When will ANTIFA be labeled a hate group like KKK and ISIS? The masks give it away


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
ANTIFA are terrorists and should be labeled a hate group and terrorists.

Look at all of this love and unity and anti fascism!!!

ANTIFA are terrorists and should be labeled a hate group and terrorists.

Look at all of this love and unity and anti fascism!!!

They have been designated "domestic terrorists" by the FBI and DHS. A formal declaration by Congress would be nice, but there are Democrats there, and they won't vote against their own.
ANITFA seems to be losing supporters, that's good news because they are fucking cowards...yes, you!

You are a coward...you in the mask...you are a pussy.

Why aren't mask laws being enforced?

Why are ANTIFA wearing masks if their intentions are pure and noble?
ANITFA seems to be losing supporters, that's good news because they are fucking cowards...yes, you!

You are a coward...you in the mask...you are a pussy.

. Good grief... How did he get out of his mommy's basement ? Is that what they teach in college these day's ?? Sick disgusting situation that is, but comical all at the same time. Good grief. :cuckoo: I do get the anger over the Nazi's being there to protest, but good grief learn how to channel that energy right ?
If you are fighting fascism with fascism, you are a full blown idiot.
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They aren't really a hate group as they are standing against hate, however with the violence and aggressive acts they resort to an arguement can be made to label them a terrorist group. I don't think they are at that level though
AntiFa is not a Hate Group... it is a Leftist Political Militia.

The next time they muster in-force, and proceed to attack peaceful demonstrators, the police should volley into that AntiFa rabble and kill a few dozen.

And, if that doesn't cause them to cease their violence, either on-site or at some future date, then it's a simple matter of "rinse and repeat" until they DO cease their violence.

A heavy price to pay, for falling asleep in Civics class

There is room in America for all manner of political opinion and all manner of non-violent activism and advocacy...

However, when you use intimidation and violence to suppress the legitimate opinions and political activities of others who do not think like you...

You move beyond the domain of law-abiding citizen, break the Social Contract, and engage in the fascist-like imposition of your political will and the suppression of the political rights of others by unlawful and violent force.

The antidote to that violence is force of arms on the part of legitimate authority.
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AntiFa is not a Hate Group... it is a Leftist Political Militia.

The next time they muster in-force, and proceed to attack peaceful demonstrators, the police should volley into that AntiFa rabble and kill a few dozen.

And, if that doesn't cause them to cease their violence, either on-site or at some future date, then it's a simple matter of "rinse and repeat" until they DO cease their violence.

A heavy price to pay, for falling asleep in Civics class...

Tough, but fair.

Anyone who breaks the law should suffer the consequences.
ANTIFA are terrorists and should be labeled a hate group and terrorists.

Look at all of this love and unity and anti fascism!!!

Maybe when they start existing for some reason other than fighting against hate groups

Go back and tell your leaders that it's not working. Maybe try a new name. Maybe try running a better candidate for President.

Wearing masks and beating innocent people bloody doesn't seem to be gaining traction.
They will be labeled if & when there is a group named ANTIFA. as of now its just a made up tag by some dishonest person.

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