Illinois about to allow foreign nationals to become police officers......all part of the plan.

Not really, but you dream on.

The immigrant officers would still need to be proficient in English to the point where they could pass the entrance exams and do the coursework.
Funny shit where are those standards?
So, are illegal.immigrants now.given the green light to openly work in the U.S? does this mean your Visa Work Permits are no longer needed for anyone?
Could I then citizen arrest them for illegal trespassing? Seriously what is wrong with these people, criminals arresting citizens

Good, I hope illegal aliens go door to door and arrest all MAGA voters.
Look, you have a choice, you can either be arrested by *illegal* aliens, or just straight up....aliens. Would you wanna be arrested by this guy?

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Could I then citizen arrest them for illegal trespassing? Seriously what is wrong with these people, criminals arresting citizens
Look @ his face like he has "One World Without Borders" written all over it. Ones elected politicians in our USA are now a days just "Front Men/Women" for the behind the $cene$ international power brokers.
Could I then citizen arrest them for illegal trespassing? Seriously what is wrong with these people, criminals arresting citizens
this is going to play out badly on the south side of Chicago.
Say you had a policeman from another country that gained legal entrance to the US and is a permanent resident alien with a green card who speaks English. Would not that person potentially make for a good US police officer?

Sikhs from India I know make for damn good police officers everywhere they serve and they bust ass to become US Citizens.

If a PD can't get US-born help to fill jobs then isn't that what legal immigration is all about, showing up with a needed skill ready and willing to hit the ground running after they are trained-up on our laws?

I'm not seeing a problem here.
Does anyone seriously think hiring illegals to fill cop jobs will make a difference in places like Chicago? The problem has to do with not following laws or passing new laws protecting criminals.
Last I checked blacks were protesting about all the illegals flooding their neighborhoods and schools, but now we're to believe they will respect illegals as cops.
Could I then citizen arrest them for illegal trespassing? Seriously what is wrong with these people, criminals arresting citizens
Idiots voted him in, the sane people have fled the state.
Illinois Rep. Mary Miller, a Republican, voiced her outrage over the new law on Twitter over the weekend, writing that “no sane state would allow foreign nationals to arrest their citizens.”

“At 5 p.m. yesterday, when no one was paying attention, Pritzker signed a bill to allow illegal immigrants to become police officers, giving non-citizens the power to arrest citizens in our state,” she tweeted. “No sane state would allow foreign nationals to arrest their citizens, this is madness!”

Why lie? I suppose she just can't help herself. Maybe she should seek help for her condition.
Obviously Illinois is an insane state, every bit as insane as Washington DC.
I do not give a rip, they should not be enforcing our laws they are not citizens!
But they are now the law so you better mind your p's and q's. :funnyface:
Oh me too, that will go well I am sure, non citizens arresting citizens, step away from the crack pipe
Question. How do you plan to tell the citizen police officers from the non citizen police officers? Rascim? 😄

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