When will China be held accountable

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

Yes...since the 90s the CCP has owned the DNC and flooded it will illegal donations: The China Connection: Summary of the Committee's Findings Relating to Efforts of the People's Republic of China to Influence U.S. Policies and Elections

and yes, the Biden family has millions in the CCP: Hunter Biden continues to invest in equity firm linked to China’s central bank

I am a Christian. Do you know what the word lie means? Likely not since you are faithful follower of the Cult of Xiden

Christian? You're a moron.
of course not…she applied for those years in advance, and moreover closed her business down
Ivanka got trademarks to sell her products in china. It would be pointless to shut that down right after she got them. She is still selling her stuff in china, unless you kind find out otherwise.
Ivanka got trademarks to sell her products in china. It would be pointless to shut that down right after she got them. She is still selling her stuff in china, unless you kind find out otherwise.
well she did
Probably by organizing some kind of international censure (the world is ripe for it) - sanctions etc... I think war would be a bad idea, but China is deeply dependent on international trade. We could hit them in the pocket book quite readily.
A boycott? Good luck. They screwed up at one facility that was doing research on a variety of viruses. We were funding part of that research, but did not have control of the lab, the procedures, or whether they were followed to the letter, and it only took one person to get infected to have it on the outside of the lab. They put out, that it came from the wet market and their ancient practice of eating stuff, we would never consider, unless we as individuals were in a survival situation. Was a variety of it in the bat population? Would not surprise me a bit, but I think it escaped from the lab by stupidity. I suspect, once they knew it was on the outside, they could get control of it, but failed, utterly, while they tried and hid the problem from the rest of their country and the world at large, creating a human forest fire, out of control. Sheer stupidity at every turn. The requested and received many tons of emergency supplies and equipment from us and other, while they were still thinking they would be able to control, as they had control SARS earlier. These supplies were signed off on by the Trump administration, and trump indeed praised the Chinese Government for its aggressive fight to control the virus, but they did not stop international travel, not because they wished to infect the world, but because they thought they had monitoring to prevent it leaving the country, but they were stupid and wrong. Trump knew in January how serious the disease could be and thought we could control it. He was stupid and wrong and continued to downplay the danger, as it would affect the economy and still thought the wonderful healthcare system of the United States could control it, after all we had helped control Ebola in African countries. He was stupid and wrong. He made it political, a point to trumpian support to downplay the virus. His minions carried it out. To this day there are people that actually think and will make argument that it is not a serious disease, but his supporters that turned away from modern science were and are stupid and wrong. Now it is everywhere and mutating, not because it was a biologic attack on all the markets where China sells its wares, or gets its supplies, but just because the Chinese were stupid and wrong.
Now you want to see them punished. It is probably not going to happen. We have no deliberate provable action they might have intentionally let it out in their own country, just the usual closed society stupid conceit that they thought they could handle and hide their Fk up from the world.
Well, there is no court that they answer to, just like us. There is no one world government (and there should not be) with the power to bring them to its court to demand and receive compensation. We certainly would not start a war over this. It would be wrong, and the fact is during major wars during the history of man, more people die of disease than of warfare. Boycott? Sanctions? It rarely works over here and will not work against a nation, the size of China. Sanctions did not work against North Korea are not working against Iran, today on preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.
I suspect, we are in the shaky hands of modern science, which is doing better and faster than expected, yet there is a political class and a paranoid class, still fighting against the fight.
This is my perspective. It is not conservative or liberal, just pragmatic and realistic.
Chinese communist cocksuckers knew that the virus would target obese Americans soon after they pulled strain RaTG13 from a bat’s ass in the Mojiang copper mine. Before they did that, POSPOTUS JoeXi and the Arab son, Obama, had already funded Duke-NUS Singapore, which technology includes Russian Army vaccinations. Duh
A boycott? Good luck. They screwed up at one facility that was doing research on a variety of viruses. We were funding part of that research, but did not have control of the lab, the procedures, or whether they were followed to the letter, and it only took one person to get infected to have it on the outside of the lab. They put out, that it came from the wet market and their ancient practice of eating stuff, we would never consider, unless we as individuals were in a survival situation. Was a variety of it in the bat population? Would not surprise me a bit, but I think it escaped from the lab by stupidity. I suspect, once they knew it was on the outside, they could get control of it, but failed, utterly, while they tried and hid the problem from the rest of their country and the world at large, creating a human forest fire, out of control. Sheer stupidity at every turn. The requested and received many tons of emergency supplies and equipment from us and other, while they were still thinking they would be able to control, as they had control SARS earlier. These supplies were signed off on by the Trump administration, and trump indeed praised the Chinese Government for its aggressive fight to control the virus, but they did not stop international travel, not because they wished to infect the world, but because they thought they had monitoring to prevent it leaving the country, but they were stupid and wrong. Trump knew in January how serious the disease could be and thought we could control it. He was stupid and wrong and continued to downplay the danger, as it would affect the economy and still thought the wonderful healthcare system of the United States could control it, after all we had helped control Ebola in African countries. He was stupid and wrong. He made it political, a point to trumpian support to downplay the virus. His minions carried it out. To this day there are people that actually think and will make argument that it is not a serious disease, but his supporters that turned away from modern science were and are stupid and wrong. Now it is everywhere and mutating, not because it was a biologic attack on all the markets where China sells its wares, or gets its supplies, but just because the Chinese were stupid and wrong.
Now you want to see them punished. It is probably not going to happen. We have no deliberate provable action they might have intentionally let it out in their own country, just the usual closed society stupid conceit that they thought they could handle and hide their Fk up from the world.
Well, there is no court that they answer to, just like us. There is no one world government (and there should not be) with the power to bring them to its court to demand and receive compensation. We certainly would not start a war over this. It would be wrong, and the fact is during major wars during the history of man, more people die of disease than of warfare. Boycott? Sanctions? It rarely works over here and will not work against a nation, the size of China. Sanctions did not work against North Korea are not working against Iran, today on preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.
I suspect, we are in the shaky hands of modern science, which is doing better and faster than expected, yet there is a political class and a paranoid class, still fighting against the fight.
This is my perspective. It is not conservative or liberal, just pragmatic and realistic.
Mandates should include forced viewing of Fau Chi’s video where he gets the SARS-CoV-2 mutation, D614G, backwards, because that mutation precisely links to ebola vaccine based on a Kansas cow. Duh, fruedian slip.
The NIH was working with USAMRID studying gof before it went dark and was sent to wuhan. Yeah, china was colluding with us so when do we hold the NIH, fauci, china responsible?
How is China responsible for this? Which African country is responsible for ebola? AIDS???
They had ample opportunity to stop the outbreak before it became a pandemic. But chose denial and political suppression instead. Further, they are actively blocking attempts to investigate the source, and spreading propaganda claiming that the US was the source.

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