When will Merrick Garland declare all these pro Hamas students 'Domestic terrorists"?

Biden calls Hamas a terrorist organization. Check

Democrats champion Hamas in Congress, in the media, and at universitites. Check.

Biden should call his own party a terrorist organization but wont. Check.
You hit that one outta the park, Votto. Kudos. :thup:
What..you expect the left to condemn those students at that college???

Yeah…that’s not happening. All you’ll get here is deflection. If it’s not “get trump!”, you’ll not hear them talk about it.
What..you expect the left to condemn those students at that college???

Yeah…that’s not happening. All you’ll get here is deflection. If it’s not “get trump!”, you’ll not hear them talk about it.
Condemn them for what? Nothing happened!
Condemn them for what? Nothing happened!

We’re they not pro Palestinian people trying to bang on the door to gain entry to where Jewish students were? We’re they not banging on the glass and shouting at the Jewish students and waving poles or sticks around? That’s terrorism, that’s intimidation.

I knew you all would try and massage this into “oh, it’s nothing”
We’re they not pro Palestinian people trying to bang on the door to gain entry to where Jewish students were? We’re they not banging on the glass and shouting at the Jewish students and waving poles or sticks around? That’s terrorism, that’s intimidation.

I knew you all would try and massage this into “oh, it’s nothing”
Banging on windows? Man up, snowflake.
Isn’t that what that unarmed mom was doing on Jan 6 when that cop murdered her?
Nope, she’d already broken in and was attempting what would be called a “home invasion” in a domestic setting. The officer was merely doing his duty, standing his ground and protecting the people on the room. He didn’t know if she was armed or not, but in a ‘stand your ground’ situation, that’s irrelevant snd the responsibility of the aggressor.
Nope, she’d already broken in and was attempting what would be called a “home invasion” in a domestic setting. The officer was merely doing his duty, standing his ground and protecting the people on the room. He didn’t know if she was armed or not, but in a ‘stand your ground’ situation, that’s irrelevant snd the responsibility of the aggressor.
One thing left out is that all of these people had no weapons and they have seen for several years on TV all of the protesting/riots in many areas of the country. All of the death, destruction, arson, carnage with very few going to jail. Shill broadcasters spewing peaceful events every night while behind them it looked like war zones. Humans are creatures to what we see. And more and more we do not trust leadership and authoritarians who ply the law against citizens for any reason. We do not trust them anymore. We just do not want to be killed for someone's ego, power hunger, psychotic and sociopathic leanings where looking at one wrong is almost a felony. And some go to Church. The man who shot the woman did not have to. He either ph uked up or is what I typed.
One thing left out is that all of these people had no weapons and they have seen for several years on TV all of the protesting/riots in many areas of the country. All of the death, destruction, arson, carnage with very few going to jail. Shill broadcasters spewing peaceful events every night while behind them it looked like war zones. Humans are creatures to what we see. And more and more we do not trust leadership and authoritarians who ply the law against citizens for any reason. We do not trust them anymore. We just do not want to be killed for someone's ego, power hunger, psychotic and sociopathic leanings where looking at one wrong is almost a felony. And some go to Church. The man who shot the woman did not have to. He either ph uked up or is what I typed.
That has nothing to do with the incident in question. This was solely the case of a man standing his ground and doing his duty.
That has nothing to do with the incident in question. This was solely the case of a man standing his ground and doing his duty.
That was a major party using a building as a crutch to destroy others who thought differently from their political ways and believed and still do that Progs steal elections. I understand the importance of a building. Our nation is not a building though. And more and more American do not trust what is inside it. Progs believe America was never great and Republican voters believe Progs steal elections. All of this done by elites who control us and tell us what to think and speak.

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