When will trump leave the White House after impeachment

....but support is crumbling quickly...I would not be surprised to see her lose the votes to Impeach before it is held next week
....but support is crumbling quickly...I would not be surprised to see her lose the votes to Impeach before it is held next week

And there is a reason for that. They have been talking about impeachment since before Trump took office. So all along, when the Democrats talked impeachment, people just assumed they were blowing smoke up our ass, and nothing to be taken seriously.

As impeachment seemed more and more likely to happen, the public began turning against them--particularly Independents. The closer they come, the more support they will lose, because now voters are realizing they are not just putting on a show any longer; they really are going to do it.
In 2020, when one of his kids moves in

A President doesn't leave after an impeachment.
It takes a conviction in the US Senate.
There is 0% chance of that happening.

Try harder.
Yeah...nice to know the fix is in with Russian money for the GOP senators, isn't it?

Setting up excuses already.

Since not a one of them has the foggiest notion of how to win a presidential campaign anymore, thinking up lies, accusations and excuses are all they have.
In 2020, when one of his kids moves in
If impeached and removed I'm betting it takes forced removal from the premises.

Thing is he will not be convicted and removed...
Yes, we are aware the republicans in the senate are afraid of him.

Doing the right thing is being afraid of somebody?
Most definitely not.

However that isn't what they are doing.
In 2020, when one of his kids moves in
If impeached and removed I'm betting it takes forced removal from the premises.

Thing is he will not be convicted and removed...
Yes, we are aware the republicans in the senate are afraid of him.

Doing the right thing is being afraid of somebody?
Most definitely not.

However that isn't what they are doing.

Sure that's what they are doing. They are stopping a sham in it's tracks. That's what we expect out of real Americans.
When will trump leave the White House after impeachment

Pelosi admitted today she's been trying to impeach Trump for 2.5 years. I'm sorry when was the Ukrain call?? The phony impeachment is DOA in the senate.

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