When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

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When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.
Like most pandemics it will end very early in some countries and continue for many years in others. In South Korea with a population of about 18% of the US, they have .3% of the case and .2% of the deaths. Yesterday in the US, there were nearly 1000 deaths. In South Korea there have been only 293 deaths since the pandemic started. Our unemployment is about 11.3%. South Korean unemployment is 4.3%. Compared to the US and most other countries, the covid-19 is done in South Korea but not according to the South Korean goverment. Although most businesses, factories, and schools are open, the government shuts them down if there is just one case.

A doubt that the virus in the US will be under control by Sept. 2021. Even if we have a vaccine next January, and by some miracle we have enough of the vaccine, bottles, syringes to start inoculations of the public by March, we will need to vaccinate enough people to reach herd immunity, (230 million people immune) to actually eliminate all new cases. Since we don't know how many people have immunity now, we don't know how many people have to vaccinated. Best guess is at least 100 million. We are not likely to get that many people vaccinated in 6 months because it takes two does. There is also another problem. This vaccine was developed and tested in 6 months instead 6 or 7 years. How many people do think want to be the first in their neighborhood to be vaccinated?

And of course, if Trump is in office, the mad tweeter is just as likely as not to say he won't be getting vaccinated and he thinks it's a personal choice. Then it becomes a political issue like the masks and we have opposition across the country.

I agree with the bulk of your post. My only comment is we should have protected the most vulnerable early, that is the very old and very sick. For the rest of us the quicker to herd immunity the better. There was no reason to shut down the entire Country for months.
Shutting down the country is a last resort. The first, and one of the most effective method to control the virus is massive testing, tracing contacts and quarantining positive cases. Had we been able to do that in March and April, there would have been no need to shut down businesses nor schools and there would have been little disruption in people's lives or the economy. The next least intrusive measure is masks and social distancing but that requires over 90% support from the public to control the virus. The last alternative, shutting everything down with stay at home orders will control the spread of the virus but wrecks havoc on the economy.

We are in the mitigation stage of the epidemic now. There is no chance of eliminating the virus by any of the above. The train left that station months ago. All we can do now is use the above methods to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed and wait for a vaccine or herd immunity.

I agree we should have done more to protect the elderly, however we did not know how vulnerable the elderly were until after the virus had spread. More protection for older Americans in nursing homes should have been done. However only 5% of older Americans over 65 live in nursing homes. I don't see how additional protection could have been provided for the 95% that don't.

Italy was in a very bad place in March/April with the virus, but their lockdown has produced amazing results. They now only have 1% to 2% of the daily infections and deaths that they did back in March.
"Infections" is a totally meaningless stat even if the tests were accurate. 99% of folks exposed have no symptoms. 100% of folks who take the anti-Malaria drug and zinc, etc. as out patients get cured in 3 days. Most idiots who run to the local hospital get fucked up.
The day after the election as then it can no longer be used as an election yaer issue.

America: 7 467 404 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are United States (3 647 715), Brazil (2 046 328), Peru (345 537), Mexico (331 298) and Chile (326 539).

America: 306 555 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are United States (139 266), Brazil (77 851), Mexico (38 310), Peru (12 799) and Canada (8 839).

What have the other American victims of the Corona-2 virus to do with the elections in the USA - and why do so many US-Americans sacfrifice their weak mind on the altar of denial of reality on reason of a maximal stupidity in the empty phrases of political propaganda?
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.

This is a disease of the very old or the very sick. The rest of us are overwhelmingly okay based on the science. But to answer your question: As soon as the election is over the problem goes away, unless Trump wins. :thup:

Actually, the median age for getting the infection is 40. Even if you don't die from the disease, you can sustain heart and lung damage as well as damage to other parts of your body that could later lead to premature death. The virus can make a non-smoker look like a person who had smoked two packs a day for decades, after just a few weeks of being sick with it.

Don't fool yourself. Everyone is at risk. This is the worst global pandemic in 100 years.

I politely say bullshit. Over half of the new cases here in in Florida are people under 40. Most do not even know they have Covid. The hype is mostly just that, hype. Flu kills the very old and the very sick. Unsurprisingly, Covid kills the very old and the very sick.

Go figure, right?

Unfortunately you continue to spread the myth that there are only two things that happen when you get sick with the virus. You think its A. you die, or B. you recover. Your forgetting C, the damage it can do to your body in just a few short weeks.

Then there is the fact that an average of 40,000 people die from season flu every year. But there are already 140,000 dead Americans after 3.5 months. That's right. The United States did not hit 1,000 deaths until March 26, 2020. Plus, most of the 40,000 people with season flu that die every year would have survived if they had just received the seasonal flu shot. With covid-19, there is no vaccine yet.

There are people in every age group that have died, been injured, or hospitalized from this virus. It has been proven to be far more deadly than the flue, far more infectious, plus there is no vaccine to offer protection like we have with the seasonal flu every year.

You have no idea what your talking about. I have worked in the health care field for 30 years. In my ER we are mandated to get the flu shot every year. At least half the time I get the flu anyway.

Covid kills the very old and the very sick. The science could not be any clearer. If you choose to live your life like a fucking chicken little so be it.

The stories that Covid devastates younger healthy people is bullshit. Hype. Garbage. 1 in 100,000 cases? WTF?

So stay afraid. Whatever floats your boat.

I don't care if you claim to be the Surgeon General. You clearly don't understand the level of damage that has been done to the United States by this virus. There are other multiple serious outcomes from getting this virus besides simply dying.

Luckily, Trump, and the rest of the Republicans(can't even call them Republicans after what they have done with Trump) will be kicked out of power on November 3, 2020. Then in January the United States can start to rebuild itself and get out of the hole its in because of this virus. No longer will we have to tolerate crap that the virus is "hype" or "bullshit". The people who want to pretend its not problem will be pushed out of the way, and the country will finally start doing what it needs to do to destroy the virus and protect the population. After that, the economy can be rebuilt.

You would think people would have learned the lessons from 100 years ago with the 1918 pandemic, but unfortunately, we still have people that like to pretend it would be safe to visit the site of a nuclear blast or watch a battle from a lawn chair.
Please stay home and never venture out.

Everyone should stay home unless they are employed in essential services or need to get food or medical care. The best tactics for combating a pandemic or lockdowns, Isolation, testing, contact tracing, followed by isolation of infected or suspect individuals. Its how TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely defeated the virus. The United States could be Taiwan and New Zealand, but instead the United States has one of the 10 highest infection rates per capita and one of the 10 highest death rates per capita from covid-19 on the planet.
Nope. Fuck that. Doesn’t work. You have an immune system. Exercise it. Of course you could be someone very old or with an impacted immune system, if so stay home.

I’m healthy and I’m strong. I’ll wear the stupid mask even though it clearly is ineffective, but I need to enjoy my favorite restaurants and various other establishments.

You stay home and quiver in the closet.

Thousands of people that are healthier and stronger than you have either died from covid-19 or survived with damaged lungs and other damage to their body. The virus is new, highly infectious and very deadly. You are rolling the dice if you assume your immune system will handle it. Then there is the fact that even if you don't experience any symptoms, you could easily become a SPREADER of the virus. Your asymptomatic infection and unwillingness to isolate, could wind up killing dozens of people.
The following blows up your position. Do you think it’s factual or a fabrication?

That’s because even at this late date nearly four months into the resulting economic disaster:
there is no evidence that asymptomatic persons are transmitters of the virus,
there is powerful statistical evidence that 95% of the population can cope with the disease and recover if they do become infected.

Yet, the twin pillars of Fauci’s hair-brained social regimentation scheme assumes the very opposite: Namely, that healthy Americans must be put under house arrest because they are silent spreaders and killers of their fellow citizens; and that the disease is so virulent that its #1 enemy – the powerful immune system of every healthy American – cannot be trusted to do its job if the virus is permitted to follow its natural course of contagion and eventual herd immunity.

As to the silent spreaders trope, here is how the very head of WHO’s COVID-19 Task Force, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, recently explained that transmission of the virus from asymptomatic patients appears to be very rare:

It still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual.”

For crying out loud. That knocks the very rationale for stay-at-home orders to hundreds of millions of healthy citizens into a cocked hat.

The Clown Cars Are Fully Loaded and Dr. Fauci’s Is Leading the Parade - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
"Infections" is a totally meaningless stat even if the tests were accurate. 99% of folks exposed have no symptoms. 100% of folks who take the anti-Malaria drug and zinc, etc. as out patients get cured in 3 days. Most idiots who run to the local hospital get fucked up.

In Germany 85% had not big problems, who were infected - 15% had and have more serios problems.

In general the Corona virus attacks not only the lung but is also able to attack all organs of the body, specially also heart and bloodstream as well as nerves and the brain (neurological problems). Long term damages are possible also in light cases of infections.
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... the Kung Flu pandemic ...

The Corona-2 virus and the influeneza virus have nothing to do with each other. And influenza is also not a cold, but a damned dangerous infection on its own. For the coming harvest dangerous double infections are thinkable: Covid-19 including influenza.

Wear masks. Wash hands. Keep distance. Learn not to forget to do so now immediatelly.
China Virus is a variation of the long existing Corina Virus family.

The Corona-2 virus is a dangerous new virus.

Many people already have some built in resistance to it because of other Corona Virus infections they had in the past.

Or not. Wishful thinking and reality are not the same. We know for example that the first infected persons in Germany have 3 months later no detectable antibodies against the Corona-2 virus any longer.

This is why many who gets China Virus don't get sick or only mildly sick because of limited built in resistance already in place.

Normal Corona virusses are for example able to be responsible for a cold. How often have people a cold? Often or more often? And what is now? Summer! Let's hope it will not come more worse in harvest with this new dangerous virus.
When will the covid-19 pandemic end?

I say, and HOPE, that it ends in September 2021 thanks to the introduction of a vaccine. Its sad that the United States is going to have to wait for a vaccine when countries like TAIWAN and New Zealand have largely contained the outbreak among their populations. Taiwan is a country of 25 million people, and only 7 people have died from covid-19 and only 451 have been infected. Right now they only have 7 active cases compared to nearly 2 million active cases in the United States.

If biden wins in November the pandemic will end 1 minute after he is declared the winner. Unless the democrats think it is still to their advantage to push the lockdowns....to keep the economy crushed so they can turn it into a Great Depression.....after all, they won't let a crisis that good go to waste....
... If biden wins in November the pandemic will end 1 minute after he is declared the winner. ...

Buy a new brain.

You shouldn't put your shopping list in a post.

The people, who are fighting today against Corona, are fighting for Trump. If they will win - with the help of god and against the president of the USA - then the unreal lazybone Trump will say he was the genius, who wan against Corona.
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion
You have no idea what your talking about. I have worked in the health care field for 30 years. In my ER we are mandated to get the flu shot every year. At least half the time I get the flu anyway.

Covid kills the very old and the very sick. The science could not be any clearer. If you choose to live your life like a fucking chicken little so be it.

The stories that Covid devastates younger healthy people is bullshit. Hype. Garbage. 1 in 100,000 cases? WTF?

So stay afraid. Whatever floats your boat.

People downplay the mortality and the long term medical complications. Saying it's ONLY old and sick people. But those sick people include children with asthma or diabetes.

Wow, you know more than the American Pediatric Society on children and the coronavirus. How did you get this vast knowledge, no nuts?

And notice you're not offering any plan. You're just a dyed in the wool Democrat criticizing. So what is your plan, sport? My plan is the original March plan
... If biden wins in November the pandemic will end 1 minute after he is declared the winner. ...

Buy a new brain.

You shouldn't put your shopping list in a post.

The people, who are fighting today against Corona, are fighting for Trump. If they will win - with the help of god and against the president of the USA - then the unreal lazybone Trump will say he was the genius, who wan against Corona.

When of course rational, logical people such as yourself are blaming Trump for the coronavirus. You don't engage in silliness like that.

It's what' funny (not the ha ha kid) about people like you. You are mad if Trump takes credit for dealing with the coronavirus response because it shouldn't be political while you blame him politically for his coronavirus response. It's called hypocrisy. Buy a mirror
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

All he ever does is parrot establishment BS. Seriously, no original thought whatsoever. If I wanted to listen to propaganda and lies, I would just turn on the TV. Thankfully I stopped watching TV a long time ago. They don't call it "programming" for no reason.

U2Edge's certainly a propagandist. Claiming he doesn't know of any different standard for counting infections? He doesn't know ANYTHING about the coronavirus. He just puts down his rug in the direction of CNN five times a day and worships.

He actually said he knows of no different standards for counting infections (quote above). Wow, just wow
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

All he ever does is parrot establishment BS. Seriously, no original thought whatsoever. If I wanted to listen to propaganda and lies, I would just turn on the TV. Thankfully I stopped watching TV a long time ago. They don't call it "programming" for no reason.

U2Edge's certainly a propagandist. Claiming he doesn't know of any different standard for counting infections? He doesn't know ANYTHING about the coronavirus. He just puts down his rug in the direction of CNN five times a day and worships.

He actually said he knows of no different standards for counting infections (quote above). Wow, just wow

I don't get my information from CNN, I get my raw data from Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,465,612 Cases and 605,813 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer. Their numbers are the same as any other site, organization, or entity compiling cases and deaths around the world.

But seriously, how are infections counted differently in TAIWAN compared to the United States?
I don't know of ANY different standard for counting infections

OMG, then you're not doing any actual reading on this AT ALL other than just milking the DNC for talking points

Sure. What is there a test, that says your only HALF infected? 3/4 infected? There are some countries, very few, that are alleged to have hid the number of infections they have. Then there are also a lot of people who may have been infected but their infection was never confirmed with a test.

There is undercounting of infections as well as undercounting of deaths from covid-19. But no one out there is fabricating positive infection numbers and positive deaths from covid-19. If you think that, you belong with the people who think the United States government brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a controlled demolition.

You think that all the coronavirus cases reported were from confirmed coronavirus TESTS!?!?! Seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And now you also think they are random so you can compare them and equally applied across countries?

OMG, you need to educate yourself before posting on the subject. If you did, you'd be embarrassed over the ignorance you're demonstrating in this discussion.

If you were to acknowledge the vast differences between how countries are counting cases and deaths, I'd engage you. But you're denying there is any difference, and that's just completely ignorant. You're just another Democrat hack partisan trying to make political hay, not engage in a real discussion

Ok, explain the difference between TAIWAN and the United States in counting cases of coronavirus.

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 3,835,430

Confirmed deaths from Coronavirus:
United States: 142,883

Population of Taiwan and the United States:
TAIWAN: 23,818,968
United States: 331,097,557

Number of current active cases of Coronavirus:
United States: 1,917,097

Realize that if the United States had the same number of cases, deaths, and active cases on a per capita basis as Taiwan, this is how the United States figures would look:
Number of confirmed infections:
United States: 6,339
Number of confirmed deaths:
United States: 97
Number of current active cases:
United States: 111

Begging the question fallacy.

You're still just comparing two entirely different systems with entirely different standards for counting confirmed cases and deaths.

U2Edge: Let's compare US college baseball statistics with Russian professional hockey statistics kaz ...

What you're arguing is as ignorant as that. Again, any real discussion STARTS with you showing that you grasp that US and Taiwanese (and other) coronavirus statistics are very difficult to compare because they were identified and collected according to completely different rules and methods. We also have entirely different cultures

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