what happened instead of reading stormfront faggetry.
Actually places under colonialism were MUCH better off when run by Europeans than they are now run by low IQ Africoons. Look it up in the pictures and anywhere you want. Rhodesia is a great example. So is South Africa.


Lawrence Gerard Nassar (born August 16, 1963) is a convicted American serial child molester, who was a former
USA Gymnastics national team doctor and osteopathic physician at Michigan State University. Nassar's cumulative sexual assault crimes were the basis of the USA Gymnastics sex abuse scandal, in which he was accused, beginning in 2015, of assaulting at least 250 young women and girls and one young man, dating back to 1992.

Larry Nassar - Wikipedia

250 rapes. But in white racist world, that's not a problem because he's white and there are more white people so we must accept that more whites by number will show up in statistics. Therefore we will misuse math and make claims.
He's a Jew not a White man. Try again. Same with Epstein.

Isn't Nassar Arab?
Basically even a little less White than the Heebie Jeebies.
Actually places under colonialism were MUCH better off when run by Europeans than they are now run by low IQ Africoons. Look it up in the pictures and anywhere you want. Rhodesia is a great example. So is South Africa.
The Belgian Congo is not such a great example. Regardless, I think it more accurate to say Euro colonialism made the lives of the Africans worse compared to pre-colonial times.
The news is full of white men murdering "pretty white girls." You might also consider worrying about "pretty" black and latina girls being murdered.
Didn't the late Ted Bundy give a master class in murdering "pretty white girls"?
Why your emphasis on race?
Who killed the pretty white girl in the park in NYC? Who killed the 7 year old in Chicago yesterday?

Where do I find a complete list of all murders in the U.S. of women who were, say, 25 or younger and who murdered each? You are cherry-picking among murder cases to back up a racist theory.
Most murders are committed by black people. You dont need to know specific cases to know that.
There is no support for your assertion that "most murders are committed by black people." You are trying to blame the crime of murder on people just because of the color of the bodies they were born into, which is foul and disgusting. Do you think that the people who invited Dylan Roof into their church to study the bible with them and were murdered in cold blood were murderers or decent, upstanding people practicing their religion?
Its an undeniable fact that black men, despite being only 6% of the population, commit over 50% of all murders in the US.

If you think this is a skin color issue, youre dumb. Black people are violent because they have an inferior culture. The good news is cultures can change, though i currently see no evidence of a cultural awakening starting in the black community.

That's a deniable fact because the numbers show that less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of all arrests for murder in 2018 were black men. The undeniable fact is that the DOJ recognizes 30 categories of crime with whites leading in 27 of them on an annual basis. It is also undeniable that white men lead in violent crime annually. Less than 1/1000th of 1 percent of all Americans die by murder. The UVA Center on Politics shows that 31 percent of white Americans support or hold white supremacist views. Those views are far more prevalent than black murders and they create crime.
But a good segment of offenders who have perpetuated this supposed "open season on white women" are white men.
We just don't see that day to day. What's on the nightly news is black and latino men amusing themselves by murdering pretty white girls.

The news is full of white men murdering "pretty white girls." You might also consider worrying about "pretty" black and latina girls being murdered.
Didn't the late Ted Bundy give a master class in murdering "pretty white girls"?
Why your emphasis on race?
Who killed the pretty white girl in the park in NYC? Who killed the 7 year old in Chicago yesterday?

Where do I find a complete list of all murders in the U.S. of women who were, say, 25 or younger and who murdered each? You are cherry-picking among murder cases to back up a racist theory.

People do the same thing with police, saying that they are targeting black people to shoot. Yet it is an anomaly.
You may be right.

When the FBI and Homeland security report that police departments are hiring whites supremacists, nobody is cherry picking.
But he never enslaved anyone. He's just living off the benefits created by slavery and apartheid, therefore you can't blame him.

Why do I owe for others debts?
You live off what they did and the government continues maintaining the same system of white preference.
Too bad, when in Rome, do as Romans do.

Or as Alinsky said, don't conflate pathology with ideology.

Civilization favors the civilized, black white or Asian. Either respect your natural place in the pecking order or die for nothing.

Thus far, your circular reasoning and pathology masquerading as ideology, designed to fester and perpetuate a persecution or helpless victim mindset hasn't done much but to get your kind thrown in prisons or asylums, and thus perpetuate the cycle of victimhood.

The fact that even "white man's" computer and information technology has "enslaved you" so to speak, making it much easier for white men and women and the corporations they control to profile, monitor and keep you under the gun shows that you have no hope but ineffectual violence, you might as well just go anarchy, and what are the odds of that working out for you and your kind?

Perhaps taking some lessons from that "Uncle Tom" MLK would be in order?

There is no white man's technology. There is no place in a pecking order. And
white racial preference is not civilized.
I never said it was, I just said that the internet and most media technology is owned by white corporations and executives, if you believe that all of civilization, or "Western" civilization is against you, then it's rather naïve to use the internet, which might very well be being used by the government or executives to build profiles on you.

Such as the racist groups like the "New Black Panther Party" who are anti-Semites, but naively use Facebook, despite it being owned by a Jew - how ironic.

I did take lessons from King.







Perhaps you really need to take some lessons from MLK instead of misquoting 2-3 sentences he spoke.
I'd be interested in seeing where those fit in to the entire history of King.

If you won't solve your problems without revenge or violence, then that's on you (or if any black person who isn't involved in violence or retribution against the "white man" is a Tom or a 'race traitor', that's on you).

I don't believe in revenge or senseless violence, so good luck to you on that one, and whatever it is you're hoping to accomplish. Neither did plenty of other "non-whites", such as Mahatma Ghandi, or Jesus Christ, who of course was Jewish, regardless of the association of "Christianity" exclusively with "white" people.
The NBPP is a small basically powerless group. Such groups happen in response to white racism. It is the epitome of psychosis to call people who are angrily opposing the racism directed at them as racists.

This is not about revenge, nor do I talk about violence. This is about correcting a longstanding injustice, one people like you continue to benefit from.
I am a former photojournalist having worked for many South African publications.
Updated Dec 1, 2016 ·

As a white South African, I am a descendent and benefactor of the Europeans who colonized Africa, and I can emphatically say NO! Colonization was the worst thing to ever happen to the people, cultures, societies, land and economy of Africa.

To begin with, I’d like to talk about a commonly peddled myth - that being the one relating to the primitive and savage Africa that the colonizing Europeans “discovered”, civilized and then developed. Of course, much of this commonly accepted history has been written by those same colonialists, but the truth is that large portions of Africa were not that far behind Europe at the time that Europeans began arriving.

For instance, below is a drawing of Benin City in present day Nigeria prior to its destruction by the British in 1897.


Benin City circa 1891.

In the 14th Century, Timbuktu was 5 times the size of London and the richest city in the world. The city was the capital of the Mali Kingdom which was ruled by Mansa Musa, the richest person in history. It is estimated that his personal fortune would equate to about $400 Billion today.


Mansa Musa.

At its peak, the Mali Kingdom was producing more than half the world’s supply of gold and salt and was home to the Library of Timbuktu and to 25,000 university students. National Geographic recently referred to Timbuktu as “the Paris of the mediaeval world, on account of its intellectual culture.”

Let's also consider the Tanzanian city of Kilwa, which was described by a visiting Arab scribe as “one of the most beautiful and well-constructed cities in the world, the whole of it is elegantly built”. Kilwa dated back to the 9th Century and was at its peak in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Its architecture included Gothic arches and intricate stonework, and it was a major trading hub that minted its own coins. In 1505, Kilwa (along with the city of Mombasa) was destroyed by the Portuguese.


The Sultan’s Palace in Kilwa


Some of the surviving ruins of Kilwa today. The ruins are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Other major civilizations that existed prior to the colonial invasion, to name a few, included the Kingdom of Loango, the Kingdom of Kongo, the Ghana Empire, the Kingdom of Zimbabwe and the Asante Kingdom, the capital of which was Kumasi. Kumasi was described as follows:

“The townhouses of Kumase had upstairs toilets in 1817. Promenades and public squares, cosmopolitan lives, exquisite architecture and everywhere spotless and ordered, a wealth of architecture, history, prosperity and extremely modern living.”


The Manhyia Palace in Kumasi.

Doesn't really look so primitive and uncivilized, does it?

These are just a tiny sample, but the reality is that hundreds of relatively developed African cities and civilizations were destroyed by invading Europeans in an endeavor to conquer the people and exploit the rich resources that the continent is bestowed with. As a result, most, if not all, of this rich cultural history was lost, destroyed and forgotten, and the narrative of “advanced Europe” bringing industrialization, civilization, trade and other developments to primitive Africa became the accepted truth.

What colonialism did was reduce the African people to the role of the conquered, nothing more than second class citizens at best. And that's without touching on slavery or the extremes of colonial oppression such as the barbarism perpetrated by the Belgians in the Congo Free State or the terrible crime of Apartheid that was perpetrated in South Africa during the death throes of colonialism…

The truth is that the intrusion of European colonialists did not lead to the transmission of technology, ideas or knowledge to the indigenous African population. Rather, it destroyed all existing forms of civilization and development that had been accomplished by the indigenous people, and then further hindered Africa’s development by expatriating surplus from all production activities - minerals, precious metals, wood, ore, ivory, furs, gemstones, fuels, crops and other raw materials. The roles of Africans were reduced to basic labour jobs which never stimulated technological advances or improved means of production.

Without colonialism and its consequences, Africa would more likely have developed at a similar rate to Europe and other regions through trade, knowledge-sharing and a move towards industrialisation in line with the Industrial Revolution. The despicable offshoots of colonialism - slavery, racism, eugenics and genocide - may not have occurred (or at least, not to the level that they did and that they still exist today). More importantly, Africa’s riches would have been used to enrich the people and develop the infrastructure of this continent.

So no, on the whole colonization was not good for Africa.

Your ancestors benefitted from laws non whites were excluded from. You say they never owned slaves, but there are a lot of things whites have done to us that didn't involve ownership.
Doesn't matter, as far as the law goes, nothing is owed to anyone, nor any contract or deal legally binding unless determined by a court of law, and if you write of the law as part of a "vast white supremacist conspiracy", as having originated in Britain, then good luck to you, all you have is anarchy and mindless tribal violence.

Take it up with Judge Judy, and see if she cares.

Or please tell me what you and your little cult of brainwashed followers plan to do when you're up against, the entire State and Federal legal system, the entire US military and National Guard, the entirety of the white, male dominated corporations and educational systems, and their information technology which controls and monitors everything you say and type as you speak.

You've more or less already lost, and have about as much luck in succeeding as Al-Qaida would in single handedly defeating the entire combined US and European military forces in combat.

Perhaps a suicide is the only option for you, or a homicide which will just be used by "whites" to further racial stereotypes against your kind. Enjoy your lose-lose scenario, mhmm.

No one's scared of you or the silly Jew Alinsky who couldn't even find some better to steal and plagiarize from than Machiavelli, and even admitted that you and his ilk have no power, except in an illusion - revolt, and the white police force will just shoot you dead, plant a bit of evidence, and get off Scott free like they always do... right?

What are you going to do when the entire world is literally against you? Been watching too many Rambo movies? I doubt it will work out for you.

Even the entire rap industry is primarily owned and operated by white executives, and arguable just perpetuates stereotypes for the entertainment value of sheltered, suburban white millennials.

The precedent has been set as the government has paid reparations to numerous groups including descendants of the confederacy, which it did until 2017. You have nothing to fear from me. But what you need to fear comes from the ultimate and only judge of nations. You will pay what is owed or lose what you got.

Your online shit talking is not going to stop the judgment coming to whites like you.
Be more specific? Is that a terroristic threat or violence?

So go ahead, kill a few white women and children, and see what that does for you.

Or just go "take back" what you think is owned yourself, jack a few Ferraris or something, see if the state cares?

Or tell me which of the 300 million Americans is the one who "owes you this or that", and how you will ever be able to get an actual court of law to grant that for you.

If anyone "owes" you anything, it would be the government itself, not random "white people" on the internet, that's absurd and no court of law would take that any more seriously than those "sovereign citizen" type of people.

No threat. A prediction.

"You have nothing to fear from me. But what you need to fear comes from the ultimate and only judge of nations. You will pay what is owed or lose what you got."

I'm not talking about mans court of law. Mans law is irrelevant to the lord. That's the judgement those like you want to put on this nation. When the lord determines a sentence, the supreme court can't help you. This is what awaits you if those like you refuse to repay money that is owed.
Prove in a court that I owe you jack shit on a personal level, that's not how the law works.

It would be the government that owes you something, like it did the Native Americans - what's stopping you and the wealthy Black Americans from filing a lawsuit for reparations, instead of wasting your time "hating whitey" on the internet?

Pro sports and much of the entertainment industry is black and wealthy, why don't you pull your money together and get it over with?

Again. all the boastful and arrogant rhetoric on earth cannot save you from the judgment that awaits those like you.
Fair enough, I'll take judgment from God, not from a terrorist.

The owners of pro sports and entertainment industries are white. Lebron James is rich, but somebody signs his paycheck. You really don't know very much about this subject and repeating the shit whites like you discuss at family gatherings do not provide the facts.

Beginning in 1958, the United States government decided to pay descendants of confederate soldiers reparations. They got them from 1958 until 2017 for a war none of them were alive for and that none of them fought. These were monthly checks for a war their ancestors fought against the United States. For years black tax money went to pay whites who descended from slaveowners and overseers. But when it comes time to recognize the damage done to blacks we get excuses and idiocy from all sides, and that includes some in the black community.

In order to reach true equality in a capitalist system all must have equal control of capital, especially in our own communities. Blacks have an economy of 1.3 trillion dollars. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million Black-owned business in the United States, compared to 22.6 million white-owned businesses. Blacks/African Americans, who make up more than 13% of the U.S. population, only own about 7% of all the businesses in the country, and generate only about 0.5% of total receipts. Out of those 2.6 million businesses, 95 percent were sole proprietorships with no hired employees. 109,000 of these businesses were able to hire employees. Those businesses hired over 975,000 people.

It is apparent that such numbers need to increase. While much is made about foreign trade deficits, Americans face internal trade deficits of our own making.

Racists are very good at instructing everyone as to the percentage of blacks in the population. And they reach hard to extrapolate exaggerated numbers about crime, often conflating murder with total crime. But somehow and really it's done on purpose because we are dealing with racists, are other important statistical data is not discussed.

Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.
less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of all arrests for murder in 2018 were black men
Say what?! Math really isnt your thing. :laugh:

That would mean that black people commit less than 1 in 1,000,000 murders. How many murders do you think there were in 2018? I mean if blacks only committed 300 murders in 2018, that would mean 300,000,000 other murders happened that year. Everyone would be dead. Lol!
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No. Don't twist my words. You are being racially selective in order to back up a racist theory. You will publicize and emphasize only those murders of white girls who are killed by non-whites or latinos. You will not comment on news that a white girl was murdered by a white male. Moreover, why not be concerned over the murder of any girl, regardless of race?

Julie Dombo Gun Violence Victim_03.jpg
No. Don't twist my words. You are being racially selective in order to back up a racist theory. You will publicize and emphasize only those murders of white girls who are killed by non-whites or latinos. You will not comment on news that a white girl was murdered by a white male. Moreover, why not be concerned over the murder of any girl, regardless of race?

View attachment 296828

There is no way to rate your post as "funny," because it isn't. But where are the rest of the victims and the perps? Even if you are only concerned with the welfare of white women and, for some reason, not concerned with the welfare of other women, why do you make the race of the criminal the focus? Many white men have done some very nasty things to white women, so where are the pictures?
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less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of all arrests for murder in 2018 were black men
Say what?! Math really isnt your thing. :laugh:

That would mean that black people commit less than 1 in 1,000,000 murders. How many murders do you think there were in 2018? I mean if blacks only committed 300 murders in 2018, that would mean 300,000,000 other murders happened that year. Everyone would be dead. Lol!
I understand that you want to keep pretending because it makes you feel like you matter, but the numbers exist. There were not a million murders and we are citing crime stats based on numbers of arrests. Still you have chosen to ignore 29 other categories of crime, 27 of which whites lead in. Now if you think that fraud isn't a serious crime, ask the white people who got all their money taken by another white person. If you think vandalism isn't serious then why do you guys need guns at home. I guess burning a persons house down is no big deal. Why do we even bother with DUI's or Drug laws? Those aren't serious either. Burglary, Larceny, Aggravated assault, battery, rape, not a problem. Whites lead in all these crimes. But hey that's not a problem, but we must make certain we maintain the façade of supremacy so we'll argue endlessly about black murders even though there have been years whites have lead in murders as well as the justice systems tendency to call white murder something else.

It's just this simple, the face of crime in America has been white and male. That goes for violent crime, property crime, crime against family, and white collar crime. Look at the crooked white president, that's a shining illustration of the American history of white male criminality. Change that and shut up trying to tell me about blacks.
Blacks arrested for murder in 2018 equaled less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of US population. Do you white boys understand that? There were 4778 blacks arrested for murder out of a US population of 330 million people. Catch what I am saying white boys? I'm saying that 13 percent of the mother fucking population were not responsible for 50 percent of the murders. Less than 1/2 of 100th of a percent of the US population died by murder in 2018. Less than 1/10,000th of the population were responsible for approximately 1/4 of 100th of a percent of the deaths in America. 31 percent of whites in America hold white supremacist views. Math is not a problem for me, but it seems that math knowledge is not required for stormfront membership.
Why do you insist on being so childish?

Perhaps your consistent refusal to engage in a mature discussion regarding the HEALTH and WELFARE of American children and teens is a reason for not viewing you as a caring, responsible adult!

Here's an example of a HEALTH related question you refuse to deal with..

_sandra bland MY QUESTION_2.jpg

Sharing her PAIN, the late #SocialActivist & #Integrationist Ms. Sandra Bland passionately pleads w/ America's #IntraRacialDiscrimination & HATE practicing #PROBLACK community to END #TERRORISM & #THUGLIFE #CHILDABUSE!

#SandraBland, Let's Go To WAR

Blacks arrested for murder in 2018 equaled less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of US population.

Sadly, PRO BLACK practicing IM2 will not address THE LARGER ISSUE of who is raising and nurturing perfectly healthy newborns maturing into apparent emotionally troubled teen and adult citizens lacking respect for their peaceful neighbors.



#OprahWinfrey & #EBCDScientist Dr. Bruce D. Perry lay the foundation for Dr. Perry's more detailed presentation.

EBCD Scientist Explains To Oprah Why Kids Are Hurting:

Dr. Bruce D. Perry:

Who is we and who is alive today being treated badly ?
The most obvious answer is young, attractive white women. Tessa Majors, Mollie Tibbets, Kate Steinle were treated badly. At least until their last breath. It's already open season on white women.

But a good segment of offenders who have perpetuated this supposed "open season on white women" are white men.
We just don't see that day to day. What's on the nightly news is black and latino men amusing themselves by murdering pretty white girls.

The news is full of white men murdering "pretty white girls." You might also consider worrying about "pretty" black and latina girls being murdered.
Didn't the late Ted Bundy give a master class in murdering "pretty white girls"?
Why your emphasis on race?
Almost no black girls are getting raped and murdered by white men.
You're live in the Puget Sound area and have never heard of the Green River killer Gary Ridgeway?
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The most obvious answer is young, attractive white women. Tessa Majors, Mollie Tibbets, Kate Steinle were treated badly. At least until their last breath. It's already open season on white women.

But a good segment of offenders who have perpetuated this supposed "open season on white women" are white men.
We just don't see that day to day. What's on the nightly news is black and latino men amusing themselves by murdering pretty white girls.

The news is full of white men murdering "pretty white girls." You might also consider worrying about "pretty" black and latina girls being murdered.
Didn't the late Ted Bundy give a master class in murdering "pretty white girls"?
Why your emphasis on race?
Who killed the pretty white girl in the park in NYC? Who killed the 7 year old in Chicago yesterday?

Where do I find a complete list of all murders in the U.S. of women who were, say, 25 or younger and who murdered each? You are cherry-picking among murder cases to back up a racist theory.
We just don't see that day to day. What's on the nightly news is black and latino men amusing themselves by murdering pretty white girls.

The news is full of white men murdering "pretty white girls." You might also consider worrying about "pretty" black and latina girls being murdered.
Didn't the late Ted Bundy give a master class in murdering "pretty white girls"?
Why your emphasis on race?
Who killed the pretty white girl in the park in NYC? Who killed the 7 year old in Chicago yesterday?

Where do I find a complete list of all murders in the U.S. of women who were, say, 25 or younger and who murdered each? You are cherry-picking among murder cases to back up a racist theory.
Are you saying the media is hiding when white girls are killed by whites? Lol

No. Don't twist my words. You are being racially selective in order to back up a racist theory. You will publicize and emphasize only those murders of white girls who are killed by non-whites or latinos. You will not comment on news that a white girl was murdered by a white male. Moreover, why not be concerned over the murder of any girl, regardless of race?
Not the definitive list but it might help
What data on 3,000 murderers and 10,000 victims tells us about serial killers

Who are the victims?
Looking deeper into the Serial Killer Database data, we’re also able to get a better idea of who these 9,915 victims are.

Gender-wise, victims are essentially split down the middle, with a slight lean toward women. (Note: There are naturally more women than men in the general US population, and this is only slightly more than proportional.)

Across race lines, two-thirds of serial killer victims are white. But when gauged with US Census figures of the general population, black people are by far the most overrepresented: They account for 13.3 percent of the US population but a whopping 24 percent of all victims.


Serial killers also prefer younger victims: About 18 percent of all victims fall under the age of 18, while just over 10 percent are over the age of 60.

After peaking at age 29, the chances of being murdered by a serial killer dramatically decrease in one’s 30s, 40s, and 50s.

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