When will America say enough?

Well said! :clap:
Thanks. It seems pretty obvious these left wing fucking idiots haven’t even met some asshole pretending to be a woman yet want our entire society to kneel to their wishes. Well fuck off. Not doing it.
1. We have surrendered the media to the DNC
'We' have done nothing of the sort. The media was created by smart people. You are magaturds, thus, it's an eternal game of intellectual 'catch up' for you and your tribe. It'll take a while, I understand.

At least you have talk radio, amirite? :113:
2. We have surrendered academia to the DNC
'We' have done nothing of the sort. Magaturds love conspiracy and aren't too fucking bright to begin with. Once again, smart people built our education. Magaturds light their own farts for fun and pleasure. Stay in your lane, mentality-wise, magaturd, and there won't be any confusion.

If I worded it more like Mr. Trump, would it be more accessible to your smooth brain?
3. We have surrendered the border to the DNC.
Magaturds 'surrendered' the border to Democrats because they lost the fucking election. Full stop. You lost the power. Go get 'em next time, and shut the fuck up. I detest it when magaturds constantly cry about it, so please don't.
4. We have allowed the DNC to take our children during class time to protest guns and climate change
Refer to my reply to your magaturd point #2.
5. We have surrendered our children to learn CRT which teaches them to be racist all over again by either identifying as a victim or someone who should feel guilty. Either way, they think bad of themselves and think badly of others
6. We have surrendered our children to the new teachings about gender which has increased gender confusion some 4000%
'We' have done nothing of the sort. Magaturds want teachers to be robot babysitters programmed to distill 'correct' thoughts and 'correct' lesson plans for magaturd crotch fruit. It's a non-starter for the rest of us. And we're not fucking moving.
You failed to answer the question as well

Why not make all bathrooms a single occupancy and start arguing about important things we need to focus on?
Stellar idea.
Or do you enjoy the division and hate?
I find the right wing hysteria to be a constant source of amusement; yes. You guys have never been happy....ever.
Stellar idea.

I find the right wing hysteria to be a constant source of amusement; yes. You guys have never been happy....ever.
I'd disagree to a point. It's the same desperation setting in in the hybrid-right, political derps I call magaturds that we saw in Democrats the last 4-5 years after the result of 2016. They don't have the majority, the power, so fuck it. No holds barred. Couple that with the age of digital arrogance we currently live in, you have a perfect storm of entitlement just for entitlement sake. We can laugh at it all day long, sure, but we need to fix it.
I'd disagree to a point. It's the same desperation setting in in the hybrid-right, political derps I call magaturds that we saw in Democrats the last 4-5 years after the result of 2016. They don't have the majority, the power, so fuck it. No holds barred. Couple that with the age of digital arrogance we currently live in, you have a perfect storm of entitlement just for entitlement sake. We can laugh at it all day long, sure, but we need to fix it.

That may be true to an extent.

What I'm chuckling about is that whether they are in power or not in power, the right wing rhetoric of victimhood and pearl clutching indignation never stops.
That may be true to an extent.

What I'm chuckling about is that whether they are in power or not in power, the right wing rhetoric of victimhood and pearl clutching indignation never stops.
Well, yeah. But I believe America has a hard time dealing in truth these days.
Same here. I met one in a PetSmart. He was giving the girl and the cash register a hard time. She couldn't say anything but I sure could and did.

I told him he was a rude asshole and if he didn't like the service at PetSmart he could take his happy ass somewhere else. The Thing just looked at me and left. Guess no one ever told him what an asshole he/she was. LOL

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