When will it stop?


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011
I have avoided the topic of the shooting in Texas and the shooting in Vegas. But I will add this for everyone to think about. In the 35 days between the Vegas murders and the Texas murders, over 700 veterans have committed suicide. Otherwise healthy Americans who CHOSE to serve, took their own lives. The VA hospitals have been under funded and under staffed since I was a kid in the 60s.

I keep hearing "If we don't take refuges in we can help more vets" or "If we don't spend money on Obamacare we can help more vets". I get the question 'When will we do something' where the shooting are concerned. But the shootings were done by individuals. The neglect of brave men and women who were promised things is done by high ranking elected federal official. And we, the people, keep electing them. And the neglect continues. As it has continued for my entire life. (and I am old) So I ask you, when will we stand up for those who stood for us.

And before anyone posts trying to blame the other side, let me remind you that there have been presidents from both parties and both parties have held a majority in the senate in the time our veterans have been coming home shattered.

20 veterans a DAY kill themselves. If you think there should be ANY higher priority for our federal gov't, you are a worthless piece of shit.

But remember these numbers:
Since Donald Trump was sworn in as president, 5,780 veterans have committed suicide. He swore he would help, but the numbers keep piling up.

Since Colin Kaepernick first knelt during the national anthem, 8,600 veterans have committed suicide. So many scream about how he disrespects all those who served and died. How about a nation that ignores an epidemic of suicides among veterans? Imagine if we boycotted wars until our veterans got the care we promised them.

Since Trump was elected and people started saying "Not my president", 7,240 veterans have committed suicide. Imagine the changes that could be made if so much noise was made about the plight of veterans.
What's your proposal? How do we stop veterans from committing suicide? Also, are veterans committing suicide at a rate greater than the population in general?

Are you a veteran?

Do you actually care or are you just utilizing the issue for a progressive political agenda of divisiveness?


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What's your proposal? How do we stop veterans from committing suicide? Also, are veterans committing suicide at a rate greater than the population in general?

The veterans were promised, by all of us, that if they would serve and go to war, we would take care of them when they got back. We haven't.

My suggestion? Make as much noise about this as we do about kneeling athletes and gun control. Or is that too much to ask for the people who volunteered to serve?
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Are you a veteran?

Do you actually care or are you just utilizing the issue for a progressive political agenda of divisiveness?



Yes, I am a veteran. Yes, I have used the VA for medical care at times.

I am not sure how you see any of what I posted as a progressive political agenda. I am condemning liberals and conservatives alike. I am condemning both sides. I am condemning us all for what we have not done.
What's your proposal? How do we stop veterans from committing suicide? Also, are veterans committing suicide at a rate greater than the population in general?

The veterans were promised, by all of us, that if they would serve and go to war, we would take care of them when they got back. We haven't.

My suggestion? Make as much noise about this as we do about kneeling athletes and gun control. Or is that too much to ask for the people who volunteered to serve?
I had three questions and you didn't answer any of them.

Not a good start if we're trying to have a serious discussion.
We need to stop playing mid-east policeman, declare victory, and come home.

We also need to close most of our bases in Europe, why are we still defending rich EU nations? Leave a few bases for strategic purposes, and get the hell out. We are not the world's policeman! Invest the savings in our country and our veterans.

USN Vet 1982-1986
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How do you stop societal decay? Because that’s the problem

Societal decay? If you want to blame that. I think its bullshit, but ok.

How about we ALL look out for the veterans who served? If you see a veteran you think is having problems, say something to them. Talk to their friends. Talk to their families. Talk to the VA. Do something instead of ignoring the problem and expecting someone else to take care of it.

If you are thanking active duty military, remember that 20 people a day who served are killing themselves. And very likely as a direct result of that service. Keep thanking them. But start helping them. Start making noise about an issue that fucking matters.
I would say we could solve the problems of the Veterans Administration by abolishing it and privatizing the services it provides to veterans, i.e. contracts with private hospitals.
How do you stop societal decay? Because that’s the problem

Societal decay? If you want to blame that. I think its bullshit, but ok.

How about we ALL look out for the veterans who served? If you see a veteran you think is having problems, say something to them. Talk to their friends. Talk to their families. Talk to the VA. Do something instead of ignoring the problem and expecting someone else to take care of it.

If you are thanking active duty military, remember that 20 people a day who served are killing themselves. And very likely as a direct result of that service. Keep thanking them. But start helping them. Start making noise about an issue that fucking matters.

To my knowledge the Vegas shooter was not a veteran
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What's your proposal? How do we stop veterans from committing suicide? Also, are veterans committing suicide at a rate greater than the population in general?

The veterans were promised, by all of us, that if they would serve and go to war, we would take care of them when they got back. We haven't.

My suggestion? Make as much noise about this as we do about kneeling athletes and gun control. Or is that too much to ask for the people who volunteered to serve?
I had three questions and you didn't answer any of them.

Not a good start if we're trying to have a serious discussion.

I answered 2 out of 3. Whether they are dying at a higher rate than the general population does not matter to me.
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How do you stop societal decay? Because that’s the problem

Societal decay? If you want to blame that. I think its bullshit, but ok.

How about we ALL look out for the veterans who served? If you see a veteran you think is having problems, say something to them. Talk to their friends. Talk to their families. Talk to the VA. Do something instead of ignoring the problem and expecting someone else to take care of it.

If you are thanking active duty military, remember that 20 people a day who served are killing themselves. And very likely as a direct result of that service. Keep thanking them. But start helping them. Start making noise about an issue that fucking matters.

To my knowledge the Vegas shooter was not a veteran

I have no idea why that is relevant.
What's your proposal? How do we stop veterans from committing suicide? Also, are veterans committing suicide at a rate greater than the population in general?

The veterans were promised, by all of us, that if they would serve and go to war, we would take care of them when they got back. We haven't.

My suggestion? Make as much noise about this as we do about kneeling athletes and gun control. Or is that too much to ask for the people who volunteered to serve?
I had three questions and you didn't answer any of them.

Not a good start if we're trying to have a serious discussion.

I answered 2 out of 3. Whether they are dying at a higher rate than the general population does not matter to me.
It matters to me, because if veterans are killing themselves at the same rate as the general population, then your entire argument that this is a veteran's problem falls into shambles.
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I would say we could solve the problems of the Veterans Administration by abolishing it and privatizing the services it provides to veterans, i.e. contracts with private hospitals.

Explain how that would help?
We need to stop playing mid-east policeman, declare victory, and come home.

We also need to close most of our bases in Europe, why are we still defending rich EU nations? Leave a few bases for strategic purposes, and get the hell out. We are not the world's policeman! Invest the savings in our country and our veterans.

USN Vet 1982-1986

We are in a lot more places than just the Middle East.

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What's your proposal? How do we stop veterans from committing suicide? Also, are veterans committing suicide at a rate greater than the population in general?

The veterans were promised, by all of us, that if they would serve and go to war, we would take care of them when they got back. We haven't.

My suggestion? Make as much noise about this as we do about kneeling athletes and gun control. Or is that too much to ask for the people who volunteered to serve?
I had three questions and you didn't answer any of them.

Not a good start if we're trying to have a serious discussion.

I answered 2 out of 3. Whether they are dying at a higher rate than the general population does not matter to me.
It matters to me, because if veterans are killing themselves at the same rate as the general population, then your entire argument that this is a veteran's problem falls into shambles.

No, it does not. The non-veteran suicides were not promised by us to be taken care of. And the non-veteran suicides are likely not happening as a direct result of their service to all of us.

But if it takes there being a greater number of veterans committing suicide than the general population for you to care, do me one favor. Never speak about how much you thank those who serve and never, ever say shit about how athletes kneeling is disrespectful to veterans. Because compared to ignoring the epidemic of suicides by veterans, kneeling during the national anthem is not even worth mentioning.
What's your proposal? How do we stop veterans from committing suicide? Also, are veterans committing suicide at a rate greater than the population in general?

The veterans were promised, by all of us, that if they would serve and go to war, we would take care of them when they got back. We haven't.

My suggestion? Make as much noise about this as we do about kneeling athletes and gun control. Or is that too much to ask for the people who volunteered to serve?


How about we just defund any local, state, and/or federal, tax money that goes towards organizations that protest and lobby and just route it into taking care of our vets instead?

If those organizations can afford to protest and lobby they can utilize the funds they spent for those purposes to take care of their issues without governmental assistance.


What's your proposal? How do we stop veterans from committing suicide? Also, are veterans committing suicide at a rate greater than the population in general?

The veterans were promised, by all of us, that if they would serve and go to war, we would take care of them when they got back. We haven't.

My suggestion? Make as much noise about this as we do about kneeling athletes and gun control. Or is that too much to ask for the people who volunteered to serve?
I had three questions and you didn't answer any of them.

Not a good start if we're trying to have a serious discussion.

I answered 2 out of 3. Whether they are dying at a higher rate than the general population does not matter to me.
It matters to me, because if veterans are killing themselves at the same rate as the general population, then your entire argument that this is a veteran's problem falls into shambles.

No, it does not. The non-veteran suicides were not promised by us to be taken care of. And the non-veteran suicides are likely not happening as a direct result of their service to all of us.

But if it takes there being a greater number of veterans committing suicide than the general population for you to care, do me one favor. Never speak about how much you thank those who serve and never, ever say shit about how athletes kneeling is disrespectful to veterans. Because compared to ignoring the epidemic of suicides by veterans, kneeling during the national anthem is not even worth mentioning.
It's not an "epidemic" of veteran suicides if the veteran suicide rate is the same as the suicide rate for the general population.

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