when will the left condemn China's increase in Russian oil purchases ?

And they will continue to do so. They had no desire to see the US run the world any more than we want them to.
Do you really think china is as good as America?

I dont

the dictators can abuse their own people within their own borders

but nowhere else as long as America remains strong
Do you really think china is as good as America?

I dont

the dictators can abuse their own people withon their own borders

but nowhere else as long as America remains strong

Rant away. It's all you are doing. Wasting everyone's time. US corporations see operating in China as better than operating in the US.

Oddly many see the solution there to be for the US to be more like China. Slaves to the corporations.
Rant away. It's all you are doing. Wasting everyone's time. US corporations see operating in China as better than operating in the US.
Now you are building a new straw man

we were discussing moving production to 3rd world countries

you are grasping at straws
Now you are building a new straw man

we were discussing moving production to 3rd world countries

you are grasping at straws

You are avoiding the issue as is generally the case. It was noted years ago the problems we would face in the future by moving production to China but it is what Wall Street wanted.
I do not. My position is it is NOT going to happen.
your reason for thinking it wont happen is wrong

American companies can and should move out of china
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You are avoiding the issue as is generally the case. It was noted years ago the problems we would face in the future by moving production to China but it is what Wall Street wanted.
Dont blame wall st

it was a political decision by washongton swamp rats to allow chinese products into Ametica

and that forced US companies to leave America
Dont blame wall st

it was a political decision by washongton swamp rats to allow chinese products into Ametica

and that forced US companies to leave America

Chinese products have always been allowed to be shipped into America. You know you are full of crap but the facts conflict with your religious beliefs.
Chinese products have always been allowed to be shipped into America
Not without stiff tariffs

washinton led by clinton wanted to expand economic relations with china

and it was a very stupid idea
Not without stiff tariffs

washinton led by clinton wanted to expand economic relations with china

and it was a very stupid idea

Stupid or not, Wall Street wants it so it will remain.
To what? You want us to start a war? How is it our place to determine what countries can trade with other countries?
That was our point in the 1930s. We were a neutralist country: we didn't join the wars, but we would not put on sanctions. Now China is playing that role. We sold oil to Italy while it was invading Ethiopia, undermining League of Nations sanctions; China is buying Russian oil, undermining NATO sanctions (not United Nations, note. The UN is too powerless to play anymore.)

Of course nobody could start a war against us for that! Anymore than anyone can start a war with China.

This is not just about the oil: China is also developing an alternative interstate payment system that gets out of the SWIFT interbank system that underlies our most important sanction, Russian exchange of foreign currency to buy and sell. That undermines our control of the world money supply and exchange, and takes it to China.

This war is causing some big changes.
That was our point in the 1930s. We were a neutralist country: we didn't join the wars, but we would not put on sanctions. Now China is playing that role. We sold oil to Italy while it was invading Ethiopia, undermining League of Nations sanctions; China is buying Russian oil, undermining NATO sanctions (not United Nations, note. The UN is too powerless to play anymore.)

Of course nobody could start a war against us for that! Anymore than anyone can start a war with China.

This is not just about the oil: China is also developing an alternative interstate payment system that gets out of the SWIFT interbank system that underlies our most important sanction, Russian exchange of foreign currency to buy and sell. That undermines our control of the world money supply and exchange, and takes it to China.

This war is causing some big changes.

I've noted for years that others are going to undermine the dollar. China does one thing very well that we refuse to do. They plan long term. We only plan to the next P&L statement.
The importance is in the suggestion that China will accept alternative methods of payment.

How much of the US sanctions is offset by China?
This is in my thinking, too. :)

I think this war will cause big changes. Autarky --- there's a problem in Europe with trusting Russia with their oil supply anymore. It will hurry the changeover to Green Energy, I suppose. Or they are in danger of freezing to death. They can't trust Russia now; it's become one of those countries like Japan and Germany that was just taking over one country after another. I suppose Moldova is the next to go; they are completely surrounded by Russians now, if they take Ukraine (because the Transdniestria is full of Russian soldiers on the other side) and begging the EU/NATO for accelerated entry.

A lot of people on this list are going crazy, with emotion as if we ourselves are in a war, but we are not at war. It's far away and not about us. We are doing collective security sanctions, but that is supposed to STOP war. That's the whole point.

All the same, one wonders if it will spread.
Do you really think china is as good as America?

I dont

the dictators can abuse their own people within their own borders

but nowhere else as long as America remains strong
Neither nation is good. It’s hard to say ours is better, after our government’s actions have caused the death and displacement of millions since 9/11. The economic sanctions alone have likely killed millions since the 1960s.

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