When will Islam be condemned for the recent terrorist strike in Sri Lanka?


Ace of Spades HQ

Do NOT ignore the partnership between dimocrap SCUM and the goat-fucking, baby-raping FILTH of Islam. It is no accident. It is NOT a call to diversity and/ore acceptance. It is a real alliance, a real meeting of the minds, an honest partnership.

As of this writing, there are over 200 confirmed dead and at least 450 wounded. Americans, Canadians and other foreigners are also listed among the casualties. Those whose lives were savagely snuffed out for doing nothing more than being devoted servants of G-d died at the hands of others who in their mind were doing exactly the same thing. The so-called "religion of peace" is not a religion, let alone a peaceful one. It is a totalitarian death cult dressed up in the trappings of religion that for over a millennium and half has been waging a war against the ideas and ideals represented by what ultimately evolved into post-Enlightenment civilization, individual freedom and real human progress to subjugate the entire world or destroy it trying. Those goals happen to be identical to that of another malignant, pseudo-fundamentalist death cult: Leftist-Socialism. Despite certain incongruities the latter conveniently overlooks (the enemy of my enemy, etc.), the two have joined forces both here and abroad to bring us down, either by violence or by deception, infecting the vitals of society and using the very freedoms they despise, along with the naivete and willful blindness of our political and cultural leaders, as weapons against us.
You might as well write that everyone on the left has two heads as put up garbage like the above. No one I know and no one I've read here, no matter how progressive, believes in bombing people at prayer.
No, really, it's true. WAKE UP.
Here is what Clinton had to say after each of the terrorist incidents.


Wow, amazing change of tune!
Norman, I wanted to confirm that these tweets were real, and I did. I checked her Twitter account, and made screen shots of my own.

The Regressive Left will dismiss/ignore/minimize this, but it's a perfect example of the power they have over the Democratic party.
Here is what Clinton had to say after each of the terrorist incidents.


Wow, amazing change of tune!
Norman, I wanted to confirm that these tweets were real, and I did. I checked her Twitter account, and made screen shots of my own.

The Regressive Left will dismiss/ignore/minimize this, but it's a perfect example of the power they have over the Democratic party.
I take it that you do not like Methodists. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either of these messages.
Here is what Clinton had to say after each of the terrorist incidents.


Wow, amazing change of tune!
Norman, I wanted to confirm that these tweets were real, and I did. I checked her Twitter account, and made screen shots of my own.

The Regressive Left will dismiss/ignore/minimize this, but it's a perfect example of the power they have over the Democratic party.
I take it that you do not like Methodists. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either of these messages.

Lysistrata, I am not sure if you noticed, but adults are trying to have a discussion here.
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?
When will rightwing bigots end their unwarranted hatred of Muslims.
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?
Of course not.
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Are you suggesting that all Muslims are responsible for the evil attacks in Sri Lanka?

If Norman isn't, I am.

Yes, they are. Absolutely, positively yes. Without any doubt ALL mooslums bear the guilt. ALL mooslums bear the blame.


Now, take your 10th Grade Debate Team Tactics and move to Sri Lanka.


So every time a crime is carried out by a christian, all christians deserve the blame, right? You are a kook. I don't blame all Christians for the worthless horseshit of the "religious right," now do I? You go move to Iran or Guyana or somewhere that they will buy your garbage.

We Christians don’t kill in the name of our God. That’s a Muslim thing
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?
When will rightwing bigots end their unwarranted hatred of Muslims.

When will you stop your unwarranted hate of Christians and America?
They are starting to say it's Muslims at the bottom of it and the country is only 10% Sunni Muslim. Most are Buddhist the next largest group are Hindu while Muslim rates third place at only 10% yet they cause 90% of the trouble there. Apparently a pattern of misbehaving world wide.
Incorrect Poindexter ... :cuckoo:

The Hindu minority, which is also around 10% of Sri Lanka's population, has been waging an all out civil war against the country's Buddhist government for the last several decades.

Educate yourself by googling the Tamil Tigers terrorist group. ... :cool:
Here is what Clinton had to say after each of the terrorist incidents.


Wow, amazing change of tune!
Norman, I wanted to confirm that these tweets were real, and I did. I checked her Twitter account, and made screen shots of my own.

The Regressive Left will dismiss/ignore/minimize this, but it's a perfect example of the power they have over the Democratic party.
I take it that you do not like Methodists. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either of these messages.
So you don't see a difference. I believe you.

I believe that you really don't see any difference in tone, verbiage, focus, or anything else.

I remain in awe of the power of partisan ideology.

And thanks for making my prediction come true immediately.
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They are starting to say it's Muslims at the bottom of it and the country is only 10% Sunni Muslim. Most are Buddhist the next largest group are Hindu while Muslim rates third place at only 10% yet they cause 90% of the trouble there. Apparently a pattern of misbehaving world wide.
Incorrect Poindexter ... :cuckoo:

Educate yourself by googling the Tamil Tigers terrorist group. ... :cool:
So that makes it alright for Muslims to kill? That is all you are saying, are you intelligent enough to realize that?

Please name one positive thing in Islam for the non-Muslim.
They are starting to say it's Muslims at the bottom of it and the country is only 10% Sunni Muslim. Most are Buddhist the next largest group are Hindu while Muslim rates third place at only 10% yet they cause 90% of the trouble there. Apparently a pattern of misbehaving world wide.
Incorrect Poindexter ... :cuckoo:

Educate yourself by googling the Tamil Tigers terrorist group. ... :cool:
So that makes it alright for Muslims to kill? That is all you are saying, are you intelligent enough to realize that?

Please name one positive thing in Islam for the non-Muslim.
I see you think my post is funny. Answer my question about a religion that glorifies death and supremacy of a goat herder and pedophile rapist and murderer. What is a positive for the non-Muslim in Islam?
Looks like Sunni man will not answer. There is not one thing positive for the non-Muslim in Islam. His non-answer confirms that fact.
Do NOT ignore the partnership between dimocrap SCUM and the goat-fucking, baby-raping FILTH of Islam. It i

Nazi vermin use deplorable and filthy propaganda tactic like that to desensitize the Germans into accepting the brutal treatment of those deemed undesirable too.

But they didn't have equalizers did they?
Let me fill you people in on the victims as far as Islam is concerned. They are not innocents. Islam insists it does not kill innocents but only Muslims are "innocents" no other people qualify. Those Christians were enemies and oppressors just for not being Muslim, .A reason for them to die is to intimidate the living.That is what the religion teaches and rewards with unbriidled lust in paradise and money for surviving terrorist families. That fact has been illustrated in Palestine where killing babies sets your family up for life.

Sunni man will not answer because what I said is the truth borne out by actions and Islamic scripture. Another funny rating is forthcoming signaling his hate for non-Muslims is just as bad as the murderers his religion glorifies. Remember he is a liar when it comes to his faith, in fact, encouraged to lie, again, a fact that anyone can read. Islam has no place in a free society. It should be exposed and shunned with everything in our power.

There are verses that back up everything I have said and can be produced if I am challenged. If anyone would like to do their own research "The Religion of Peace" is an excellent place to start. It has references to Islamic scripture that show you the true meaning in Islam. They debunk myths and lies with proof from the horse's mouth. That horse being Muhammad. Remember Muhammad completed Islam and he is the only Islamic scholar that counts. Any disagreement with Muhammad about Islam is wrong and that fact can not be changed. Any Muslim who challenges that could be, and many are, killed.
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After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?

Are you suggesting that all Muslims are responsible for the evil attacks in Sri Lanka?

If Norman isn't, I am.

Yes, they are. Absolutely, positively yes. Without any doubt ALL mooslums bear the guilt. ALL mooslums bear the blame.


Now, take your 10th Grade Debate Team Tactics and move to Sri Lanka.


So every time a crime is carried out by a christian, all christians deserve the blame, right? You are a kook. I don't blame all Christians for the worthless horseshit of the "religious right," now do I? You go move to Iran or Guyana or somewhere that they will buy your garbage.

We Christians don’t kill in the name of our God. That’s a Muslim thing

Damn right, we only kill in the name of profit. </sarcasm>

Of course they do. It's something all supernaturalist cults have been willing to do.
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?
About the time you white trash condemn fundie Christians for more terrorist attacks than Muslims since 9/11
After the New Zealand attack I couldn't hear the end of "white male" this "white male" that, and of course the mandatory fuck Christians.

Well, now the Islamists have killed hundreds of people. Unlike the New Zealand attack it wasn't a single guy who was out of his mind. It was an organized gang of militant Muslims, who even killed cops resisting arrest.

Will there be a discussion regarding the evils of Islam?
About the time you white trash condemn fundie Christians for more terrorist attacks than Muslims since 9/11

I condemn your wild imagination every day. But thanks for confirming where you stand, Anti-American POS.

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