When will ANTIFA be labeled a hate group like KKK and ISIS? The masks give it away

They aren't really a hate group as they are standing against hate, however with the violence and aggressive acts they resort to an arguement can be made to label them a terrorist group. I don't think they are at that level though
If they engage in violence, then they are at the same level as those in which they hate or rather they can be above the level if the one's they hate are not resorting to violence. Two wrongs don't make a right remember ?
They will be labeled if & when there is a group named ANTIFA. as of now its just a made up tag by some dishonest person.
. Well it sure is getting notariety on all the MSM outlets. So the government has to officially label them from the DOJ is what you are saying ?
What the heck was all that ?? Where were the police ?

The police are standing down so as not to create violence ...


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