When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

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I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

All he ever does is parrot establishment BS. Seriously, no original thought whatsoever. If I wanted to listen to propaganda and lies, I would just turn on the TV. Thankfully I stopped watching TV a long time ago. They don't call it "programming" for no reason.

U2Edge's certainly a propagandist. Claiming he doesn't know of any different standard for counting infections? He doesn't know ANYTHING about the coronavirus. He just puts down his rug in the direction of CNN five times a day and worships.

He actually said he knows of no different standards for counting infections (quote above). Wow, just wow

I don't get my information from CNN, I get my raw data from Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,465,612 Cases and 605,813 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer. Their numbers are the same as any other site, organization, or entity compiling cases and deaths around the world.

But seriously, how are infections counted differently in TAIWAN compared to the United States?

OK, I'll give you a chance.

1) You realize almost none of the cases were confirmed with actual tests, right? They determined cases and deaths by symptoms. The whole concept of "confirmed" cases is really dubious. Virtually none of them were actually confirmed

2) The United States has conducted far more testing than Taiwan or pretty much anyone else since testing has been available

3) Once "confirmed" at the local level, those numbers need to be fed up to the national level. Something Taiwan clearly isn't doing because those numbers are unbelievably low. Then those numbers must be reported internationally truthfully

4) Asian cultures are far more accepting of government power than the US. You can't just order Americans to stay home for a year, we won't do it. You can do that in that region of the world. They will also be far more compliant with things like masks. Trump can't order Americans to not be Americans, that's a flat out stupid argument.

If you want this discussion to continue, then you need to demonstrate you grasp those basic, indisputable facts. It's a lot more complicated than that, but it starts there. If you don't grasp the most basic facts, then you're just proving there's no point in discussing this with you.

... If biden wins in November the pandemic will end 1 minute after he is declared the winner. ...

Buy a new brain.

You shouldn't put your shopping list in a post.

The people, who are fighting today against Corona, are fighting for Trump. If they will win - with the help of god and against the president of the USA - then the unreal lazybone Trump will say he was the genius, who wan against Corona.

When of course rational, logical people such as yourself are blaming Trump for the coronavirus. You don't engage in silliness like that.

He's an idiot.

It's what' funny (not the ha ha kid) about people like you.

I doubt that I am this what you call "people like you".

You are mad if Trump takes credit for dealing with the coronavirus response because it shouldn't be political while you blame him politically for his coronavirus response. It's called hypocrisy. Buy a mirror

Strange ... Trump binds too much energy and causes too many destructions.
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I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

All he ever does is parrot establishment BS. Seriously, no original thought whatsoever. If I wanted to listen to propaganda and lies, I would just turn on the TV. Thankfully I stopped watching TV a long time ago. They don't call it "programming" for no reason.

U2Edge's certainly a propagandist. Claiming he doesn't know of any different standard for counting infections? He doesn't know ANYTHING about the coronavirus. He just puts down his rug in the direction of CNN five times a day and worships.

He actually said he knows of no different standards for counting infections (quote above). Wow, just wow

I don't get my information from CNN, I get my raw data from Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,465,612 Cases and 605,813 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer. Their numbers are the same as any other site, organization, or entity compiling cases and deaths around the world.

But seriously, how are infections counted differently in TAIWAN compared to the United States?

OK, I'll give you a chance.

1) You realize almost none of the cases were confirmed with actual tests, right? They determined cases and deaths by symptoms. The whole concept of "confirmed" cases is really dubious. Virtually none of them were actually confirmed

2) The United States has conducted far more testing than Taiwan or pretty much anyone else since testing has been available

3) Once "confirmed" at the local level, those numbers need to be fed up to the national level. Something Taiwan clearly isn't doing because those numbers are unbelievably low. Then those numbers must be reported internationally truthfully

4) Asian cultures are far more accepting of government power than the US. You can't just order Americans to stay home for a year, we won't do it. You can do that in that region of the world. They will also be far more compliant with things like masks. Trump can't order Americans to not be Americans, that's a flat out stupid argument.

If you want this discussion to continue, then you need to demonstrate you grasp those basic, indisputable facts. It's a lot more complicated than that, but it starts there. If you don't grasp the most basic facts, then you're just proving there's no point in discussing this with you.


1. Ok, site one case that was added to the database of infections that was not confirmed with a test. Lets see the names of people and a source, and a source that it was added to the national database without a test. For deaths, people that died in the homes in New York City of coronavirus, were NEVER tested for coronavirus and not added to any database. This shows that the number of deaths from coronavirus is an undercount! Finally, if the number of cases is actually lower than what is being reported, then why are hospitals being overwhelmed with hospitalizations at various places in the country. In Houston, you have to go to Woodlands Texas or Galveston Texas if your sick and need to be hospitalized because Houston hospitals don't have room for new patients. So this is basically conspiracy rubbish on your part.

2. The United States has conducted more tests than Taiwan. But both the United States and Taiwan typically only test people who are showing symptoms. More people are sick and showing symptoms in the United States which means far more tests. Taiwan's lower testing rate is due to the fact that they have largely contained the virus and prevented most people in their population from getting infected.

3. TAIWAN is the gold standard for truth about coronavirus and taking actions to contain it. TAIWAN sealed entry into the country on January 20, 2020 before WHO or China even admitted there was a serious problem and risk for a global pandemic. Donald Trump did not seal entry into the United States until late March. Before WHO admitted the virus could be spread from person to person. TAIWAN has been more aggressive and accurate in tracking the virus and its intelligence services knew what was going on in early January in China before the rest of the world knew and they took appropriate action.

4. TAIWAN is a democracy and has a culture that rejects oppressive authority given their conflict and opposition to China over the past 70 years. New Zealand is not far behind TAIWAN in successfully dealing with the coronavirus and New Zealand is a country of European ancestry. Its one of the places where England use to send a lot of its prisoners and rejects. Americans during WORLD WAR II buckled down and did ever thing they could to defeat the Axis powers. Nearly half the workforce was drafted into the military. There was virtually no resistance to the draft or protest over rationing during World War II in the United States.

What you stated are not facts, except in some narrow cases such has number of test done in Taiwan vs number of test done in the United States. But there are explanations for that. Everything you listed is easily disputable. Unfortunately it seems you have locked yourself into a way of thinking or believing certain things. You won't be able to fully grasp the reality of the situation until you let go of that.
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.

I have already posted the information but you were too lazy to look at it. Florida ICU beds are not at capacity. That is a media lie. Google Florida ICU bed availability. The data is direct from the State dept of health.

Florida fake Covid test data. Google Florida false Covid test data. The news broke locally about three days ago.

Your problem is you are scared and you believe the MSM. They lied to you non-stop for 4 years. Russia, collusion, Mueller, Stormy, Ukraine. All lied and I have zero doubt you bought it all hook, line, and sinker.
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.

I just looked it up because I knew you would be too lazy or stupid. As of this morning Florida has 19.38% of its ICU beds open and available. ICU beds statewide are far from capacity.

The media lies. Jesus, how stupid do you have to be?
OK, I'll give you a chance.

1) You realize almost none of the cases were confirmed with actual tests, right? They determined cases and deaths by symptoms. The whole concept of "confirmed" cases is really dubious. Virtually none of them were actually confirmed

2) The United States has conducted far more testing than Taiwan or pretty much anyone else since testing has been available

3) Once "confirmed" at the local level, those numbers need to be fed up to the national level. Something Taiwan clearly isn't doing because those numbers are unbelievably low. Then those numbers must be reported internationally truthfully

4) Asian cultures are far more accepting of government power than the US. You can't just order Americans to stay home for a year, we won't do it. You can do that in that region of the world. They will also be far more compliant with things like masks. Trump can't order Americans to not be Americans, that's a flat out stupid argument.

If you want this discussion to continue, then you need to demonstrate you grasp those basic, indisputable facts. It's a lot more complicated than that, but it starts there. If you don't grasp the most basic facts, then you're just proving there's no point in discussing this with you.


1. Ok, site one case that was added to the database of infections that was not confirmed with a test ...

Just showing that right out of the gate that you don't know shit about this whole thing.

For months, they had "confirmed cases" and "confirmed deaths" before there WAS A TEST. Tests have only become available recently. Nothing before June was verified by any test proving a case or a death was coronavirus.

Jesus f'ing Christ, man. You don't know shit. That was my point
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Yes. People who died in things like motorcycle accidents have been "confirmed coronavirus deaths"
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.

In the entire State of Florida, there have been roughly 13% of the deaths of just in NY City.

I live in one of the largest counties in Florida outside the Miami area, and we've had less than 100 deaths. But we're forced to wear masks. It's way political for hacks like you.

Of course if Biden wins, your stories will all change on November 3. This is about destroying the economy just hoping to win the election
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.

I have already posted the information but you were too lazy to look at it. Florida ICU beds are not at capacity. That is a media lie. Google Florida ICU bed availability. The data is direct from the State dept of health.

Florida fake Covid test data. Google Florida false Covid test data. The news broke locally about three days ago.

Your problem is you are scared and you believe the MSM. They lied to you non-stop for 4 years. Russia, collusion, Mueller, Stormy, Ukraine. All lied and I have zero doubt you bought it all hook, line, and sinker.

Even the NY times admitted they are counting "confirmed and probable" cases. Probable means according to symptoms. Which includes things like motorcycle accidents.

U2Edge doesn't know anything about this. And he doesn't care. It's about electing Biden and doing all the destruction to the economy that takes before November

I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.

I just looked it up because I knew you would be too lazy or stupid. As of this morning Florida has 19.38% of its ICU beds open and available. ICU beds statewide are far from capacity.

The media lies. Jesus, how stupid do you have to be?

That is the statewide average, I was talking about particular hospitals in Florida being at or near capacity.
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.

I have already posted the information but you were too lazy to look at it. Florida ICU beds are not at capacity. That is a media lie. Google Florida ICU bed availability. The data is direct from the State dept of health.

Florida fake Covid test data. Google Florida false Covid test data. The news broke locally about three days ago.

Your problem is you are scared and you believe the MSM. They lied to you non-stop for 4 years. Russia, collusion, Mueller, Stormy, Ukraine. All lied and I have zero doubt you bought it all hook, line, and sinker.

Yep, its all just a conspiracy.
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
I don't see November 4, 2020.

You conspicuously and deliberately left that off the list.
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.

I just looked it up because I knew you would be too lazy or stupid. As of this morning Florida has 19.38% of its ICU beds open and available. ICU beds statewide are far from capacity.

The media lies. Jesus, how stupid do you have to be?

That is the statewide average, I was talking about particular hospitals in Florida being at or near capacity.

You're referring to Miami. Yes, they should be on a higher lockdown level. And they are. Those for political correctness those restrictions are coming out more and more to other parts of the State where we don't need them.

The low content media just presents cases on a US map by State. Those maps should be by county to have any meaning other than political
OK, I'll give you a chance.

1) You realize almost none of the cases were confirmed with actual tests, right? They determined cases and deaths by symptoms. The whole concept of "confirmed" cases is really dubious. Virtually none of them were actually confirmed

2) The United States has conducted far more testing than Taiwan or pretty much anyone else since testing has been available

3) Once "confirmed" at the local level, those numbers need to be fed up to the national level. Something Taiwan clearly isn't doing because those numbers are unbelievably low. Then those numbers must be reported internationally truthfully

4) Asian cultures are far more accepting of government power than the US. You can't just order Americans to stay home for a year, we won't do it. You can do that in that region of the world. They will also be far more compliant with things like masks. Trump can't order Americans to not be Americans, that's a flat out stupid argument.

If you want this discussion to continue, then you need to demonstrate you grasp those basic, indisputable facts. It's a lot more complicated than that, but it starts there. If you don't grasp the most basic facts, then you're just proving there's no point in discussing this with you.


1. Ok, site one case that was added to the database of infections that was not confirmed with a test ...

Just showing that right out of the gate that you don't know shit about this whole thing.

For months, they had "confirmed cases" and "confirmed deaths" before there WAS A TEST. Tests have only become available recently. Nothing before June was verified by any test proving a case or a death was coronavirus.

Jesus f'ing Christ, man. You don't know shit. That was my point

Sure. Your saying there was no test to confirm you had coronavirus before June? No link, no source, no evidence. I have family that were tested before June and confirmed that they had the virus or were negative. Unfortunately it appears you made be in never never land with people who think the destruction of the World Trade Towers was a controlled demolition by the government.
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.

I have already posted the information but you were too lazy to look at it. Florida ICU beds are not at capacity. That is a media lie. Google Florida ICU bed availability. The data is direct from the State dept of health.

Florida fake Covid test data. Google Florida false Covid test data. The news broke locally about three days ago.

Your problem is you are scared and you believe the MSM. They lied to you non-stop for 4 years. Russia, collusion, Mueller, Stormy, Ukraine. All lied and I have zero doubt you bought it all hook, line, and sinker.

Yep, its all just a conspiracy.

No one said that. It's politically motivated. It's your November 3 strategy. Destroy the economy and hope to win the election
OK, I'll give you a chance.

1) You realize almost none of the cases were confirmed with actual tests, right? They determined cases and deaths by symptoms. The whole concept of "confirmed" cases is really dubious. Virtually none of them were actually confirmed

2) The United States has conducted far more testing than Taiwan or pretty much anyone else since testing has been available

3) Once "confirmed" at the local level, those numbers need to be fed up to the national level. Something Taiwan clearly isn't doing because those numbers are unbelievably low. Then those numbers must be reported internationally truthfully

4) Asian cultures are far more accepting of government power than the US. You can't just order Americans to stay home for a year, we won't do it. You can do that in that region of the world. They will also be far more compliant with things like masks. Trump can't order Americans to not be Americans, that's a flat out stupid argument.

If you want this discussion to continue, then you need to demonstrate you grasp those basic, indisputable facts. It's a lot more complicated than that, but it starts there. If you don't grasp the most basic facts, then you're just proving there's no point in discussing this with you.


1. Ok, site one case that was added to the database of infections that was not confirmed with a test ...

Just showing that right out of the gate that you don't know shit about this whole thing.

For months, they had "confirmed cases" and "confirmed deaths" before there WAS A TEST. Tests have only become available recently. Nothing before June was verified by any test proving a case or a death was coronavirus.

Jesus f'ing Christ, man. You don't know shit. That was my point

Sure. Your saying there was no test to confirm you had coronavirus before June? No link, no source, no evidence. I have family that were tested before June and confirmed that they had the virus or were negative. Unfortunately it appears you made be in never never land with people who think the destruction of the World Trade Towers was a controlled demolition by the government.

Once again you're proving how low content you are on this subject and why you're not putting any effort into this for.

You seriously thought there were reliable covid 19 tests in March? What the fuck planet do you live on? You're in a land of ignorance.

The tests were invasive with low reliability before that.

In June, the first reliable broadly applyable test was released.

In early June, researchers announced a nucleic acid diagnostic test using reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP), an existing technology used in pathogenic microorganism identification, genetically modified ingredients, tumor detection, and embryo sex identification. The test identified virus in samples of serum, urine, saliva, oropharyngeal swabs and nasopharyngeal swabs. Once commercialized the test has the potential to provide rapid (30-45 minute) diagnosis at point of care. The test was 100% selective and highly sensitive, detecting virus at a concentration of .06 fg/ml.[164]"

Last edited:
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

And much of the alleged data is fake regarding number of active cases and deaths, at least here in Florida. Also, we know in China and a number of other countries and not accurately reporting cases or deaths.

But of course, none of that matters to you. You are scared, hiding under your bed, and convinced we're all going to die.

Well, how do you know the numbers in Florida are fake? Why are Florida hospitals at or near capacity if the numbers are "fake"? China is a communist dictatorship and hide many things. TAIWAN on the other hand is transparent democracy like the United States where the truth is reported and verified.

I'm convinced a lot more people in the United States will die and get sick because people are not isolating and wearing masks. The virus is the enemy. You beat this enemy by isolating as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can't. People who don't like you, are helping the virus spread which kills, sickens, and injures more people.

In the entire State of Florida, there have been roughly 13% of the deaths of just in NY City.

I live in one of the largest counties in Florida outside the Miami area, and we've had less than 100 deaths. But we're forced to wear masks. It's way political for hacks like you.

Of course if Biden wins, your stories will all change on November 3. This is about destroying the economy just hoping to win the election

This is not just about deaths, its also about anyone that gets sick and suffers damage to their body from the virus as well as those who have no symptoms and end up spreading it to dozens of other people.

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