When will China be held accountable

I've seen no compelling evidence of that - outside the conspiracy loons. But it does seem that he's reluctant to hold them accountable.
Yeah. This is closer to what's going on. The Democrats have invested, deeply, in a story that makes Trump the culprit. It's apparently more important for them to maintain that narrative, than to hold China accountable for the deaths they have caused.
The intel community said they interfered in our election on his behalf

they have a history of illegal donations to the DNC dating back to the 90s

His family has millions tied up with the CCP
RIght. But their fixation on saving face and never admitting fault turned an outbreak into worldwide pandemic. And, you're right, they're unlikely to change - but they're a growing threat on the international stage and we shouldn't let them get away with it.

The Chinese notified Trump and the CDC the first week of January 2020.
How many Chinese died of Coronavirus this past year and a half?

No way to know. Their numbers are completely unreliable. Why do you think that's important? Why did you ask?

Do you want to declare war on China?

No, but we could organize an international response that isolates and sanctions them for their bullshit.
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The intel community said they interfered in our election on his behalf

they have a history of illegal donations to the DNC dating back to the 90s

His family has millions tied up with the CCP

Yipe, your ignorant lies are a bit much.. Do you call yourself Christian?
No way to know. They're numbers are completely unreliable. Why do you think that's important? Why did you ask?

No, but we could organize an international response the isolates and sanctions them for their bullshit.

You know everything else. Surely you know how many Chinese died of the virus.
The Chinese notified Trump and the CDC the first week of January 2020.
Hmmm... you interested in making excuses for them?
Let's play!

They knew about the outbreak in early December of 2019.
They suppressed the alerts raised by the doctors first encountering it. Sent several of them to jail.
They denied the extent of the problem until after it had spread to other countries.
They've actively blocked efforts to study the source of the outbreak.

Most of my opinions on this matter come from my son, who's been living in China for four years. He's watched the whole thing unfold, especially the CCP's egregious handling of things. He's stunned that the US is being so blasé about it. This is like Chernobyl times a thousand, and US leaders are sitting on their hands.
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You know everything else. Surely you know how many Chinese died of the virus.
You're confidence in my knowledge is flattering, but the Chinese have obviously under-reported - unless you believe that, in the country of 1.4 billion people, the country where the pandemic began, there were only 100,000 cases and less than 5000 deaths. Do you?

Why did you ask the question? Trying make a point? Why does it matter how many Chinese died?
RIght. But their fixation on saving face and never admitting fault turned an outbreak into worldwide pandemic. And, you're right, they're unlikely to change - but they're a growing threat on the international stage and we shouldn't let them get away with it.
Again, how do you do that? Is there some court they would answer to? I don't think so.
Yipe, your ignorant lies are a bit much.. Do you call yourself Christian?

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

Yes...since the 90s the CCP has owned the DNC and flooded it will illegal donations: The China Connection: Summary of the Committee's Findings Relating to Efforts of the People's Republic of China to Influence U.S. Policies and Elections

and yes, the Biden family has millions in the CCP: Hunter Biden continues to invest in equity firm linked to China’s central bank

I am a Christian. Do you know what the word lie means? Likely not since you are faithful follower of the Cult of Xiden
For killing over five million people world wide. Is Biden going to give them a pass? Why???
Our country's "leaders" are their slaves.

So no.

They won't.

That is not in this world. No. The love of money is the root of all evil. Our traitorous capitalist CEOs who were given their opportunities by free market ideals have sold out to the devil.

As our nature tends to do. 30 silver pieces.

Now, we (who aren't innocent and enjoyed the cheap prices on the backs of their slave labor) are now paying the price for our willful ignorance.

No one is innocent. We all have it coming, as Eastwood said in Unforgiven.

We all need to beg for mercy. Ignorance isn't an excuse and most of us weren't ignorant anyway.
Again, how do you do that? Is there some court they would answer to? I don't think so.
Probably by organizing some kind of international censure (the world is ripe for it) - sanctions etc... I think war would be a bad idea, but China is deeply dependent on international trade. We could hit them in the pocket book quite readily.
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Not sure. But Biden should be rallying support world wide to take China to task. Their refusal to cooperate with the investigation is the last straw. I'm not saying it was deliberately released - but it happened on their watch, and they could have contained it if they weren't more worried about politics and silencing critics than they are about public health.
It goes deeper than that, IMO. They may or may not have created the virus but there is no doubt that they knew how deadly it was and they locked down Hubei province from the rest of China but let international flights continue. THAT alone makes their actions biowarfare.
It goes deeper than that, IMO. They may or may not have created the virus but there is no doubt that they knew how deadly it was and they locked down Hubei province from the rest of China but let international flights continue. THAT alone makes their actions biowarfare.

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

Yes...since the 90s the CCP has owned the DNC and flooded it will illegal donations: The China Connection: Summary of the Committee's Findings Relating to Efforts of the People's Republic of China to Influence U.S. Policies and Elections

and yes, the Biden family has millions in the CCP: Hunter Biden continues to invest in equity firm linked to China’s central bank

I am a Christian. Do you know what the word lie means? Likely not since you are faithful follower of the Cult of Xiden
this never bothered you:

Hunter's investment in BHR was only $420,000. Hunter is a private citizen with zilch to do with executive branch.
The intel community said they interfered in our election on his behalf

they have a history of illegal donations to the DNC dating back to the 90s

His family has millions tied up with the CCP

No they didn't .. What is wrong with you?

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