When will the police become the enemy?

As it seems is defending those lies.......as I said, it's something I do not understand.
I don’t understand why people lie either, but you Think one can find out why. It’s something human you have no control over
I don’t understand why people lie either, but you Think one can find out why. It’s something human you have no control over

I know one reason people do. When no one ever holds them accountable. Cops used to call it "testilying".
And to think, all you had to do to start with is hold the police to the same laws you hold the people to.
Yeah I know, like how all summer of 2020 we watched hundreds of thousands of Leftist thug Biden voters enabled by the Democratic Party looting and burning people's livelyhoods (mostly minority owned) and govt. buildings and offices, and not one person held accountable.
This is when and prime example when the blue bwcome red...

"The nazis were just following orders."

Well that won't work. Not on judgement day.

Bulls on parade folks.

When the enemy are no longer blue but red.

The SS
The Stassi
Khmer Rouge
The Red Guard

This is an example. Brainless morons with a badge.

Hence the reason you don't see me praising the police as many tend to do. They are like pet wild animals. Great, until they turn on you and enforce unrighteousness.

Police are always kind of the enemy.
Some folks seem to forget that LEOs and military personnel are individual Americans with as much ability to think and make decisions based on their moral values as anyone else.
When they enforce unjust laws they are no longer blue but red. Period.

All of those examples I gave from the Stassi to the gestapo were all carrying out orders in enforcing the laws.

That excuse didn't work for them. Well the Stassi were left wing heroes. The gestapo are too but the left get all demented in their brainwashed pea brains when we say the nazis were carrying out orders of their socialist leaders. That's hilarious.


That is what is happening and you see all too many in law enforcement carrying out and enforcing unjust laws.

That is exactly what the nypd are doing. That is exactly how the Jews were separated out. A so called pandemic broke out and that gave the gestpo the so called justification to take them to camps.

Pathetic that people cannot see it.

When the enemy are no longer blue but red.

The SS
The Stassi
Khmer Rouge
The Red Guard

This is an example. Brainless morons with a badge.

Hence the reason you don't see me praising the police as many tend to do. They are like pet wild animals. Great, until they turn on you and enforce unrighteousness.

Someone gave me a thumbs down for agreeing with you. Funny, it reminded me about this topic, right on the heels of the viral video showing the NYPD kicking a crying child out of a restaurant because he didn't have a vaccine passport. If I could double thumbs up this post I would. So true.

When the enemy are no longer blue but red.

The SS
The Stassi
Khmer Rouge
The Red Guard

This is an example. Brainless morons with a badge.

Hence the reason you don't see me praising the police as many tend to do. They are like pet wild animals. Great, until they turn on you and enforce unrighteousness.

Thugs usually don't like the police.

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