When will it stop?

  • Thread starter
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  • #21
The veterans were promised, by all of us, that if they would serve and go to war, we would take care of them when they got back. We haven't.

My suggestion? Make as much noise about this as we do about kneeling athletes and gun control. Or is that too much to ask for the people who volunteered to serve?
I had three questions and you didn't answer any of them.

Not a good start if we're trying to have a serious discussion.

I answered 2 out of 3. Whether they are dying at a higher rate than the general population does not matter to me.
It matters to me, because if veterans are killing themselves at the same rate as the general population, then your entire argument that this is a veteran's problem falls into shambles.

No, it does not. The non-veteran suicides were not promised by us to be taken care of. And the non-veteran suicides are likely not happening as a direct result of their service to all of us.

But if it takes there being a greater number of veterans committing suicide than the general population for you to care, do me one favor. Never speak about how much you thank those who serve and never, ever say shit about how athletes kneeling is disrespectful to veterans. Because compared to ignoring the epidemic of suicides by veterans, kneeling during the national anthem is not even worth mentioning.
It's not an "epidemic" of veteran suicides if the veteran suicide rate is the same as the suicide rate for the general population.

Don't be daft. Whether it is an epidemic or not, does not depend on comparisons to other populations.
  • Thread starter
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  • #22
What's your proposal? How do we stop veterans from committing suicide? Also, are veterans committing suicide at a rate greater than the population in general?

The veterans were promised, by all of us, that if they would serve and go to war, we would take care of them when they got back. We haven't.

My suggestion? Make as much noise about this as we do about kneeling athletes and gun control. Or is that too much to ask for the people who volunteered to serve?


How about we just defund any local, state, and/or federal, tax money that goes towards organizations that protest and lobby and just route it into taking care of our vets instead?

If they can afford to protest and lobby they can utilize the funds they spent for those purposes to take care of their issues without governmental assistance.



That works for me.
We need to stop playing mid-east policeman, declare victory, and come home.

We also need to close most of our bases in Europe, why are we still defending rich EU nations? Leave a few bases for strategic purposes, and get the hell out. We are not the world's policeman! Invest the savings in our country and our veterans.

USN Vet 1982-1986

We are in a lot more places than just the Middle East.


Yep. We need to end all the wars we are involved in and bring 90% of our troops home.
I had three questions and you didn't answer any of them.

Not a good start if we're trying to have a serious discussion.

I answered 2 out of 3. Whether they are dying at a higher rate than the general population does not matter to me.
It matters to me, because if veterans are killing themselves at the same rate as the general population, then your entire argument that this is a veteran's problem falls into shambles.

No, it does not. The non-veteran suicides were not promised by us to be taken care of. And the non-veteran suicides are likely not happening as a direct result of their service to all of us.

But if it takes there being a greater number of veterans committing suicide than the general population for you to care, do me one favor. Never speak about how much you thank those who serve and never, ever say shit about how athletes kneeling is disrespectful to veterans. Because compared to ignoring the epidemic of suicides by veterans, kneeling during the national anthem is not even worth mentioning.
It's not an "epidemic" of veteran suicides if the veteran suicide rate is the same as the suicide rate for the general population.

Don't be daft. Whether it is an epidemic or not, does not depend on comparisons to other populations.
You are being narrow minded. You are stating a problem that may not be a problem. if the number of vets committing suicide is the same as the general population that is committing suicide then it's not because they are vets that it is happening.

I'm a vet. I'm also suicidal. But I'm suicidal because I'm bi-polar not because I'm a vet.
If those that signed up for military service could only realize that they were being used as cannon fodder for a massive corporate entity that is USA.INC that uses their bravery and fighting prowess to enrich the financiers of USA.INC? There would be resignation letters being written by the hundreds of thousands.

But with that being said, these soldiers that are returning and needing help are OWED and not only that, they were GUARANTEED the help they need and we need to raise our voices to see that they are given priority.
But what I see is the military industrial complex ran by the shadow government using these soldiers up while poisoning them with unnecessary vaccines that causes a litany of issues and then turning their backs on them. Returning soldiers that are healthy and armed with the skills that they have??? They are a threat to the establishment. Scoff all you want but it's absolutely true.
We need to stop playing mid-east policeman, declare victory, and come home.

We also need to close most of our bases in Europe, why are we still defending rich EU nations? Leave a few bases for strategic purposes, and get the hell out. We are not the world's policeman! Invest the savings in our country and our veterans.

USN Vet 1982-1986

We are in a lot more places than just the Middle East.


Yep. We need to end all the wars we are involved in and bring 90% of our troops home.
It's not fair that we carry a bigger burden of the load than the rest of the free world. But no we shouldn't withdraw and pretend like bad guys don't exist. It's better they are taken care of before becoming strong enough to come after us. Not doing anything and hoping that the problem will go away is stupid.
I have applied only the most minute of pressures on your argument, and it has blown up in your face.

Unless you can prove that veterans' experiences cause them to commit suicide at a rate greater than the general population, you have nothing.
If those that signed up for military service could only realize that they were being used as cannon fodder for a massive corporate entity that is USA.INC that uses their bravery and fighting prowess to enrich the financiers of USA.INC? There would be resignation letters being written by the hundreds of thousands.

But with that being said, these soldiers that are returning and needing help are OWED and not only that, they were GUARANTEED the help they need and we need to raise our voices to see that they are given priority.
But what I see is the military industrial complex ran by the shadow government using these soldiers up while poisoning them with unnecessary vaccines that causes a litany of issues and then turning their backs on them. Returning soldiers that are healthy and armed with the skills that they have??? They are a threat to the establishment. Scoff all you want but it's absolutely true.
Knock this thread into conspiracy theory if we're going in this direction.
  • Thread starter
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  • #29
I answered 2 out of 3. Whether they are dying at a higher rate than the general population does not matter to me.
It matters to me, because if veterans are killing themselves at the same rate as the general population, then your entire argument that this is a veteran's problem falls into shambles.

No, it does not. The non-veteran suicides were not promised by us to be taken care of. And the non-veteran suicides are likely not happening as a direct result of their service to all of us.

But if it takes there being a greater number of veterans committing suicide than the general population for you to care, do me one favor. Never speak about how much you thank those who serve and never, ever say shit about how athletes kneeling is disrespectful to veterans. Because compared to ignoring the epidemic of suicides by veterans, kneeling during the national anthem is not even worth mentioning.
It's not an "epidemic" of veteran suicides if the veteran suicide rate is the same as the suicide rate for the general population.

Don't be daft. Whether it is an epidemic or not, does not depend on comparisons to other populations.
You are being narrow minded. You are stating a problem that may not be a problem. if the number of vets committing suicide is the same as the general population that is committing suicide then it's not because they are vets that it is happening.

I'm a vet. I'm also suicidal. But I'm suicidal because I'm bi-polar not because I'm a vet.

Do you think their service in the multiple wars and lack of quality medical care have nothing do to with it?
It matters to me, because if veterans are killing themselves at the same rate as the general population, then your entire argument that this is a veteran's problem falls into shambles.

No, it does not. The non-veteran suicides were not promised by us to be taken care of. And the non-veteran suicides are likely not happening as a direct result of their service to all of us.

But if it takes there being a greater number of veterans committing suicide than the general population for you to care, do me one favor. Never speak about how much you thank those who serve and never, ever say shit about how athletes kneeling is disrespectful to veterans. Because compared to ignoring the epidemic of suicides by veterans, kneeling during the national anthem is not even worth mentioning.
It's not an "epidemic" of veteran suicides if the veteran suicide rate is the same as the suicide rate for the general population.

Don't be daft. Whether it is an epidemic or not, does not depend on comparisons to other populations.
You are being narrow minded. You are stating a problem that may not be a problem. if the number of vets committing suicide is the same as the general population that is committing suicide then it's not because they are vets that it is happening.

I'm a vet. I'm also suicidal. But I'm suicidal because I'm bi-polar not because I'm a vet.

Do you think their service in the multiple wars and lack of quality medical care have nothing do to with it?
What I think doesn't matter. What we know does.
We need to stop playing mid-east policeman, declare victory, and come home.

We also need to close most of our bases in Europe, why are we still defending rich EU nations? Leave a few bases for strategic purposes, and get the hell out. We are not the world's policeman! Invest the savings in our country and our veterans.

USN Vet 1982-1986

We are in a lot more places than just the Middle East.


Yep. We need to end all the wars we are involved in and bring 90% of our troops home.
It's not fair that we carry a bigger burden of the load than the rest of the free world. But no we shouldn't withdraw and pretend like bad guys don't exist. It's better they are taken care of before becoming strong enough to come after us. Not doing anything and hoping that the problem will go away is stupid.

Did you ever think that maybe our interventionist foreign policies have created these "bad guys"?

We need to stay out of foreign entanglements.
  • Thread starter
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  • #32
I have applied only the most minute of pressures on your argument, and it has blown up in your face.

Unless you can prove that veterans' experiences cause them to commit suicide at a rate greater than the general population, you have nothing.

You are welcome to proclaim from the hilltops that you destroyed my argument.

20 veterans a day are still dying by their own hand. I think that is a huge problem. If you don't, then go back to arguing about evolution, how bad the dems are, trans bathrooms or whatever.
I have applied only the most minute of pressures on your argument, and it has blown up in your face.

Unless you can prove that veterans' experiences cause them to commit suicide at a rate greater than the general population, you have nothing.

You are welcome to proclaim from the hilltops that you destroyed my argument.

20 veterans a day are still dying by their own hand. I think that is a huge problem. If you don't, then go back to arguing about evolution, how bad the dems are, trans bathrooms or whatever.
I argued that over 3000 babies a day are aborted, did you give me an assist on that?
If those that signed up for military service could only realize that they were being used as cannon fodder for a massive corporate entity that is USA.INC that uses their bravery and fighting prowess to enrich the financiers of USA.INC? There would be resignation letters being written by the hundreds of thousands.

But with that being said, these soldiers that are returning and needing help are OWED and not only that, they were GUARANTEED the help they need and we need to raise our voices to see that they are given priority.
But what I see is the military industrial complex ran by the shadow government using these soldiers up while poisoning them with unnecessary vaccines that causes a litany of issues and then turning their backs on them. Returning soldiers that are healthy and armed with the skills that they have??? They are a threat to the establishment. Scoff all you want but it's absolutely true.
Knock this thread into conspiracy theory if we're going in this direction.

The preponderance of the evidence says that I am "dead on" with my contentions.
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #36
I have applied only the most minute of pressures on your argument, and it has blown up in your face.

Unless you can prove that veterans' experiences cause them to commit suicide at a rate greater than the general population, you have nothing.

You are welcome to proclaim from the hilltops that you destroyed my argument.

20 veterans a day are still dying by their own hand. I think that is a huge problem. If you don't, then go back to arguing about evolution, how bad the dems are, trans bathrooms or whatever.
I argued that over 3000 babies a day are aborted, did you give me an assist on that?

Did I ask for an assist here?

But is that the reason you came in guns blazing? lmao That may be the most petty thing I have read on these forums.

Fine, go back and rant about abortions.
We need to stop playing mid-east policeman, declare victory, and come home.

We also need to close most of our bases in Europe, why are we still defending rich EU nations? Leave a few bases for strategic purposes, and get the hell out. We are not the world's policeman! Invest the savings in our country and our veterans.

USN Vet 1982-1986

We are in a lot more places than just the Middle East.


Yep. We need to end all the wars we are involved in and bring 90% of our troops home.
It's not fair that we carry a bigger burden of the load than the rest of the free world. But no we shouldn't withdraw and pretend like bad guys don't exist. It's better they are taken care of before becoming strong enough to come after us. Not doing anything and hoping that the problem will go away is stupid.

Did you ever think that maybe our interventionist foreign policies have created these "bad guys"?

We need to stay out of foreign entanglements.
But they didn't.
Totalitarians who want to dominate the world weren't created by interventionist foreign policies. They were stopped by those policies, in some cases, when we put someone worse in charge. NK won't be stopped by ignoring them. The longer we wait the more people will die. Iran won't be stopped by ignoring them. The longer we wait the more people will die. Sometimes it's better to rip the bandaid off.
Service members who have only served in Japan, Germany, Britian, any part of Europe, have never been cannon fodder. They are more likely to die of boredom than battle. Perhaps the incidence of drug use in the military as well as civilians is contributing to suicides. After all, we have more than 47,000 people a year dying from overdoses. No one much cares about that either.
The entire thread is based on the "fact" that veteran suicide rate is too high, and yet the OP, when called on this, can't even prove that the veteran suicide rate is higher than the non-veteran suicide rate. I suggest this entire thread be dumped in the Rubber Room where it belongs.
We need to stop playing mid-east policeman, declare victory, and come home.

We also need to close most of our bases in Europe, why are we still defending rich EU nations? Leave a few bases for strategic purposes, and get the hell out. We are not the world's policeman! Invest the savings in our country and our veterans.

USN Vet 1982-1986

We are in a lot more places than just the Middle East.


Yep. We need to end all the wars we are involved in and bring 90% of our troops home.
It's not fair that we carry a bigger burden of the load than the rest of the free world. But no we shouldn't withdraw and pretend like bad guys don't exist. It's better they are taken care of before becoming strong enough to come after us. Not doing anything and hoping that the problem will go away is stupid.

Did you ever think that maybe our interventionist foreign policies have created these "bad guys"?

We need to stay out of foreign entanglements.
But they didn't.
Totalitarians who want to dominate the world weren't created by interventionist foreign policies. They were stopped by those policies, in some cases, when we put someone worse in charge. NK won't be stopped by ignoring them. The longer we wait the more people will die. Iran won't be stopped by ignoring them. The longer we wait the more people will die. Sometimes it's better to rip the bandaid off.

What compelling national interest do we have in North Korea? or Iran?

PS-We created the theocracy in Iran.....

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