When will the police become the enemy?

And in most places that the police are being defunded and replaced, crime is at record highs and people are fleeing the cities.

And to think, all you had to do to start with is hold the police to the same laws you hold the people to.
They weren't with Taylor. They weren't called on Smith. The other two were people who see a black man and freak. We have some of those people posting here.
unfair post. come to be expected though. So how did they arrive at Taylor's issue and Smith?
The police being replaced with “social workers” is just the Democrat talking point.
staged to present a see, there you go bullshit. Once they'd ever be called to a domestic situation, a real one, you will see a much different result.
In the case of the man with the broken wrist, I would suggest roid rage. In the Taylor case you had cops who think that actual laws should not apply to them. Facts be damned, they know better.

Really piss poor training with McClain, and with the guy shot in his garage? Someone who never should have been allowed to carry a gun.
but really, you think it's an ego centric thing? Really, you think the individual cop just thought they were better and untouchable. I don't think you realize cops are human. That's my take on you.
Long story cut short, Mrs. West was found guilty of driving while Black in Texas by Texas cops. Youtube has hundreds of incidents like the ones in the bodycam footage posted above.

Allen West whining like the privileged Trumper he believes he is, needs to realize that he and his family are nothing special in the eyes of the Texas Po Po's. His wife survived her encounter with the cops without being taken by ambulance to a hospital or to a slab at the Coroners! Many other Black folks haven't been so fortunate in Texas and across this Nation after a traffic stop!
unfair post. come to be expected though. So how did they arrive at Taylor's issue and Smith?

What's unfair? I already answered your questions, the answer isn't going to change.
but really, you think it's an ego centric thing? Really, you think the individual cop just thought they were better and untouchable. I don't think you realize cops are human. That's my take on you.

Human? He lied to a judge. He told the judge the opposite of what he knew to be true. Yes, I believe that to be an ego centric thing. He knew he was right and the facts were wrong.
Eventually the Bolsheviks will take over. We are frogs in boiling water. The blue are and will be turning red.

Law enforcement agencies like the fbi and cia and irs have shown their red flag.

Truth isn't about comfort. It's about truth. The strong men of blue will be drummed out and be replaced with mindless red bots.

Read up on history

If your community is not being properly policed, then take it to your community or move to Las Vegas. We're a Dimm county but have not let 'wokester's' affect our law enforcement one iota.
Human? He lied to a judge. He told the judge the opposite of what he knew to be true. Yes, I believe that to be an ego centric thing. He knew he was right and the facts were wrong.
All of them? Really? So you don’t see them as humans. You’re a rotten apple spoils the bunch hater!

millions of cops and you point at four and all are defective! Ouch
All of them? Really? So you don’t see them as humans

You are the one saying it's simply human to lie and say things you know are false. It seems some are attracted to those kinds of people and I guess it's something I can't quite understand.
You are the one saying it's simply human to lie and say things you know are false. It seems some are attracted to those kinds of people and I guess it's something I can't quite understand.
Lying is human, what else is there?

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