When whites fled Chicago in the 1970s

Definitely true.
Today's young adults are seeking to live in larger cities where there are better economic opportunities due to the death of manufacturing in smaller communities. As demand rises in those areas, so does rent and real estate. And as they rise, developers start investing and presto...in as little as 5-6 years whole neighborhoods change. Those that want to work for a living, and better themselves want in....those that don't...want out.
Happening all over the country.

Within 10 years Chicago will be over 50% white. I guarantee it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Happening everywhere.
In Indianapolis you take an area known as Speedway. And yes it is close to the Indy 500 track. For years this area was a toilet bowl. High crime, run down homes and vacant commercial buildings.
Today in just a few years the area is dramatically changing, developers are building nice apartment buildings, investors tore down rat infested houses and built new ones....businesses are moving in right and left...development is everywhere there now.
That neighborhood was at least 70% minorities before...now at least half are white.
Kids are going to the cities....and you bet your ass developers will fill that demand.

And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,

And that, is bullshit. If it could have then it would have.
Definitely true.
Today's young adults are seeking to live in larger cities where there are better economic opportunities due to the death of manufacturing in smaller communities. As demand rises in those areas, so does rent and real estate. And as they rise, developers start investing and presto...in as little as 5-6 years whole neighborhoods change. Those that want to work for a living, and better themselves want in....those that don't...want out.
Happening all over the country.

Within 10 years Chicago will be over 50% white. I guarantee it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Happening everywhere.
In Indianapolis you take an area known as Speedway. And yes it is close to the Indy 500 track. For years this area was a toilet bowl. High crime, run down homes and vacant commercial buildings.
Today in just a few years the area is dramatically changing, developers are building nice apartment buildings, investors tore down rat infested houses and built new ones....businesses are moving in right and left...development is everywhere there now.
That neighborhood was at least 70% minorities before...now at least half are white.
Kids are going to the cities....and you bet your ass developers will fill that demand.

And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,
If you actually believe the stuff you write, you are in a special category of clueless. So why DIDN'T the development happen when only blacks lived there?

And if development didn't happen when only blacks lived there, how did the development first happen when only blacks lived there? Did the residents put on white face and trick the developers into thinking they'd accidentally purchased real estate in Vermont?
they were fleeing because they were horrible racists. When blacks flee in 2017, they are fleeing gun violence.

Austin population drops to No. 2 in city for 1st time in 45 years

How many gun manufacturing companies do blacks own?
I don't know. How many?

You know the answer, you're just too much of a coward to say it.
Why would I know the answer? It's not even a relevant question.
Within 10 years Chicago will be over 50% white. I guarantee it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Happening everywhere.
In Indianapolis you take an area known as Speedway. And yes it is close to the Indy 500 track. For years this area was a toilet bowl. High crime, run down homes and vacant commercial buildings.
Today in just a few years the area is dramatically changing, developers are building nice apartment buildings, investors tore down rat infested houses and built new ones....businesses are moving in right and left...development is everywhere there now.
That neighborhood was at least 70% minorities before...now at least half are white.
Kids are going to the cities....and you bet your ass developers will fill that demand.

And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,

And that, is bullshit. If it could have then it would have.

It's fact. I know you don't want to see it, but it is what it is. RACISM..
they were fleeing because they were horrible racists. When blacks flee in 2017, they are fleeing gun violence.

Austin population drops to No. 2 in city for 1st time in 45 years

How many gun manufacturing companies do blacks own?
I don't know. How many?

You know the answer, you're just too much of a coward to say it.
Why would I know the answer? It's not even a relevant question.

It is a very relevant question since you mention gun violence.
Within 10 years Chicago will be over 50% white. I guarantee it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Happening everywhere.
In Indianapolis you take an area known as Speedway. And yes it is close to the Indy 500 track. For years this area was a toilet bowl. High crime, run down homes and vacant commercial buildings.
Today in just a few years the area is dramatically changing, developers are building nice apartment buildings, investors tore down rat infested houses and built new ones....businesses are moving in right and left...development is everywhere there now.
That neighborhood was at least 70% minorities before...now at least half are white.
Kids are going to the cities....and you bet your ass developers will fill that demand.

And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,
If you actually believe the stuff you write, you are in a special category of clueless. So why DIDN'T the development happen when only blacks lived there?

And if development didn't happen when only blacks lived there, how did the development first happen when only blacks lived there? Did the residents put on white face and trick the developers into thinking they'd accidentally purchased real estate in Vermont?

I'm afraid I am not the clueless one here. So let me air it out. Speedway was developed in 1912 and built to provide residential access for workers in the nearby factories. I doubt if many Now the question is did those factories leave as blacks moved into those communities? and, Why after 105 years is redevelopment finally occurring?

In 1926, the Indianapolis City Council, heavily influenced at the time by the Klan, drafted a residential zoning ordinance prohibiting blacks from moving into predominantly white neighborhoods without the consent of the white residents, and vice versa. Despite doubts among legal staff from the mayor’s office as to its constitutional validity, the measure enjoyed broad support from white civic organizations and municipal officials alike. Proponents of the bill cited the recent decision of Tyler v. Harmon, 158 La. 439 (1925). In that case, the Supreme Court of Louisiana upheld the constitutionality of a New Orleans racial zoning ordinance—a model upon which the Indianapolis measure was based—concluding that, because the ordinance prohibited mere occupancy rather than the sale of property, Buchanan did not apply. The court further reasoned that, because it applied equally to whites and blacks and dealt with “social, as distinguished from political, equality,” the ordinance lacked a discriminatory basis. The Tyler decision was sufficient precedent for Indianapolis officials to act. “Passage of this ordinance,” declared the president of the White Citizens Protective League, “will stabilize real estate values . . . and give the honest citizens and voters renewed faith in city officials.”

Case Study

You do understand what zoning is don't you?

Maybe you read the link to understand how I say what I do.

Unfortunately, successful efforts at residential integration and environmental preservation failed to extend much beyond the neighborhood boundaries of Butler-Tarkington. Instead, many of the traditionally African-American neighborhoods of Indy’s urban core succumbed to the “urban renewal” programs of the 1950s and 1960s. City officials sought to clear “blighted” areas rather than revitalize them, transforming the physical environment at great social and cultural expense.

As government subsidies shifted away from urban redevelopment, suburban sprawl added to the costly extension of public services to outlying, metropolitan areas. Perhaps the most well-known urban residential casualty was the neighborhood surrounding Indiana Avenue. By the early 1970s, the once-vibrant African-American community had given way to the construction of I-65 and the IUPUI campus. Today, only a few historic buildings—including the Madame Walker Theatre—remain as testaments to the neighborhood’s legacy.

What was your question boy?

The diversion of public funding and private investment in downtown Indianapolis led to further decline in the urban environment. Housing abandonment, demolition by neglect, mortgage foreclosure, and declining property values plagued several neighborhoods during the last decades of the 20th century. To make matter worse, many of the businesses that had served local needs—including supermarkets and small, black-owned establishments—closed their doors, leaving residents with limited access to healthy food or basic goods and services at affordable prices.

The Fall Creek neighborhood—bounded by Meridian Street to the west, Fall Creek Parkway to the north, College Avenue to the east, and 22nd Street to the south—illustrates the rapid decline of the physical environment during these years. By the early 1980s, following years of disinvestment, the neighborhood—formerly referred to as “Dodge City” because of its high crime rate—consisted largely of vacant lots and abandoned homes. Although many low-income, minority families continued to reside there, the city directed few resources to help repair the area’s increasing blight.

Again what was your question boy?

The disinvestment of Indy's downtown neighborhoods following the “urban renewal” programs of the 1950s and 1960s not only created a landscape of blight and disrepair, but also left an aging, broken, and unsanitary infrastructure. Perhaps most representative of this environmental injustice was the city's outdated combined sewer system, which was literally flooding (in fact, continues to flood) many urban residential areas with raw sewage.

In 1987, the EPA delegated responsibility for CSO permitting to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. However, absent strict federal regulations, there was little incentive to comply with water quality standards under the Clean Water Act. And because most urban communities in Indianapolis (as with many others across the U.S.) lacked the resources or political strength to enforce these standards, they were left to suffer from the environmentally hazardous legacy of these outdated sewer systems. In adding insult to injury, the growth in suburban residential developments led to even heavier sewage overflow in Indy's downstream urban neighborhoods.

In 1999, two environmental justice organizations—Improving Kids’ Environment and the Hoosier Environmental Council—filed an administrative complaint with the EPA’s Office of Civil Rights on behalf of minority residents of the Fall Creek and White River neighborhoods (the population of which, at the time, was more than 85% black). The complaint alleged, among other things, that the city—while investing limited resources in new suburban residential developments—had failed to remedy CSOs in the urban neighborhoods, resulting in a disproportionate environmental impact in violation of EPA’s Title VI regulations. In 2001, the EPA accepted the complaint for investigation, ultimately leading to a settlement in which Indianapolis agreed to a long-term CSO control plan aimed at eliminating the discriminatory effects of the city's obsolete sanitation services. The consent decree into which the parties entered in 2006 requires the capture and treatment of 95% and 97% of the sewage overflows in the White River and Fall Creek watersheds respectively.

Again what was your question boy?

Like I said, RACISM is the problem here. But then again, you are a racist so expecting you to admit to racism as being a problem is expecting the impossible.
they were fleeing because they were horrible racists. When blacks flee in 2017, they are fleeing gun violence.

Austin population drops to No. 2 in city for 1st time in 45 years

If we let people like you revise history.......nothing whites have done historically was due to racism. Blacks, I do not believe, are not leaving the city because of gun violence. Look at the trend nationally. The suburbs have opened up to blacks. They are putting more section 8 in the suburbs. Why? Nationally whites are returning to the city. Young whites want high density wakable neighborhoods near public transportation and close to downtown. Blacks occupy that space since the 70's....so blacks have to be enticed out so that whites can move in. Its no accident that the majority of older cities experienced black population decline the last census.

Blacks would have moved to the suburbs when whites were fleeing to the suburbs.....but realtors and lenders and sellers sought to prevent blacks moving to the suburbs. Now that there is less racism keeping blacks out the suburbs.....blacks are leaving the cities...now whites want to live in the city. Go figure.
Just about everything you wrote is wrong. And that makes you the revisionist.

"Blacks, I do not believe, are not leaving the city because of gun violence. "

I think you meant you don't believe blacks are leaving because of the gun violence. If you'd read the article I linked, it notes that fear of crime IS a primary reason blacks are leaving. You seem to think they would rather stay but are leaving because that's where the free shit is. And the free shit is there because the cities need to be cleared of blacks so that whites can move in because whites insist on "walkable" neighborhoods. I.e., no gun violence. I guess you imagine young whites are calling up the local block captains and saying, ok, if you get rid of the blacks, me and all my friends will move down there.

And here's how really really wrong you are: I live in the city most noted for the phenomenon you describe: Washington, DC. It's almost noticeable from day to day how much whiter the city is. Not only that, but I live in the area of Washington most noted locally for that. The young whites here have no issue with the crime. They aren't looking to start families, unfortunately. To them, if there is a mugging on the corner, it gives them something to squeal with excitement about at the bar on Friday night. It's edgy. It makes the neighborhood hip.

As for cities with black population decline, the truth is that, in general, the blacker the city, the faster the city is losing population. Your method of dealing with unpleasant realities may be to pretend reality is something else, but it's not my way.

Btw, "Young whites want high density wakable neighborhoods near public transportation and close to downtown." So do young blacks.

Crime as a reason that explains why blacks are leaving now is BS....and I do not care what the article says. Here are the reasons why?

1. There were years when the murder rate in Chicago was much higher.....and blacks were not leaving.
2. Chicago is not the only city blacks are leaving. Blacks are leaving Detroit, Cleveland, Oakland, etc....and there has not been any rise in gun violence. Ergo, its a national trend that blacks are leaving central cities.
3. Blacks have always wanted to escape violence and poor schools.....but whites traditionally blocked the escape route. Whites desiring the suburbs less and the city more, simply opens the doors for more blacks to leave the city.
4. Many blacks only know city living and desire the space grass of the suburbs, while many whites only know suburban living and now desire the density and walkability the city. Its simply people wanting something different.
5.Suburbs still hold a status symbol for many blacks and they are finally able to attain it, while suburban is no longer a status young whites without children covet. They listen to a lot of rap music and feel that urban living puts them closer to that music culture.
6 If blacks desired high density walkable areas near downtown and public transportation.....they would not be moving out the cities. Not all blacks are being priced out, but rather, whites have simply loosened their stranglehold on the suburbs and now blacks are freer and feel more comfortable moving there.
7. Blacks would have left the cities a lot sooner if whites did not create barriers to doing so.
8. Because most cities have to compete with other cities to supply the type of environment that is attractive to the best and brightest and innovative young minds in order to keep and woo top companies......all cities are trying to create the Portland, Seattle, Boston type vibe where lots of whites are living the urban hipster life styles. The master plan calls for "whiter" urban cores and the only way that can happen is if inner ring suburbs are opened up to poor blacks.
9. When the same phenomenon is being repeated all across the nation....Pssssttt....its not a LOCAL thing....like gun violence...that is driving it. Its a conspiracy of like minds reshaping cities to be whiter....like European cities.
Last edited:
Definitely true.
Today's young adults are seeking to live in larger cities where there are better economic opportunities due to the death of manufacturing in smaller communities. As demand rises in those areas, so does rent and real estate. And as they rise, developers start investing and presto...in as little as 5-6 years whole neighborhoods change. Those that want to work for a living, and better themselves want in....those that don't...want out.
Happening all over the country.

Within 10 years Chicago will be over 50% white. I guarantee it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Happening everywhere.
In Indianapolis you take an area known as Speedway. And yes it is close to the Indy 500 track. For years this area was a toilet bowl. High crime, run down homes and vacant commercial buildings.
Today in just a few years the area is dramatically changing, developers are building nice apartment buildings, investors tore down rat infested houses and built new ones....businesses are moving in right and left...development is everywhere there now.
That neighborhood was at least 70% minorities before...now at least half are white.
Kids are going to the cities....and you bet your ass developers will fill that demand.

And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,

Only if the blacks had the will and financial ability to make it happen. But that didn't happen in over 3 decades. The neighborhood just kept getting worse. It wasn't until people who actively want real jobs and put in the effort to get those jobs and create a demand for better housing and commercial retail did it happen.
You can't just want something and wait for someone to make it happen for you. There has to be demand available by people who have the earning ability to pay for it to make it happen
they were fleeing because they were horrible racists. When blacks flee in 2017, they are fleeing gun violence.

Austin population drops to No. 2 in city for 1st time in 45 years

Chicago metro area sees second straight year of population loss

Illinois lost more residents than any other state in 2016
BY AJ LATRACE MAR 23, 2017, 9:12AM CDT

Chicago metro area sees second straight year of population loss

Very true, but if you read between the lines. Ask anyone trying to rent or buy a place in Chicago it is extremely tough and frustrating. They are extremely expensive and nothing stays on the market long. Demand on the north, west, Loop, South coast and many other areas are seeing housing storages and there is construction to fill this demand everywhere. The biggest drop in population is in black areas on the south side (which is seeing gentrification rapidly creeping in) and in the Latino areas of the far west side.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Within 10 years Chicago will be over 50% white. I guarantee it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Happening everywhere.
In Indianapolis you take an area known as Speedway. And yes it is close to the Indy 500 track. For years this area was a toilet bowl. High crime, run down homes and vacant commercial buildings.
Today in just a few years the area is dramatically changing, developers are building nice apartment buildings, investors tore down rat infested houses and built new ones....businesses are moving in right and left...development is everywhere there now.
That neighborhood was at least 70% minorities before...now at least half are white.
Kids are going to the cities....and you bet your ass developers will fill that demand.

And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,

Only if the blacks had the will and financial ability to make it happen. But that didn't happen in over 3 decades. The neighborhood just kept getting worse. It wasn't until people who actively want real jobs and put in the effort to get those jobs and create a demand for better housing and commercial retail did it happen.
You can't just want something and wait for someone to make it happen for you. There has to be demand available by people who have the earning ability to pay for it to make it happen

Spare me the ignorance and the dumb ass tired old whitebread lectures that deny racism. In short, shut the hell up.
they were fleeing because they were horrible racists. When blacks flee in 2017, they are fleeing gun violence.

Austin population drops to No. 2 in city for 1st time in 45 years

Chicago metro area sees second straight year of population loss

Illinois lost more residents than any other state in 2016
BY AJ LATRACE MAR 23, 2017, 9:12AM CDT

Chicago metro area sees second straight year of population loss

Very true, but if you read between the lines. Ask anyone trying to rent or buy a place in Chicago it is extremely tough and frustrating. They are extremely expensive and nothing stays on the market long. Demand on the north, west, Loop, South coast and many other areas are seeing housing storages and there is construction to fill this demand everywhere. The biggest drop in population is in black areas on the south side (which is seeing gentrification rapidly creeping in) and in the Latino areas of the far west side.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Blacks don't own these companies.

They are publically owned companies. Are you saying that blacks don't own stock in companies?

I am saying, since you want to play silly games, is that blacks do not own controlling interest in any of these companies.
Happening everywhere.
In Indianapolis you take an area known as Speedway. And yes it is close to the Indy 500 track. For years this area was a toilet bowl. High crime, run down homes and vacant commercial buildings.
Today in just a few years the area is dramatically changing, developers are building nice apartment buildings, investors tore down rat infested houses and built new ones....businesses are moving in right and left...development is everywhere there now.
That neighborhood was at least 70% minorities before...now at least half are white.
Kids are going to the cities....and you bet your ass developers will fill that demand.

And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,

Only if the blacks had the will and financial ability to make it happen. But that didn't happen in over 3 decades. The neighborhood just kept getting worse. It wasn't until people who actively want real jobs and put in the effort to get those jobs and create a demand for better housing and commercial retail did it happen.
You can't just want something and wait for someone to make it happen for you. There has to be demand available by people who have the earning ability to pay for it to make it happen

Spare me the ignorance and the dumb ass tired old whitebread lectures that deny racism. In short, shut the hell up.
In other words....I have no argument to make so I will revert back to calling you a racist
Happening everywhere.
In Indianapolis you take an area known as Speedway. And yes it is close to the Indy 500 track. For years this area was a toilet bowl. High crime, run down homes and vacant commercial buildings.
Today in just a few years the area is dramatically changing, developers are building nice apartment buildings, investors tore down rat infested houses and built new ones....businesses are moving in right and left...development is everywhere there now.
That neighborhood was at least 70% minorities before...now at least half are white.
Kids are going to the cities....and you bet your ass developers will fill that demand.

And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,
If you actually believe the stuff you write, you are in a special category of clueless. So why DIDN'T the development happen when only blacks lived there?

And if development didn't happen when only blacks lived there, how did the development first happen when only blacks lived there? Did the residents put on white face and trick the developers into thinking they'd accidentally purchased real estate in Vermont?

I'm afraid I am not the clueless one here. So let me air it out. Speedway was developed in 1912 and built to provide residential access for workers in the nearby factories. I doubt if many Now the question is did those factories leave as blacks moved into those communities? and, Why after 105 years is redevelopment finally occurring?

In 1926, the Indianapolis City Council, heavily influenced at the time by the Klan, drafted a residential zoning ordinance prohibiting blacks from moving into predominantly white neighborhoods without the consent of the white residents, and vice versa. Despite doubts among legal staff from the mayor’s office as to its constitutional validity, the measure enjoyed broad support from white civic organizations and municipal officials alike. Proponents of the bill cited the recent decision of Tyler v. Harmon, 158 La. 439 (1925). In that case, the Supreme Court of Louisiana upheld the constitutionality of a New Orleans racial zoning ordinance—a model upon which the Indianapolis measure was based—concluding that, because the ordinance prohibited mere occupancy rather than the sale of property, Buchanan did not apply. The court further reasoned that, because it applied equally to whites and blacks and dealt with “social, as distinguished from political, equality,” the ordinance lacked a discriminatory basis. The Tyler decision was sufficient precedent for Indianapolis officials to act. “Passage of this ordinance,” declared the president of the White Citizens Protective League, “will stabilize real estate values . . . and give the honest citizens and voters renewed faith in city officials.”

Case Study

You do understand what zoning is don't you?

Maybe you read the link to understand how I say what I do.

Unfortunately, successful efforts at residential integration and environmental preservation failed to extend much beyond the neighborhood boundaries of Butler-Tarkington. Instead, many of the traditionally African-American neighborhoods of Indy’s urban core succumbed to the “urban renewal” programs of the 1950s and 1960s. City officials sought to clear “blighted” areas rather than revitalize them, transforming the physical environment at great social and cultural expense.

As government subsidies shifted away from urban redevelopment, suburban sprawl added to the costly extension of public services to outlying, metropolitan areas. Perhaps the most well-known urban residential casualty was the neighborhood surrounding Indiana Avenue. By the early 1970s, the once-vibrant African-American community had given way to the construction of I-65 and the IUPUI campus. Today, only a few historic buildings—including the Madame Walker Theatre—remain as testaments to the neighborhood’s legacy.

What was your question boy?

The diversion of public funding and private investment in downtown Indianapolis led to further decline in the urban environment. Housing abandonment, demolition by neglect, mortgage foreclosure, and declining property values plagued several neighborhoods during the last decades of the 20th century. To make matter worse, many of the businesses that had served local needs—including supermarkets and small, black-owned establishments—closed their doors, leaving residents with limited access to healthy food or basic goods and services at affordable prices.

The Fall Creek neighborhood—bounded by Meridian Street to the west, Fall Creek Parkway to the north, College Avenue to the east, and 22nd Street to the south—illustrates the rapid decline of the physical environment during these years. By the early 1980s, following years of disinvestment, the neighborhood—formerly referred to as “Dodge City” because of its high crime rate—consisted largely of vacant lots and abandoned homes. Although many low-income, minority families continued to reside there, the city directed few resources to help repair the area’s increasing blight.

Again what was your question boy?

The disinvestment of Indy's downtown neighborhoods following the “urban renewal” programs of the 1950s and 1960s not only created a landscape of blight and disrepair, but also left an aging, broken, and unsanitary infrastructure. Perhaps most representative of this environmental injustice was the city's outdated combined sewer system, which was literally flooding (in fact, continues to flood) many urban residential areas with raw sewage.

In 1987, the EPA delegated responsibility for CSO permitting to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. However, absent strict federal regulations, there was little incentive to comply with water quality standards under the Clean Water Act. And because most urban communities in Indianapolis (as with many others across the U.S.) lacked the resources or political strength to enforce these standards, they were left to suffer from the environmentally hazardous legacy of these outdated sewer systems. In adding insult to injury, the growth in suburban residential developments led to even heavier sewage overflow in Indy's downstream urban neighborhoods.

In 1999, two environmental justice organizations—Improving Kids’ Environment and the Hoosier Environmental Council—filed an administrative complaint with the EPA’s Office of Civil Rights on behalf of minority residents of the Fall Creek and White River neighborhoods (the population of which, at the time, was more than 85% black). The complaint alleged, among other things, that the city—while investing limited resources in new suburban residential developments—had failed to remedy CSOs in the urban neighborhoods, resulting in a disproportionate environmental impact in violation of EPA’s Title VI regulations. In 2001, the EPA accepted the complaint for investigation, ultimately leading to a settlement in which Indianapolis agreed to a long-term CSO control plan aimed at eliminating the discriminatory effects of the city's obsolete sanitation services. The consent decree into which the parties entered in 2006 requires the capture and treatment of 95% and 97% of the sewage overflows in the White River and Fall Creek watersheds respectively.

Again what was your question boy?

Like I said, RACISM is the problem here. But then again, you are a racist so expecting you to admit to racism as being a problem is expecting the impossible.
How friggin helpless are you people? In city after city, neighborhood after neighborhood, as blacks move in, things start deteriorating. Crime starts to go up, trash starts to pile up, weeds start to grow up, porches start to fall down.

It happens in countries, too.

In Africa, after the Europeans left, things deteriorated. Roads fell into disrepair, sewage systems stopped working, water became contaminated, and corruption became endemic. In the Congo, they are back to using only the rivers to travel around the country. The highways the Belgians built have been swallowed back up by the jungle.

Who knows. Maybe the world is better without highways. But it's just weak to whine about not having highways or vibrant downtowns and then blame racism when white people don't come build them for you.

You might not like to hear that, and you can call me names all you want, the simple fact of the matter is it's the truth. Personally, I don't regard city services and real estate values as the primary determinant of human worth, so I shrug and move on. But what's pathetic is you trying to pretend that somehow it's white peoples fault no one in the hood will use a fucking trash can, that somehow I am to blame when you don't repair your broken fence, that the system is to blame when your people just throw household trash into the vacant lot next door.

Free advice: stop listening to black talk radio. It's a poisonous dead end.
Happening everywhere.
In Indianapolis you take an area known as Speedway. And yes it is close to the Indy 500 track. For years this area was a toilet bowl. High crime, run down homes and vacant commercial buildings.
Today in just a few years the area is dramatically changing, developers are building nice apartment buildings, investors tore down rat infested houses and built new ones....businesses are moving in right and left...development is everywhere there now.
That neighborhood was at least 70% minorities before...now at least half are white.
Kids are going to the cities....and you bet your ass developers will fill that demand.

And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,

Only if the blacks had the will and financial ability to make it happen. But that didn't happen in over 3 decades. The neighborhood just kept getting worse. It wasn't until people who actively want real jobs and put in the effort to get those jobs and create a demand for better housing and commercial retail did it happen.
You can't just want something and wait for someone to make it happen for you. There has to be demand available by people who have the earning ability to pay for it to make it happen

Spare me the ignorance and the dumb ass tired old whitebread lectures that deny racism. In short, shut the hell up.
I won't deny racism. I am a racist. I have a greater interest in the well-being of my people than I do in the well-being of the Chinese of the Congolese. Who cares? So what? In my view, if you aren't a racist, you are a kind of monster.

Race is nothing more than a very large, very extended, slightly inbred family. In the same way my biological brother and I have more ancestors in common, and more recently, with each other than with any other human on the planet, me and any other white guy on the planet have more ancestors in common and more recently with each other than either of us do with any black guy or Asian guy in the world. We are more closely related. Like brothers.

So try this thought experiment: you walk around a corner and see a man beating a woman. Quick! what's your first instinct? To help the woman, right? Now, you walk around a corner and see two Chinese men beating two women--one white, one black. Quick! What's your first instinct? To help the black woman, right? If you were white, you would hesitate on that question, because rayciss. Now, you walk around the corner and see two black men beating two black women and one of them is your mother. Quick! What do you do? You help your mother first, right? No one would think anything of it. They wouldn't accuse you of hating the other woman, they wouldn't accuse your mother of benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, people would think you were something like a monster if you DIDN'T help your mother first.

And, in fact, no one thinks anything about the Chinese guy helping the Chinese woman before he helps a Finnish woman. No one questions the black guy helping the black woman before he helps the Mexican woman. The whole world understands that is the absolutely normal, non-hateful reaction to have. ONLY white men are (((condemned))) if they help the white woman first.

That's why woke whites say "anti-racism is anti-white".
And you cannot see how racism is a problem in this situation.

Obviously it isn't.
It is economics. Should progress and improvement of communities be stopped? Is that your answer?

No it's racism. The same development could have occurred before the whites started moving back there,

Only if the blacks had the will and financial ability to make it happen. But that didn't happen in over 3 decades. The neighborhood just kept getting worse. It wasn't until people who actively want real jobs and put in the effort to get those jobs and create a demand for better housing and commercial retail did it happen.
You can't just want something and wait for someone to make it happen for you. There has to be demand available by people who have the earning ability to pay for it to make it happen

Spare me the ignorance and the dumb ass tired old whitebread lectures that deny racism. In short, shut the hell up.
I won't deny racism. I am a racist. I have a greater interest in the well-being of my people than I do in the well-being of the Chinese of the Congolese. Who cares? So what? In my view, if you aren't a racist, you are a kind of monster.

Race is nothing more than a very large, very extended, slightly inbred family. In the same way my biological brother and I have more ancestors in common, and more recently, with each other than with any other human on the planet, me and any other white guy on the planet have more ancestors in common and more recently with each other than either of us do with any black guy or Asian guy in the world. We are more closely related. Like brothers.

So try this thought experiment: you walk around a corner and see a man beating a woman. Quick! what's your first instinct? To help the woman, right? Now, you walk around a corner and see two Chinese men beating two women--one white, one black. Quick! What's your first instinct? To help the black woman, right? If you were white, you would hesitate on that question, because rayciss. Now, you walk around the corner and see two black men beating two black women and one of them is your mother. Quick! What do you do? You help your mother first, right? No one would think anything of it. They wouldn't accuse you of hating the other woman, they wouldn't accuse your mother of benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, people would think you were something like a monster if you DIDN'T help your mother first.

And, in fact, no one thinks anything about the Chinese guy helping the Chinese woman before he helps a Finnish woman. No one questions the black guy helping the black woman before he helps the Mexican woman. The whole world understands that is the absolutely normal, non-hateful reaction to have. ONLY white men are (((condemned))) if they help the white woman first.

That's why woke whites say "anti-racism is anti-white".

This all stupid. Because if I saw two Chinese men beating 2 women as you describe I would attack the closest one first. Fool, there is are many things you don't want to address as to why white men get what they do. You have a track record, or a tradition of using your race to oppress and terrorize. So you can quit the whiny explanations of why you are a racist. Because I am not one and had it not been for the situation you white men created because of your insecurity which is where racism comes from, I would not feel the need to defend "my people" You see fool, we all come from the same ancestral root. Most say it's from Africa but those like you want to dispute that. But even if it came from whitey land we a would still have descended from the same ancestral root.

You don't have anything in common with that Russian who doesn’t know your ass. No more than I have with the African that doesn't know mine. But the one thing me and that African have that is similar which you and that Russian just as white as you do not, is that we have faced oppression from the same oppressor, whitey. You and that Russia do not have that similarity. So no, you don/t have the same thing in common as that white man from Russia or in many other places in this world that whites call white nations.

You ain’t woke. You’re a whiny ass punk racist white boy mad because you don’t get to openly practice your racism and you can’t enact laws and policies to keep everyone else down but whites anymore. Anti-Racism is anti-racism, that’s different from being anti-white.

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