Illinois about to allow foreign nationals to become police officers......all part of the plan.

Business complains they can't get help now. Could you imagine if 8 million employees left?
Then wages would go up and maybe some of those welfare slackers would find it more profitable to work.
Then wages would go up and maybe some of those welfare slackers would find it more profitable to work.

They would go way up. That would be a good thing. Business isn't going to be happy but that's the price business pays for the damage of attracting illegals here for years.
First, the democrats thin the ranks of the police, driving out normal and conservative officers....those who joined the police to help people and enforce the law. They tend to vote for republicans, since the democrat party is pro-crime and anti-police.

Our Police Departments are far better off without people like Darren Chauvin, Jason van Dyke, Timothy Loehmann and other people who get off on bullying minorities. Hopefully before they commit some horrible act that costs the cities millions of dollars.

To use the example of Van Dyke in Chicago, he had 20 previous incidents of excessive force, including one where the city paid out $375,000 because he dislocated the shoulder of a suspect during a traffic stop. Yet he still had a job when he was reassigned to a crime suppression unit and put 16 rounds into Laquan McDonald.

Next, the democrats start to pass laws allowing foreign nationals to become police officers who now owe their allegiance not to upholding the law....but to obeying the democrat party........

So first you whine about not having enough cops, and then you whine that we are trying to get more? I am assuming these foreign nationals will have to speak English and pass the coursework of the academy, so I'm just not seeing the problem.

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