When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

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When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
If Joe Biden wins the 2020 election, the Kung Flu pandemic would end immediately. Blue states would miraculously reopen, and all the sick would be cured, even those that have died. This is the propaganda of the left....
You guys in Florida only had 11,466 new COVID-19 cases yesterday. BANG-UP JOB!!!! (sarcasm)

And hundreds if not thousands of those cases were fake data. Florida is rampant with fake Covid testing data but whatever bullshit MSM will not tell you that but it is all over our local media.

Typical Trumper. If you don't like the news or data, it must be fake.

Google is your friend shit for brains. Local media in Orlando broke the story of massive fake positive Covid testing. Don't believe me....look it up.

Hospitals and labs get paid for positive Covid results. One health system in Orlando reported 100℅ positive Covid testing results. But you believe the crap you are told in CNN and MSNBC. Idiot.
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

All he ever does is parrot establishment BS. Seriously, no original thought whatsoever. If I wanted to listen to propaganda and lies, I would just turn on the TV. Thankfully I stopped watching TV a long time ago. They don't call it "programming" for no reason.
Could not have said it better myself,it’s obvious the idiot box in the living room is all he ever listens to.He will never get wise and turn off that idiot box he listens to everyday in his living room obviously.lol

Great stuff,he is fallimg for that hook,line,and sinker.lol
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
If people would distance and wear masks we could put an end fast. Unfortunately, we have Republicans that think they are above the virus.
I politely say bullshit. Over half of the new cases here in in Florida are people under 40. Most do not even know they have Covid. The hype is mostly just that, hype. Flu kills the very old and the very sick. Unsurprisingly, Covid kills the very old and the very sick.

Go figure, right?
Even the young and healthy can suffer medical complications from the virus.
If people would distance and wear masks we could put an end to it?

Oh my god,I knew there were more sheep out there as stupid and brainwashed as the op is.lol
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
If Joe Biden wins the 2020 election, the Kung Flu pandemic would end immediately. Blue states would miraculously reopen, and all the sick would be cured, even those that have died. This is the propaganda of the left....
You guys in Florida only had 11,466 new COVID-19 cases yesterday. BANG-UP JOB!!!! (sarcasm)

And hundreds if not thousands of those cases were fake data. Florida is rampant with fake Covid testing data but whatever bullshit MSM will not tell you that but it is all over our local media.

Typical Trumper. If you don't like the news or data, it must be fake.

Google is your friend shit for brains. Local media in Orlando broke the story of massive fake positive Covid testing. Don't believe me....look it up.

Hospitals and labs get paid for positive Covid results. One health system in Orlando reported 100℅ positive Covid testing results. But you believe the crap you are told in CNN and MSNBC. Idiot.
Shit for brains is perfect for him.that says it much better than what I Have referred to him as,I been too kind to him as a sheep,your description of him fits him 100 times better than mine.lol comedy gold
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When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.

This is a disease of the very old or the very sick. The rest of us are overwhelmingly okay based on the science. But to answer your question: As soon as the election is over the problem goes away, unless Trump wins. :thup:

Actually, the median age for getting the infection is 40. Even if you don't die from the disease, you can sustain heart and lung damage as well as damage to other parts of your body that could later lead to premature death. The virus can make a non-smoker look like a person who had smoked two packs a day for decades, after just a few weeks of being sick with it.

Don't fool yourself. Everyone is at risk. This is the worst global pandemic in 100 years.

I politely say bullshit. Over half of the new cases here in in Florida are people under 40. Most do not even know they have Covid. The hype is mostly just that, hype. Flu kills the very old and the very sick. Unsurprisingly, Covid kills the very old and the very sick.

Go figure, right?

Unfortunately you continue to spread the myth that there are only two things that happen when you get sick with the virus. You think its A. you die, or B. you recover. Your forgetting C, the damage it can do to your body in just a few short weeks.

Then there is the fact that an average of 40,000 people die from season flu every year. But there are already 140,000 dead Americans after 3.5 months. That's right. The United States did not hit 1,000 deaths until March 26, 2020. Plus, most of the 40,000 people with season flu that die every year would have survived if they had just received the seasonal flu shot. With covid-19, there is no vaccine yet.

There are people in every age group that have died, been injured, or hospitalized from this virus. It has been proven to be far more deadly than the flue, far more infectious, plus there is no vaccine to offer protection like we have with the seasonal flu every year.

You have no idea what your talking about. I have worked in the health care field for 30 years. In my ER we are mandated to get the flu shot every year. At least half the time I get the flu anyway.

Covid kills the very old and the very sick. The science could not be any clearer. If you choose to live your life like a fucking chicken little so be it.

The stories that Covid devastates younger healthy people is bullshit. Hype. Garbage. 1 in 100,000 cases? WTF?

So stay afraid. Whatever floats your boat.
Dig hole, insert head, fill in hole.
You realise that you described the op and yourself to a tee don’t you.? Hee hee.
By the way, the same hospital system listed a 25 year old guy who died in a motorcycle crash a Covid death. That also hit local news today. The hospital is now under criminal investigation by the State.
Thank you for speaking up and trying to get naive people like 'U2Edge' to wake up. It is surreal what is going on, and people need to expose the hell out of it. It is criminal.
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
It probably ends as soon as Biden is inaugurated.
Yeah they will probably have another October surprise planned for us where they will fool the sheep that biden saved us all from a disaster same as they swallowed the lies that reagan saved us from the Iranian crisis Only difference isback then the republicans committed treason against the American people to make one of their evil servants president,this time the roles have been reversed and it’s the democrats committing the treason against Americans for the democrat evil puppet to be elected.
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When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.

This is a disease of the very old or the very sick. The rest of us are overwhelmingly okay based on the science. But to answer your question: As soon as the election is over the problem goes away, unless Trump wins. :thup:

Actually, the median age for getting the infection is 40. Even if you don't die from the disease, you can sustain heart and lung damage as well as damage to other parts of your body that could later lead to premature death. The virus can make a non-smoker look like a person who had smoked two packs a day for decades, after just a few weeks of being sick with it.

Don't fool yourself. Everyone is at risk. This is the worst global pandemic in 100 years.

I politely say bullshit. Over half of the new cases here in in Florida are people under 40. Most do not even know they have Covid. The hype is mostly just that, hype. Flu kills the very old and the very sick. Unsurprisingly, Covid kills the very old and the very sick.

Go figure, right?

Unfortunately you continue to spread the myth that there are only two things that happen when you get sick with the virus. You think its A. you die, or B. you recover. Your forgetting C, the damage it can do to your body in just a few short weeks.

Then there is the fact that an average of 40,000 people die from season flu every year. But there are already 140,000 dead Americans after 3.5 months. That's right. The United States did not hit 1,000 deaths until March 26, 2020. Plus, most of the 40,000 people with season flu that die every year would have survived if they had just received the seasonal flu shot. With covid-19, there is no vaccine yet.

There are people in every age group that have died, been injured, or hospitalized from this virus. It has been proven to be far more deadly than the flue, far more infectious, plus there is no vaccine to offer protection like we have with the seasonal flu every year.

You have no idea what your talking about. I have worked in the health care field for 30 years. In my ER we are mandated to get the flu shot every year. At least half the time I get the flu anyway.

Covid kills the very old and the very sick. The science could not be any clearer. If you choose to live your life like a fucking chicken little so be it.

The stories that Covid devastates younger healthy people is bullshit. Hype. Garbage. 1 in 100,000 cases? WTF?

So stay afraid. Whatever floats your boat.

I don't care if you claim to be the Surgeon General. You clearly don't understand the level of damage that has been done to the United States by this virus. There are other multiple serious outcomes from getting this virus besides simply dying.

Luckily, Trump, and the rest of the Republicans(can't even call them Republicans after what they have done with Trump) will be kicked out of power on November 3, 2020. Then in January the United States can start to rebuild itself and get out of the hole its in because of this virus. No longer will we have to tolerate crap that the virus is "hype" or "bullshit". The people who want to pretend its not problem will be pushed out of the way, and the country will finally start doing what it needs to do to destroy the virus and protect the population. After that, the economy can be rebuilt.

You would think people would have learned the lessons from 100 years ago with the 1918 pandemic, but unfortunately, we still have people that like to pretend it would be safe to visit the site of a nuclear blast or watch a battle from a lawn chair.
If you’re comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 pandemic, you’re a fool.
The understatement of the year.
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.

This is a disease of the very old or the very sick. The rest of us are overwhelmingly okay based on the science. But to answer your question: As soon as the election is over the problem goes away, unless Trump wins. :thup:

Actually, the median age for getting the infection is 40. Even if you don't die from the disease, you can sustain heart and lung damage as well as damage to other parts of your body that could later lead to premature death. The virus can make a non-smoker look like a person who had smoked two packs a day for decades, after just a few weeks of being sick with it.

Don't fool yourself. Everyone is at risk. This is the worst global pandemic in 100 years.

I politely say bullshit. Over half of the new cases here in in Florida are people under 40. Most do not even know they have Covid. The hype is mostly just that, hype. Flu kills the very old and the very sick. Unsurprisingly, Covid kills the very old and the very sick.

Go figure, right?

Unfortunately you continue to spread the myth that there are only two things that happen when you get sick with the virus. You think its A. you die, or B. you recover. Your forgetting C, the damage it can do to your body in just a few short weeks.

Then there is the fact that an average of 40,000 people die from season flu every year. But there are already 140,000 dead Americans after 3.5 months. That's right. The United States did not hit 1,000 deaths until March 26, 2020. Plus, most of the 40,000 people with season flu that die every year would have survived if they had just received the seasonal flu shot. With covid-19, there is no vaccine yet.

There are people in every age group that have died, been injured, or hospitalized from this virus. It has been proven to be far more deadly than the flue, far more infectious, plus there is no vaccine to offer protection like we have with the seasonal flu every year.

You have no idea what your talking about. I have worked in the health care field for 30 years. In my ER we are mandated to get the flu shot every year. At least half the time I get the flu anyway.

Covid kills the very old and the very sick. The science could not be any clearer. If you choose to live your life like a fucking chicken little so be it.

The stories that Covid devastates younger healthy people is bullshit. Hype. Garbage. 1 in 100,000 cases? WTF?

So stay afraid. Whatever floats your boat.

I don't care if you claim to be the Surgeon General. You clearly don't understand the level of damage that has been done to the United States by this virus. There are other multiple serious outcomes from getting this virus besides simply dying.

Luckily, Trump, and the rest of the Republicans(can't even call them Republicans after what they have done with Trump) will be kicked out of power on November 3, 2020. Then in January the United States can start to rebuild itself and get out of the hole its in because of this virus. No longer will we have to tolerate crap that the virus is "hype" or "bullshit". The people who want to pretend its not problem will be pushed out of the way, and the country will finally start doing what it needs to do to destroy the virus and protect the population. After that, the economy can be rebuilt.

You would think people would have learned the lessons from 100 years ago with the 1918 pandemic, but unfortunately, we still have people that like to pretend it would be safe to visit the site of a nuclear blast or watch a battle from a lawn chair.
If you’re comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 pandemic, you’re a fool.

No fool, we have 140,000 Americans dead in just 3.5 months from covid-19. The body count for Americans in the 1918 Pandemic WHEN IT WAS OVER, was 675,000. Guess what, this pandemic just started and is not over.

Is Covid-19 global in reach, yes. Has it been defined as a pandemic, yes. Has there ever been a virus since the 1918 pandemic that impacted the human race in terms of its economic prosperity and health as Covid-19? NO. Plus were only at the start of it. Its possible thanks to Science and 100 years of advancement that we could come out of this better than the 1918 pandemic, but right now, the United States at least is on the wrong track and getting worse.

But that problem will be solved when Trump is defeated and removed from office.
Your faith in what the CIA controlled media tells you is touching,they love you for not being able to think for yourself or look at the alternative media not controlled by them,good little sheep.pats fur on you.lol

I don't use the media for my information, I get it from CDC, WHO, the Department of Health in various states, people who work on the Science of pandemics. Raw data, from a-political, unbiased, non-media sources.

Far better than living in conspiracy land where the government blew up the Trade Towers on 9/11, and Aliens are gradually taking over the earth.
You really don’t know how hilarious that is, do you?
By the way, the same hospital system listed a 25 year old guy who died in a motorcycle crash a Covid death. That also hit local news today. The hospital is now under criminal investigation by the State.
Thank you for speaking up and trying to get naive people like 'U2Edge' to wake up. It is surreal what is going on, and people need to expose the hell out of it. It is criminal.

I am on a tablet and cannot post a link but multiple health systems across the State of Florida have reported false data. For those of you interested Google Florida false positive Covid tests. Fox 35 in Orlando originally broke the story. Many major health systems across the State are involved including Advent Health.
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
If Joe Biden wins the 2020 election, the Kung Flu pandemic would end immediately. Blue states would miraculously reopen, and all the sick would be cured, even those that have died. This is the propaganda of the left....
You guys in Florida only had 11,466 new COVID-19 cases yesterday. BANG-UP JOB!!!! (sarcasm)

And hundreds if not thousands of those cases were fake data. Florida is rampant with fake Covid testing data but whatever bullshit MSM will not tell you that but it is all over our local media.

Typical Trumper. If you don't like the news or data, it must be fake.
That’s funny too.
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.

This is a disease of the very old or the very sick. The rest of us are overwhelmingly okay based on the science. But to answer your question: As soon as the election is over the problem goes away, unless Trump wins. :thup:

Actually, the median age for getting the infection is 40. Even if you don't die from the disease, you can sustain heart and lung damage as well as damage to other parts of your body that could later lead to premature death. The virus can make a non-smoker look like a person who had smoked two packs a day for decades, after just a few weeks of being sick with it.

Don't fool yourself. Everyone is at risk. This is the worst global pandemic in 100 years.

I politely say bullshit. Over half of the new cases here in in Florida are people under 40. Most do not even know they have Covid. The hype is mostly just that, hype. Flu kills the very old and the very sick. Unsurprisingly, Covid kills the very old and the very sick.

Go figure, right?

Unfortunately you continue to spread the myth that there are only two things that happen when you get sick with the virus. You think its A. you die, or B. you recover. Your forgetting C, the damage it can do to your body in just a few short weeks.

Then there is the fact that an average of 40,000 people die from season flu every year. But there are already 140,000 dead Americans after 3.5 months. That's right. The United States did not hit 1,000 deaths until March 26, 2020. Plus, most of the 40,000 people with season flu that die every year would have survived if they had just received the seasonal flu shot. With covid-19, there is no vaccine yet.

There are people in every age group that have died, been injured, or hospitalized from this virus. It has been proven to be far more deadly than the flue, far more infectious, plus there is no vaccine to offer protection like we have with the seasonal flu every year.

You have no idea what your talking about. I have worked in the health care field for 30 years. In my ER we are mandated to get the flu shot every year. At least half the time I get the flu anyway.

Covid kills the very old and the very sick. The science could not be any clearer. If you choose to live your life like a fucking chicken little so be it.

The stories that Covid devastates younger healthy people is bullshit. Hype. Garbage. 1 in 100,000 cases? WTF?

So stay afraid. Whatever floats your boat.

I don't care if you claim to be the Surgeon General. You clearly don't understand the level of damage that has been done to the United States by this virus. There are other multiple serious outcomes from getting this virus besides simply dying.

Luckily, Trump, and the rest of the Republicans(can't even call them Republicans after what they have done with Trump) will be kicked out of power on November 3, 2020. Then in January the United States can start to rebuild itself and get out of the hole its in because of this virus. No longer will we have to tolerate crap that the virus is "hype" or "bullshit". The people who want to pretend its not problem will be pushed out of the way, and the country will finally start doing what it needs to do to destroy the virus and protect the population. After that, the economy can be rebuilt.

You would think people would have learned the lessons from 100 years ago with the 1918 pandemic, but unfortunately, we still have people that like to pretend it would be safe to visit the site of a nuclear blast or watch a battle from a lawn chair.
If you’re comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 pandemic, you’re a fool.

No fool, we have 140,000 Americans dead in just 3.5 months from covid-19. The body count for Americans in the 1918 Pandemic WHEN IT WAS OVER, was 675,000. Guess what, this pandemic just started and is not over.

Is Covid-19 global in reach, yes. Has it been defined as a pandemic, yes. Has there ever been a virus since the 1918 pandemic that impacted the human race in terms of its economic prosperity and health as Covid-19? NO. Plus were only at the start of it. Its possible thanks to Science and 100 years of advancement that we could come out of this better than the 1918 pandemic, but right now, the United States at least is on the wrong track and getting worse.

But that problem will be solved when Trump is defeated and removed from office.
Your faith in what the CIA controlled media tells you is touching,they love you for not being able to think for yourself or look at the alternative media not controlled by them,good little sheep.pats fur on you.lol

I don't use the media for my information, I get it from CDC, WHO, the Department of Health in various states, people who work on the Science of pandemics. Raw data, from a-political, unbiased, non-media sources.

Far better than living in conspiracy land where the government blew up the Trade Towers on 9/11, and Aliens are gradually taking over the earth.

Change the subject when you can’t refute facts the troll way.

You just proved in your own words you DO listen to the idiot box in your living room the fact you are so believe that corrupt government agency the CDC,a mouthpiece for the government and the states controlled by them.you also obviously listened to the evil corrupt NIST on 9/11 as well

Your. Getting more delusional in every post.lol
Your the shit for brains who believes in conspiracy theories.lol you believe in the unproven conspiracy theory of the governments when they had no facts to prove their case.lol You obviously are clueless about bld 7 that was NOT hit by a plane yet accordIing to the government you worship as gospel fact,the fires caused it to collapse as well. Bld 7 sheep is the crux of the coverup trolls like you can’t get around and can’t counter that explosives were used.lol

According to your warped logic you possess,all these architects and engineers and demolition experts are all wrong and the media and government are right,

That is the same retarded logic same as if I have car that’s acting up,I should listen to what my girlfriend tells me instead of an experienced mechanic of decades of experience, you are proving to the whole world you are on crack.lol rolls on floor laughing.

You are embarrassing yourself to,the whole world other than the government of course.lol
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
If Joe Biden wins the 2020 election, the Kung Flu pandemic would end immediately. Blue states would miraculously reopen, and all the sick would be cured, even those that have died. This is the propaganda of the left....
You guys in Florida only had 11,466 new COVID-19 cases yesterday. BANG-UP JOB!!!! (sarcasm)

And hundreds if not thousands of those cases were fake data. Florida is rampant with fake Covid testing data but whatever bullshit MSM will not tell you that but it is all over our local media.

Typical Trumper. If you don't like the news or data, it must be fake.
That’s funny too.
What’s Even more funny And comical is the op and nutcases like him,listen to these criminal organizations Like the CDC and NIST for their information,that’s the same thing as going to,the CIA and asking them if they have ever started wars and murdered women and children around the world and taking their word for it when they say no as the gospel truth or believing Bill Clinton was telling the truth never having sexual relations. Hee hee .They trust and believe everything the government and media tells them is what’s comical more than anything else instead of looking at facts that posters like welfare queen post that prove they are lying to them,lol incredible.
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
Like most pandemics it will end very early in some countries and continue for many years in others. In South Korea with a population of about 18% of the US, they have .3% of the case and .2% of the deaths. Yesterday in the US, there were nearly 1000 deaths. In South Korea there have been only 293 deaths since the pandemic started. Our unemployment is about 11.3%. South Korean unemployment is 4.3%. Compared to the US and most other countries, the covid-19 is done in South Korea but not according to the South Korean goverment. Although most businesses, factories, and schools are open, the government shuts them down if there is just one case, testing, tracing, and quarantining all contacts.

A doubt that the virus in the US will be under control by Sept. 2021. Even if we have a vaccine next January, and by some miracle we have enough of the vaccine, bottles, syringes to start inoculations of the public by March, we will need to vaccinate enough people to reach herd immunity, (230 million people immune) to actually eliminate all new cases. Since we don't know how many people have immunity now, we don't know how many people have to vaccinated. Best guess is at least 100 million. We are not likely to get that many people vaccinated in 6 months because it takes two does. There is also another problem. This vaccine was developed and tested in 6 months instead 6 or 7 years. How many people do think want to be the first in their neighborhood to be vaccinated?

And of course, if Trump is in office, the mad tweeter is just as likely as not to say he won't be getting vaccinated and he thinks it's a personal choice. Then it becomes a political issue like the masks and we will have opposition across the country.
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By the way, the same hospital system listed a 25 year old guy who died in a motorcycle crash a Covid death. That also hit local news today. The hospital is now under criminal investigation by the State.
Thank you for speaking up and trying to get naive people like 'U2Edge' to wake up. It is surreal what is going on, and people need to expose the hell out of it. It is criminal.

I am on a tablet and cannot post a link but multiple health systems across the State of Florida have reported false data. For those of you interested Google Florida false positive Covid tests. Fox 35 in Orlando originally broke the story. Many major health systems across the State are involved including Advent Health.
Yeah I am on a tablet as well so I as well am restricted from posting links and videos I have to go down to the library to do so,it sucks.
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
Like most pandemics it will end very early in some countries and continue for many years in others. In South Korea with a population of about 18% of the US, they have .3% of the case and .2% of the deaths. Yesterday in the US, there were nearly 1000 deaths. In South Korea there have been only 293 deaths since the pandemic started. Our unemployment is about 11.3%. South Korean unemployment is 4.3%. Compared to the US and most other countries, the covid-19 is done in South Korea but not according to the South Korean goverment. Although most businesses, factories, and schools are open, the government shuts them down if there is just one case.

A doubt that the virus in the US will be under control by Sept. 2021. Even if we have a vaccine next January, and by some miracle we have enough of the vaccine, bottles, syringes to start inoculations of the public by March, we will need to vaccinate enough people to reach herd immunity, (230 million people immune) to actually eliminate all new cases. Since we don't know how many people have immunity now, we don't know how many people have to vaccinated. Best guess is at least 100 million. We are not likely to get that many people vaccinated in 6 months because it takes two does. There is also another problem. This vaccine was developed and tested in 6 months instead 6 or 7 years. How many people do think want to be the first in their neighborhood to be vaccinated?

And of course, if Trump is in office, the mad tweeter is just as likely as not to say he won't be getting vaccinated and he thinks it's a personal choice. Then it becomes a political issue like the masks and we have opposition across the country.

I agree with the bulk of your post. My only comment is we should have protected the most vulnerable early, that is the very old and very sick. For the rest of us the quicker to herd immunity the better. There was no reason to shut down the entire Country for months.
Likely this is endemic at this point, so I went with never. Maybe we'll develop a treatment. Maybe we'll develop a vaccine.

And maybe not. Going to have to learn to live with it one way or the other.....

N-95 Mask, ear and eye protection would become a must then. The sports, music concerts, entertainment, and world of night life would never come back. Living life largely isolated compared to before the pandemic would become the norm.

For some people maybe. Some will get it and get over it and, over the course of time it breeds people out through natural selection as well, so 'never' is a long time.

Lots of diseases throughout the history of mankind. This one will be no different in a lot of ways. As much as we'd like to turn the world into a clean room and have everyone running around in postive pressure suits until we adapt as a species it's not realistic.

This is different, and there will be no return to "normal", life pre-2020, until there is an end to the pandemic, either because infections drop off(through testing, contact tracing and isolation) or a successful vaccine is made. No one knows how their body will react to the virus and when the risk is death or being injured in some way for life, no one wants to risk that. In order for there to be a normal return to concerts, sporting events, night clubs, bars, school, movie theaters, Restaurants, church, other forms of social life, the pandemic must end.

This is the first true global pandemic in 100 years. It is very easy to get it, deadly, and even if you don't die, it does extensive damage to the lungs, heart, and other parts of the body. The 1918 global pandemic covered parts of three years in 1918, 1919, and 1920. For something on a global scale like that, you would have to go back to 1347 to 1351 and the black death which killed half of the population in Europe. It would then keep coming back every few decades with regional outbreaks for centuries.

There will be a return to normal. Could be a few years, but it will happen
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
Like most pandemics it will end very early in some countries and continue for many years in others. In South Korea with a population of about 18% of the US, they have .3% of the case and .2% of the deaths. Yesterday in the US, there were nearly 1000 deaths. In South Korea there have been only 293 deaths since the pandemic started. Our unemployment is about 11.3%. South Korean unemployment is 4.3%. Compared to the US and most other countries, the covid-19 is done in South Korea but not according to the South Korean goverment. Although most businesses, factories, and schools are open, the government shuts them down if there is just one case.

A doubt that the virus in the US will be under control by Sept. 2021. Even if we have a vaccine next January, and by some miracle we have enough of the vaccine, bottles, syringes to start inoculations of the public by March, we will need to vaccinate enough people to reach herd immunity, (230 million people immune) to actually eliminate all new cases. Since we don't know how many people have immunity now, we don't know how many people have to vaccinated. Best guess is at least 100 million. We are not likely to get that many people vaccinated in 6 months because it takes two does. There is also another problem. This vaccine was developed and tested in 6 months instead 6 or 7 years. How many people do think want to be the first in their neighborhood to be vaccinated?

And of course, if Trump is in office, the mad tweeter is just as likely as not to say he won't be getting vaccinated and he thinks it's a personal choice. Then it becomes a political issue like the masks and we have opposition across the country.

I agree with the bulk of your post. My only comment is we should have protected the most vulnerable early, that is the very old and very sick. For the rest of us the quicker to herd immunity the better. There was no reason to shut down the entire Country for months.
Shutting down the country is a last resort. The first, and one of the most effective method to control the virus is massive testing, tracing contacts and quarantining positive cases. Had we been able to do that in March and April, there would have been no need to shut down businesses nor schools and there would have been little disruption in people's lives or the economy. The next least intrusive measure is masks and social distancing but that requires over 90% support from the public to control the virus. The last alternative, shutting everything down with stay at home orders will control the spread of the virus but wrecks havoc on the economy.

We are in the mitigation stage of the epidemic now. There is no chance of eliminating the virus by any of the above. The train left that station months ago. All we can do now is use the above methods to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed and wait for a vaccine or herd immunity.

I agree we should have done more to protect the elderly, however we did not know how vulnerable the elderly were until after the virus had spread. More protection for older Americans in nursing homes should have been done. However only 5% of older Americans over 65 live in nursing homes. I don't see how additional protection could have been provided for the 95% that don't.

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