when will the left condemn China's increase in Russian oil purchases ?

Neither nation is good. It’s hard to say ours is better, after our government’s actions have caused the death and displacement of millions since 9/11. The economic sanctions alone have likely killed millions since the 1960s.

How can any American say such a thing?

the lib brainwashing is very strong
You are free to come up with a better conclusion.
This is getting strange

You obviously have a low opinion of wall st

but do you really believe they love communist china?
This is getting strange

You obviously have a low opinion of wall st

but do you really believe they love communist china?

I believe they love the low wages and lax environmental laws. Absolutely.
That was our point in the 1930s. We were a neutralist country: we didn't join the wars, but we would not put on sanctions. Now China is playing that role. We sold oil to Italy while it was invading Ethiopia, undermining League of Nations sanctions; China is buying Russian oil, undermining NATO sanctions (not United Nations, note. The UN is too powerless to play anymore.)

Of course nobody could start a war against us for that! Anymore than anyone can start a war with China.

This is not just about the oil: China is also developing an alternative interstate payment system that gets out of the SWIFT interbank system that underlies our most important sanction, Russian exchange of foreign currency to buy and sell. That undermines our control of the world money supply and exchange, and takes it to China.

This war is causing some big changes.

This has been planned a long time ago.
All of which is available in countries other than china
China has elevated hundreds of millions of their people up out of poverty. That's cleary establsihed fact. Now they are in the process of enriching the working class even more and trying to bring their people's quality of life up to the modern world's standards.

The Chinese people are not going to try a coup attempt against their government as has happened in America.

The Chinese people know that the resources of their country aren't being held back from them by a greedy and corrupt capitalist government. As China amasses more wealth, the people who made the wealth will be rewarded for their hard work.

Capitalism under communist control is actually working very well!
Come up with whatever excuses you want for all the companies that left for China. The facts are they did.
Politicians in washington who never produced anything in their lives forced American companies offshore

but now they dont have to go to china
Politicians in washington who never produced anything in their lives forced American companies offshore

but now they dont have to go to china

Nobody forced anyone to do anything but you know that.

US workers could not compete with slave labor in china

They most certainly could. No one will ever convince me that we can not profitably make $50-$500 tennis shoes here.
They most certainly could. No one will ever convince me that we can not profitably make $50-$500 tennis shoes here.
I dont know how much tennis shoes would cost if made in America

whats the most expensive shoe on the US market today?

if any cost $500 I would be surprised

$49-$150 seems to be the average even for Nile’s made with slave labor in china

but yes, with tariff protection against Made In China I suspect we could make sneakers in America
I dont know how much tennis shoes would cost if made in America

whats the most expensive shoe on the US market today?

if any cost $500 I would be surprised

$49-$150 seems to be the average even for Nile’s made with slave labor in china

but yes, with tariff protection against Made In China I suspect we could make sneakers in America

We could make them for $50.

We certainly could for $315.

Nike's $315 LeBron James sneakers: A ridiculous waste of money?
"The US and Russia are the two biggest threats to global security" This is what I said in the post you replied to

We have attacked, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen among other countries. China? Russia? Maybe we need to clean up at home before condemning others.
We have attacked, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen among other countries. China? Russia? Maybe we need to clean up at home before condemning others.

The condemnation comes from a power play, rather than a moralistic point of view. Trying to pressure other countries into weakening themselves. Take the Uighurs in China. The US would like nothing more than for China to have a problem in the west of the country. Make another Taliban or Mujaheddin would serve their purposes very well.
it is no secrete that the Russian governments main source of income is oil and coal ..... with that being said it appears that China's increase in Russian energy purchases will help to offset the recent sanctions put on Russian energy by the west .. the question being asked is will the left in the US condemn China's recent actions that will enable Russia to continue to wage war on Ukraine ?? China Welcomes Russian Oil Tankers With Alternative Payment Options

Why would the "left" condemn or presume to tell China what or what not to buy?
because the lefts leadership cow tows to their Chicom allies ....

Stop with the partisan bullshit you fucking idiot. Donald Trump, who took millions in bribes out of China during his years in office, has been making the claim that Joe Biden wouldn't be tough on China.

Once again, Trump is accusing others of the very thing he was doing - taking bribes from Xi.

Just like he accused Hillary Clinton of taking bribes from Russia, when in fact, Donald Trump was helping Russian oligarchs launder money in New York Real Estate.

Trump accused Biden of what Trump himself was doing - taking bribes from China. Ivanka got dozens of personal Trademarks. Junior got a $500 million loan for Trump Indonesia.

Trump talked about being tough on Russia and China, but in reality, Putin helped elect him, and Xi was bribing him regularly.

And here you are promoting Trump and Putin's lies and propaganda.

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